Miscellaneous News from Old Newspapers

Herkimer County, NY

new 11/27/16   From the Utica Herald-Dispatch, March 23, 1904

Little Falls, March 23-

Miss Ella Cody of this city left today for Wheeling, W. Va., where she will enter the convent of the Sisters of Visitation and study to become a nun.

Mrs. Gustav Freygang left last night for Los Angeles, Cal., to join her husband. Mr. Freygang is the superintendent of the new Dolge felt shoe industries on the Pacific Coast. They will make their future home there. Continental Limited West Shore No. 1 was stopped in this city for her accommodation.

new 11/27/16   From the Journal Courier, Little Falls NY, December 24, 1889

Little Falls Grange.

A grange of the Patrons of Husbandry was organized at the rooms of the Royal Arcanum, in this village, yesterday afternoon, by C. D. Monroe, of Waterville, N.Y. The grange starts off with twenty-seven charter members and with the prospect that many more will soon join it.

Officers were elected as follows: Master, R. Irving Davis; Overseer, Geo. Markell; Secretary, A. X. Willard; Lecturer, Harvey Rankins; Steward, Irving Eaton; Asst. Steward, L. G. Rankins; Lady Asst. Steward, Mrs. L. G. Rankins; Chaplain, S. Garline; Treasurer, ___ H. Seeber; Gate Keeper, Willard Keller; Pomona, Mrs. Willard Keller; Flora, Mrs. Geo. Markell; Ceres, Mrs. Irving Eaton.

Suitable rooms will be secured and meetings held regularly.


C.H. Timmerman of Buffalo, is spending the holidays with his father in this village.

N. R. Gilbert of Columbia Law School, is spending the holidays at his home in this village.

Mrs. E. S. Snell, of Lamont, Wyoming county, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nicholas Woolever, in Dolgeville.

Miss Loretta Douglas, preceptress of the Stamford Academy, is spending the holiday vacation at her home here.

George L. Smith returned to Little Falls yesterday with his bride, and many and hearty are the congratulations extended.

James H. Schuyler, of Numica, Mich., formerly of Danube, is visiting his old friend and schoolmate, Charles A. Van Valkenburgh, in this village.

Lelia, the ten-year-old daughter of D. P. Lepper, who has been very ill of pneumonia, is recovering. A younger daughter, Gertie, is suffering from the same complaint.

P. J. Casler has returned from Tacoma, Washingston, the newly made state, where he purchased real estate to the amount of $14,000.

G. G. Crowley, who for several years past has served as superintendent of the Warrior Mower Works, in this village, has tendered his resignation and accepted a similar position of the Johnston Harvester Works, of Batavia, at an increased salary. He will probably enter upon the duties of his new position about the first of January. During his residence here Mr. Crowley has won many friends who will sincerely regret his departure. As a mechanic he has few superiors, and will prove a valuable man to the Johnston company.

Among the students attending school elsewhere, who are home for the holidays are the following:- Miss Grace Stebbins, Bradford academy; Misses Maude and Sybil Petrie, Houghton seminary; Miss Cora Waite, St. Agnes; Miss Decker, Clinton Liberal Institute; Herbert Evans and Albert Evans, Williams college; Fred. C. Phillips and Harry Golden, Cornell University; Silas and Frank Feeter, Phillips academy; Loomis Burrell, Montague Burrell, David Burrell and J. Cooper Stebbins, Pennsylvania military academy; Chauncey Lamb and Arnold Nelson, Manlius military academy; Fred. H. Decker, Clinton Liberal Institute; Colfax Arnold, Fred. Bellinger and Fred. Abbott, of Fairfield; James W. Collins, Niagara university; Wm. Gardinier, Cornell University; Irving Gardiner, Madison University.

Surrogate's Court.

In the matter of personal estate of Elisha F. Beals, late of Winfield, deceased, S. E. Downing and M. E. Beals were appointed administratrices. Bond filed in $600.

In the matter of the personal estate of Jonas Walrath, deceased, late of Danube, John B. Greene was appointed administrator. Bond filed in $6,000.

In the matter of the personal estate of Henry Gray, deceased, late of Ilion, Catherine Gray was appointed administratrix.

The will of Albert J. Canedy, deceased, late of Herkimer, was admitted to probate and letters testamentary thereon issued to Mary E. Canedy.

In the matter of the estate of Betsey Ann Bronner, late of German Flatts, letters of administration with will annexed were issued to John Bronner and James H. Bellinger.

