NABINGER | Andreas | b. abt. 1820 - d. abt. 1878 from Baden/ Wurtemburg Germany. Came to Town of Salisbury abt. 1850 with w. Elizabeth Hoppanacher (sp?) b. abt 1818 - d. after 1880; had 9 children that survived to adult; my g-grandfather | Steven Knight |
NABOZNY | Albert | Resided in Amsterdam, Montgomery County. Born 1875; wife Anna; 5-7 children | Sharon Stawski |
NARE / ---NEER / ---NEAHR | 1700-present in montgomery county possibly in herkimer county as well | josh nare | |
NASH | Alexander | My ancestors Alexander and Jerusha brayton nash Purchased property in fairfield in 1808,and 1810 Earlier than that I have no record of where they came from and have not been able to trace records back farther than this. | James A.Nash |
NASH | Henry, Sr. | b. 23 Jan 1792, Herk. Co., d. 18 Aug 1849, Clay, Onondaga Co., son of Alexander | Ike Watrous |
NEALY / ---NEALEY | Matthew | b. 1767, m. Elizabeth McKinney, "of Remsen's Bush" | Alison |
NEBHUT / ---NEBHUTH | George | Ilion 1870-1930; have census for George and children; burial for George & wife and son George. | Patricia Goodwin Helyer |
NEFF | Family | Early 1800s Neff family descendents: Denike (Ten Eyck) Neff b. 11-3-1808 | James Neff |
NEILL | James | I am trying to determine if I am related to a James "B." NEILL who lived in the Glen area of Montgomery Co. in the late 1850's. He was married to Sabra E. VAN HORNE (adopted daughter of Daniel and Sabra Van Horne) in 1858 in Glen. In 1860 US Census, a James Neill (born about 1836 in Scotland), wife Sabra and son John M. were living in Montgomery Co. A James B. Neill joined the Union army in 1862 as a Sergeant (Company C. 153rd NY Volunteers - from Glen). He was mustered out (as a Captain) in 1865. Sabra (wife of Lieutenant James B. Neill) died in 1863. They had at least one son John M. and possibly a daughter, Mary?. He re-married to a Hannah? and moved to Illinois. I am related to a James Neill born 1835 in Scotland, but have no other information on him. Are these two the same? | Karnes Neill |
NEILL | John | John Neill believed to migrate from Scotland to Montgomery Co. in 1857, moved to Wisconsin in 1859-1860, when rest of his family immigrated from Scotland. Any information would be helpful. | Karnes Neill |
NELLIS | -- | 1709 - present | Kathleen McLaughlin |
NELLIS | Nathan | Born in St. Johnsville c. 1867 | Raymond James Nellis |
NELSON | Paul | Came to Fairfield with wife Hannah Churchill and family about 1800. | Doug Griswold |
NEVINS | Andrew | born 5/1/1842, in Ithaca, NY. He served in the 32nd NY, Co. I-[1861-63]. | Frederic D. Nevins |
NEWKIRK | Margaret | wife of Jacob Putman and John Newkirk; maiden name MOSCHEL | Florence K. Millar |
NEWKIRK | Pardon | m. Dutch Reform Church in 1818; Herkimer Co. Related to Pardon Newkirk of Columbus, Ohio (1848-1924)? | Ginny Evans |
NEWSON / ---NEWSOM | Ann Elizabeth | Daughter of Daniel Newson & Charlotte Chase. B. 1823, Herkimer Co (Fairfield?). Later moved to Lewis Co & Oneida Co. | Kevin Vap |
NEWSON / ---NEWSOM | Daniel | m.Charlotte Chase.On 1820 census in Fairfield, Herkimer Co. Later moved to Lewis Co & Oneida Co. | Kevin Vap |
NICHOLS | Adam | m. Nellie Dell, b. 1817, d. 1891. Had son Hiram Clinton Nichols, b. 1848 in Herk, Co. He m. Euphemia Morrison, b. 1856. | Jo Ann Nichols |
NICHOLS | Aliza Elizabeth | b. 20 Sept 1850, dau. of Polly Martin and Alford/Alfred NICHOLS, d. 20 Jul 1926 m. 3 Oct 1866 Russia, NY to Henry Andrew Franquer | Sally Brown |
NICHOLS | Nicholas N. | r. 1830 | weezer |
