1869 -1870

The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties for 1869. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there. In transcribing this material we have kept the original spelling and punctuation.

From Gazetteer and Business Directory of HerkimerCounty, N.Y. 1869-70
published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1869

( post office addresses in parentheses )
Ackler, David
farmer 50
Ackler, Jacob W.
farmer 36
Ackler, Philip
farmer 36
Ackler, Philip J.
farmer 49
Alford, Cyrus
farmer 160
Ames, Amenzo
farmer 96
Ames, Nathan
(South Columbia)
farmer 85
Ayer, Damon
(South Columbia)
O.P. Ayer & Bros.
Ayer, Edwin
(South Columbia)
O.P. Ayer & Bros.
Ayer, Oliver P.
(South Columbia)
O.P. Ayer & Bros., justice of the peace
Ayer, O. P. & Bros.
(South Columbia)
Oliver P., Edwin, and Damon, props. of grist mill, dairy and farmers 140
Bailey, C. W.
farmer leases 126
Barger, David
with Philip, farmer 134
Barger, Philip
with David, farmer 134
Bauldy, Levina Mrs.
farmer 50
Beckwith, Ezra D.
manuf. of cheese, agent for Young Warrior Mower and Reaper, hay tedder and horse rake, also farmer
Beckwith, J. W. & E. D.
farmer 220
Belshaw, Derwin
farmer leases 162
Biggs, Chester A.
(South Columbia)
post master and carpenter
Biggs, Dwight T.
(South Columbia)
prop. of saw mill
Bliss, Jabez
Brown, Daniel
farmer 200
Brown, Enoch
farmer 224
Brown, Samuel
prp. of clover mill and farmer 20
Browning, James
farmer leases 228
Buchanan, Alexander
with W. D. Gorsline, miller
Burrill, Eaton
farmer 50
Burrill, Geo. E.
farmer 80
Carpenter, Henry M.
shoe maker and farmer 26 1/2
Casler, David
wagon maker and farmer 13
Casler, Jacob F.
farmer 133
Castler, Melier
farmer 80
Chamberlin, Calvin
farmer 60
Chase, Luther
Christman, H. J.
allo. physician
Clapsaddle, Dennis L.
(South Columbia)
with Lawrence, dairyman and farmer 117
Clapsaddle, D. H.
(South Columbia)
with John D.
Clapsaddle, John D.
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 98
Clapsaddle, Lawrence
(South Columbia)
with Dennis L., dairyman and farmer 117
Clapsaddle, P. G.
farmer 85
Clapsaddle, P. H.
farmer 25
Cleland, George
(South Columbia)
prop. of saw mill and farmer 100
Clements, Hugh H.
boot and shoe dealer
Cole, Hamilton P.
farmer 215
Crewell, Philip
hop grower and farmer 81
Crim, Absalom
farmer 109
Crim, David
farmer 80
Cristman, Bernard
farmer leases 65
Cristman, Geo. F.
farmer 70
Cristman, Harvey
dairyman and farmer 100
Cristman, John
farmer 73
Cristman, Wiliam
farmer 95
Cristman, Wm.
farmer 50
Cristman, Wm. G.
farmer 58
Crook, N.H. Rev.
Methodist minister
Crum, Peter
(South Columbia)
farmer 53
Devoe, Daniel A.
farmer 57
Eckler, Mathew
farmer 200
Edick, Cornelius
farmer 55
Edick, Henry
farmer 118
Edick, Henry J.
farmer 35
Edick, Jacob
farmer 220
Edick, John

prop. of tannery
Fay, Charles
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 119
Finger, Andrew V. D.
dairyman and farmer 118
Finger, Tunis
farmer leases 2
Finger, Wm.
farmer 73
Flewellin, David A.
(South Columbia)
farmer 143 1/2
Flewwellin, Geo.
(South Columbia)
farmer 106
Flewwellin, H. E.
(South Columbia)
Flewwellin, Nathaniel
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 227
Folts, Jeremiah C.
Fox, Henry
with Jacob, farmer 100
Fox, Jacob
with Henry, farmer 100
Fox, Joseph H.
(South Columbia)