Citations were issued for the probate of the will of Sarah Hanes, deceased, late of Columbia, returnable February 10, 1890.

The accounting of the administrator of the estate of Calista E. Potter, late of Stark, was adjourned to December 23.

Will D. Helmer, commonly called "Buck," left for Newark, Ohio, Tuesday, 17th inst., to assume the duty of forman (sic) of the job department in the "Newark American" office, to which he has been called. "Buck" is a thorough printer and a good fellow.We wish him the best luck immaginable (sic).

The annual communication of Herkimer Lodge, No. 423, F. & A.M., was held at the lodge room Wednesday evening, 18th inst. The following officers were elected: Henry Trenbeth, W.M.; Jerome F. Sheaf, S.W.; A. B. Klock, J. W.; Wm. B. Howell, treasurer; Frank Trenbeth, secretary; Will I. Tabor, S. D.; C. C. Pierce, J.D.; Jackson Smith, S.M.C.; Wm. Goodall, I.M.C.; S. Willard Lints, organist; Wm. C. Prescott, chaplain; Chas. R. Helmer, marshall; Chas. H. Warburton, tiler; Henry Trenbeth, Jerome F. Sheaf, A. B. Klock, trustees. The officers will be installed at the next regular meeting, Jan. 1, 1890. This Tuesday evening the first will be worked.

The election of officers for the German church, was held Tuesday, 17th inst., with the following results: Truestees: Louis Turner, Samuel Berger, A. YOung, Elder Richard Lohman.

Frank Steele, Dean Burgess, Burr Miller, Ben Davis, LaMott Devendorf, Pauline Mark, Alice Churchill, Bertha Munger, Mabel Huyck, are home from school to spend the holidays.

Rev. Wm. Putman's 77th birthday anniversary occurring last week, was the occasion of a visit from his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Seymour, of Unadilla, Neb.


Valentine Dager, aged 87 years, is seriously ill.

Mrs. Edward A. Brown is at Reading, Pa., the guest of her daughter and other relatives.

The annual election of officers of Herkimer council 336, Royal Arcanum, resulted in the following: Regent, Wm. E. Kay; vice-regent, Edward Reardon; orator, John D. Moore; secretary, E. B. Mitchell; collector, A. A. Schall; treasurer, Wm. F. Metzger; chaplain, Jacob I. Perry; guide, Oliver H. Perry.

Dr. T. A. Hoard, of the Brooklyn Dental Depot, is at his former home in this village, to remain during the holiday season.


Prof. O. E. Shaut, of Sheepshead Bay, will spend his vacation visiting friends in Columbia.

Mrs. H. Getman is visiting her brother-in-law, Jay Getman, near Mohawk.


Officers elect of Newport Lodge, No. 455, F. & A.M.: B. K. Brown, W.M.; Frank Kelley, S.W.; Henry I. Fisher, J.W.; W. W. Mosher, treas.; Geo. H. Hurlbut, sec.; H. W. Dexter, trustee; F. W. Begent, S.D.; P. Gargan, J. D.; V. H. Harris, S.M.C.; J. T. Davis, J.M.C.; T. E. Merritt, chaplain; H. W. Dexter, marshal; John Baird, C. L. Earl, E. P. Kimball, Finance Committee. Installation next regular meeting, Jan. __th 1890.

new 11/27/16   From The Richfield Springs Mercury, Thursday, May 6, 1886

Herkimer County.

Scarlet fever prevails among the children in the northern part of the county, and we hear of numerous deaths from that cause. Two children of Jeremiah Conners, of Eatonville, died from it on Tuesday.

new 11/27/16   This cluster of brief newsy items comes from miscellaneous newspapers from the state of California.

Poland, Herkimer County, was totally destroyed by fire and to-night at 1 o'clock the flames were not under control and the villagers had no way of fighting. The loss is estimated at $50,000 at this hour. Assistance has been summoned from Herkimer. [The San Francisco Call, Tuesday, January 26, 1897, page 4]


HERKIMER, N.Y., June 24- (United Press) - The epaulets and buckles worn by General Nicholas Herkimer, commander of the Tryon county militia at the Battle of Oriskany during the Revolutionary war, are missing from the rooms of the Herkimer county historical society. It is believed the relics were loaned to some one and never returned. A search is being conducted for them. [Madera Daily Tribune and Madera Mercury (Madera, California), Tuesday, June 24, 1930, page 4]

Blame Incendiary for $200,000 Fire

By International News Service

Herkimer, N.Y., Feb. 9- Fire believed to have been of incendiary origin caused damage estimated at $200,000 in the business section here today. [Los Angeles Evening Herald (California), Friday, February 9, 1917]


Carrier Belonging to Adolph C. Harn
Believed to Have Made Unparalleled Trip.