NIEMIETZ | Karl | My great grandfather was a blacksmith | Eric Niemietz |
NIEUKERK | Anna Maria | b.1820, m. William Clark; buried Ft. Plain, 1854. Many variations on spelling of Nieukerk | Marianna Williams |
NOLAN | James Lee | James Lee Nolan born ABT 1890 in Amsterdam, New York, Montgomery County. | Jean Nolan |
NOLAN | John | Litchfield, Herkimer County. Born 1857, Ireland. | Mary Freeman |
NORRIS | James | Montgomery county 1887-1944 | James Jimenez |
NOTTINGHAM | John | r. 1800/1810 Herkimer Co. | Lynne H. Dumont |
O'BRIEN | Albert | Albert O'Brien and family, he was born in Fort Hunter, he married Lela Gardiner, had daughter Mary O'Brien also born in Fort Hunter | Heather J. McDonald |
O'NEIL | John | lived around Newport area; wife was Margaret HASSETT | Barbara Crow |
ORENDORFF | Frederick | b: abt 1720 m: Eva Getman d: 8 Aug 1802 German Flatts | Robert E. Zoller |
ORENDORFF | Frederick | b: 1758 m: Lanny Barbara Fulmer d: 23 Aug 1828 German Flatts | Robert E. Zoller |
ORENDORFF | Frederick | b: 12 May 1793 m: Catharine Shoemaker d: 4 Jul 1851 German Flatts | Robert E. Zoller |
ORENDORFF | Margaret | b: 13 Jul 1831 m: Nicholas Zoller d:19 Oct 1911 German Flatts | Robert E. Zoller |
O'RILEY | Phillip | daughter, Sarah, of Mary & Phillip born in Herkimer 3-17-1846 | Kathleen Hanley |
ORIOLO | Giuseppe | b. Oriolo, Italy (1 August 1888); immigrated to America 1910; settled in Village of Frankfort; m. Maria Domenica Silvestri in Village of Frankfort (2 October 1915); d. Village of Frankfort (13 January 1929) | Joseph Oriolo |
O'ROURKE | Helen | Helen O'ROURKE was born 1856 in Mohawk, Herkimer County, NY and dies in Iowa as Mrs. J. Whitney. | Connie Schweitzer |
OSBORN | Phineas | and wife Eleanor (Thornton) with their three sons, Thomas, Schuyler and Phineas Alden, lived in German Flatts, Herkimer County from 1797 until moving to Jefferson County, NY in 1820's. Phineas was a blacksmith. | D. Osborn |
OSTERHOUT | Gustav | b. 1711 in Stone Arabia. His son was Nicholas or John. | Phyllis Osterhout |
OSTROM | John | b.12 Sept. 1835 in Russia, Herkimer Co. parents were David Waters OSTROM and Almyra POOLER; m. Irene MORTON d. 1 Sept. 1910 Strome, Alberta, Canada | Diane Hamilton |
OWENS | David | b. may 7, 1831 russia/herkimer co., d. 1888 castlerock,colorado | clark w. gray |
OWENS | Jane | b. ? russia/herkimer co., died ? utica, ny; owned a boarding house there. | clark w. gray |
PADDOCK | -- | Herkimer Co. | Heather M. Metheny |
PADGETT | James | b. 12/2/1798 at Glen; m. Elizabeth Van Buren who was born Jan. 27, 1799 at Glen, NY | Shirley Conklin Farone |
PADGETT ---(nee FLOID) | Rebekah | lived in Glen in 1798 | Shirley Conklin Farone |
PAGE | Joshua | Two Joshua PAGEs appeared in the 1810 Federal Census of Herkimer Co., NY.The younger appears to have migrated to Greene Co., IN prior to 1820. | George W. Page |
PAGIE / ---PAG'EE | Charles | b. Quebec, carpenter, lived Amsterdam NY 1893-1910-, wife Mary Morin, b. Quebec. Buried St. Mary's Cemetery, Amsterdam | James Jimenez |
PAGIE | Fred | Montgomery county 1887 - present | James Jimenez |
PAINE | Hannah | b.1770 CT); dau. of Seth Payn/Pain & Jerusha Swift Wife of Thomas P. Smith | Pam Robinson |
PALMER / ---INMAN | Louella A. | m. Frank Palmer; dau. of Charles A. and Hattie Van Horn/Inman; b. Nov. 1911, m. Nov. 24. 1931, d. Feb. 21,1978 | Peggy McSwain |
PANIK | Suzane | Herkimer County | Suzanne Hagadorn |
PARACKA | John | Immigrated to New York in 1914 with his parents, from Myjava, Slovakia (then Hungary). Settled in Little Falls by 1929. | Linda Eastman |
