For lack of a more appropriate place to post a happy event of the Richards family, at the end of the obits we're including a most interesting wedding announcement, as well John C.'s Declaration of Intent to apply for citizenship, and other items. Following the account of the elopement is a list of the first three generations of the prominent Richards family, some of whose obits are in this online collection. The families the Richard/Richards married into read like a "Who's Who" of the Mohawk Valley.
Martin August Richards (son of John C. and Henrietta [Fischer] Richards) born 3 Aug 1858, Caroga Twp, Fulton, NY. Died 1 Apr 1930, Little Falls, Herkimer, NY. Resided in Ohio Twp, Herkimer, NY 1862-65. Resided in Wilmurt Twp, Herkimer, NY circa 1865 - 1884. Resided in Little Falls, Herkimer, NY circa 1884 - 1930.
Little Falls Evening Times, Little Falls, Herkimer, NY - 1 Apr 1930
Dr. Richards' Death Ends an Active Life
Honored Citizen Succumbs to Heart Disease ----------
Had Been Ill for Some Weeks - Was for Years One of the City's Leading Dentists and a Citizen Who Took a Wholesome Interest in Civic Affairs - Was a Member of Board of Education at Time of His Death - Was a Graduate of Fairfield Seminary.
A man who had been prominently connected with the professional and civic life of this city the past 45 years, was removed by death this morning, when Dr. Martin A. Richards passed away at 8 o'clock at his home at 556 East Monroe street. Death came as a relief from a long period of suffering from heart trouble. For the past three years he had been ailing from disease, which became acute eight weeks ago. In the passing of Richards the city loses a man who represented the highest type of citizenship.
Dr. Richards was born near Gloversville August 3, 1858. His parents were the late John Richards and Henrietta Fischer Richards, substantial old residents, who raised a family of ten children. When Martin was very young, the family moved to Wilmurt, where his boyhood was spent. The father was a sturdy man who engaged in agriculture and in lumbering in Wilmurt and held various offices in the town, including that of supervisor.
At the age of 11, Martin set out to make his own way in the world, and as was the custom with ambitious boys of that day he worked on farms for his board, while he went to school in the winter, always with the purpose in mind of securing an education. After completing his studies in the district school, he went to Fairfield seminary and was later graduated from that institution. In the summers, he worked as a cheese maker to secure money with which to continue his studies. After graduating from the seminary, he taught several years in the Barto hill and Salisbury Corners school houses. Later he entered the Philadelphia Dental college, from which he was graduated in 1884.
After his graduation from the Philadelphia Dental college, Dr. Richards went to Herkimer, where he practiced his profession for a year, coming to this city in 1885, his parents previously moving to East Herkimer. Dr. Richards was a man who kept step with all advances in his profession. He was always a student, not only of dentistry, but in all the current activities of life.
For years his office was in the old Wheeler block, now owned by Charles T. Dasey. His devotion to his work resulted in an impairment of his health some years ago, compelling him to relinquish his practice. For a few years he engaged in outdoor work, which improved his physical condition to such an extent that he was able to resume his practice and he established his office in his home where he continued with a lucrative clientele.
The hardships and difficulties Dr. Richards surmounted in securing an education evidently instilled him with a desire to do what he could to promote the cause of learning. For over 20 years he was a member of the board of education, first having been elected and later serving by appointment. At the time of his death he was completing the first year of a six year term. Dr. Richards was an ardent Democrat always active in party affairs and was one of the former county leaders.
Dr. Richards was a man of exemplary character. Always a gentleman, he was considerate and fair in his dealings with others, as he was with his own family, to which he was a devoted husband and father. He was one of the oldest and most active members of the Methodist church and for years was one of its officers. He was also a member of the Little Falls Masonic lodge.
There survive his wife, who was Frances Brockett of Fairfield, whom he married September 14, 1881, and three children, Mabel E., A. Laura, and Allison M. Richards, all of this city; also a brother, Albert E. Richards of Springfield, Mass., and a sister Mrs. Mary Evans of East Herkimer. The funeral will be held form the home Thursday afternoon at 1:30. Rev. H. C. Campbell of the M. E. church will officiate and interment will be made in the cemetery at Salisbury.
