January 1, 1890

Contributed by Lisa Slaski

Vital records and newsy tidbits from one issue of the Herkimer Democrat. Marriages from this number are posted in Part 3 of our Marriage Notices files.


Faville -- in Rochester, NY, December 3, 1889, Asa Faville, a native of Herkimer county, aged 87 years.

Faville -- In Lake Mills, Wisconsin, December 9, 1889, Elijah Faville formerly of Manheim, this county, aged 73 years.

Dockstater -- In Newville, December 18, 1889, of consumption, Mrs. Sarah C. Dockstater, aged 48 years.

Quackenbush -- In Mohawk, December 18, 1889, Blanche, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Quackenbush, in the 10th year of her age.


-- Quite a good many are sick with "The Grip."

-- Wm. Ransom is home for a week from Dolgeville.

-- Mr. and Mrs. B. Harter spent Christmas at her father's.

-- Mrs. Kane picked a bunch of pansies in her garden, on Christmas day.

-- Alonzo Mather, of Chicago, visited his father, Dr. Wm. Mather, last week.

-- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lambertson, of Herkimer, spent Christmas at his father's.

-- Clarence Rice is spending the holidays with his sister, Mrs. Van Auken, of Utica.

-- Charley Moody is to move in D. C. Reese's house, and Mr. Davin in the Burns house.

-- Miss Winona Pierce, of Mohawk, will spend a few days this week with her cousin, Mrs. Morris Hendrix.

-- Mrs. Geo. Parkinson, is spending a few days with her brother, Rev. Eugene Wiseman, of Rock City Falls.

-- We had quite a snow storm last week Tuesday, with high winds which did some damage blowing down trees, and two chimneys on the Seminary, and doing other damage.


-- Mrs. Adam Miller, of New York is visiting relatives and friends in town.

-- Mrs. Hugh O. Jones is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Maria Benson, of Albany.

-- Mrs. George Lloyd and children of Rome are spending a few days at D. R. Lloyd's.

-- Our rifle club will have a turkey shoot on their grounds to-morrow, New Year's Day.

-- Mrs. E. B. Fairchild has for her guest her brother, Bert Belding, of Fairfield Seminary.

-- Fred Smith is home from Pennsylvania University spending a few days with his parents.

-- Mr. Edward Blakeley has his new house on Litchfield street nearly completed and will ere long occupy it.

-- Among those who are home to spend the holiday vacation are Chas. and Will Shaw, of Rochester University.

-- Among those who spent Christmas in our village were Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin, of Ilion, and Rev. J. R. Shaw.

-- Christmas exercises at the different churches passed on very pleasantly and the little ones were made happy with candy, oranges, etc. Indeed, the older ones did not seem very sorrowful but enjoyed the occasion quite as much as did the children.

-- The following have been visitors in our village during the past few days: Mrs. E. B. Whitcomb, of Syracuse, at Counselor Dingman's; Will Babcock, of Philadelphia, at L. Ausman's; George L. Martin, of Salt Lake City, at Horace Barber's and Misses Rachel McConnell and Gertie Shipman, of Little Falls, at Mrs. A. Ballda's.

-- Quite a number of our people went out of town to eat Christmas turkey. A. V. Joslin and family spent the day in Utica with his mother and sisters' Mrs. and Mrs. A. L. Ashley and daughter went to Clark's Mills and passed the time with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Travis visited his people, at Canastota; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hawkins spent the day with friends in Utica.

-- On Monday of last week death again entered our village and took from our midst Milo Seaman. Deceased had been ill about three weeks but it was thought he was some better until just before the final hour. He was thirty-four years old and leaves a wife and one child, a girl, aged eleven years. The funeral occurred at his late residence on Thursday at two P.M. Rev. R. J. Smith, of New Hartford, officiated, being assisted by Rev. J. L. Humphrey. The wife has the sympathy of many friends in her bereavement.