Fox, Joseph R.
(South Columbia)
farmer 20
Fretts, John V. R.
(South Columbia)
prop. of patent lime kiln, cheese factory, dairyman and farmer 152
Fulmer, John
farmer leases 115
Gage, Abram
farmer 38 1/2
Garner, Adam
farmer 50
Garner, Benjamin Mrs.
farmer 111 3/4
Garner, Jacob
farmer 117
Gay, Robert
Getman, Addison G.
(South Columbia)
prop. of South Columbia Hotel and farmer 20
Getman, Andrew
farmer 100
Getman, Andrew
farmer 38 1/2
Getman, Bartlett
farmer 91
Getman, David
Getman, Delos A.
(South Columbia)
town assessor and dealer in and manuf. of fur coats and robes and farmer 100
Getman, Gaylord
150 1/4
Getman, Harvey
with Rodolphus and Timothy, farmer 116
Getman, Harvey
dairyman and farmer 180
Getman, Hiram
(South Columbia)
deputy sheriff and farmer 160
Getman, Hiram
(South Columbia)
farmer 127
Getman, Jacob W.
with Joseph, farmer 86 1/2
Getman, James H.
farmer 184
Getman, Jeremiah
dairyman and farmer 55
Getman, Joseph
with Jacob W., farmer 86 1/2
Getman, Marhlon
farmer 109
Getman, Rodolphus
with Harvey and Timothy, farmer 116
Getman, Timothy
with Harvey and Rodolphus, farmer 116
Getman, Wm.
Gorsline, John
farmer 160
in Gorsline Cemetery
Gorsline Wm. D.
railroad commissioner, prop. of grist and saw mill, dealer in lumber, wood, ties, cheese boxes &c., and farmer 275
Hadcock, W.
farmer leases 97
Haner, Jacob J.
farmer 53
Haner, Philip
(South Columbia)
farmer 24
Harter, David
prop. of cheese factory and farmer 205
Harwick, Amenzo
(South Columbia)
with David, farmer 104
Harwick, David
(South Columbia)
with Amenzo, farmer 104
Harwick, Moses
(South Columbia)
farmer 9
Hatch, Alonzo
(South Columbia)
dairyman, and farmer 100
Hawks, Lemuel F.
prop. saw mill, cheese box manf. and farmer 104
Hazelton, Sidney
farmer 140
Helmer, Conrad
dairyman and farmer 248
Helmer, Henry H.
farmer 142
Helmer, Monroe
farmer 16
Hoke, Frederick
(South Columbia)
farmer 113
Hoke, Richard
farmer 63
Holmes, C. S.
Hopkins, William
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 265
Hopkinson, James
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 200
Hosford, Lorenzo
supervisor of town and farmer 195
House, David
farmer 81 1/2
House, David A.
farmer 50
House, Gaylord
farmer 110
House, Henry Jr.
farmer 36
House, Jeremiah
farmer 117
House, John C.
farmer 111
House, Lorenzo
farmer 70
House, Lucius D.
farmer 94
House, Otis
farmer 43
House, Wm.
farmer 50
Hunter, John D.
general merchant and postmaster
Huntley, Sanford
(South Columbia)