Frances Sarah [Brockett] Richards (wife of Martin August Richards) born 9 Nov 1861, Salisbury Twp, Herkimer, NY. Died 8 Mar 1940, Little Falls, Herkimer, NY. Resided in Salisbury Twp, Herkimer, NY circa 1861-1885. Resided in Little Falls, Herkimer, NY circa 1885-1940.
Little Falls Evening Times, Little Falls, Herkimer, NY - 8 Mar 1940
Was Widow of Well Known Dentist - Attended Fairfield Seminary - Born in Salisbury.
Early this morning Mrs. Frances Sarah Richards fell into her final sleep at her home, 556 East Monroe street. She had been ailing from complications for some years. The death of Mrs. Richards marks the passing of a member of a fine old family of the town of Salisbury, where she was born on the 9th of November, 1861. Her parents were Leonard and Lydia Morse Brockett, Mrs. Brockett being from Norway. They owned a fine farm in that town, located on the crossroad leading from the Salisbury road to the Barto hill road. Mrs. Richards retained ownership of the old homestead, in which she took great pride. Her people were among the leading residents of the section, and were able to give their children a good education. Deceased was sent to the old Fairfield seminary, and there she met Martin A. Richards, son of a leading resident of the town of Wilmurt. Mr. Richards took a dental course and then married his schoolmate on the 14th of September, 1881, at Salisbury. They came here soon afterward, where Dr. Richards established a prosperous dental practice and became one of the best known and esteemed men of the city.
Mrs. Richards was a lady of refined tastes, modest and retiring. Her interests were in her home and in her church - the First Methodist of which she was a member for over half a century. Dr. Richards died on April 1st, 1930. There survive one son, Allison M. and two daughters, Laura, a well known musician, and Miss Mabel, city librarian. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at the convenience of the family, Rev. Wilbur Clark of the Methodist church officiating. Burial in the Salisbury Corners cemetery.
Friends will please omit flowers.
George D. Richards (son of John C. and Henrietta [Fischer] Richard) born Mar 1863, Ohio Twp, Herkimer, NY. Died 30 Oct 1926, near Gray, Herkimer, NY. Resided in Ohio Twp, Herkimer, NY circa 1863-1865. Resided in Wilmurt Twp, Herkimer, NY circa 1865-1892. Resided in East Herkimer, Herkimer, NY circa 1892-1926.
Little Falls Evening Times, Little Falls, Herkimer, NY - Nov 1926
George D. Richards, East Herkimer, a Heart Disease Victim in Town of Ohio.
Herkimer, Nov 1 - When George D. Richards, sturdy East Herkimer man, left home Saturday for a hunting trip he little realized that it was a case of going to his old home town to die, but such proved to be the case. In company with some friends Mr. Richards set out Saturday afternoon to comb the woods of the town of Ohio for deer. The party began their quest near Gray. Mr. Richards had not been out long before he complained of feeling faint. He lay down for a short time and soon passed away. Dr. Leeds of Poland, the nearest doctor, was summoned, but Mr. Richards had been dead some time before his arrival. Heart disease was the cause. Mr. Richards suffered from that ailment and did a hard day's work before going into the woods. Overexertion caused his death. Deceased was one of a large family of Mr. and Mrs. John Richards of Wilmurt, and was born in that town, now a part of Ohio, 63 years ago. When a young man he came to this village. He was a charter member of the Down and Out club and also held memberships in the Royal Arcanum and East Herkimer Fish and Game club. He is survived by his widow, one daughter and four sons; also by one sister, Mrs. Mary Evans, East Herkimer, and two brothers, Dr. Martin A. Richards, Little Falls and Albert E. Richards, Springfield, Mass. The funeral will be held at 2:30 Tuesday, Rev. Mr. Vruwink of Albany officiating. Interment in Oak Hill.
Henrietta [Richard] Hall (daughter of John C. and Henrietta [Fischer] Richard) born: 1867, Wilmurt Twp, Herkimer, NY. Died 16 Nov 1921, Herkimer, Herkimer, NY. Resided in Wilmurt Twp, Herkimer, NY circa 1867-1887. Resided in Herkimer, Herkimer, NY circa 1887-1921.
