Herkimer County NY Ancestral Sightings Part 4
Lisa Slaski and Jane Dieffenbacher's abstracting of family profiles from county history
books has become one of the most popular resources on the site. Similar profiles, as well as
shorter mentions, can turn up anywhere. The profiles, sightings and new tidbits below of
former Herkimer County residents come from books, newspapers, and articles published in
other states and other NY counties, as well as specialized reference works.
Many states "Out West" published books with short biographies about their local
residents, telling where they originally came from. Of course, history books for other NY
State counties profiled their own residents, some of whom had Herkimer County roots.
Detailed genealogical information is occasionally given. The persons whose short bios and
info appear below may or may not be your ancestors, but it's worth scanning through them
to check out where your own families' relatives migrated and when.
This section is for resources from other places mentioning persons with Herkimer County ties.
Contributions can be sent to the site coordinators, putting
"Ancestral Sightings" in the subject line of your email. Include accurate reference as to
book/source if you have it. Published sources must be over 75 years old (copyright law).
**No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.
From the Syracuse Herald, December 19, 1908.
News Notes and Personals.
Ilion, Dec. 19.- Sanford A.(?) Rasbach of Flint, Mich., a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rasbach of this village, who has been ill with typhoid fever, is able to sit up. His son, John, who was
ill at the same time with the same disease, is able to be out again.
M. R./E.(?) Brennan has returned to his home in Chicago after a short visit in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Bolton and son Harold have returned to their home at Burlington after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowland.
Miss Alice Wendall of Rochester has accepted a position in the office of the Arms company.
From the Syracuse Herald, December 9, 1908.
Miss Agnes Collins, ticket agent at the West Shore station, is confined to her home by illness.
Senator S. G. Heacock and his family, who are touring Italy and France, will sail for home December 17th.
Fire broke out about 7 o'clock last evening in the store of Henry Bennison in First street. It was quickly extinguished by the Fire company with a small loss.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Love, of Hudson, Mich., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Davies.
The Remington Typewriter company has discontinued the repair shops at the factory.
Mrs. Thomas Quaife and her daughter are visitIng her parents in Little Falls.
The interior of the Remington mansion on Armory hill was beautifully decorated last evening for a winter picnic, which was given by Miss Marjorie Squries. There
was an abundance of evergreen and palm, and Chinese lanterns were effectively hung. About thirty guests were present. Among the vocalists were Edward Barrows of London,
England, Dr. W. J. Lewis of Ilion and Miss Elizabeth Thomas of Frankfort.
Mrs. William Morehead and Mrs. Walter May are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Ludden in Oneoida.
Mrs. Fred Day of Upper Otsego street is seriously ill. Dr. Gibson of Utica was called in consultation with Dr. Douglass last evening.
Several friends of Mrs. Christina Seeley met her at the home of Mrs. E. M. Platts Saturday to celebrate her birthday. All enjoyed a good time and the hostess served a bountiful
supper. Mrs. Seeley was the recipient of several useful gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Richfield Springs were recent guests of E. M. Platts.
From the Syracuse Herald, May 22, 1908.
One More Smallpox Case.
Little Falls, May 22.- Miss May Hart, 19 years old, a mill operative, is the latest victim of smallpox. She lives at No. 7 Alexander street. A man and his wife and child
who occupied a part of the house in which the afflicted young woman lives jumped the quarantine yesterday afternoon and left town. The head of the family is a traveling man. The police
were notified. Mayor Santry and Health Officer Earl are working hard to combat the disease, the Mayor, a physician, making a thorough inspection of every case.
From the Syracuse Herald, January 18, 1908.
Gave a Tea Party.
Frankfort, Jan. 18.- A novel old-fashioned tea party was given last evening in the parlors of the Baptist church. The committee in charge were Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mrs. F. J. Medden,
Mrs. F. B. Watkins and Mrs. Elisabeth Gilbert. Miss Mary Birbe played the piano and also gave an amusing recitation, and Miss McMillan sang. Old-fashioned refreshments were served.
The Sunday school class of Mrs. George Nipe had a sleighride to the home of John Maynard on Frankfort hill last night.
Miss Mary DeLong of Pulaski and Miss Anna Lawrence of Auburn are visiting Miss Mina Budlong.
Charged With Highway Robbery.
Herkimer, Jan. 18.- Constable Arthur Stevens arrested Michael Bachman on a warrant last night in Osborne's saloon, charging him with highway robbery, alleged to have been committed
December 19th, the complainant being Mrs. Nualine Seiber. He was arraigned before Justice Brown and in default of $2,000 bail was sent to jail.