PARDEE | Eliphalet | removed to Herkimer Co. in 1806, from West Haven, Conn; he and wife both bur. Century Cemetery, Town of Russia. The Pardee family remained there through four more generations, Ebenezer, Alvah, William, and John Pardee. | Carol Jeffery |
PASSAGE | Daniel | Herkimer county married Nancy WHITE, moved to Grove NY. | Nancy Opdyke |
PARSONS | Henry | Montgomery County, Member of the 115 regiment Co. B during Civil War. | Ernest John Parsons |
PASSAGE | family | Herkimer/Montgomery | Gene Dana |
PATTON | family | Danube 1800 on | Charles P. Phillips |
PAUL | John | b. Mass., d.1 Jan 1859 Ohio, Herk. Co. Wife Cleona Spencer. Children (all b. Fairfield or elsewhere in Herk. Co.): John W., Richard Orville, Amy Sabrina (mar. Martin Reese), Jacob Arvin, Edwin, Thirza, Willliam, Dorcus, and Nancy | Raymond Kuehne |
PAUTER | Jacob | res. Town of Canajoharie 1830 | Edward J. Harrison |
PAWLING | Henry | late 1700's to early 1800's Mont. Co. | Lyn Harter |
PAYN / ---PAIN | Seth | b.1742 CT; d.1813 German Flats, Herkimer Co. NY; son of Benjamin Payn & Mary Brewster | Pam Robinson |
PECK | Jerusha | b. ca. 1790; m. Jerome SPOOR | Terry Harper |
PECKENPAUGH | Edson P. | Edson 1879-1960, bur. Green Hills Cemetery, Montgomery Co. Wife M. Agnes Barry - no dates; same plot as Harold B. Schotte 1892-1959, wife Nora M. Barry 1893-1952. | Susan Bottom |
PEEK | Aaron Brodt | B. 8/18/1816 IN FLORIDA, NY D. 7/4/1872? | JOYCE COOK |
PEELER | Family | Montgomery County 1780-1790? | Gary Pellor |
PERKINS | -- | 1840-1870 Johnstown, Stratford & Salisbury | Janice Burton |
PERKINS | Lucy May | dau. of Haskel Perkins & Harriet Masson, b. 1880, d. 1/03/1970, m. Charles Edward Edick | Peggy McSwain |
PETERS | David | b. 1800 | kstone |
PETERY | Catherine Anna | Catherine b. 9/17/1828 Little Falls. Mar. Solomon T. PIERCE (sp. PETRY/PETRIE) | Revae Leppanen |
PETRIE | Johan Jost | the petrie line of anna gertruyd von ringh and johan jost petrie | Kathi Oppito |
PETRIE / ---PETRI / ---PETRY / ---PETREE | Johan Jost | Burnettsfield Patent, in the present Herkimer County, NY., in the area later to be called Little Falls. We know how the family got to NY., but where did they move to next? Pennsylvania I'm told, but don't know many details. | Darla Smith |
PETRIE | Johan Jost | Although I know that the present church of Herkimer stands on land donated by my ancestors, is there any information as to where i can find any of their gravesites? | Kathleen (Petrie) Oppito |
PETRIE | Johann Jost | Johann Jost and family in Tyron County during the Revolutionary War and prior. Johann Jost was born ca 1753, and was a Loyalist who served in Butler's Rangers. | Rick |
PETRIE | Johan Jost | born 28. Febr. 1664 at Breitscheid | Johan Jost Petrie |
PETRIE | Johan Jost | My grandmother was Theodora Petri born 1881 at Breitscheid/Hessen Germany | Hans Becker |
PETRIE | Maria Elisabeth | German Flatts,1700s; married John SCHELL | Judith Kotras |
PETRIE | Maria Elizabet | b.1735 | dianaheb |
PETRIE | Ruben | r. 1833 | sibeau |
PETTERSON (HOGANSON) | Samuel | b. Sweden 1862; ran away from home at 16 and immigrated to NYC; changed his name to PETTERSON; settled in Mont. Co. by 1880, Town of Glen, d. 1931. | Norm Schneider |
PETTINGELL | Samuel | 1732?-1777; killed battle of Oriskany, Aug 6, 1777; m. Elizabeth Cline, who was born in Holland. Samuel was a doctor & captain of the 5th co., 3d bat. Mohawk Militia from Tryon Co. His house was burned by the Johnson raiders, October 25, 1781; house was located on east bank of Schoharie Creek a mile or so from Ft. Hunter. | Jack May: Info on Tryon |