From a Herkimer, Herkimer, NY newspaper - 17 Nov 1921
Mrs. Judson Hall
Saturday morning at 7 o'clock death came to relieve the sufferings of Henrietta Richards, wife of Judson Hall of East Herkimer. Her death followed an illness of nine weeks, during which time she was confined to her bed, suffering from nervous shock, and at no time was there any hope of her recovery, simply a patient waiting for the end.
Surviving are her husband, Judson Hall, two sons, Albert Hall of Dayton, O., and Raymond Hall of Herkimer, two daughters, Mrs. Sidney Graham of Herkimer and Mrs. Henry Werthman of Columbia Center, four brothers, John M. and George D. Richards of Herkimer, Dr. M. A. Richards of Little Falls and Albert E. Richards of Springfield, MA and one sister Mrs. Mary Evans of East Herkimer. Funeral services will be held from her late home in East Herkimer Tuesday at 2 o'clock, Rv. W. D. Conklin officiating, interment in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Mabel Richards (daughter of Dr. Martin Richards and Frances [Brockett] Richards).
Born 13 Oct 1884, Herkimer, NY. Died 21 Jan 1974, Little Falls, NY.
Little Falls Evening Times, Little Falls, Herkimer, NY - 21 Jan 1974
Mabel Richards, Long-Time Librarian Here, Dies
Miss Mabel Richards, 89, most of whose long life was devoted to promoting the welfare and development of the Little Falls Public Library, died this morning in the Little Falls Hospital where she had been a patient in the Extended Care Facility for some time. She resided at 556 East Monroe Street, this city.
Miss Richards was instrumental in the establishment of the local library, having been identified with it from 1907 until her retirement several years ago.
The deceased was high school and grade school librarian as well as public librarian from 1907 until 1911, when the library was moved from the high school to its present location. She continued as grade school and public librarian until 1929, when the public schools initiated their own library system and she then served only as public librarian.
Miss Richards was a dedicated librarian and made it her goal to see that Little Falls had a well stocked and maintained library and that its readers, young and old, had access to good books.
The deceased was born in Herkimer on October 13, 1884, a daughter of Dr. Martin and Frances Brockett Richards and came to Little Falls as a child. She attended the local public schools and was graduated as librarian from Cornell University.
Her retirement as librarian was due to her health.
Miss Richards was a member of the United Methodist Church of Little Falls for over 50 years.
Surviving are four cousins.
The funeral will be conducted on Wednesday morning at 11 from the Newitt-Bly Funeral Home, 77 North Ann Street with the Rev. John H. Templeton, Jr. pastor of the local Methodist Church officiating. The remains will be placed in the vault in Salisbury Rural Cemetery to await interment in the family plot in that cemetery in the Spring.
Friends are invited to call at the Newitt-Bly Funeral home Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and attend the funeral on Wednesday.
Anna Laura Richards (daughter of Dr. Martin and Frances [Brockett] Richards). Born 23 Aug 1887, Little Falls, NY. Died 3 Sep 1972, Little Falls, NY.
Little Falls Evening Times, Little Falls, Herkimer, NY - Sep 1972
Laura Richards
Miss Laura Richards, 85, of 556 East Monroe Street, died Sunday morning in Little Falls Hospital, after a long illness.
She was born August 28, 1887, in Little Falls, daughter of Dr. Martin and Frances Brockett Richards, and was educated in local schools. She was a graduate of Syracuse University.
Miss Richards was organist for the United Methodist Chruch and later for the First Baptist Church for many years. She gave private piano lessons in her home and assisted her brother in the family business, Richards' Office Supply Store.
She was a member of the United Methodist Church, Astenrogen Chapter, DAR, and a former member of Rock City Chapter, Order of Eastern Star.
Surviving are a sister, Miss Mabel Richards, with whom she resided; and several cousins.
Funeral services were held today at 2 p.m. from the Newitt-Bly Funeral Home, 77 North Ann Street, with Rev. Frederick C. Thorne, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was made in the family plot in Salisbury Rural Cemetery.
Members of Astenrogen Chapter attended the funeral.
Allison M. Richards (son of Dr. Martin and Frances [Brockett] Richards). Born 16 Apr 1892, Little Falls, NY. Died 21 Jul 1963, Little Falls, NY.