Jackson, C., Rev.
Free Will Baptist minister
Jones, Reuben R.
clergyman and farmer 100
Kanor, __ Mrs.
(South Columbia)
farmer 300
Keegan, Mathew
farmer 10
Kelly, James
farmer 99
Kibby, Delos L. W.
Kibby & Reynolds
Kibby & Reynolds
Delos L. W. Kibby and Chas. S. Reynolds, general merchants
Knight, Daniel
dairyman and farmer 65
Lane, John
(South Columbia)
farmer 63
Lewis, John
farmer 115
Lipe, John M.
dairyman and farmer 183
Loomis, Wm. C.
bee keeper
Ludden, Joseph R.
dairyman and farmer 108
Ludden, Merrit G.
farmer 90
Ludden, Micah
farmer 8
Lyman, George D.
farmer 48
Lyman, Hubbard
farmer 100
Lyons, Jeremiah
farmer 3 1/2 and leases 50
Manning, Abram
farmer 13
Marvell, Henry L.
May, Wm. J.
farmer 69 1/2
McCredy, Geo. S.
farmer 17
McKoon, C.
farmer 12 1/2
Mervale, George W.
(South Columbia)
farmer 70
Miller, Aaron
hop grower and farmer 77
Miller, Caleb P.
prop. of cheese factory and farmer 44
Miller, John A.
farmer 46
Miller, John C.
dairyman and farmer 116
Miller, John H.
farmer 104
Miller, Jonas
farmer 43
Miller, Sanford
Miller, Susanna M.
farmer 100
Miller, Wm.
dairyman and farmer 59
Miller, Wm. J.
dairyman and farmer 165
Milligan, James
farmer 20
Mills, L. A. & L. J.
dairymen and farmers 142
Mills, Samuel L.
dairyman and farmer 87 1/2
Morgan, Jonathan
(South Columbia)
farmer 40
Myers, Abram
farmer 124
Myers, Jacob P.
dairyman and farmer 197 1/2
Myers, Jeremiah
dairyman and farmer 250
Myres, Newbern R.
farmer 65
Nolda, Henry
(South Columbia)
farmer 66
Orendorf, Conrad
farmer 100
Orendorf, Henry F.
farmer 62 1/2
Orendorf, William F.
farmer 243
Ostram, Andrew
farmer 5
Overocker, Peter D.
wagon maker and farmer 50
Palmer, Nathan
(South Columbia)
farmer 123
Passage, Adam
dairyman and farmer 150
Peake, Reuben
prop. Columbia Center House
Petrie, John
carpenter and joiner
Petrie, Robert
carriage maker
Pierce, D. J.
Pierce, Larkin D.
prop. of cheese box factory and farmer 7
Pierce, Reuben S.
mechanic and peddler
Purchase, Charles W.
farmer 123 1/2
Purchase, Isaac
dairyman and farmer 137
Reynolds, Alanson
dairyman and farmer 170
Reynolds, Chas. S.
Kibby & Reynolds
Ross, J. W.
farmer 46
Rounds, Nathan
farmer 9
Rowland, Henry B.
farmer 118
Sanders, Eseck
farmer 161
Schuyler, Aaron
farmer 68
Scroepel, John
farmer 16
Seckner, Jacob
farmer 48
Seckner, Jacob Jr.
farmer 300
Shaul, B. A.
farmer 138
Shaul, Jacob I.
farmer 140
Shaul, Jeremiah
(South Columbia)
farmer 55
Shaver, M. Mrs.
farmer 50
Shepard, Israel
carriage trimmer and harness maker
Shoemaker, Abram
farmer 50
Shimmel, Sebastian
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 113
Skinner, Benjamin
farmer 228
Skinner, Carmi M.
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 123
Skinner, Damon
(South Columbia)
with John Skinner
Skinner, Delos
(South Columbia)
with John
Skinner, Franklin
(South Columbia)
with John
Skinner, John M.
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 225
Skinner, Monroe
(South Columbia)
with John
Smith, A. R.
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 85
Smith, Cornelius Jr.
dairyman and farmer 128
Smith, Levi
farmer 125
South Columbia Hotel
(South Columbia)
Addison G. Getman, prop.
Sphon, Eli
farmer 60
Sphon, Henry
farmer 118
Sphon, Jeremiah
with Warner F., farmer 70
Sphon, Nicholas
farmer 53
Sphon, Warner F.
with Jeremiah, farmer 70
Spohn, Nicholas N.
farmer 20
Storey, Chas.
Storey, Horace
farmer 42
Streeter, Geo.
farmer 25
Stroup, David
farmer 109
Tennant, Lorenzo D.
farmer 56
Terpening, Amos
dairyman and farmer 73
Throop, Josiah
dairyman and farmer 92
Vanalstine, Danforth
farmer 67
Vandusen, C.
farmer 74
Vandusen, Nelson
farmer 102
Van Horn, George
(South Columbia)
farmer 165
Vroman, Peter
(South Columbia)
farmer 165
Ward, Daniel
carpenter and joiner
Ward, Joseph
farmer 70
Warmuth, Levi
farmer 30
Warren, Nancy Mrs.
farmer 14
Westfall, Catherine
farmer 40
Westfall, John
farmer 32
Wilcox, O. B.
allo. physician and surgeon
Wilkinson, Henry J.
(South Columbia)
farmer 60
Williams, Gardner
farmer 60
Willis, Marcus L.
with Medina P., dairyman and farmer 171
Willis, Medina P.
with Marcus L., dairyman and farmer 171
Wiltsee, John
(South Columbia)
wagon maker
Woliven, Arnold
farmer 40
Young, D. G.
manuf. of dairy knives and farmer 126
Young, Henry M.
cheese manuf. and farmer 160
Yule, Geo. F.
(South Columbia)
dairyman and farmer 145
Zoller, Burton & Solomon
(South Columbia)
farmers 100
Zoller, Henry C.
farmer 144
Zoller, James
(South Columbia)
farmer 138
Zoller, Murcious
farmer 20

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Last Updated: 11/7/97
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