Beardslee's, East Creek
In the extreme southeast corner of the Town of Manheim, Herkimer County just off Route 5
The burial listings for Old City Cemetery were originally contributed and reformatted by Douglas J. Ingalls. Doug advised us that
the listing was available at various local libraries and was reprinted in Tree Talks,
Vol. 17 No. 2 June 1977 and Vol. 18 No 1. March 1978, and the original reader and time of reading wasn't stated.
6/10/00 Since that time an alphabetical version, possibly from the same original reading
due to notes about the Beardslee Vault being identical wording, was found in Volume 363, pages 82-84, of the collected miscellanaeous
unpublished manuscripts of the N.S.D.A.R., and dated by Carol H. Warner December 13, 1970. At that time she was Genealogical Chairman, Fort
Rensselaer Chapter of the N.S.D.A.R. The two lists were compared and small changes from the D.A.R. list are noted in brackets.
Mrs. Damana, wife of Dr. Daniel, d. 18 Oct 1817, age 29yrs
John L., son of Daniel, d. 16 May 1833, age 5yrs 2mos
Elizabeth Crugar, daughter of Augustus and Elizabeth F. [Beardslee], d. 26 June 1857, age 1mos 21days
Lavina, daughter of John and Lavina [Beardslee], d. 29 Oct 1821, age 29yrs
Sarah, daughter of John and Lavina, d. 1 May 1827, age 19yrs
John J., son of John and Lavina, d. 2 April 1846, age 34yrs 6days
John, b. November 1759, d. 30 Oct 1825, age 66yrs [born Nov. 1759]
Lavina, widow of John, b. 30 Oct 1770, d. 27 Feb 1855
Eliza, d. 19 April 1824, age 27yr 3mos
Pardee, d. 19 April 1813, age 7yrs 7mos
Eve, wife of Charles C. [Chase], d. 23 Jan 1838, age 46yrs 5mos, 4days
Dewitt, son of Jacob and Nancy [Countryman], d. 18 March 1851, age 8yrs
Daughter of James, d. 29 April 185[?], age 29yrs 10mos 15days
Sarah Mariah, wife of Osa [Farr], d. 7 Nov 1816, age 59yrs 5mos 2days
Charles, son of Levi and Sarah [Getman], d. 8 Feb 1855, age 6yrs
Katherine E., daughter of Joseph and Eliza, d, 24 Sept 1834
Joseph J. d. 22 Apr11 1833, age 27yrs
Sally Ann, b. 18 June 1809, d. 12 June 1832
Harriet, daughter of C.P., age 3mos 4days
Harriet, daughter of C.P., d. 4 July 1839, age 11mos 24days
Emily, daughter of C.P., d. 7 June 1837, age 3yrs 8mos 20days
Lewis, d, 26 Oct 1862, age 67yrs 2mos 7days [1 day]
Mary, wife of Lewis, d. 8 July 1862, age 63yrs 5mos 1day
Adam, d. 3 March 1825, age 58yrs 2mos 3days
Elizabeth, wife of Adam, d. 22 March 1838, age 66yrs 6mos 15days
Elizabeth, daughter of Adam and Elizabeth, b. 23 March 1809, d. 20 Feb 1856
Emily Caroline, daughter of Peter and Maria, d. 16 Feb 1849, age 5yrs 5mos 13days
Eliza Ann, daughter of Peter and Maria, d. 7 June 1837, age 4yrs 7mos 17days
Amos A., son of Peter and Maria, d. 11 May 1828, age 11mos 14days
Peter, d, 30 Oct 188[?], age 50yrs
Margaret, wife of Peter, d. 16 May 1825, age 72yrs 6mos 15days
Joseph, son of Peter and Margaret, b. 22 Sept 1792, d. 14 March 1544, age 51yrs 4mos
Margaret, daughter of Peter and Margaret, wife of Abram Van Allen, d. 29 Jan 1839, age 48yrs 4mos 25days
Peter, d. 7 June 1851, age 47yrs 1mo l4days
Conrad, d. 1 April 1857, age 6Oyrs
John A., son of Christopher and Elizabeth Ann, d. 1 May 1838, age 7wks
Mary Amanda, daughter of Christopher and Elizabeth Ann, d. 23 Dec 1833, age 2yrs 2mos
Arnasa [Amasa], son of Christopher and Elizabeth Ann, d. 4 Dec 1832, age 4mos [8]days
Henry S., son of George and Emily, d. 2 AprIl 185[?] age 1yr 8mos 1day
Vashti, daughter of Webster and Silyar M., d. 21 Aug 1887, age 4days
Jacob, d. 22 Aug 1840, age 80yrs 8mos 16days
Sarah, wife of Jacob, d. 3 June 1832, age 70yrs
Charles H., son of Henry and Mary Ann, d. 24 April 185[?], age 5mos 17days
Martha, daughter of Henry and Mary Ann, d. 8 May 1851, age 10yrs 1mo 9days
Minerva, daughter of Henry and Mary Ann, d. 5 May 1854, age 10mos 19days
Grace, b. 27 Dec 1810, d. 1 Oct 1812
William C., son of William M., d. 14 Oct 1815, age 13mos
George D., d. 3 March 1841, age 4Oyrs
Amy, wife of David, d. 29 July 1834, age 37yrs 10mos l7days
Nancy, wife of John D., d. 1 May 1846, age 42yrs 8mos 2days
Catherine, daughter of John D. and Nancy, d. 1 March 1849
Hester Ann, daughter of John D. and Nancy, d. 13 July 1834, age 4mos
John, d. 30 Nov 1831, age 36yrs
Margaret, wife of Abram, see Margaret Kilts]
John I., d. 16 Sept 1835, age 31yrs
Anson, son of John I., d. 23 Jan 1804, age 4mo
In Beardslee vault [These records made in 1930s; other burials since]:
Mary, wife of Thomas Young, b. 17 Feb 1832, d. 6 June 1908
Augustus, b. 13 Aug 1801, d. 15 March 1873
Ellen Catlin, wife of Augustus, daughter of Lansing and Elizabeth Barnard, b. 1 Dec 1827, d. 30 July 1903
Elizabeth, wife of Lansing Barnard, d. 25 Feb 1872, age 81yrs