Little Falls Evening Times, Little Falls, Herkimer, NY - Jul 1963
Allison M. Richards Succumbs at Age of 71
Allison M. Richards, 71, of RD1, Dolgeville, passed away in Little Falls Hospital Sunday. He suffered a respiratory attack at his home and was rushed to the hospital by his wife, but all efforts to save his life were futile.
Mr. Richards was born in Little Falls, April 16, 1892, the son of Dr. Martin A. and Frances Brockett Richards. He was graduated from the local public schools and from Syracuse College of Forestry of Syracuse University in the Class of 1917. After his graduation he was commissioned a lieutenant with the 20th engineers and served in France with the AEF, in World War I.
His marriage to Dorothy Burney took place in Little Falls in 1920. After their marriage they lived in Canada, where Mr. Richards was employed by various lumber companies. Later they moved to Albany where Mr. Richards was employed by a woodworking company. In 1930, Mr. Richards purchased the J. R. Newell Office Supply Company in Little Falls and re- named the company the A. M. Richards Supply Company. He was active in the management of the business until his retirement in 1957 at which time his wife took over its operation.
Mr. Richards was a member of American Legion Post No. 31, this city, and of Little Falls Masonic Lodge for over 40 years.
He also served at one time on the local Board of Education, to which he was named to fill the unexpired term of his father, the late Dr. M. A. Richards.
He was a member of the Audubon Society, the Defenders of Wild Life Society and the Humane Society of the United States. He manifested a keen interest in all wild life and with his wife established the Beaver Sprite Sanctuary, which has become internationally known.
Surviving, besides his wife, are two sisters, the Misses Laura and Mabel Richards, both of Little Falls and many cousins.
Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Newitt-Bly Funeral Home, 77 North Ann Street, with the Rev Arthur L. Rice, rector of the Emmanuel Episcopal Church, officiating.
Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday and for the service on Wednesday.
Little Falls Masonic Lodge will conduct ritualistic services Tuesday evening at 7:30.
Note: Allison M. Richards enlisted on 5 Dec 1917, Army 20th Eng., Forestry Division and was overseas from 15 Feb 1918 to 26 Jun 1919. He was a 2nd Lt, 13th C., 20th Engineers and was discharged 21 Jul 1919.
Wedding Announcement of Charles Edward Richard and Emma Chrisman. Charles Richard son of George Daniel and Mary Elizabeth [Lowell] Richard(s) was born 8 Aug 1886 in Wilmurt, NY and died 21 Jan 1933. At the time of his death he resided in East Herkimer, NY. Charles moved to Herkimer / East Herkimer with his family when he was a child.
From a Herkimer, Herkimer, NY newspaper
Undaunted by Hot and Cold Water, Caught Bride as She Leaped From Window and They Hurried Away and Had Knot Tied.
The modest announcement in The Telegram last night of the wedding yesterday of Charles Richards and Miss Emma Christman, well known young people of East Herkimer, as handed in by friends of the contracting parties, gave no intimation of the strenuous opposition which the couple met in getting married. While the bride was of marriageable age the mother had decided objections to the match and this though Mr. Richards was the tallest man in the county, about seven feet; which would have allowed him to have been helpful about the house in many ways impossible to the man of medium stature. The bride is a petite maiden of about five feet. The courtship was of short duration, about six weeks, so short that before the mother realized the drift of events the couple had plighted their troth, secured the necessary marriage license and set the day. The mother, however, did not yield easily and when the groom arrived at the appointed hour he was met with pails of cold water. Cold water, however, could not cool heated ardor of the young man and the mother remembering that disease is fought with something that begets the symptoms changed her course of medicine and met a second attempt with hot water. The groom drew off, but undaunted and seeing the choice of his heart at the window, beckoned to her to jump. Making a dash under the window he caught the bride as she leaped, gathered her in his arms and they were away to the minister, where they were quickly made one.
Their troubles, however, were not yet over.
Marriage certificate in hand they returned whither the bride had come, and sought the bride's trousseau, and defiance again from the mother met them. She would not give over the bride's clothes. Undaunted, they sought the aid of the sheriff's office, and when the mother learned of that action she quickly dispatched her son with the trunk and the clothes of the bride. Meanwhile the bride and groom had left for Inlet, in the Adirondacks, where the groom has a situation and where undoubtedly he and his bride will be cordially received.