PETTICE / ---PETTEYS | Peleg | B. 12/11/1772 in Charleston, Mont. Cty; m. Martha Brown 11/30/1800; d. 5/31/1830 Charleston. | Siobhan Kimminau |
PETTINGELL | Adam Z. | Adam owned a box shop in Tribes Hill, New York | Mary Lou Thornton |
PETTIT | Anson | Lived in Herkimer County,1900-1940 | Theodore R. Adams |
PETTERSON | Jennie | b. 9FEB1890 in Fultonville, m. Frederick Samuel LUSSO in 1910; they had 6 children, d. Amsterdam May 1945 | Norm Schneider |
PETTY / ---PETTEYS / ---PETTIS | Thomas | Montgomery Co. Charleston 1810 & 20 censuses, sons names Seneca, Seth A., Noah | Bart Bartuszevige |
PFAFF | Carl | Carl was my grandfather. d: 1968 in Old Forge. | Rob Pfaff |
PFAFF | Hazel | Hazel was my grandmother. d: 1960 in Old Forge. I know virtually nothing about her. | Rob Pfaff |
PFEIFFER | Jacob | m. Elisabetha FOLTZIN,16 Mar 1763, Stone Arabia | Jim Fisher |
PHILLIPS | Varnum | Rollin & Varnum Phillips of Herkimer Co.;Abigail Carter, wife of Varnum Sr., supposedly born in Newport, NY. | Ann J. Rogers |
PICK | Adam | Adam Lipe Pick b.19 April 1793, parents Rev. D.C.A. Pick and Elizabeth Lipe | John Peek |
PICKENS | RobertT | looking for information on Robert or John Pickens/Pickin from 1790 - 1850 | JOHN C PICKENS |
PIERCE | Dean | b. 1771 VT - d. 12/1854 Columbia.m. Elizabeth ? b. 8/1781 RI - d. 10/1870Columbia. 2 children of 9 known, all born at Columbia, Lydia Luther Pierce b. 7/1810 - d. 11/1904 & James D. Pierce b. 1820 - ? | Nicole Pierce |
PIERCE | Ephraim | b. 1751 Mohawk; m. Sarah ?? in Mohawk, NY 1773; listed in the Mohawk 1790 census; after that his name appears in Franklin Co., NY census of 1810 | Angela Spinner |
PIERCE | Gertrude Linda | b. November 07, 1861 unknown where - d. August 14, 1928 Columbia. According to death certificate she was a daughter of Robert Pierce & Maria Tefft??? Married William H. Elwood of Warren Township. | Julie Robst |
PIERCE | James D. | b. 1820 Columbia - d. bef. 1904. m # 1. Elizabeth House 1822 - 1854, m # 2. Mary E. Skinner 1831 - ?, 6 children with Mary, all born atColumbia - Mary M. 1858, James Monroe1859, Nancy E. 1862, John G. D. "Dean"1863, Orlando F. 1864, Ezra M. 1872. | Nicole Pierce |
PIERCE / ---PEARCE / ---PERS | Solomon | Solomon T. PIERCE b.Dec. 23, 1821 mar. Catharine PETERY/PETRY Aug. 9, 1845. She born Sept. 17, 1828 Little Falls. Had son James I. b. July 15, 1843 Little Falls. Need confirmation of births and marriage. | Revae Leppanen |
PIETRUSZA | Joseph F. | Montgomery County (City of Amsterdam); relocated from Uniontown,Penn. after service in Marine Corps | David Pietrusza |
PINCKNEY | Ezekiel | Any and all descendants of Ezekiel Pinckney. | David Pinckney |
PIPER | Sophia | resident in Montgomery co. from 1841 - ca. 1851, married to Henry Hellwig. Daughter Eliza born 1841. | Yvonne Juhl |
PLANK | Philip | Philip Plank and wife Anna Eva lived in Reimensnydersbush/Manheim in 1800. By 1822 she was deceased. | Ron Planck |
PLANTZ | -- | -- | donnahg |
PLATT | Epenetus B. | He and wife Eve are buried in Salisbury Rural Cemetery. | Sherrill Kerbaugh |
PLATT | Gilbert; Josiah; John M.; Richard; | 1773-1816 Herkimer County | Carol A. Haagensen |
POLITYLO | Margaret | Herkimer NYb. 1929. Wife of William Pupchek. Mother of William, Jean, David, Gregory | William M. Pupchek |
POLITYLO | Tekla nee Hajtko | Herkimer NY. b. 1895 (Ukraine) d.1987. Wife of Mathew. Mother of Julia, Mary, Michael, Margaret, Jean | William M. Pupchek |