From the Syracuse Herald, December 30, 1907, page 3.
Ilion, Dec. 30.- A very pleasant Christmas party was given by the Misses Richardson and Mrs. S. H. Shepherd at their home Saturday night. Cards and other games
were played and supper was served to the fifty or more guests.
The young women of the village will give a leap year party on Thursday night. The girls will bear all the expenses. The members of the committee are Kathryn Foley,
Alice C. Parsons and Alice J. Powers.
Louis Skeel of Syracuse is visiting Ilion friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Stone of Oneida are the guests of Mrs. Stone's mother, Mrs. A. M. Ross.
From the Syracuse Herald, February 28, 1904, page 22.
Makes 30-Mile Journey on Snow
Shoes to Son's Funeral.
Stages Discontinued, Highways Bur-
ied Out of Sight, Only One Way Left
Tramps Over the Drifts From Highmarket
to Boonville, Fifteen Miles, Takes the
Train for Ilion and After the Burial Re-
turns Home in the Same Way.
ILION, Feb. 27.- Mrs. Bridget Dolan of Highmarket, Lewis county, 72 years old, this week made the trip between her home and Boonville, a distance of 15 mimles, on snow shoes,
in order to attend the funeral of her son at Ilion, and the next day she returned the same way, making a 30-mile walk in two days.
Roads All Snowed Up.
The roads between her home and Boonville were drifted so deeply that the regular stages had been abandoned. No vehicles whatever have been in the roads in that
neighborhood for several days, in fact there are no signs of roads. The rural free delivery mail carriers are compelled to make their trips on snow shoes.
Put on the Shoes.
When the family got news of the death of Mrs. Dolan's son John at Ilion, Mrs. Dolan was bound to go to the funeral, but her son James, with whom she resides, was fearful
that the task would be too much for her. Mrs. Dolan figured that she could stand a long tramp on snow shoes as well as anyone, even if she was nearly three quarters of a century old.
Return Trip.
She started early in the morning with her son and made the entire distance to Boonville in time to take the evening train to Utica. The next day she returned and retraced her steps
over the snow-covered fields to Highmarket.
From the Syracuse Herald, February 7, 1904, page 22.
Girl at Masquerade Ball Until
Four in the Morning.
Had Shot Herself With a Revolver
When She Reached Home.
Admitted That She Was Sorry She Had
Done the Act and Wanted to Live, But
Died in the Emergency Hospital - Had
Taken Poison Several Years Ago.
HERKIMER, Feb. 6.- Mabel Hall, the 22-year-old girl who shot herself after returning home from a ball, dying in the Emergency Hospital on Tuesday, was
buried on Thursday afternoon. The funeral took place at Campbell's undertaking rooms and was conducted by the Rev. Dempster Chase.
Miss Hall was employed at the home of Mrs. Ira Burgess in North Genesee street. Last Friday evening she and her sister Florence were in the merry crowd which danced
at the masque ball of the Germania Maennerchor(?).
Mabel returned to the Burgess home about 4 o'clock in the morning and when Mrs. Burgess called her at 8:30 o'clock it was discovered that the girl had endeavered to commit
suicide. She had shot herself in the stomach with a Smith & Wesson revolver of 32-caliber. Physicians were called and she was removed to the Emergency hospital.
When asked why she had shot herself she said that she was discouraged, but now she was sorry that she had done it. Four years ago she took laudanum in Ilion. The Grand jury made an
investigation at the time, returned indictments, and several young men left town, it is said.
From Syracuse Herald, December 17, 1913.
Still Among the Missing.
Little Falls, Dec. 17.- The mysterious disappearance of Leta Rand, and later the going away of little Helen Whitehead, has created no end of conjecture
throughout Herkimer county.
It has now been about nine weeks since Leta Rand disappeared from her boarding place in Herkimer. In all the time that she has been missing not even the slightest
clew has been ascertained as to her whereabouts. In both of the cases the police are without the slightest clew. The only thing the authorities can do is to wait
for the expected clew to be turned in. In the meantime two anxious mothers are waiting for the return of their dear ones. One is in Herkimer and the other is at Salisbury.
Both of then are understood to be worn out with anxiety.