Gravesville (Town of Russia)

Gravesville School

The average standing of the pupils of the Gravesville school for the term ending December 20, 1889, in the branches of Reading, Spelling, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, history, and Physiology, is as follows:

Roscoe Jenkins, 90; Anna Evans, 85; Carrie Evans, 88; Lydia Evans, 88; Thomas Lloyd, 95; Willie Lloyd, 93; Winnie Bowie, 87; J. Garfield Lloyd, 95; Millard Jencks, 78-1/2; Arthur Jencks, 82; Louie Frederick, 85; Howard Moon, 89; Willie Bowie, 93; Wallace Bowie, 76; Ida Bowie, 79; Etta Clemens, 80; Allie Frederick, 76; Arthur Clemens, 70; Ida Coonradt, 70; John Evans, 83-1/2. The average daily attendance, 19. M. S. Cruikshank, Teacher.


Local Matters

Welcome 1890

Ring out the grief that saps the mind,
For those that here we see no more;
Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
Ring in redress to all mankind.

Ring out a slowly dying cause,
And ancient forms of party strife;
Ring in the nobler modes of life,
With sweeter manners, purer laws.

Ring out false pride in place and blood,
The civic slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good.


-- The Ilion Union School will reopen January 2d, 1890.

-- Geo. W. Weaver, of Rochester, recently visited in Ilion.

-- Bert Rasbach came home from New York to spend the holidays.

-- Miss Minnie Morgan spent the holiday vacation at her home, in Ilion.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gray have been spending some days in New York.

-- Mr. and Mrs. J. Brophy, of Albany, spent Christmas with Ilion friends.

-- Mrs. S. G. Jones, of Haccketsstown, N.J., spent Christmas at S. T. Russell's.

-- The Ilion Building and Loan Association continues to increase its membership.

-- Dr. E. A. Trowbridge, of Danville, Pa., has been spending some days in town.

-- The members of the Y.M.C.A. will hold a reception, at their room, New Year's night.

-- The week of prayer will be observed by our Churches, commencing next Monday evening.

-- Many people who could not have a Christmas tree of their own, enjoyed looking at the beautiful one in W. W. Smith's show window.

-- The members of the St. Augustine society enjoyed a Christmas tree at their Church, last Saturday evening.

-- Senator W. C. Squire and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Furman, of New York, have been spending some days with Mrs. P. Remington.

-- The grand ball and reception, for which the boys of Ilion's Hook and Ladder Company, No. E, have been devoting their energies for weeks past, took place last Friday evening. The appearance of the Opera House had been changed from that of a plain hall to a lovely parlor. The seats had been removed from the lower floor, and by the graceful arrangement of cut flowers, potted plants, pictures, curtains and elegant furniture, the transformation was highly satisfactory. The ball was preceded by a concert by the Koehl & Perkins Orchestra, of Utica. The attendance was very large, many guests being present from out of town. The banquet was spread in Rechabite Hall, provided by caterer Owens, of Utica.

Little Falls

-- Peter Casler & Company are erecting a new building on the South side near their sawmill for the manufacture of Cross' patent adjustable baby chair, for which there seems to be a big demand in the market. The building is 46 x 22 feet and two stories high.

Local Gossip and Home Items

-- Station Agent Filhour is quite sick.

-- "Wages of Sin" should have a full house.

-- The Legislature convenes on Tuesday next.

-- Now for the new resolutions, and to keep them.

-- Be sure and secure your seats early for "Wages of Sin."

-- To-day make it a Happy New Year for at least some poor soul.

-- Frank Heyer lost one of his large handsome draft horses last week.

-- January 6, 1890, "Wages of Sin" at the Grand Opera House.

-- Dr. T. A. Hoard spent the holidays with his family in this village.

-- The Kappa Gamma Chi Society has purchased a fine upright piano.

-- "Wages of Sin," at the Grand Opera House, Monday evening.

-- Dentist H. H. Longstaff spent Christmas with his father in Newport.

-- Major C. B. Cotten is at Clover Cottage with his family for the holidays.

-- Don't fail to witness "Wages of Sin," next Monday evening, January 6.

-- Fort Dayton Steamer Co. will keep open house to-day to their friends.

-- The Mark & Marsh Knitting Mills commenced operations again Monday.

-- Each week hereafter in our insert will be published Dr. Talmage's sermons.

-- Small Bros. will open their store, corner King street and Eastern Ave., Monday next.

-- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hopkins, of Saginaw, Mich., and Miss Williams spent Sunday in town.

-- "Have you got 'The Grip'?" does not mean "Do you belong to any particular lodge?"