POOLE | Catherine | Catherine Poole Haight married in Montgomery County, Ny around 1820 give or take. Born in 1801 | Patti Haight |
POSS | David | David Poss b 1770, father is possibly Nicholas Poss who is head of household in 1790 in Palatine. | Heidi Park |
POTHY / ---POTHIE / ---POTY / ---BOODY | Nicholas | b. 1754 resident of Danube, Steuben, Minden, Montgomery/Herkimer Counties from 1799-1831 Member of the Geisenberg Church near Hallsville | Gerry Meier |
POTTER | Jacob | res. Town of Canajoharie 1830 | Edward J. Harrison |
POTTER | John H | From Ireland b. 1818 d. Iowa 1900 married to Mary Guayer may have been Maguire or Guire. 5 children. | Norene Doster |
POTTER | Mary Jane | b. 21 Jul 1826 | Debbie Campbell |
POTTER | Oliver | b. abt 1800 | Debbie Campbell |
POTTER | Sally & Jason | siblings listed in the 1830 census of Herkimer Co. They were Brothertown Indians. | Raymond H. Brooks |
POWERS | Mary B. | Mary (1798-1883) lived in Russia, Herkimer Co. w/Robinson Keech. Son Charles of Newport died in Civil War, also grandson Edwin/Edward. Appears to have raised grandchildren after death of Chas. wife, Eliz. Murray. | Steven Knight |
PRATT | Wheeler | b. abt. 1785, MA; m. Pheobe (SPENCER), da. of George and Rhoda; resided Sailsbury Center. | Daniel R. Pratt |
PRELL | Family | Ilion and Amsterdam | Carol Mosher: Web Site |
PRENTICE | Family | Montgomery County | Cheri Salz |
PRESS | William | Warren township 1800 census Herkimer Co. | James Galbraith |
PRINDLE | Joseph, Moses, Spencer | Norway/Russia; 1793-present | Randall A. Diefendorf |
PROSS | Caroline | Looking for Caroline ( Bower ) Pross. 1880 Census of Manheim shows Caroline 21 yrs. married to John Pross 22yrs and baby John 1 yr. Looking for rest of the family and her connection to the Bowers/Bouer/Bauer | Scott Bauer |
PRUYN | Family | -- | Tom Robertshaw |
PULLMAN | Updike | Updike Pullman was born in 1781, in Exeter, Washington Co.(King Co.), RI, by 1799 family had moved to Norway, Herkimer Co. Parents were John and Esther Cooper Pullman. Married Ruth Rockwell in Preston, New London, CT, in 1801. They had 13 children, Mercy, Alonzo, William, Charles, Eliza, John, Lucinda, Melinda, Loren, Laura, Esther, Marilda, and Samuel. Mercy, Melinda and Esther married Bennett men. Children also married Bly, Horn, Van Wie, Vincent, Ives, Vedder, Hoag, and Byrns. | Laura Stokstad |
PUPCHEK / ---PUPCHECK / ---PUPCHYK / ---PUPCHIK / ---PUPCZYK | William M. | Little Falls NY. b. 1954. Husband of Leanne, adoptive Father of Adam, Zachary | William M. Pupchek |
PUPCHEK / ---PUPCHECK / ---PUPCHYK / ---PUPCHIK / ---PUPCZYK | William | Dolgeville NY (Lotville) b. 1928. Husband of Margaret nee Politylo. Father of William, Jean, David, Gregory | William M. Pupchek |
PUTNAM | Margaret | b. @1820, res. Canajoharie, Montgomery Co; m. Jacob V. Shaft in 1836 at Geneva, NY | Judy Breedlove |
PUTMAN / ---POOTMAN | Peter | b. 1814 | swans060 |
PUTMAN / ---PUTNAM / ---POOTMAN | -- | -- | donnahg |
PUTMAN | Garret | d. Florida 1826; son Jacob; wife Rebecca GARRISON | Florence K. Millar |
PUTMAN / ---PUTNAM | John | b. 1832 Herkimer County, NY, Married: 1848 Sarah Wead, d. 1903 Sturgeon Bay, Wi. | Bill Putman |
PUTNAM | -- | -- | swans060 |
QUACKENBUSH | DAVID | m. Anna SCOTT, dau. of Capt. John SCOTT, 1st Commandant of Ft. Hunter | Nancy Robinson |
QUACKENBUSH | Charles J. | m. Mable Marie HESS or Mary Hess. Had one son, Robert Harmon Quackenbush born October 12, 1906 Fort Hunter, New York and 2 daughters. | Jan Quackenbush |
QUACKENBUSH | Herbert A. | b. 1846 | kstone |