The two cases are quite different in nature, in one there being a sudden disappearance, with no explanation, while in the other case it is known that the little girl wentn
away with her half-brother, but beyond that fact practically all is conjecture. The two cases are alike in the sad situation in which the parents are left and unless new
developments come in the meantime the holiday season can bring no joy to two Herkimer county homes.
From The Syracuse Herald, June 3, 1912, page 11.
Body Found in Lake Bears
No Marks of Violence.
Dolgeville, June 3.- Following the discovery of the body of Miss Pross who had been missing since April 17th, in the Ingram Mill pond Saturday afternoon, the body
was interred here yesterday after a short funeral service at the home of her parents. The manner of Miss Pross's death will probably remain a mystery as no
signs of violence could be discovered and no one is able to offer any reason for suicide.
The gruesome discovery was made when J. J. Ingraham, his wife and daughter were out fishing Saturday and rowed near an object which appeared to be a stone.
On drawing nearer the object, it was identified as the body of a woman and the disappearance of Miss Pross immediately suggested it was the body of the missing
girl. After telephoning the girl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pross, and the coroner, Mr. Ingraham secured help and took the body from the water. A red sweater
and the other clothing identified the body.
Coroner Smith examined the body and failed to find marks of violence. The parents were unable to offer any explanation of the death.
Miss Pross was about 25 years old, a graduate of the local high school and was in good health at the time of her disappearance, with the exception of a slight
deafness. She was last seen on State street on April 17th and numerous searching parties, aided by bloodhounds failed to find trade of her at the time. She is survived
by her parents, a brother, Harry Pross, three sisters, Mrs. Clarence Smith, Mrs. Averill Cook and Miss Anna Pross, all of this village.
From The Syracuse Herald, Jan. 19, 1905.
Prof. F. J. Meddon has returned from Waterloo, where he attended the funeral of Mrs. Meldon's mother, Mrs. Godfrey.
Mrs. Charles E. Parsons has returned to has returned to her home in Albany after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell of Rochester are spending a part of their honeymoon with their aunt, Mrs. Mary Sterling.
Miss Polly of South Columbia is visiting her cousin, Mr. J. B. Doane.
John Jackson, a highly esteemed resident of this village, is seriously ill at his home in Armory lane.
From The Syracuse Herald, Saturday, May 31, 1908, page 25 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).
Senator Heacock Struck Out First
Batter in Baseball Game.
Ilion, May 30.- The new Remington Arms company's park at Ilion was opened this afternoon between the Remington Arms company team and the Windsors
of Rome. In the eighth inning the Romans left the field on account of a decision by the umpire when the score was 3 to 2 in favor of Ilion. Senator
Heacock pitched the first ball and two more striking out the batter, and the crowd cheered him as the next candidate for Governor.
From The Syracuse Herald, Saturday, May 30, 1908, page 3.
Miss Sarah A. Halloran of the school faculty is visiting her home in Syracuse.
From The Syracuse Herald, February 25, 1904, page 3 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).
Description Given of Dances in
Which Students Participated.
Board of Education Takes a Hand in the
Matter and Will Allow No More Pigeon
Wings in the School Assembly Hall - An
Alleged Exhibition of High Kicking.
LITTLE FALLS, Feb. 25.- It is said there have been "high jinks" carried on by some of the students of the High school which the Board of
Education intends to stop. There has been indiscriminate dancing between the sexes in the assembly room of the High school which has led the members of
the Board by a vote of 4 to 1 to prohibit dancing during school hours or after hours in the school.
Commissioner Boyle could see no harm in the pupils dancing in the building and was the only Commissioner voting to allow them the privilege. There have been
many stories told about dancing in the High school building and some of them are described as being decidedly "Frenchy." It is said that one reason why the
Board took a decided stand against dancing in the High school building was because of an alleged "high kicking" exhibition on the part of some of the older
girl students.
It is said that some other investigations in regard to the doings of the students are contemplated and a radical change in the intermingling of the sexes
may be made during school hours.
From The Syracuse Herald, February 18, 1904, page 3 (a Syracuse NY newspaper). Under Canastota News Briefs:
Mrs. Alfred Farr and Roland Howard went to Poland, N.Y., to-day to attend the funeral of their brother, whose death occurred yesterday.
From the Sunday Herald, January 31, 1904, page 22 (a Syracuse NY newspaper). What happened to the
records of this church?! Were they returned to a Catholic Diocese?
Weather Battered Old Edifice on Deerfield Hill.
