Upper and Lower Cemeteries

Town of Manheim

Introduction by Sarah Timmerman Israel

"I am sending you the complete list of The St. Paul's, Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery (Snells Bush Church) to be put on the Town of Manheim web page. The Snells Bush church was built by the Palatines on a piece of land donated by the Snell family. It was named "God's Acre" because of the beautiful location overlooking the Mohawk Valley. ("God's Acre" is what Emma Timerman called the land. She was the organizer of the Snell-Zimmerman-Timmerman Reunion and saved the church from being torn down)(1938). It is also the center of the state of New York. Originally the land was given to Jacob Zimmerman and Johan Jost Snell, by a land grant given to them from King Hendrick the Mohawk (Chief) Great Sachem in 1755 in honor of his daughter Anna Margaretha who married Jacob Zimmerman. The four sons of Johan Jost Snell decided to donate 7 acres to build a church and school. It was placed on the highest point of the hill overlooking the Mohawk valley.

There were three churches built on the site. It was the first church on the north side of the river. The first church was a log church which was built before the Revolutionary War and it was burned by the Indians during the Revolutionary War. "It was said that the land for the church was cleared by the settlers on a Saturday afternoon and probably built to similar log structure of the day -", quoted from a book entitled "Young'un" by Herbert Best. This was called the rolling up of a meeting house.

After the war another church was built on the same site. There was a problem on getting ministers, and Snells Bush church became a church under the St. John's Reformed church in St Johnsville and Reformed church of Stone Arabia sharing ministers. Snells Bush church was a German Reformed church, not German Lutheran or Dutch Reformed Church.. There was problem getting clergy so the Synod and Dutch Reformed Classis (from Holland) took over the overseeing of the church and they called the church St. Paul's Dutch Reformed Church. They serviced the Snells Bush church as well as other small churches because it was so hard to get ministers and sometimes the clergy would preach more than one service a day (sometimes 5 services in Dutch, English and German). That's why today we have a problem explaining that Snell Bush Church is German not Dutch. Of course everyone was invited to come to services whoever they were. (including Dutch and also Indians. There were seats for the Indians in the back of the church). In 1850 the third church was built to replace the old one. The original timber from the 2nd church was used in the new church.

During the Revolutionary War the church was used to send signals on troops movements though the valley to Herkimer on the other side of the river. It was these messages that Molly Brant intercepted and went to tell her brother Joseph Brant for the massacre at the Battle of Oriskany.

A few years ago the "original land grant document" was found in Canada and now is held by the reunion. It is displayed each year at our annual church service held in the church.

I am sending you the introduction to the book called "Palatines along the Mohawk and Their Church in the Wilderness". It was written by Dr. Ada Snell in 1948. She was a member of our family reunion. It gives the background of what these Palatines went though to cut out a place to live and raise their families on the frontier. Our web site for the Snell-Zimmerman-Timmerman Reunion is:

I thought that you need some explanation of our heritage before the cemetery list was put on the web. We have 10 Revolutionary soldiers buried in the church cemetery and one Hussein soldier and possibly one other Hussein soldier. It shows how neighbors lived together supporting the different sides of the Revolution - one the American and the other the British side and the constant struggle of defense against the bands of Indians attacking the settlements. During the mid 1800's the town of Manheim became an affluent township with the cheese making. There were many cheese factories located in Manheim. During this time the fancy Georgian homes were built and many forms of entertainment came into being (an example was horse racing which my great great grandfather had. He had a race track and around the race track were various types of entertainment including a calliope (merry-go-round). He also owned a hotel where everyone came. It was said that he had some of the best horses in central New York State)."

Sarah Timmerman Israel
August 2001

Snells Bush Church Cemetery lists of upper and lower cemetery. Both lists were taken from the Snells Bush Church records and the list was published in the newspaper August 24, 1963 and also in the newspaper in 1932.