-- Perhaps it's unavoidable in his calling, but the blacksmith seems bound to make a felloe tired.

-- One peculiarity of kissing is that when a fellow gets a smack he generally wants a whole squadron.

-- The Post office will be open to-day from 7 to 9 and 11 to 12 in the morning, and 4 to 5 in the afternoon.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Folts and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Folts leave soon for Florida, to spend the winter.

-- Reformed Church Christmas tree and childrens' services at the church this (Wednesday) evening.

-- Rev. Mr. Fisher, of Canton, will preach in the Universalist Church next Sunday morning and evening.

-- To our correspondents and subscribers we send greeting and our best wishes for a Happy New Year.

-- The Hubbard House serves a New Year's dinner from 12 to 6 p.m. See advertisement in another column.

-- Friday evening Robert L. Wright District Deputy of New York, visited Perfection Lodge, F.& A.M., at this place.

-- Among those home to spend the Holidays, are Misses Alice Churchill, Bertha Munger and LaMott Devendorf.

-- Rev. E. J. Richter, pastor of the German Trinity Church, Christmas, received a gift from his congregation, of $20.

-- County Judge Eugene E. Sheldon, assumes the duties of his office to-day. A Happy New Year to you, Judge.

-- There is no scorn like that which is uttered in silence. The shears gives the most effective cut when it shuts up.

-- On Saturday evening Christ Church Sunday School and the choir boys enjoyed a festival and supper in their honor.

-- The young men of Herkimer will give an informal hop at Fox Opera House Wednesday evening. Concert from 8:30 to 9.

-- A Christmas tree was enjoyed at the residence of Joseph Palmer last Wednesday evening. Only relatives were present.

-- How anxious the republican politicians and newspapers are to name the successor to John F. Thomas. "Wonder if they will?"

-- The Choir Boys of the Episcopal church, went to Mohawk, Tuesday evening. They were dined after service at the residence of H. D. Alexander.

-- Mrs. H. P. Burrill has received a check for $3,000, the amount her late husband was insured for in the Lodge of United Friends, in this village.

-- The bar of Herkimer county will on Thursday, Jan. 9, tender to Judge Rollin H. Smith a banquet and reception, at the Allman House, in this village.

-- After Jan. 1, E. A. Brown will make Dolgeville his residence. Our citizens regret their loss, but congratulate the citizens of Dolgeville upon their gain.

-- Chief of Police Wilson has been confined to the house several days with "The Grip." He says if you want to know what it is, let it get hold of you.

-- Mrs. Warner Miller will be at home to her many friends from 4 to 8 o'clock Friday afternoon. In the evening there will be a reception for the young people.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Smith C. Harter celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Thursday evening, at which time they entertained quite a number of relatives.

-- Prof. H. B. Farmer is the guest of O. G. Stearns. Mr. Farmer was born in this town some 40 years ago and is principal of the Normal School at Tempe, Arizona.

-- W. H. Fox, collector of town and county and State taxes will sit at the Herkimer Bank, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for thirty days, for the purpose of receiving taxes at one per cent.

-- On Thursday the mother of H. W. McKenzie died at her home in Vermont. The funeral, with that of his brother, was held Saturday. Much sympathy is expressed in his double bereavement.

-- The business to be transacted at the annual meeting of Fort Dayton Steamer, including election of officers, will be concluded to-morrow, Thursday evening. The attendance of all members is requested.

-- H. Wallace McKenzie was summoned to his home in Vermont Friday to attend the funeral of his brother whose death was quite sudden and unexpected. His many friends extend their sympathy.

-- The heavy wind storm, of last week, done considerable damage in town. At the residence of Mrs. M. E. Thomson the skylight was seriously damaged, and three chimneys on the Opera House block were blown down.

-- The Broom manufacturer's association of the Mohawk Valley, at a meeting held at Amsterdam, has agreed to advance the price of all brooms 25 per cent., on account of the recent rise in the price of broom corn stock.

-- Salt put in water which surrounds the ordinary glue pot causes a hotter glue to be obtained than where simple water is used. Salt in the water, where mason work is being done in cold weather, prevents disintegration by frost.

-- Postal clerk, Jacob M. Smith, was severely injured about the back, while assisting in handling the heavy mails. He was in the act of pulling a pouch from under a pile of others when the strap broke and let him back against a table with great force.