Once the Church of the Holy Cross,
Only Place of Many to Worship
Proposition to Erect There a Memorial to
the Pious and Heroic Bishop Who Gave
the Ground and Said the First Mass
Within Its Now Ruined Walls.
UTICA, Jan. 30.- Within a few miles of Utica there is a spot which well might be a shrine for every Catholic in the diocese of Syracuse. It has
long been neglected and only recently was brought to public attention by the Rev. B. Quinn of Deerfield. In fact it is so long since the Church of the
Holy Cross on Deerfield Hill was last used that few knew of its existence. It stands on what is known as the Walker road, leading from Utica to Newport.
The church was built in 1838 and for more than thirty years was the place of worship of Catholic people for miles about. Every pleasant Sunday a
steady procession of carriages made its way to the modest edifice, it being not infrequent to see seventy-five carriages in its immediate vicinity
on Sunday morning. The worshippers came from Newport, Norway, Russia and other points in Northern Herkimer county, as well as from places along the
West Canada creek.
Since 1870 it has not been used, but lately attention was directed to it by the Rev. Father Quinn, pastor of St. Peter's church, Deerfield, and it has
been suggested that a memorial might be placed here for the Right Rev. William Quarter, who was the first Bishop of Chicago. He gave the ground on which
the church was built and said the first mass there. Bishop Quarter was one of the heroic figures of the Catholic church, his efforts during the cholera
epidemic in New York in 1832 having saved many lives.
Within the decaying frame of the old church is a pitiful scene. Only a part of one pew is left. The remains of the altar are still there, but the rotted
floor is strewn with the debris, and now is covered with the drifting winter snow. The old church is the home of only tramps and bats.
From the Sunday Herald, January 24, 1904, page 22 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).
GIFT OF $75,000
Park of Forty-five Acres, and $12,000 to
Maintain it, Given to Little Falls by Mr. Milligan.
LITTLE FALLS, Jan. 23.- By the will of the late William G. Milligan, president of the Herkimer County National bank of
Little Falls, which has just been made public, this city comes into possession of a beautiful park of forty-five acres and
a fund of $12,000 to maintain the property.
It was formerly owned by Dudley Burwell, a recluse, who died some years ago and willed it to Mr. Milligan to be held during
his life and then to be given to the city. The value of the gift is fully $75,000.
From the Sunday Herald, January 24, 1904, page 22 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).
Brown, the Owner, Was Also Indicted, But
Has Not Been Trieid, Being Out on Bail.
HERKIMER, Jan. 23.- George Jones of Little Falls was found guilty of arson in the third degree in County court here to-night. The jury
brought in a verdict at 7:35 P. M. after deliberating three hours. The summing up took most of the day. Judge Devendorf addressed the
jury at 4 o'clock and the jury went out at 4:30 o'clock to supper, and a recess was taken until 7:30 o'clock.
Jones was indicted on two counts, together with his employer, Bert Brown, charged with setting fire to Brown's furniture store in Little Falls on
November 10th and November 19th(?) last. District Attorney George W. Ward appeared for the people and ex-Senator A. M. Mills and Harry A.
Decoster for the defense.
Brown is out under bail.
From the Sunday Herald, January 17, 1904, page 23 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).
Corpse of New York Central Towerman Found on the Tracks.
No Marks on Body.
Charles Zeaman of Frankfort Believed to Be Victim of Foul Play.
The Discovery Was Made by the Dead Man's
Father at a Lonely Point Two Miles
From Any Station- Zeaman Last Seen
Alive at 2 A. M., When He left His
Tower to Switch a Freight Train Onto
One of the Main Tracks.
FRANKFORT, Jan. 16.- Charles Zeaman, aged 23(8)? years, a towerman in the employ of the New York Central Railroad company,
was found dead on the railroad track at 8 o'clock this morning by his father, Erman Zeaman, a section foreman. Foul play is suspected.
There were no marks on the body, but the man's trousers were torn from the knees down. The authorities do not believe he was struck by a
train. Coroner Hayes of this village is making a thorough investigation.
Zeaman left the tower, where he was employed, at 2 o'clock this morning to switch a freight train onto one of the main tracks. The tower
is situated in a lonely spot, about two miles east of this village, and the body was found one-half mile east of the tower.
Source: History of the State of Nebraska, edited by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL: The Western Historical Company, 1882.