QUACKENBUSH | Hiram (Harmon) | Cambridge N.Y. Married to Polly Brooks and Rosetta Baker. | Deborah Butterfield |
QUACKENBUSH | Hunter Scott | m. Elizabeth Klock after death of Ebenezer Cox | Anne Sears |
QUACKENBUSH | Family | -- | Tom Robertshaw |
QUACKENBUSH | Mary Ann | b. 1811 m. William STALEY in Reformed Protestant Dutch Church Of Caughnawaga. Lived in Mineville, N. Y. | Tom A. Doganieri |
QUACKENBUSH | Nancy | b. abt 1801, m. Philip BURTON, son of Billings BURTON and Mary HILTS, circa 1820 in Canajoharie, Montgomery Co, NY. They had Billings, Mary Ann, Lydia, Anthony Hilts, Ellen, Jane, Helen, Mercy, Elizabeth, Deborah, Ezra, George &Charles H. Mary Ann Burton m. Lawrence SCHERMERHORN in Charleston, Montgomery Co. in 1841. | Mari Nielsen |
QUACKENBUSH | Richard J. | b. 1817, d.?, res. Mont. Co. | Stephan G. Dennie |
QUICK | Morris | Charleston Township b.1805 d.1851 trying to locate children, parents | Wendy Meyer |
QUICK | Winslow | b. 1832 Charleston Township, 1855 went to Grant Co. WI | Wendy Meyer |
QUINLAN | John | Resided Montgomery Co; Married Letitia Dee Martin after 1853 but before 1911 | Robert G. Kempton |
QUINLAN | Letitia | Irish immigrant arrived Montgomery Co no later than 1839; maiden name is Dee; Married James Martin then John Quinlan | Robert G. Kempton |
QUINLAVIN | Leland P. | Herkimer, Herkimer County | Jill Conrad |
RANKINS | James | arr. Town of German Flatts abt.1765 from Halifax, Nova Scotia | Willis Rankins |
RAPP | Anton | b. Germany, emig.1850 German Flatts area 1850 to 1900(?) | Janet Caple |
RATHBUN | Thomas | moved to the Norway area from Rhode Island 1801 with Elsie Ann Cooper. Raised 9 children in Norway: Gilbert, Samuel, Betsey, Hannah, John, Thomas Jr., Updike, Edmund and James. Thomas moved to Bull Hill, Town of Ohio 1829. Both bur. Barnes cemetery 1835 | Beth Waller |
RAUT / ---RADT / ---RATH / ---ROTH | -- | Herkimer Co. | Heather M. Metheny |
RAUGHT / ---RAUT / ---RATH | Jacob | born Herkimer Co. NY 1823. | Floyd Marasco |
REALS / ---RUHL / ---REELE / ---REGEL | Godfrey | My ancestors were among the Burnettsfield Patent holders 1725 | Charles Reals |
REAMON | Conrad | My 2nd great grandfather, Conrad was born in Germany but spent much of his life in Montgomery County. He was married to Anna M Huebner and they had 3 children, one of which was my great grandfather, Henry Reamon. Henry married Margaret Willick and had 7 children, one of which was my grandfather Henry Reamon Jr. They all living in Canajoharie, Fort Plain, or Minden. | Roger D Grimshaw |
REED / ---RIED / ---READ / ---RIEDT | John Ried | John Ried born Abt. 1725 in England or Germany married Anna in the Palatine area they were murdered and scalped by indiand in Aug of 1782 and had 3 children, Elizabeth,b. 1757 William b.1760 and John.b.1762 John Jr. married Dorothea Sutz and had 8 or 9 children before moving to Lewis Co. in 1806 where they had 2 or 3 more. (unknow 1 child born in Montgomey or Lewis co.)John Jr. served in the Tryon Co. Militia 2nd Regiment with Dorothea's father Peter Sutz. | Michelle Williams |
REEDMAN | Frances Lewis | She married Albert Reedman about 1877. She died 14-Mar-1915 I believe in Amsterdam. Am trying to find out who her parents were. | Gene Toler |
REEVES | Rachel | Rachel b: 1747 Saybrook,CT; m: Joseph Willard & she died 22 Nov 1829 Fairfield, Herkimer,NY. | Carol Griswold Salli |
REESE | Christian | Son of Rev. Johann Frederick Ries/Reis and Anna Margretha Dillenbach; father of Christian Reas/Reese; grandfather of Michael Ehle Reese. Of both Herkimer and Montgomery Co NY before removing to Tioga Co., Pa | Sharon Causer |