At the church

Altinburgh, William, died, January 19, 1821 age 64 years ( possibly a Hessian soldier)

Bigsbee, Aaron, died, September 13,1850 age 52-7-3

Bigsbee, Mary, his wife, died, December 14, 1862

Bodmar, Elizabeth, wife of Mathew, died March 19, 1854 age 27-3-5

Bonstead, Christian, died June 12, 1845 age 60-9-27

Bonstead, Catherine, his wife, died May 10, 1855 age 67-9-10

Casler, David H., son of Joseph and Eve, died August 7, 1833 age 11 mos. 4 days

Casler, Joshua, son of Joseph and Eve, died June 7, 1831 age 2-10-7

Clark, Ellijah, 1823-1847

Clark, Asenath, wife of Ralph 1794-1858

Clark, Sophia M. 1827-1906

Dockey, John, died September 28, 1832, age 76 years Revolutionary soldier S.A.R. Marker on his grave

Dockey, Gertrude, his wife, died April 23, 1821 age 79

Dockey, Henry, died October 26, 1865 age 81-7-22

Dockey, Mary, wife of Henry, died January 17, 1837 age 52-5-11

Dockey, Nancy, daughter of Mary and Henry, died September 1811 age 11mos.

Dockey, Julia Ann, daughter of Mary and Henry, died June 4, 1843 age 20-11-

Dockey, John Alexander, son of Henry and Mary, died February 4, 1849 age 27-9-2

Dockey, Caroline Augusta, wife of John Alexander, daughter of David S. and Nancy Gills, died May 26, 1839 age 20-3-11

Dockey, Alonzo, died May 19, 1871 age 32-0-6

Elwood, Trena, daughter of Jonas and Peggy, died June 4, 1833 age 8-4-5

Feeter, Adam 1782-1865

Feeter, Mary L., his wife 1784-1828

Feeter, Barberry, his wife 1792-1851

Feeter, Henry, son of Adam 1827-1830

Feeter, Benjamin, son of Adam 1812-1838

Feeter, Horace, son of Adam 1827-1830

Feeter William A. (Sr.) son of Adam 1816-1898

Feeter, Catherine, his wife, 1821-1898

Feeter, Margaret M., daughter of William and Catherine 1855-1857

Feeter, Cynthia B., daughter of William and Catherine 1850-1872

Feeter, William A. (Jr) 1861-1941

Feeter, Catherine Timmerman, his wife 1866-1919

Feeter, Adeline, daughter of William and Catherine, 1891-1976 D.A.R. member

Freeman, Mary Ann, daughter of Charles and Anna, died April 19, 1815 (illegibe or 1845)

Freeman,------, son of Charlie and Anna died ( inscription illegible

Garlock, Adam, died December 5, 1822 age 89 years Revolutionary soldier

Garlock, Lany (Magdalena Schell), his wife, died August 5, 1834 age 89

Garlock, John, son of Adam, died August 15, 1834 age 58-4-17

Garlock, Mary Beatty, his wife, of John died January 22, 1829 age 52

Garlock, Hiram, son of John and Mary, died October 7, 1871 age 59

Garlock, Phebe, daughter of John and Mary, died November 10, 1866 age 49-10-21

Garlock, John, son of John and Mary, died February 5, 1872 age 68-6-

Garlock, Elise Cramer, his wife, 1806-1893

Garlock, James (headstone no dates, probably son of John and Elise who was born February 20, 1844- per family Bible)

Garlock, John, son, 1847-1915

Garlock, Ellen Broat, his wife, 1847-1937

Garlock, John, son of John and Ellen, 1874-1945

Garlock, Grace Elsie, daughter of John and Ellen, 1883-1908

Garlock,Fred H., son of John and Ellen, 1891-1894

Getman, Delilah, wife of Daniel, died January 18, 1828 age 33-2-28

Getman, Lany, wife of Daniel, died August 14, 1834 age 43 (this stone was recorded in 1932 but can no longer be found now in 1982)

Green, Franklin A., son of Barker and Adaline, died April 14, 1854 age 0-2-14

Hart, Mary, died December 25, 1831 age 27 yr.

Helwick (or Helmick) Sophia, wife of John D., died January .2, 1832 age 88 yr.