-- John B. Read and Mrs. Emma Wheeler, of Poland, were united in marriage at the residence of Charles Serviss in this village, Tuesday evening, December 24. The ceremony was performed by Dr. I. S. Bingham, in the presence of a few invited friends.

-- The monthly session of the Farmers' institute was held Saturday at the Court House. A paper on Cheese Making was read by George A. Smith; Abram Devendorf read a paper on Food for the Dairy; W. E. Kay on Home Life for the Farmer. There were a goodly number present.

-- Miss Pauline Mark, on Friday and Tuesday evenings, entertained her young friends at the residence of her parents, corner of Church and Prospect streets. The evenings' entertainments consisted of a Soap Bubble contest, which was very amusing and exciting. A handsome collation was served.

-- "La Grippe" is the name given to the Russian influenza which has been so prevalent across the water and is now becoming an epidemic in many of the large cities. It is termed here "The Grip." It is equivalent to a severe cold and should be treated as such. It is proving fatal to quite a large extent among the old and young. So it stands all in hand who have a severe cold to take care of themselves.

-- Miss Lotta Warburton entertained quite a number of her young friends with a watch party New Year's Eve.

-- It is understood that Byron Morris will be appointed Court Crier and that Geo. H. Bunce will be Surrogate's clerk after Jan. 1st. Mr. Bunce is from the town of Ohio, and has for some time past been studying law in this village with E. A. Brown. He is a young man well liked by his associates, and will fill the position to the complete satisfaction of all.

-- At the annual election of Excelsior Hook and Ladder Company held at their rooms Thursday evening the following officers were elected: President, John D. Moore; vice-president, Zenas B. Smith; secretary, Matthew Flood; financial secretary, George Rich; foreman, Wm. Witherstine; 1st assistant, Thomas Burnes; 2nd assistant, John Willis; directors, Charles C. Spinner, John D. Moore, Flix Hellenick, George Rich.

-- Geo. T. Horton, of Rochester, Minn., a D.K.E. Freshman ant Troy Polytechnic, is spending his Christmas vacation with Hon. J. D. Henderson, of this village. Mr. Henderson and the young man's father, Horace E. Horton, were old school-fellows at Fairfield. The son is tall and looks very much as his father did when a boy. The Horton family left Norway about 30 years ago. We remember Hiram T. Horton as the Supervisor of Norway years ago.

-- The contract for printing the town accounts will probably not be let until after the first of January, at which time the republicans will have control of the board, C. W. Prescott succeeding T. C. Murray. In order to save the town a few dollars, the board has had no less than four meetings, at an expense of about $50.00, Wm. Helmer voting each time with the republicans, thereby making the vote a tie. The board advertised to receive sealed proposals - the RECORD putting in a bid at $39.99 cents and the CITIZEN one a little less. The DEMOCRAT did not put in any bid. It is rumored among members of the Board that the RECORD's bid was tampered with or examined before it was opened by the Board and at a meeting Saturday evening, after it was impossible to come to an agreement, they voted down a proposal to let it to the DEMOCRAT for $40.00, Mr. Helmer voting in the negative. There will be at least one or more meetings yet before the matter is settled, but not until after the republicans secure control of the board. In any event their action has not been a matter of economy, for the tax-payers are the losers.


-- John Fitzsimmons is in town.

-- Mrs. Ray Sweet is much better.

-- Mary Erwin has returned home.

-- Miss Lena Clark is home on a vacation.

-- Miss Mary Ford spent Xmas with her parents of this place.

-- John Mumford has been quite sick, but is now able to be out again.

-- Prof. and Mrs. A. B. Crim attended the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. Crim's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Crim, of Cedarville, the 27th.

-- The Methodist Society have erected a new bell on their church bearing the following description "First M. E. Church, of Middleville, Xmas, 1889. 'He that heareth, says come'."

Miller's Mills

-- Mr. Peter Freeman, of Utica, is visiting at W. D. Gorsline's.

-- Wm. Knight, of Jefferson county, is visiting friends and relatives here.

-- Dea. D. G. Young, who has been a great sufferer for the last two years, is no better.

-- Miss Eva Crim, who is spending the winter in West Winfield, was home over Sunday.