First 3 generations, starting with John C. and Henriett S. [FISCHER] RICHARDS
John C. RICHARDS 1827 - 1899 m. Henrietta S. FISCHER 1835 - 1912
William Henry RICHARD 1853-1920 never married
Anna Elizabeth RICHARD 1854 - 1905 m. Henry LAWRENCE 1852 - 1914
Albert H. LAWRENCE 1874 - ? m. Elizabeth MAGUIRE 1874 - 1963
George LAWRENCE 1877 - 1959 m. Gertrude (?)
Mabel LAWRENCE 1886 - 1957 m. George BACON 1877 - 1930
Ralph LAWRENCE 1888 - 1968 m. Rhea CRIM
John Melchior RICHARD 1856 - 1922 m. Emily M. MAHEUX 1861 - 1938
William Oscar RICHARD 1881 - 1963 m. Eva VanHOUSEN (no issue) ? - 1918
2m. Ernestine WOLFE 1892 - 1985
Arthur RICHARD 1883-1892 never married
Nettie Alice RICHARD 1886-1972 m. C. Leroy YALE 1878 - 1935
Blanche Adele RICHARD 1891-1972 m. Harry HUMPHREY 1893 - 1975
Martin Albert RICHARDS 1858 - 1930 m. Frances BROCKETT 1861-1940
Mabel Edna RICHARDS 1884 - 1974 never married
Anna Laura RICHARDS 1887 - 1972 never married
Allison Martin RICHARDS 1892 - 1963 m. Dorothy BURNEY 1894 - 1985 (no
Christian D. RICHARDS 1860 - 1890 m. Mena BANDLOW 1860 - 1890
Lillian Viola RICHARDS 1885 - 1947 m. Everett NELSON ? - 1952
Clara May RICHARDS 1887 - 1963 m. Albert SNYDER
George Daniel RICHARDS 1863 - 1926 m. Mary Elizabeth Lowell 1865 - 1945
Charles Edward RICHARDS 1886 - 1933 m. Emma CHRISMAN 1889 - 1950
Frank L. RICHARDS 1888 - 1969 m. Hattie CHRISMAN c.1894 -?
Alice M. RICHARDS 1891 - c.1891 never married
Walter Raymond RICHARDS 1893 - 1974 m. Margaret CHRISMAN 1904 - 1985
Nellie Mae RICHARDS 1895 - 1969 m. William CHRISTMAN
[child] RICHARDS c.1895 - c.1895 never married
George D. RICHARDS 1901 - 1944 m. Margaret DEVINE
Henrietta C. RICHARDS 1867 - 1921 m. Judson HALL 1867 - 1948
Albert H. HALL c.1891 - 1958 m. Harriet (?)
Estella V. HALL 1892 - 1975 m. Sidney GRAHAM 1889 - 1926
[child] HALL c.1895 - c.1895 never married
Emily M. HALL 1896 -1958 m. Henry WERTHMAN 1886 - 1943
Raymond J. HALL 1898 -1970 m. Luella DINGMAN
Emma RICHARDS 1868 - c.1880 never married
Mary Catherine RICHARDS 1869 - 1948 m. William VanALSTYNE 1862 - 1901
2 m. Evan W. EVANS (no issue)
Frances Louise VanALSTYNE 1895 - 1991 m. Leslie HOFFMAN 1894 - 1951
James Richard VanALSTYNE 1897 - 1953 m. Hazel HOFFMAN 1897 - 1941
2m. Louise Rose RIVERS 1912 - ?
Arthur VanALSTYNE 1899 - 1899 never married
Albert Edward RICHARDS 1871 - 1937 m. Lulu WEBER
Vere Helene RICHARDS 1893 - 1984 m. Harry COUCH
Public office positions for John C. Richard and his children:
John C. Richard was supervisor of the Town of Wilmurt in 1873 and 1879-1880.
John M. Richard was supervisor of the Town of Wilmurt in 1883-1884, 1886-1887, and 1892.John M. Richard was sheriff for the county in 1903-1906 (Chester Gillette was arraigned 31 Aug 1906).
William Richard was supervisor of the Town of Wilmurt in 1899-1900, 1903-1904, 1914-1915.