Utica, N.Y., Dec. 21- An exhausted carrier pigeon, which had on its leg a tag inscribed "A.C.H., 396," has been found at Dolgeville, Herkimer County.

Adolph C. Harn, a pigeon fancier, lived in Dolgeville until a year ago, when he went to New Dolgeville, in Southern California, taking his pigeons with him. It is supposed that the bird is one of his flock which returned to its old home. Such a flight, however, is unparalleled. [The San Francisco Call, Thursday, December 22, 1904, page 7]

Judge Quinn Sees Brother After Twenty-three Years

James J. Quinn arrived this afternoon from Ilion, New York, on his first westward trip, and will visit his brother, Judge Edward Quinn. Until he came to Healdsburg the two brothers had not seen each other in 23 years. They last met in 1916 when Judge and Mrs. Quinn made a journey east. The New Yorker plans to spend four or five weeks in California, and will visit other relatives, besides his brother. [Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, Thursday, June 22, 1939, page 5 (Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California)]


Miss Margaret Quinn, 77, died Sunday morning at the home of her brother, Robert Quinn. She was a native of New York and came to Healdsburg from Canton, New York, in 1905, making her home with her brother. She was a sister of Edward Quinn, city judge and justice of the peace.

Miss Quinn had been an invalid for several years. She was stricken seriously ill a week ago. She was a devout member of St. John's Catholic Church and also a member of Meiler Young Ladies' Institute.

Surviving besides the brothers named, are two sisters, Miss Mary E. Quinn, Healdsburg; Mrs. Catharine Grady, Santa Clara, and three brothers, Michael Quinn, of Healdsburg; John Quinn, Santa Clara, and James Quinn, Ilion, New York.

Funeral services were held Tuesday morning from St. John's church where mass was celebrated. Burial was in Oak Mound cemetery. [Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, Thursday, November 29, 1934]

Resort Hotel Burned

LAKE PLACID. N. Y., July 2. - The Hotel Ruisseaumont, one of the largest hotels in this resort, was burned last night. ____ of the fifty guests had narrow escapes from death and were rescued with great difficulty. Albert Clapsaddle of Ilion, N. Y. one of the hotel employes who slept beneath the tower, went back for his watch and was fatally burned. The loss is estimated at $200,000. [Los Angeles Herald, Saturday morning, July 3, 1909, page 2]

new 11/27/16   From The Richfield Springs Mercury, November 26, 1896

Herkimer County.

The East Schuyler onion crop continues to hold its own, tho many tears fall on the beds where they are raised. This season Mrs. Stephen Birch raised about 1,000 bushels; H. G. Ingham 1,200; R. H. Smith 3,000; J.H.J. Watkins 600 and Lafayette Richards 1,200 making 7,500 bushels of this crop alone raised within one half mile along the Schuyler turnpike. Other small lots were cultivated.

new 11/1/16   From The Journal and Courier, Jan 11, 1898, Little Falls NY

Newport - Mrs. Caroline Whipple who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. T. Weaver, of Canastota, for several weeks returned to her home last Tuesday.

Mrs. C. C. Witherstine, one of Herkimer's most highly esteemed ladies and mother of Captain H. P. Witherstine, celebrated her 75th birthday Thursday 6th, inst.

Rev. C. E. Fisher, a former pastor of the Universalist church in this village, but who is now located in Lowell, Mass., occupied the pulpit of the Universalist church here, Sunday morning.

Eatonville - George Huyck had a slight stroke of paralysis last Monday morning.

new 11/1/16   From the Utica Weekly Herald, August 13, 1895

Pension Granted.

The following pensions have been granted:

Original, widows, etc.,... Mary C. Dietz, Herkimer.

Herkimer, Aug. 11. - [Special] - Allen Freeman of Mohawk, while visiting at the residence of his father-in-law, Timothy Van Alstine, about two miles south of that village, this afternoon was struck by lightning and instantly killed. He was in an open lot at the time. Freeman was about 30 years old and a baker by trade. He leaves a wife and one child.