-- We were treated to a thunder shower last Thursday morning - quite a rarity for this time of year.

-- The Christmas tree, like apple trees in this vicinity this year, was not heavily loaded. The chair for Rev. Mr. Scoby was very nice, and the one for Mrs. Olden Miller, the organist, was a beauty, and very thankfully received.


-- Good bye to 1889.

-- A Happy New Year to all.

-- School opens next Monday.

-- Ernest Rafter is home from Fairfield.

-- Charles Brown is quite sick, at Baldwinsville.

-- Si Plunkard drew a crowd from here Thursday evening.

-- Mr. Norman Warren, of Illinois, is visiting at A. R. Warren's.

-- Rev. Mr. Davis occupied the pulpit at the M. E. Church, Sunday last.

-- Will Landt is manager of the Western Union telegraph office here.

-- Morris Clark, of Pennsylvania, is the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler.

-- Miss Claribel Rich, of Hornellsville, is home to spend the holiday season.

-- Quite a number from here lose large sums of money through "Nick" Shoemaker.

-- All that attended the Firemen's party at Ilion, last week, report a grand time.

-- The musical, given by Miss Clara Coe, Christmas night, was a very pleasant affair.

-- Miss May Ranney entertained quite a number of young people Christmas night.

-- The Firemen's party held Christmas Eve was a very pleasant party, and a success financially.

-- Frank Darke, of Middleville, has moved in one of Artemus Hammond's houses, on Michigan street.

-- Drs. Fox and Rasbach removed a large tumor from the shoulder of Emery Hammond, last week.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, of Paine's Hollow, are soon to take up their abode at Ilion, on West street.

-- Mr. B. A. Stone entertained his parents and his two brothers and their families, during the past week.

-- There was a new arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Getman, last week. The little one thinks of staying with them some time.

-- Christmas passed very quietly. The different Churches had their usual festivities; the R. D. Church a tree, and the M. E. Church a cottage and fire-place.

-- At this writing among those on the sick list are Rev. G. W. Wood, Dr. D. P. Van Court, Eugene Ingalls, John Hull, John McChesney, Roland Wightman, Daniel Rulison, Mrs. A. W. Haslehurst, Mrs. J. C. Morgan, Mrs. A. L. Cline.

Paine's Hollow

-- Our road Commissioner, Geo. VanSlyke, is on the sick list.

-- Willis Crim is enjoying a two week's stay at home from Ilion Academy.

-- Arthur Ackley is having a two week's vacation from Fairfield Seminary.

-- George Guyer and wife spent a few days at his father's, Mr. Jacob Guyer.

-- James Krum and family have returned to his mother's to spend the winter.

-- Mrs. Rolla Vrooman returned home last Friday from a visit in Western New York.

-- The enterprising people of Shoemaker Hill made a success as usual in their Christmas festival.

-- Rolla Vrooman had a horse badly hurt by barbed-wire. It nearly bled to death before it could be stopped.

-- The entertainment on Christmas Eve was a success, with small attendance, owing to the inclemency of the weather.

-- Mrs. George Freese who returned to Michigan last Monday, has been spending a few weeks at her childhood's home.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bridenbecker, Mr. and Mrs. Sheaf and Mrs. C. Yule of Frankfort, are with Mrs. Delos Swift, who is quite ill.

-- Ed Davis will move to Ilion the first of this month. He is employed by the Type Writing Company. Mr. and Mrs. D. will be greatly missed in this community.

-- The lively wind last Thursday done some heavy work in the line of tearing down fences, uprooting trees. It is said it unroofed a part of Lewis McCready's barn.

-- Mr. Conrad who has successfully run this cheese factory for several years, desires to sell it, having sold a great portion of his household effects at public auction on Saturday last.

-- Richard Richards has bought out the heirs of the Benedict estate and will make that his future home. We congratulate ourselves upon having Mr. and Mrs. Richards as our future neighbors.

-- We are sorry to hear as facts develop in the Shoemaker failure that so many honest hard working people through this valley and on the surrounding hills are victims. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. S. and family.

South Columbia

-- Prof. Watkins' singing class will meet on Friday evening of this week.

-- Miss Minnie Briggs who is the first victim to the prevailing epidemic is some better.

-- W. E. Hoffman has leased his saw mill and cheese box factory to James Colyer.

