From Columbia, NY to Darien Center, NY
Contributed by Lisa Slaski Transcribed by Joanne Murray
Smith, Mary E., p. o. Darien Center, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Bell) Champany, and the wife of the late J.
Craig Smith, was born in the town of Columbia, Herkimer county, N.Y., April 30, 1835. Her childhood was spent at
home and in the common schools. Her parents removed to Rome, Oneida county, where she was employed in a cheese
factory. It was here that she first met Mr. Smith, who was employed by the same firm as bookkeeper. In September,
1859, they were married and subsequently Mr. Smith was placed in charge of a factory at Truxton, N.Y., making
cheese from the milk of 1,550 cows. In 1873 he removed to Darien Center, bought the store and cheese factory of
John Buckley, where he carried on business until his death, March 23, 1898. Mr. Smith was one of the prominent men
of the town, was a staunch Republican and held the office of town clerk for eight years. He was a member of New
Lodge No. 451, I. O. O. F., and of the Order of the Maccabees.
Source: "Our county and its people; a descriptive and biographical record of Genesee County, New York," North, Safford E., editor.
Boston: The Boston History Company, 1899. Page 132.