Declaration of Intention for John C. Richard:
State of New York
Fulton County
Be it Remembered , That on this 30th day of April in the year of our Lord 1852 appeared Christian Richards an alien, a native of Germany but now a resident of the town of Caroga in the county of Fulton and State of New-York, aged about twenty four years came into the United States on or about the month of June in the year 1849 now declares and makes oath and says, that it is his bonafide intention to become a citizen of the United States, by being naturalized according to the acts of Congress, and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any and very foreign Prince, Potentate, State and Sovereignty whatever, and particularly to the Emperor of Austria & Government of Germany, of whom he is now or was formally a subject.
Sworn this 30th day of April AD 1852
Before me
Peter W Plantz Clerk of Fulton County
(signed in old German script) Christian Riecherd
Note: John C. Richards was born Johan Christian Reicherd, son of Jacob of what is now Idar-Oberstein, Germany. While living in Fulton county he called himself Christian Richard, and upon moving to Ohio Twp, Herkimer county he changed it to John C. His tombstone in Oak Hill Cemetery, Herkimer, NY confirms the German spelling of his last name as Reicherd.
On 25 Feb 1890 the following two articles were in the Little Falls, The Journal & Courier:
- Mrs. C. D. Richards is very sick.
- There was quite a breakdown at Richard Brothers mill, last week. In sawing a large log, the log turned and broke the large circular saw and some castings. Damage $150.
Note: Mrs C. D. Richards is Mena [Bandlow] Richards' wife of Christian. Christian was a son of John C. and Henrietta [Fischer] Richards. Also, I've been told by an older family member that the circular saw at the Richard Brothers mill was the first of its type in the area. John M. Richards is said to have been very progressive in his business practices.
On 4 Mar 1890 the following two articles were in the Little Falls, The Journal & Courier:
- Richard Bros Saw Mill is now repaired and running with full force.
- We regret to announce that Mrs. C. D. Richards, who was reported sick last week, died Friday morning, aged 25 years. Mrs. Richards' relatives of Gloversville, arrived in time to see her before she died. She leaves two small children, the oldest about four years old. Funeral services were held at the home. The remains were taken to Ohio for interment. Mr. Richards is very sick with erysipelas. He can not leave his bed.
Note: Mena's husband, Christian Richards, died the day before this article was published. Their two daughters were then raised by Christian's parents, John C. and Henrietta [Fischer] Richards. The gravestones of Christian and Mena in the cemetery across from the church in Ohio City have the following inscriptions:
Mena wife of C. D. Richard 7/27/1861 - 2/28/1890
A precious one from us has gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our home
which never can be filled
C. D. Richard 7/27/1860 - 3/3/1890
God in his wisdom has recalled
the boon his hand had given
and though the body molders here
the soul is safe in heaven
Our appreciation for the large and valuable collection of Richard/Richards obituaries and other items goes to Lisa Slaski, whose Mohawk Valley roots emcompass both of our counties.
"I have been researching my family in NY for 8 years, and was lucky enough to have lived in the area for the first 4 years. My roots in Herkimer stem back to Basilo BENNET(T) (1809-?) and his wife Josephine GIRARD (1799-1864) of Hamilton Co., and Ohio City, Eugene MAHEUX (1832-?) and his wife Adell BENNET(T) (1836-1902) of Hamilton Co., and Wilmurt Corners, John C. RICHARD(S) (1827-1899) and his wife Henrietta FIS(C)HER (1835-1912) of Fulton Co., and Ohio City, Wilmurt Corners and East Herkimer. Other connected names for which I have some information include HALL and PARTELLO. My roots in Montgomery stem back to Conrad MINCH (1832-1894) and his wife Susanna LEHR (1834-1886) of Mill Point and Fort Hunter, Henry A. HORSTMAN(N) (1861-1898) and his wife Anna C. MINCH (1870-1894) of Fort Hunter, Christian L. THIELKING (1861-1940) and his wife Caroline M. GERLING (1862-1946) of Amsterdam, and Henry GERLING (1839-1916) and Katharine MEYERS (1840-1930) of Amsterdam. Other connected names for which I have some information include BOBILIN. There are many descendants of the RICHARD(S) line still living in the Herkimer area and many descendants of the MINCH line living in the Fort Hunter/Amsterdam area."
Back to Richard/Richards Obits Part 1
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Back to Herkimer/Montgomery Counties Obituaries Bulletin Board Part 3