-- J. H. Cress has gone to St. Johnsville to prepare plans and specifications for farm buildings.

-- The home circle at Mr. Marks Grants is complete by the presence of Marks, Jr., of Syracuse, during the holiday week.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Zoller are entertaining their daughters, Mrs. Lottie Wilkinson, of Utica, and Miss Franc Zoller, of Frankfort.

-- We were Treated to the rather unusual occurrence of a December thunderstorm last Thursday; a few telegraph poles proved a source of attraction.

-- Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Hatch had a decidedly unpleasant experience returning from Richfield one of the recent dark evenings. The horse in the darkness became entangled in the telephone wires which were down and across the road. No serious damage was done except to the wagon, which had to be left, and neighbors called up a substitute procured for the remainder of the journey.

Van Hornesville

-- Mrs. Dr. Potter is visiting friends in New Jersey.

-- Miss Daisy Elston is visiting at Springfield Center.

-- Jacob Bessey, of Hamilton, Canada, is visiting at T. H. Land's.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Clark Miller, of Gloversville, are visiting friends in town.

-- Mrs. Johnson, of Cooperstown, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Winslow, last week.

-- The Christmas supper given by the M. E. society to the Sunday School was partaken of by 109 persons, half of them being children of the Sunday School.

-- The Good Templars will give a supper at their room Friday evening to celebrate their first anniversary. All of the members are requested to be present.

-- During the high winds of last week the house of Loadwick Springer was unroofed and also a great deal of fence was blown down in the neighborhood.

-- Remember the entertainment to be given by the Amsterdam Glee Club under the auspices of the Good Templar's Lodge next Wednesday evening, January 8th, at Springfield Center, and at Tunnicliff Hall, at this place, the following evening.

"West Neighborhood - listed after Mohawk"

-- Mr. Morgan Case is very ill, and not expected to recover.

-- Miss Hattie Hickland, of Grant, is visiting friends in this location.

-- Mr. E. Grant Fenner, of Fairfield, has purchased a team of colts of F. M. Helmer.

-- Mrs. S. M. Halsted spent Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Wheeler, at Herkimer.

-- Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Fenner, of Fairfield, spent Christmas with Mrs. Fenner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Cristman.

-- The young people of this neighborhood gave a surprise party on Christmas eve, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Helmer. All report a very pleasant time.

-- On Christmas night, at the residence of Mr. Simon Kast occurred the marriage of his daughter, Elvay, and Mr. Bertrand Maxfield, of Herkimer, Rev. H. M. Cox officiating. Congratulations.

West Winfield

-- Mrs. Lyman Smith, of Ithaca, is visiting friends in town.

-- It is reported on the street that B. S. Davis, of Ilion, is to move back here.

-- Joel Wadsworth is home from Cornell University with his Japanese friend.

-- The Wheeler family spent Christmas with John O. Wheeler in Lenardsville.

-- Mrs. C. E. Tubbs, of Fulton, N.Y., is a guest at Dr. Downing's, during the holidays.

-- The M. E. Sunday School had an oyster supper in the church parlors on Christmas Eve.

-- The Congregational Society gave an entertainment Christmas Eve, with a Suspension Bridge full of gifts for the Sunday School scholars.


Killeen -- In Little Falls, December 27, 1889, of diphtheria, Miss Dollie E. Killeen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Killeen, aged 12 years and 5 months.

Baum -- In Little Falls, December 25, 1889 of diphtheria, Katalena, daughter of Henry F. and Sophronia Baum, aged 10 years and 11 months.

Bowen -- In Little Falls, NY, December 21, 1889, Elizabeth, wife of Asa Bowen, aged 41 years.

Coffin - In North Ilion, December 20, 1889, Edward C. Coffin, aged 77 years, 9 months and 3 days.

Paul -- In Little Falls, December 18, 1889, of diphtheria, Miss Lena Paul, aged 8 years and 6 months.

IMPORTANT: The site coordinators have no information about any of the persons or events listed above, and are unable to assist you with your research in any way. We thank you in advance for your refraining from emailing us and directing ALL questions to the local historical societies. All spellings are typed exactly as printed in the original 1890 newspaper and, for historical accuracy, will not be changed.

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Created 1/15/06
Copyright © 2006 Lisa Slaski
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