Poland, Aug. 8 - [Special] - At the annual school meeting held at the school house, on Tuesday evening, Dr. W. B. Woodhull was made trustee in place of Milton Howe, who was put in to fill the vacancy caused by the death of L. H. Buck. The board now consists of C. S. Milling, George Read and Dr. W. B. Woodhull; collector, Marshall Root; clerk, J. W. Brayton. Professor Davis of Cortland and Miss Dayton will be the teachers the coming year.

new 11/1/16   From the Utica Herald-Dispatch, December 6, 1913

Frankfort - A pleasant reunion was held at the Clemens homestead, south of here, a few days since, when the widow and children of the late John Clemens met for the first time in several years. The mother and all of the children and a number of grandchildren were present and a fine feast was enjoyed. The sons, Herbert and Arthur, now reside on the homestead.

Frankfort - The reunion of the Boorne family was a recent enjoyable occasion. It was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Boorne and was the first time in 14 years that all of the children had gathered around the family "hearth." Those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Addison C. Boorne and family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mumford and son of Cooperstown. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Page of Albany and the Misses Cora and Myrtle Boorne of Utica.

new 11/1/16   From the Ilion Citizen, Thursday, September 6, 1917, page 4

Looking Backward
Sept. 4, 1861

Fine Volunteers in the Civil War.

- Two months since we suggested that judicious speakers could do much good by holding a series of meetings in this county directed especially to the object of arousing the military enthusiasm of our people to the extent of raising many more volunteers. The population of this county is about 40,000, yet we supposed 300 will cover the number of men, actual residents, who have gone to the war. More should and must be done. Harvesting will soon be over, and the pressing need for the services of scores of vigorous young men will have passed.

Herkimer County sends the following members of the Ellsworth Regiment: Wm. H. Goodrich, Daniel Davis, Warren; Henry Howell, Eugene Partridge, John Strait, German Flatts; J. W. Penny, Ilion; N. O. Wendell, L. S. Jones, Winfield.

new 11/1/16   From the Ilion Citizen, Friday, September 13, 1889, page 8

NOTE: This might assist in dating obviously professionally-taken antique cabinet card photos of Frankfort Hill buildings and farmhouses:

Centre, Sept. 12
Mssers Cary & Woodward, photographers, took views of quite a number of residences on Frankfort Hill this week. Their office is 200 Whitesboro street, Utica, N. Y.

new 11/1/16   From the Herkimer Citizen, Tuesday, July 11, 1905

Veterans to Have an Outing.

A meeting of the committee which has in charge the annual outing of the Herkimer County Veterans' Association was held at Herkimer Thursday. The committee consists of President James N. Greene of Fairfield, Secretary James Roche of Herkimer, Treasurer M. K. Ellsworth of Frankfort, W. W. Young, Wm. H. Helmer of Columbia, John Crick of Frankfort, John Q. Adams and David Robbins of Mohawk, Jacob I. Perry, Thomas R. Petrie, John Breisch, Darius Kill and F. A. Gray of Herkimer, Lewis Van Valkenburg of Warren, Timothy Dasey of Little Falls, Lafayette Myers of Mohawk and C. A. Cook of Stark.

The outing will be held Wednesday, August 23 on the fair grounds at Herkimer and will be attended only by veterans. An invitation will be extended to the Oneida County Veterans' Association. A clam bake will furnish the eadibles (sic). There will be a glee club present, eloquent orators and a fine program of sports. It will be a great day for the boys in blue.

Prescott D. Hoard, an old Herkimer boy, who graduated from Cornell University last month, spent Sunday in town. Mr. Hoard has accepted a position with the Lackawanna railroad company as mining engineer and will be located at Scranton, Penn.

Encampment Branch of Odd Fellows.

An encampment branch of Odd Fellows has been instituted here, to be known as Herkimer Encampment, No. 166. It was instituted by Grand Patriarch Caleb H. Baumes of Newburg, assisted by Grand Marshal J. T. Erwin, Grand High Priest Frederick Bedworth, Grand Senior Warden W. P. Hughes and Grand Sentinel A. Bowers. The following officers were elected: Chief patriarch, Ward P. Cristman; high priest, Robert Race; senior warden, Geo. H. Bunce; junior warden, Peter J. Anderson; inside sentinel, John Willis; guide, David N. Shults; first watch, Wm. Petrie; second watch, Bert G. Martindale; third watch, J. C. Keefe; fourth watch, Bert Lyons; guard of the tent, Arthur Lanning.

new 11/1/16   From the Journal and Courier, Little Falls, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1898

East Schuyler.

Edgar J. Klock, wife and daughter are visiting Mrs. Klock's parents at Delta, Oneida county.

Mrs. H. M. Becker, of Lafargeville, Jefferson county, is visiting her father, Wm. Miller.