REIS | family | Herkimer/Montgomery | Gene Dana |
REMMERS | -- | Germay 1859, NY 1928 | Patrick Turner |
RESTANTE | Jennie | b. 06/21/1909 in Utica, NY, d. 03/06/1995 in Little Falls, NY | Peter E. Restante |
RESTANTE | John | b.Nov. 1, 1881 in Alatic, Italy; d. May 7, 1964, in Little Falls, NY | Peter E. Restante |
RESTANTE | Paul Sr. | Herkimer Co., City of Little Falls, NY, b. Alatic, Italy 1905, arr. Little Falls ca. 1912, d. 1973 | Peter E. Restante |
REYNOLDS | Elizabeth | Elizabeth born 22 Aug 1798, Montgomery or Herkimer County. On 12 Aug 1818 in Mohawk Valley Township, Montgomery, she married an Englishman, William Wright, who had emigrated from Yorkshire, 4 years earlier. I have no info on her parents. Her first two sons were named John and Robert. Her 3 eldest children were christened in the Dutch Reformed Church in Stone Arabia. | Sharon Umiker |
REYNOLDS | Minnie | Minnie Reynolds married Michael Mergenthaler, had three children: Lena, George, and Harrison. | Reneka Mergenthaler |
RICE | marshall | Marshall is the son of Frederick and (I think) Bessie Rice | V. Maggipinto |
RICH | Bennager | Bennager/Benajah/Bernard b. abt1813 Montgomery Co. d. 16 Jan 1897 Lapeer Co. MI | Robert Jones |
RICH | Henry | b. ca.1806 Herk. Co., m. ca.1832 Russia, Herk., NY to Sarah HALL. Henry d.19 Mar 1859 Russia, Herk., NY. Bur. Woodin (Weedin) cemetery. Believe his father was Levi Rich of Newport who died 1851 and is buried in Elm Tree Road cemetery route 60. | Marilyn De Bries |
RICH | Jacob | Johnstown Township, Montgomery Co. N. Y. 1820 Census, two children under ten. Additional information available. | Bob Jones |
RICHARDS | John C. | John C. Richards (1827-1899) of Ohio, Wilmurt and later Herkimer Townships. Married Henrietta Fischer and had 10 children. | Lisa K. Slaski |
RICHARDSON | Margaret | b. abt. 1843 in Schuyler, d.o. William Knapp Richardson & Loisa Palmer; wife of George Burton, mar. bef. 1862. | Stephen C. Burton |
RICHMOND | Martha C. | Herkimer Co. b. Salisbury 3 Ded 1828; may have married June 1846 | Cheryl Hopson Ferrence |
RICKERT / ---RICKART / ---RICKARD / ---RICKERD | Ludwig | Palatine emigrant - descs. in Schoharie, Stone Arabia, Palatine (mostly), m. into many prominent famss of the Mohawk Valley area. | Michelle Rickard |
RICONDA | Joh | My Grandmas Rosa and Grandpa John lived in Herkimer when first married. | Jeannette Rose Smith |
RICKARD | -- | -- | drickard |
RIEMENSCHNEIDER | family | Herkimer/Montgomery | Gene Dana |
RIEMENSNYDER | Johan Henrich | Born abt 1720, from Rotterdam 1738; m. Anna Dorothea ___ bef 1741 | Emily Hills Aasted |
RILEY | george | Have some evidence that this ancestor was born in Montgomery County in 1790. I believe this county or part of it became fulton county later. | marguerite kuhns |
RIMKUNAS / ---RIMKAS / ---RIMKUMAS | Ralph ("Americanized"), Rapolas, Rafolas | Montgomery county--arrived from Lithuania between 1910--1916 | Cody Shaw |
RINK | Jacob | Montgomery Co., mid to late 1800s | Bonnie Keck Walsh |
RITTER | family | Herkimer/Montgomery [address no longer works as of 1/7/2016] | Gene Dana |
RITTER | Johannes P. | born abt 1720/35 Sponheimethal, Germany; m. Anna Maria Barbara Riemensnyder bef 1759 | Emily Hills Aasted |
RIX | Charles | resided English St., in Ilion NY, Herkimer County with his wife and two sons, Robert and Frank | Betty Rix |
ROBB | George | and wife Janet McMillan Baxter Robb are buried in the Scotch Church Scotch Bush, Florida NY; their children: Jane, Margaret, Alexander and James | Jeannine |