Hose (spelled Hase), Henry, died June 27, 1832 age 75-6- Hessian Revolutionary soldier (this stone was recorded in 1932 & 1963 and was still to be seen in the 1970s but no longer found in 1982)

House, Adam, died August 26, 1835 age 75 - Revolutionary soldier

House, Magdalene Starring, his wife, died February 2, 1832 age 65

Jackson, Emma Timmerman, wife of James C. 1852-1894

Jackson, George, son 1880-1961

Jeffers, Samuel, son of Frederick and Lovina, died February 4, 1849 age 0-3-22

Klock, Adam, died August 12, 1823 age 72-4-20 Revolutionary soldier

Klock, Catharine, his wife, died January 10, 1844 age 87-3-16

Lewis, Jesse, died May 2, 1861 age 65-7-24

Lewis, Elizabeth, his wife, died December 19, 1874 age 74 yr

Lipe, Mary, wife of Casper J., married March 10, 1800, died April 19, 1817 age 48-5-4, "left 3 children to lament the loss of their beloved mother"

Loucks, Henry, died May 13, 1830

Loucks, Nancy, his wife, died December 22, 1885 age 85

Markell, Margaret, died October 1, 1820 age 76

Markell, Dillia, died September 18, 1831 age 78

Markell, Jacob, died November 26, 1852 age 82-6-18

Markell, Elizabeth, his wife, died December 13, 1852 age 82-2-11

Markell, Maria, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth, died May 9, 1813 age 18-9-15

Markell, Hon. John, died December 8, 1877 age 81-3-6

Markell, Irene Clark, his wife, died January 15, 1841 age 41-8-9

Markell, Caroline Sherwood, his wife, died July 20, 1858 age 49-0-3

Markell, George 1807-1844

Markell, Catharine Timmerman, his wife, 1809-1898

Markell, Caroline, daughter of George and Catharine, died September 6, 1832 age 1-9-16

Merrill, William Jr., born February 18,1817 died November 12, 1840

Misner, George 1853-1919

Misner, Gertrude Rockefeller, his wife, 1869-1940

Misner, Nina J., daughter of Gertrude and George, born June 3, 1895 died October 13, 1913

Misner, Lynn H, son of Henry and Julia Ann Rockefeller, born June 9, 1885 died October 9, 1906

Petrie, Catharine, wife of Nicholas H. died August 17, 1853 age 53

Petrie, Ephraim, died April 4, 1858 age 28-8=19

Petrie, James died August 21, 1836 age 29-2-11

Petrie, Catharine his wife died August 5, 1844 age 35

Powell, Orlanzo, son of Jacob and Eve, drowned June 11, 1836 age 5 years

Rasbach, Nancy, wife of Jacob, died March 14, 1848 age 56?-7-26 (was age 57 per Town of Manheim Death Records)

Robinson, Ida Timmerman, 1890-1924 ( buried on Ira Timmerman lot)

Rockefeller, Nelson, died June 26, 1864 age 44-2-3

Rockefeller, Irene, his wife, died July 4, 1863 age 38-5-4

Rockefeller, Caroline, daughter of Nelson and Irene, died 1848-1917 (buried in Misner lot)

Rockefeller, Henry, died July 31, 1882 age 37-0-22

Rockefeller, Catharine Barbara Ricer, his wife, 1849-1901

Rockefeller, William Henry, son of Henry and Catharine Barbara, 1869-19-(1932 per his obituary)

Samson, Howard, died November 2, 1846 age 30

Samson, Clarissa, died September 22, 1846 age 25

Scott, Mary Ann, daughter of Lawrence and Betsey, date of death illegible, as 3 months (this stone recorded in 1932 but can no longer be found now in 1982)

Shults, Elizabeth, wife of Henry B., died March 16, 1847 age 60

Slade, Frederick, died (date illegible) age 35

Smith, Mary Ann, wife of Jeremiah, died september 23, 1836 age 22-1-3 (this stone recorded in 1932 but can no longer be found, 1982)

Smith, William, died March 22, 1847

Smith, Catharine, his wife, died July 23, 1837 age 63-0-25

Smith, Betsey, daughter of William and Catharine, died April 24, 1834 age 23-7-27

Smith, Isaac, died November 24, 1844 age 45-6-17

Smith, Margaret Keller, his wife, died May 17, 1845 age 45-9-8

Smith, Mary Ann, daughter of Isaac and Margaret, died April 11, 1827 age 4-8-18

Smith, William, son of Isaac and Margaret, died June 15, 1847 age 19-7-10

Smith, Baron, son of Adam and Anna Eliza, died February 15, 1839 age 1-3-10

Snell, Adam P., died June 15, 1825 age 24-3-

Snell, Casper, son of Adam and Mary, died May 27, 1825 age 1-5

Snell, Adam P., died June 15, 1852 age 76-5-8

Snell, Elizabeth, his wife, died August 15, 1867 age 91-1-8

Snell, Anna, daughter of Adam P. and Elizabeth, died December 20, 1850 age 45-11-7