Miss Lizzie Jordan of Philadelphia is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gordon Law.

Raymond Crim left last week for Union College, Schenectady.

Shells Bush.

Thomas Burns leaves this month for Niagara University, where he is pursuing a course of study.

Edward Brady has returned to Baltimore college, where he is studying for the ministry.

Wm. Lasher, of Canton, St. Lawrence county, who has been spending his vacation with his sister, Mrs. W. F. Rasbach, has returned.

Miss Ada Getman is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Welsh of Middleville.

Mrs. D. Cole, of Middleville, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ira Jones, last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips are celebrating the Jewish new year at Utica.

Mrs. James Erkenbrac is entertaining her sister of Gray.

Lula Kelley is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Nelson Decker.

Clayton N. Wood is attending a literary and commercial institute in Fall River, Mass.

Enos Hayes and son Gilbert are putting a new roof on the Baptist church.


Miss Anna Piper returned last week from several weeks' visit with relatives in Jersey City.

Miss Bertha Sherman has returned from Syracuse, where she has been spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. Jessie Rice, of that city.

Mrs. S. D. Richards left last week for Kansas City, where she will spend a couple of months with her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Sailors.

Mrs. J. J. Dudleston spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Fred Brice, of North Ilion.

Mrs. Geo. Lennon and little daughter, of New Durham, are visiting Mrs. L.'s father, Wm. Tobin, of Litchfield street.

Mrs. Louise Richmond, who has been spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Allen of East Main street, returned to her home in Norwich last week.

Through the efforts of the ladies of this place, particularly Mrs. H. G. Finn, Mrs. P. H. Eagan, Mrs. Will Weller and Miss Hattie Moran, about 800 soldiers were supplied with sandwiches, doughnuts and hot coffee on their way through this place last Thursday.

Walter Scott Cleland left last week for Albion, Mich., to attend Albion College. His mother and sister accompany him on a visit to relatives in the west.

Justin R. Skinner, who formerly resided in East Schuyler, enlisted as a private in the late war, and is now ill of fever at Camp Black hospital. His wife and infant son are now at the home of her mother, Mrs. Tallman, of East Schuyler.

Inghams Mills.

Frank Keyser, grandson of Jacob Keyser, of this place, was in the battle of El Caney, at Santiago, and the captain of his company, D.L. Howell, made a special official report commending hs bravery in the battle. He has been quite sick with fever, but is now on the furlough at his home in Overland, Colorado.

Jacob Kyser, jr., of Canastota, has been visiting his grandfather, Jacob Kyser, sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trumbull and son, of Rockwood, and Mrs. E. L. Trumbull, of Lassellsville, were guests at W. E. Trumbull's, last week.

Smalls Bush.

Mrs. Adolph Kepp and daughter, of Herkimer, are the guests of her aunt, Augusta Farber.

new 2/15/09   From the Richfield Springs Mercury, March 19, 1896

Herkimer County.

The following notary publics have been appointed: Delos E. Swift, Paines Hollow; R. T. E. Van Horne, Van Hornesville; Israel I. Young, Millers Mills; O./C.(?) Thomas, West Winfield; C. Barrett, Old Forge; Geo. H. Kibbie, Stratford; J. B. Sadler, Inghams Mills; M. Rasbach, Eatonville; F. N. Petrie, Columbia; Byron Paine, Jordanville; W. W. Mosher, Middleville; W. W. Moon, Cold Brook; Jno. C. Bou_field, Northwood; S. F. Brayton, Poland; Will Brown, Cedarville; Jas. O. Carpenter, Grant; W. D. Goodwin, West Schuyler; Jas. N. Green, Fairfield; Frank Harvey, Center; Chauncey Houpt, Newville; Geo. R. Jencks, Gravesville; S. P. JOhnson, East Schuyler.

Some newsy late 19th century gossip mentions for Herkimer County from The Boonville Herald, an Oneida County NY newspaper. Spotted by Lisa Slaski!

From The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 29 Nov 1888

Middleville, Nov. 28 - No more crossing the bridge with teams until the new one is ready.

Examinations are being conducted at our public school this week.

Mrs. S. R. Ward of Richfield is visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. W. Franklin.

Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Hamlin attended the dedication services of the new cathedral in Albany last week.

The patrons of Perkins market will be sorry to learn that Frank is soon to dissolve partnership with his brother to accept a position in Little Falls.

Henry Ward and wife are spending a few days in Troy with their son, B. J. Ward, M. D.