ROBBINS / ---ROBINS | Peter | Peter - Herkimer 1791-1866, son Jeremiah born Herkimer 1825 | Paul S. Robbins |
ROBENS | Esther | wife of Nathaniel Walters d. 4 Jun 1842 Russia | Marv Miller |
ROBERTS | William | b. Schuyler, parents Robert and Jane Rogers from Wales; owned pail factory in Whitesboro | Marge Kukuwich |
ROBINSON | George | Married Amy Hall abt. 1840. Had son George. Died in late 1840's. Buried in Newport Cemetery. | Tim Hickey |
ROBSON | Walter | m .Eliza (nee?) officer in NYSA Militia 1820s; res. Warren; appears family moved Wash. and Renss. Co. Any info appreciated. | Betsy Robson |
ROCKWELL | Elizabeth Ann | B Charleston, Montg Co, 4/12/1815, parents James Rockwell/Laura Carter, m. John Denegar abt 1840, d. Esperance, Schoharie 1902. | Lillee D. Zierau |
RODGERS | Edward | b. Minaville, Feb. 1825-6 | John Rodgers |
ROGERS | Platt W. | 1850 resident of Glen migrating from Dutchess Co. Platt was a shoemaker and husband of Abigail. Their children were Antionette, Maryann, George, Ellen, Jane, and Joy. One daughter may have died there. | Earl Rogers |
ROGERS | Robert | wife Jane, b. pre 1800; immigrated from Wales 1830, died NY; changed name to Roberts; children Hugh, William, Catherine | Marge Kukuwich |
ROLL | Josef/Joseph | Early 20th c. ethnic German immigrants from Kereny / Krnjaja, Hungary /Y ugoslavia to Little Falls, Herkimer Co. | Linda Eastman |
ROMBOUGH | -- | res. Mont Co. | Ejvor Merkley |
ROOF | Christina | I am a descendent of John Cramer, Born 1760, Town of Minden, Montgomery County. His dau. was Christina Cramer, who married Abram Roof | Peter J. Fadden |
ROOT | James Francis | My Greatgrandfather. I think he was born around 1841 in Herikimer Co. | Thomas L. Root |
ROSE | Harry | b. Town of Charlestown, son of Isabelle Smith Rose and Elmer Rose; brotherw Freeman, Charles, Jay; m. Ruth Rhinehardt Rose. He was born Sept. 14, 1895. | Elsie I. Rose Chichester |
ROSE | Stephen | 1775 of Schuyler; wife Sally, son Robert 1804 | Heidi Johnson |
ROSE | William | William Rose was born around 1798 in Tribes Hill?, Montgomery County. His father is also William Rose. | Margitta Rose |
ROSS | Family | Litchfield, Herkimer County from 1800 - present | Sue Murphy |
ROSSMAN | Family | Mont. Co. ca. 1811-1850 | Kathy Brockway |
ROUGEOT | Eliza | res. Canajoharie 1892-1896; husband was Gerard C. Jones; Children: Ervin F., Sarah E., Cora M., Gerard, Clara, Ada B., Ida, William T., and Lillian; father, Cadet Rougeot from France, mother, Sarah Cooley from Ireland. Sarah later remarried to Ellery Brown of Rome, NY. | Kate Thomas |
ROUND(S) | Joseph Bonson | Winfield 1837-1892 | mrsflans |
ROWLAND | William | Lived in Duanesburg, Princeton & Russia, m. Sally "Sarah" Lanning. Moved to Warren County, PA. Father, also named William, was in War of 1812. | Mark Rowland |
ROWS / ---ROUSE | Wm. T and Benaijah Rows | appeared in Ontario in the late 1700's and early 1800's | Vernon Rows |
RUNIONS / ---RUNYUNS | BENJAMIN | St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., Mohawk Valley, N.Y., married German Flats, N.Y. 1782 | Ricahrd A. Sanford |
RUPERT / ---RUPORT / ---RUPPERT | and all spelling vars | Pre-1784 Stone Arabia area | Penny Minter |
RUSCO / ---RUSCOE / ---RESCO / ---ROSCOE | Esther b. 6-04-1805 Nelson b. 3-21-1807 Adam b.10-07-1809 | all b. Charleston, Montgomery, NY; Bennet Rusco listed in 1810 Census, spelled Roseo, Bennet | Jerry Gallitz |
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