Snell, Elizabeth, daughter of Adam P. and Elizabeth, died December 29, 1890 age 83-5-5

Snell, Amy 1837-1908

Snell, Anna, wife of George P., died April 10, 1810

Snell, Cornelius, son of George P. and Margaret, died August 1,1835 age 3 years

Snell, David, died January 25, 1903 age 58-0-2

Snell, Amelia Ingersoll, his wife, died September 18, 1897 age 51-4-5

Snell, "our little Herbie" (no dates but 1871-1872 per Clark Snell)

Snell, Grace E., daughter of David and Amelia, died May 27 1874 age 0-5-18

Snell, Oliver Ray, son of David and Amelia, died December 17, 1888 age 1 month

Snell, Joshua Jay, son of David and Amelia, died January 26, 1889 age 2 month 9 days

Snell, Elizabeth, daughter of George, died July 29, 1825 age 4-9-17

Snell, Frederick F., died November 30, 1857 age 83-3-18

Snell, Margaret Shaffer, his wife, born October 29, 1777, died February 25, 1849

Snell, Hamilton, son of David and Elizabeth, died 1831

Snell,Hiram, died September 8, 1858 age 38-3-3

Snell, Maria wife of Hiram, died September 24, 1872 age 43-0-17

Snell, Honyost, died July 13, 1833 in his 77th year Revolutionary soldier

Snell, Margaret, his wife died November 8, 1826 age 58

Snell, Irena, daughter of Benjamin J. and Delia, born January 24, 1833, died February 25, 1838 age 5-1-3 (this stone was recorded in 1932 but can no longer be found in 1982)

Snell, Irving, son of Jacob J. and Amy, died March 17, 1849, age illegible (born February 14, 1848 per Town of Manheim records) (This stone recorded in 1932 but no longer be found in 1982)

Snell, Jacob I., died May 10, 1827 age 59 (maybe Captain Jacob Snell War of 1812)

Snell, Elizabeth, his wife, died February 3, 1858 age 86

Snell, Joshua, died may 16, 1878 age 82-2-21

Snell, Nancy, his wife, died November 27, 1866 age 59-1-14

Snell, Margaret, daughter of Joshua and Nancy, died October 21, 1836 age 6-8-20

Snell, Anna, daughter of Joshua and Nancy, died April 13, 1839 age 7-3-5

Snell, George W., son of Joshua and Nancy, died March 16, 1860 age 20-8-28

Snell, Mary, died April 9, 1887 age 85-4-28 (but the newspaper Journal and Courier, issue of 13 April 1886, had "Died in Snells Bush on the 12th, Mary Snell sister of Peter P. Snell, age 84")

Snell, Mary Ann, daughter of Jacob and Mary, died March 18, 1837 age 20-10-11

Snell, Miron S., son of Jacob and Mary, died October 3, 1840 age 1-9-

Snell, Peter, died July 24, 1804, age 74-1 --- revolutionary soldier

Snell, Anna, his wife, died December 14, 1842 age 92-10-5

Snell, Peter P., died November 25, 1830 age 59=7-2

Snell, Anna, wife of Peter P., died January 30, 1818 age 39-4-5

Snell, Peter G., died August 30, 1830 age 64-5-13

Snell Mary, his wife, died September 24, 1834 age 63-9-24

Snell, Rhoda, daughter of Lansing and Mary, died May 19, 1835 age 1-0-19

Snell, Eliza, daughter of S. & E., inscription underground ( daughter of Suffrenus and Eve- born in 1814 died in 1815 per Bible)

Snell, Anna, daughter of Suffernus and Eve, died January 10, 1831 age 21-6---

Snell, Emily, daughter of Suffernus and Eve, died September 26, 1836 age 17-7-26

Snell, Edwin, son of Suffernus and Eve, inscription underground (born January 14, 1825 died April 23, 1842 per Bible of Suffernus) ( Suffrenus and Eve buried in the lower Snells Bush cemetery)

Snell, Walter, son of Jacob and Amy, died September 26, 1846 age 1-4-16

Snell, Walter I., born December 23, 1872, died May 31, 1918

Snell, Washington, died October 10, 1830 age illegible

Snell, Willard E. 1857-1901

Snell. Juliette, his wife, 1857- ( 1932 per obituary)