Clinton Parry spent Sunday with his parents.

Preparations are being made extensively for the Catholic fair to be held here some time next month.

Mrs. Howard Hildreth is in Albany with her sister, Mrs. A. V. V. Raymond.

Jerry Meagher, who has been spending some time with his family in Cohoes, returned to Middleville Saturday to resume his work in the knitting mill.

Mrs. Newell Morey of Newport is the guest of Mrs. S. B. Hawkins.

George Law recently missed quite a number of bushels of oats from his barn they having been appropriated by some unknown person.

Miss Madge Payne of Cold Brook has been spending a few days in town with her sister, Mrs. Robinson.

One of the workmen on the bridge [illegible] with a serious accident Friday resulting in the loss of his thumb. A beam was being lowered when his thumb caught between the beam and a plank, crushing it off at the first joint.

A short time ago Pierce Law fell thro' his barn floor with a lighted lantern which overturned, lighting the hay. Mr. Law extinguished the fire with some difficulty. He escaped with a few bruises.

A week ago this evening Frank Rasbach of Shell's Bush was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Lasher of this place. A large company of relatives and friends gathered to witness the ceremony and to partake of the generous hospitality afforded. Rev. R. E. Sykes of Little Falls officiated. The bridal pair are spending some time in New York city. Who next?

Thanksgiving services will be held tomorrow morning in the Church of the Memorial at 10:30, and in the Universalist church at 7:30 in the evening.

Quarterly meeting services will be held in the M. E. church Sunday at the usual hour for service and the quarterly conference will meet next Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. Erasmus Jones of Utica is expected to speak both Saturday and Sunday.

From The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 27 Dec 1888

Middleville, Dec. 26 - Mrs. C. W. Hamlin and daughter have been spending a few days in Holland Patent.

The initial number of the Herkimer County Record appeared last week edited by George W. Nellis of Herkimer. It is an enterprising sheet and we wish it success.

Myra Burns from St. Agnes school, Albany, is spending her vacation with her parents.

Mrs. Ad. Dickins is very sick and at the present time lies in a critical condition.

May Burton, teacher in Little Falls is spending her holiday vacation with the family of A. W. Ford.

Service was held in the church of the Memorial Christmas morning.

Clinton Parry of Fort Plain is at home for the holidays.

The Christmas exercises in the M. E. church were highly entertaining and the presents varied and beautiful.

We are sorry to learn that our bridge, thought a beautiful structure, is not built according to contract, and we are likely to have further trouble before it is completed.

Prof. Marie Knibloe of Boston will give an entertainment in the school building to-morrow evening. A percentage of the proceeds will be given to the school. Admission 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for children. Miss Knibloe comes highly recommended.

From The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 3 Jan 1889

Middleville, Jan. 2 - The chicken pox is among us.

George Nellis of the Herkimer County Record was in town Saturday.

A special train ran for the Masonic dance in Newport Friday night.

The drum corps serenaded us New Year's eve.

The W. C. T. U. met yesterday at four o'clock at the home of Mrs. Libbie Miller.

The knitting mill operatives enjoyed a double holiday, working neitherMonday nor Tuesday of Christmas or New Year's week.

Wolcott Sheldon, son of Albert Sheldon is quite sick.

Members of the Episcopalian Sunday school enjoyed a Christmas supper Wednesday evening last.

Varney B. Hamlin, who is attending Trinity school in Tivoli, is spending his holiday vacation with us.

Garrett Smith of Syracuse, brother of Mrs. Clarence Farrington, called on friends in town last week. Miss Edith Churchill was the recipient of a fine Estey organ Christmas eve.

Mrs. John Currier and daughter Bessie of Mannsville, Jefferson county, are spending a few days with Mrs. Walker.

Homer Hinds and wife returned from their bridal trip Saturday. Their many friends are glad to welcome them home.

Rev. Mr. Haskell of Iowa is making a tremendous effort to organize an I. O. of G. T. lodge in this place. We trust he may succeed in enlisting the business men as well as others in the enterprise and that it may be productive of much good. The need is great.

The entertainment given in the school house by Miss Knibloe was listened to by a small audience with much pleasure. We regret that more did not brave the bad weather and roads for the sake of hearing her.

The Boonville Herald, Boonville, N.Y., Thursday, 6 Mar 1889

Brayton Corners, June 5 - Orrin Harkel and son and L. E. Waite have been doing carpenter work at Fairfield, but now are waiting for timber. Harkel and Waite will also build a large barn for Mr. Fenner of Fairfield.

