The Baptismal Records of the Reformed Church of Columbia, New York, spanning the years 1802 through 1803, were contributed by Laura Perkins. Entries are separated using the same headings as on the original typescript pages, which are available for viewing at the Utica Public Library. All spellings are original. Notes in brackets are our notes about the format of the records. Copied by Mrs. M. M. Hatch, South Columbia, NY, through the courtesy of Mrs. Hatch, (Mrs. Thomas D.) Corinne Wheeler Watkins, NSDAR #57999 and (Mrs. Charles E.) Elizabeth A. M. Merritt, DSDAR #178296. Some of the original records have passed out of existence since the copies were made by Mrs. Hatch.
Judy Breedlove
Asst. County Coordinator
August 1999
The following information was on a loose sheet of paper and as far as we can judge, were baptisms recorded prior to the regular records:
HANER, Eve, daughter of Jeremias Haner and Maria Katherine Helmer, bapt. 9 Sep 1802.
MILLER, Elizabeth, daughter of Jonas Miller and Elizabeth Istel, bapt. 26 Nov 1802.
MILLER, Jacob, son of William Miller and Katherine Ittich, bapt. 22 Nov 1802.
MILLER, Johannes, son of Andreas Miller and Gertrude Herter, bapt. 21 Jan 1803.
GETMAN, Margaret, daughter of Henry Getman and Catherine Miller, bapt. 16 Feb 1803.
HELMER, Catherine, daughter of Adam Helmer and Eve Shoemaker, bapt. 16 Feb 1803.
KIPPS, Abram, son of Daniel Kipps and Helena Lighthall, bapt. 1 Feb 1803.
LINDSEY, Daniel, son of Daniel Lindsey and Helena Lighthall, bapt. 21 Feb 1802.
HANDLY, Maria, daughter of Benjamin Handly and Margaret, bapt. 13 Feb 1802.
MILLER, Jacob, son of Frederick Miller and Katherine Cristman, bapt. 20 Dec 1803.
MYERS, Wilhelmn, son of Johannes Myers and Elizabeth Schneider, bapt. 21 Feb 1803.
CLAPSADDLE, Denus, son of Denus Clapsaddle and Elizabeth Frank, bapt. 11 Apr 1803.
GITMAN, Anna Louise, daughter of Frederick Gitman and Helena Frank, bapt. 9 May 1803.
KILMAN(GITMAN), Catharine, daughter of Conrad Kilman(GITMAN) and Maria Frank, bapt. 25 May 1803.
WOHLEBEN, Margaret, daughter of Abram Wohleben and Margaret Stahring, bapt. 15 Jul 1803.
MILLER, Jeremiah, son of Henry Miller and Helena Vandeuzen, bapt. 13 Jul 1803.
HANER, Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Haner and Elizabeth Kenter, bapt. 13 Aug 1803.
NOTE: Transcriber says that Jacob Haner read the sermons
FRANK, Maria, daughter of Stephenus Frank and wife, Margaret, bapt. 15 Aug 1803.
GRAY, Sally, daughter of Thomas Gray and Hanna Harrison, bapt. 23 Apr 1803.
PETRI, Anna Elizabeth, daughter of George Petri and Margaret Getman, bapt. 12 Oct 1803.
BELL, Henrich, son of Philip Bell and Dorothy Hiller, bapt. 29 Nov 1803.
GRAEMS, Daniel, son of George Graems and Elizabeth Petri, bapt. 5 Sep 1803.
KIPPS, Katy, daughter of Daniel Kipps and Helena Lighthall, bapt. 11 Oct 1803.
Copied by Mrs. M. M. Hatch, South Columbia, New York.
Through the courtesy of Mrs. Hatch (Mrs. Thomas D.), Corinne Wheeler Watkins, N.S.D.A.R.
#57999 and (Mrs. Charles E.) Elizabeth A.M. Merritt, N.S.D.A.R. #178296. Members of the
Genealogical Research Committee of Oneida Chapter, D.A.R. are permitted to copy these
records. Some of the original records have passed out of existence since the copies were made
by Mrs. Hatch.
Utica, New York
December 1926
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