Snell, infant of Willard and Juliette, 1879-1879

Snell, Elery A. 1880- 1882

Snell, Homer S. 1882-1882

Snell, Andy, 1895-1895

Staring, John G., died June 16, 1883 age 87 private in War of 1812

Staring, Abigail, wife of John, died March 7, 1842 age 47

Staring, Sylvester, died December 1, 1826 age 0-6-11

Staring, Amanda, died August 7, 1839 age 2 years

Staring, Nancy, died August 8, 1839 age 3 years

Thomson, Rev J. Harold, 1895-1973 World War I - vet.

Thomson, Kathryn Cherry, his wife 1901-( died November 6, 1984 per obituary)

Timmerman, Adam H., died September 29, 1844 age 74-7-28 soldier of War of 1812

Timmerman, Catharine Snell, his wife, died February 5, 1851 age illegible (born January 13,1773 per family Bible) (The newspaper, The Mohawk Courier, of 13 of January 1851 had "Died in Manheim on the 5, Mrs. Catharine, widow of Adam Timmerman, age 78)

Timmerman, Delliah, daughter of Adam and Catharine, born June 14, 1814 died February 19, 1825 age 10-8-4

Timmerman, Benjamin, died January 24, 1863 age 50-6-14

Timmerman, Parmelia his wife, died March 13, 1898 age 80-8-3

Timmerman, Francis M., daughter died July 13, 1861 age 13-9-

Timmerman, Lester B., son died September 3, 1866 age 4-2-

Timmerman, Alvin son died 1872-1872

Timmerman, Lucy A. Klock, his wife died 1841-1878

Timmerman, Mary E. Wollaber, his wife, 1839-1906

Timmerman, Alvin B. son died 1872-1872

Timmerman, Lulu A. , daughter, 1877-1971

Timmerman, Betsey, wife of Henry A., died June 16, 1823 age 26-6-13

Timmerman, Conrad C., died April 23, 1827 age 79 Revolutionary soldier

Timmerman, Mary Magdalena, his wife, died July 17, 1834 age 71

Timmerman, David, died December 27, 1854 age 60-3-

Timmerman, Mary, his wife, died November 22, 1879 age 85-10-4

Timmerman, Mary M., daughter, died July 11, 1839 in her 7th year

Timmerman, Electra Sage, daughter of Eli and Abigail M., died April 6, 1850 age 1-9-

Timmerman, Elizabeth, wife of Lawrence, died April 12, 1847 age 66

Timmerman, Frank H. 1871-1942

Timmerman, Genevieve C., his wife, born August 16, 1871 died January 2, 1949

Timmerman, Harold J., son 1902-1944

Timmerman, Ruth G. wife of Harold J. 1906-

Timmerman, George H., 1853-1912

Timmerman, Alma Bowen, his wife, 1854-1935

Timmerman, Blanche E., daughter, 1876-1897

Timmerman, Clark G., son 1882-1925

Timmerman, Ira M., son 1879-1909

Timmerman, Alma Marion, daughter of Ira M., born March 28, 1905 died July 17, 1905

Timmerman, Harvey, 1830-1889

Timmerman, Mary C., his wife, 1835-1909

Timmerman, Cordella, E., daughter of Harvey and Mary, died May 14, 1864 age 8-6-3

Timmerman, Adelaide, daughter of Harvey and Mary, died April 23 1894 age 29 years

Timmerman, Henry H., died April 11, 1836 age 65-6-

Timmerman, Abalina, his wife, died January 22, 1845 age 75-1-27 (spelled Appalone in newspaper notes of death)

Timmerman, Ira 1828-1904

Timmerman, Adeline Heller, his wife, 1827-1890

Timmerman, Douglas, son died August 22, 1860 age 0-3-1

Timmerman, Charley, son, died July 31, 1868 age 12 days

Timmerman, Izora, daughter 1858-1911

Timmerman, Ida, see Robinson

Timmerman, John J., died August 5, 1835 age 37

Timmerman, Katharine Ann, daughter of George and Lany, died May 12, 1839 age 6-2-9