John Carver, while coming home from church last Sunday, had the misfortune to tip over with his wife and daughter in the carriage. The horse ran away doing some damage to the buggy.

Mrs. Thomas Waite had the misfortune to fall while going to a neighbor's, dislocating her arm.

Vital records and newsy tidbits from one issue of the Herkimer Democrat. Marriages from this number are posted in Part 3 of our Marriage Notices files.

Herkimer Democrat
January 8, 1890


-- Miss Carrie Wilber is in the metropolis for a visit

-- A. C. Dingman is moving to Danube, his former home.

-- James Patterson of Coeymans, is in town for a few days.

-- Mrs. Geo. Russell has for a guest her cousin from Little Falls.

-- Mrs. Ed. Bosely has been entertaining Mrs. Tripp of Elmira.

-- Mr. James McCartney was in Madison on business last week.

-- Dr. Humphrey had for a guest, last week, Rev. L. D. White of Utica.

-- Mrs. James McCartney has been spending a week with her mother in Utica.

-- Mrs. Frank Demarest is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Wellington of Fonda.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Hoxie have been visiting Mrs. H's parents, at Lebanon.

-- Foreman Bennett was presented with a Lord's patent rocker on Christmas day.

-- Misses Ashley and Brennan of Oneida, have been visiting friends in town.

-- Mrs. Jacob Meil of New London, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Evenden.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Irving Richardson entertained Miss Maggie Myers, of Utica, recently.

-- Mrs. Leander Russell of New Haven, Conn. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Lloyd.

-- Mrs. Kittie Watson is visiting relatives in Brooklyn, and friends in New York and Jersey City.

-- Mr. H. J. Travis' drawing class presented him with a very fine oak rocker a few days since.

-- Have you had "La Grippe?" "Wa'al yes, I reckon, and it has a grip on the majority of our citizens."

-- Mr. Wm. Deuel and family, have been entertaining Prof. Kingsley of Palatine Bridge, and Philip Sherman of Round Lake.

-- The week of prayer is being observed in our village, but with a population of 3,000 there are more vacant pews than there ought to be.

-- The ladies of the Universalist church will hold a social with Mrs. Hannibal Folts, on Litchfield street, this (Wednesday) afternoon and evening.

-- The entertainment at the Y.M.C.A. room, on New Year's night, was one of the finest ever given. Refreshments were served and everything was in first class order.

-- At the home of the bride, on Main street, last Thursday afternoon, the nuptial knot was tied, which bound together Mr. Arthur Givin and Miss Hattie Hyde. Rev. J. R. Shaw tied the knot. The happy pair are visiting relatives in Buffalo.

-- On New Year's eve, at the Episcopal church, occurred the marriage of Mr. Jabez Law and Miss Mary Buckley, both of our village. Rev. Mr. Cook performed the ceremony which made them happy. They have many friends who wish them a long happy life.

Herkimer Democrat
January 8, 1890

Little Falls

-- Miss May Carroll and Miss Nellie Tony, of Rome, are spending a few days with friends in this place.

-- Charles H. Clark has gone to Washington, to accept a clerkship in the House of Representatives.

-- Those seriously ill are Senator Titus Sheard, ex-Supervisor P. A. Staring, Thomas A. Kane and Dr. J. B. Ellis.

-- The members of the Little Falls Lodge of Elks entertained their friends New Year's day, from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M., at Elk Hall.

-- Thomas Murphy has purchased the saloon on Mary street formerly owned by George Stark, and will hereafter conduct the business.

-- Arabella Law, aged 11 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Law died Thursday morning of diphtheria, and was buried Friday afternoon.

-- The total number of deaths in Little Falls during the year was 138, a decrease of 21 as compared with 1888. There were last year 171 births and 115 marriages.

-- John Fahey, Sr., a farmer, was severely kicked and stamped upon by a vicious horse, Wednesday last, and may not recover. His head and back were badly gashed.

-- "Uncle" John Feeter, the venerable and well known resident, fired off his ancient revolutionary musket New Year's morning, which has been his usual custom for the past fifty years.

-- There was never so much sickness in Little Falls as at the present time. It is estimated there are over 200 cases of "grip" in the village. Twenty-three employees at the tannery are unable to attend to their duties.

-- A barn belonging to A. Haight, on Gansevoort St., was destroyed by fire last Wednesday night. The building was occupied by Edwin Sizer, who lost about $50 worth of hay and other things. The fire is supposed to be of an incendiary origin.