Timmerman, Oliver, son of George and Lany, died August 27, 1836 age 0-6-9

Timmerman, infant of L.L. and Nancy, died February 8, 1852

Timmerman, Morgan 1828-1905

Timmerman, Elmina, his wife, 1828-1896

Timmerman, James E., son died June 10, 1868 age 12-5-12

Timmerman, Nancy, wife of S.A., died November 7, 1847 age 35-11-7

Timmerman, Peter A., died June 13, 1871 age 77-1-13

Timmerman, Laney Garlock his wife, died May 10, 1885 age 86-5-

Timmerman, Adam A., son of Peter and Laney , died November 8, 1862 age 23-10-2

Timmerman Margaret, daughter of Peter and Laney died June 2, 1886 age 66-11

Van Allen, Jane, wife of John F., died October 4? 1826 age 20-9-29 (age about 22 per people's friend)

Walrath, Lany wife of Daniel, died June 16, 1837 age 32-3-14

Walrath, Abijah, son of Daniel and Lany, died March 21, 1838 age 6-4-27

Walrath, Irene, daughter of Daniel and Lany , died June 3, 1844 age 7-9-4

Wolever, Peter, died September 13, 1843 age 80 Revolutionary Soldier

Wolever ,Catherine, widow of Peter died October 31, 1851 age 87

Yoran, Jacob, died December 1820 age 51-1-5 (born October 29, 1768 died December 4, 1820 per family records)

Yoran, Catharine, his wife, died June 12, 1807 age 34-9-3

Yoran, Catharine, daughter, died November 3, 1815 age 19-3-

Youngs, Irvin, son of Henry and Caty, died October 14, 1836 age 2-7-

Yuker, Delila Ann, daughter of Jacob J. and Margaret, died October 13 1838? Age 3 days

Yuker, Harrison, son of Jacob J and Margaret, died age 1 year 6 months (this stone recorded in 1970's can no longer be found)

Zimmerman, Henry died May 18, 1807 age 69-4-18 Revolutionary soldier

Zimmerman, Margaret Bellinger, his wife, died July 1815 age 63

Zimmerman, Jacob H., son, died February 8, 1811 in his 38th year

Zimmerman, Lany, daughter of Conrad and Nancy, died July 8, 1831 age 10-6-16

Zimmerman, William, died April 21, 1830 age 76-4-- Revolutionary soldier

Zimmerman, Catharine, wife of William died April 16, 1840 age 81


Ashley, Nancy S., wife of Jonah died November 6, 1857 age 45-8-

Baum, Samuel, 1827-1914

Baum, Elmira Yoran, his wife, 1829-1907

Baum, Asa, son 1858-1919

Baum, Clark D., son 1852-1913

Baum, Ella, wife of Clark D. 1862-1950

Baum, Enos L., son of Samuel and Elmira, died August 11, 1864 age 0-2-11

Baum, Mary N., daughter of Samuel and Elmira died January 22, 1856 age 0-9-9

Baum, Nelson I., son of Samuel and Elmira died February 19, 1862 age 1-2-17

Baum, Silas C., son of Samuel and Elmira, died October 29, 1857 age 0-5-23

Dower, Elizabeth B. 1826-1902

Eades, Abbott H., son of Henry and Rosinah, born January 1, 1861 died January 11, 1861

Eades, Edwin Henry, son of Henry and Rosinah, died February 6, 1861 age 0-1-11

Eades, Eudora M., daughter of Job and Ann, died September 24, 1872 age 14-4-18

Eades, Harriet, daughter of Job and Ann, died September 14, 1872 age 13-0-18

Eades, John Francis J., son of Job and Ann, died August 29, 1872 age 1-1-12

Eades Grant, son of Job and Ann , died May 10, 1871 age 3-0-17

Eades, Ann, wife of Job, died September 13, 1885 age 50-5-11 ( no stone for Job)

Garlock, Lany E . Quackenbush, wife of John Garlock 1784-1860

Hillegas, Amy Yoran, wife of Jas. L. Hillegas , died August 17, 1863 age 26-2-3

Hopson, Mary A., daughter of Romeyn and Phebe Bigsbee, died January 14, 1858 age 2-2-25

Jerome, Lydia 1834-1914

Johnston, Robert Bruce, son of Robert and Lucinda, died May 23,1860 age 17-8-

Johnston, infant daughter of Robert and Lucinda, died September 13, 1841 age illegible