-- Edwin Jones, collector of water taxes, went to the residence of N. C. Loucks, on William street, and levied on five chairs, which were in Mr. Loucks' parlors, for the non-payment of water tax. Mr. Loucks intends to contest the case.

The Utica Observer
Sat. 26 Jan 1901
page 5

Hotel Osgood.
Famous Ilion Hotel Badly Damaged by Fire
This Morning.

Ilion, Jan 28, (Special) - The most severe fire which has visited Ilion in several years broke out in Hotel Osgood, on the corner of Main and Otsego streets, at an early hour this morning. Night Officer Luly discovered the smoke issuing from a basement window and notified Proprietor J. M. Spencer. They made an examination and found fire in the furnace room. It appears to be of small proportion and the employee of the hotel made efforts to put it out. As the smoke from the interior increased the officer sent in an alarm, and the two fire companies responded. Numerous lines of hose were run out to the hydrants, and in a short time many streams were playing on the interior of the building, which was by that time a mass of flames. Mr. Spencer set the electric alarms ringing and went to each room to see that the guests and employees were aroused and taken to a place of safety. The flames ate their way to the upper floors, through the ceiling and hollow partitions. After an hour of heroic work the flames were checked and put out, but not before the two floors and basement were badly gutted.

It is not known positively how the fire started, but it is generally supposed that it started from the furnace pipes.

It is difficult to state the total loss, but it is generally estimated at over $10,000. The hotel block is a four-story brick structure with basement. On the first floor is the hotel offices, dining room, cafe and the Rasbach & Son grocery. In the basement is the Youngs barber shop, the Leahy branch laundry, C. J. Kelly's tailor shop and the hotel store rooms. The second, third and fourth floors are waiting rooms, bed rooms and apartments.

Rasbach & Son's grocery escaped serious loss, being in the west end of the building. The Youngs barber shop is a total loss.

The hotel was built in 1855 by the Remingtons, who owned and operated the immense Remington shops. The property was sold later to the late Josiah Osgood, and has been a part of the Osgood estate since. It is the largest and best known hotel in Ilion. The present proprietor, James M. Spencer, has run the hotel for several years. Lately he leased the hotel proper to a Brooklyn gentleman, but he never materialized.

So serious was the fire that it will be many weeks before the hotel can be opened to the public, and the lower part will all have to be torn out and built up new. Mr. Spencer is not sure as yet what will be done towards repairing.

Herkimer Democrat
22 Jul 1903


Fred Wagner is the happy father of a bouncing boy. Mother and son are doing well.

Herkimer Democrat,
9 Sep 1903


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Burt Slaughter, last week, a son.


Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Johnson are rejoicing over the arrival of a new boy.

The Utica Observer
Jan 29, 1901

Fire Did $10,000 Damage.

Threatened Further Destruction - Contagious Diseases Wiped Out in Little Falls.

Little Falls, Jan. 29 (Special) - A fire in the business section of the city this morning created considerable excitement and ruined about $10,000 worth of property. It was about 12:30 this morning when J. R. Baker, proprietor of the restaurant in the basement of the block at the corner of Main and Ann streets, discovered smoke and flames coming down through the ceiling. He gave the alarm from box 13 and the department found the fruit and confectionery store owned by Joseph White on Main street a mass of flames. Chief Cooney sent in a second alarm when he arrived and the entire department was soon on the scene. Four streams were soon laid and throwing water on the flames, which had broken through the rear and were destroying the goods in O'Rourke & Hurley's storehouse, and by a skylight had communicated with the roof. Chief Cooney and his men worked for two hours and finally put out the blaze. As the building, which is owned by J. R. Baker, is an old one the flames penetrated all parts of the building and was concealed behind the plaster and laths. It was necessary to call the department out at 4:25, as the fire had broken out again. It was quickly extinguished. Joe White places his loss at $1,000 and has $700 insurance. His stock is a total loss and he is unable to explain the origin of the flames. He locked his store up about a half an hour before the fire was discovered. O'Rourke & Hurley's drug store is damaged several thousand dollars and Baker's restaurant suffered about $500 by water. The loss to the building will be about $2,000, and other occupants of the block suffered by smoke and water. Most of the damage is covered by insurance. Owing to a strong wind it looked at one time as if a bad conflagration would result.

At about 8:30 this morning the fire department was called to Arthur street, where a small blaze was started in John Murphy's house by an attempt to thaw out frozen water pipes, by a carpet and lighted lamp. The damage was slight.

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Updated: 11/27/16
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