Kilts, Lewis, died October 26, 1862 age 67-2-1

Kilts, Mary his wife, died July 8, 1862 age 63-6-1

Lepper, Sanford, died October 30, 1862 age 41-8-9

Lepper, Lucina, his wife, died January 11, 1902 age 79-10-8

Markell, Myron G. 1828-1889

Markell, Permelia Yoran, his wife, 1829-1917

Markell, George Orla, son born June 20, 1863 died August 27, 1865

Munier, Emma Jerome 1843-1885

Symthe, Wesley, son of James and Jael, died April 24, 1857 age 6-0-4

Snell, Amy T. wife of Jacob J., died July 31, 1857 age 40-8-17

Snell, Catharine Elwood, wife of Peter P. Snell (Sr.) 1782-1868

Snell, Conrad, died January 23, 1864 age 84-3-

Snell, Margaret, wife of Conrad died February 25, 1898 age 67-6-20

Snell, M. B. (Margaret B.), daughter, died June 11, 1884 age 50-9-23

Snell Jacob P., died March 5, 1854 age 80

Snell Mary C., his wife, died august 4, 1863 age 80

Snell, Jehoram 1828-1907

Snell , Amy his wife, 1821-1907

Snell , Charlotte A., daughter of Jehoram and Amy, died December 1859 age 4-6-

Snell, Cora, daughter of Jehoram and Amy, died April 9, 1882 age 21-9-27

Snell, Seymour, son of Jehoram and Amy, died December 12, 1853 age 5-9-

Snell, Eva Alice, daughter of Jeremiah G. and Betsey died December 2, 1862 age 13-6-15

Snell, Franklin H., son of Jeremiah and Betsey ( no dates but born ca. 1846 and died between 1860 and 1870 per census record)

Snell, Orelia Gervin, daughter of Jeremiah and Betsey died December 16, 1844 age 0-4-26

Snell, Juliaett, wife of Adam J., died April 10, 1861 age 25-3-

Snell, Nina, daughter of Truman and Flora, died April 24, 1882 age 0-7-10

Snell, Peter P. (Jr.) 1814-1891

Snell, Phebe his wife 1815-1912

Snell, Luther, son of Peter and Phebe, 1838-1918

Snell, Edwin R., son of Peter and Phebe 1847-1922

Snell, John Byron, son of Peter and Phebe died June 3, 1865 age 24-1-15

Snell, Sefrenes, died September 23, 1872 age 88-3-

Snell, Eve, his wife, died July 30, 1867 age 79-9-21

Snell, Sofirus, died May 31, 1860 age 33-0-4

Snell, Melvin, son of Sofirus and Sarah, died June 20, 1861 age 7-5-6

Snell, Emma, daughter of Sofirus and Sarah, died Decemeber 12, 1867 ( age illrgible but was age 18-3--per news item)

Timerman, Margaret, died April 5, 1862 age 79-2-24

Williams, James, 1835-1906

Williams, Eliza Garlock, his wife 1838-1878

Williams, Felton, son of James and Eliza 1873-1873

Williams, Johnie, son of James and Eliza, died December 15, 1864 age 1-3-15

Yoran, Jacob, died September 4, 1876 age 75=5-10

Yoran, Mary, his wife, died July 1, 1870 age 63-10-9

Yoran, Margaret, daughter of Jacob and Mary, died June 19, 1869 age 26-3-29

Yoran, Oliver S., son of Jacob and Mary died April 17 1863 age 23-6-16

Yoran, John J., born September 3, 1798 died December 15, 1888

Yoran, Mary Groff, his wife, born April 25, 1805 died July 6. 1888

Yoran, Eliza, his wife, died June 22,1845 age 38-3-2

Yoran, Mary Ann, daughter of John and Eliza, died December 27, 1856 age 25-1-1

Yoran, Sarah, daughter of John and Eliza, died June 5, 1856 age 21-5-

Yoran, Myron 1842-1927

Yoran, Rowena Snell, his wife 1845-1925

Yoran, Clara, daughter of Myron and Rowena 1866-1869

Yoran, Mary A. daughter of Myron and Rowena 1877-1949

Contributed and typed for Herkimer/Montgomery Counties NYGenWeb by Sarah Timmerman Israel.

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Created: 9/5/01
Updated: 8/26/09
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