Sarpy County
S. O. SALISBURY, Springfield, lumber agent for Dean & Son, was born in Norway, Herkimer County, N. Y., November 21, 1852. When eighteen years of age,
he came to Nebraska, locating at Greenwood, where he engaged in teaching. Was educated at Fairfield Seminary, Fairfield, N. Y. Mr. Salisbury followed teaching most of
the time for six years. In 1877, he moved to Ashland, Neb., and entered into the employ of J. A. Connor, dealer in grain, assuming entire charge of the business,
remaining there two years. In 1879, he engaged with Dean & Son, dealers in lumber, Phillipsburg, Kansas, taking charge of the yard. In October, 1881, Dean & Son
established a lumber yard in Springfield, Neb., and Mr. Salisbury was sent to take charge of the yard. Mr. Salisbury was married in Ashland March 17, 1878, to Miss
Julia Osborn, who was born in Ottumwa, Iowa, August 28, 1862. They have one child, Fred O., born January 12, 1879.
Malcolm Smith's biographical sketch was found by Lisa Slaski! Malcolm Smith is listed as the son of James Smith of the town of Manheim in the 1850 census.
Source: Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois, edited by Newton Bateman,
LL.D. and Paul Selby, A.M., and Knox County, edited by W. Selden Gale and Geo. Candee Gale., Illustrated, Chicago and New York: Munsell Publishing Company, Publishers, 1899.
SMITH, MALCOLM; Farmer; Knox Township; born in Herkimer County, New York, December 15, 1836; educated in the common schools. The ancestry of the
family was Scotch and English. Mr. Smith's parents, James and Jeal (McCann) Smith, were natives of Scotland. Mr. Smith came to Illinois in 1856.
He was married March 7, 1860, in Joliet, Illinois to Harriet M. Randall. They had four children: Fred M., James D., George C., and Maud R. Fred M.'s second
marriage was with Fannie (Ingham) of Hornellsville, New York. He had a daughter, Clarissa, by a former marriage. James D. is a farmer, and was married to Sarah
Lufkin, of Massachusetts. George C. and Fred M. are in the employ of the Union Pacific Railroad. Mrs. Smith's father, Dennison Randall, was born in Cattaraugus
County, New York, in 1810, and married Elexemena Pratt of Hume, New York. They have five children: Ann Netta, Harriet M., Esther Y., Dennison P., and William C.
The Pratts were soldiers in the Revolutionary War, and both families were represented in the Civil War. For thirty years, Mr. Smith was connected with the
Chicago and Alton Railroad, during twenty years of which time he held the position of Trainmaster. Mr. Smith and family are members of the Presbyterian church.
In politics, he is a republican, and held the office of Supervisor for ten years.
From the Utica Morning Herald, Monday, February 10, 1896, page 7.
HERKIMER, Feb. 9- (Special.)- Robert Earl, 2d, and bride have arrived home.
LITTLE FALLS, Feb. 9- Special.- The towns of Herkimer county will elect town officers Tuesday. Following are the candidates for supervisors:
Columbia- T. W. Warren, republican; R. H. Hopkinson, democrat.
Danube- Marvin Jones, republican; Sanford Johnson, democrat.
German Flatts- Harry Spohn, republican; J. F. Devendorf, democrat.
Herkimer- Max Miller, republican; M. Rasbach, democrat.
Litchfield- T. P. Parker, republican; F. Haggerty, democrat.
Little Falls- Union ticket, republican; L. G. Rankin, democrat.
Little Falls City- E. Smith, republican; O. W. Timmerman, democrat.
Little Falls City- E. V. Decker, republican; I. R. Davis, democrat.
Frankfort- Simon P. Weaver, republican; G. I. Seaman, democrat.
Manheim- Wheeler Knapp, republican; John Garlock, democrat.
Newport- Charles L. Fellows, republican; D. P. Wooster, democrat.
Norway- Merton Smith, republican; Byron Comstock, democrat.
Ohio- Dr. E. E. Kelly, republican; endorsed by democrats.
Russia, D. P. Jarvin, republican; Frank Forrest, democrat.
Salisbury- George Marsh, republican; Israel Keller, democrat.
Stark- A. H. Eckler, republican; Ira McDonald, democrat.
Schuyler- Seward Davis, republican; G. W. Richardson, democrat.
Warren- George H. C sler, republican; Edward Walrath, democrat.
Winfield- Park W. Barden, republican; Lynn B. Wheeler, democrat.
Wilmurt- J. M. Richards, republican; union ticket, democrat.
Webb- A. McIntyre, republican; Joseph Harvey, democrat.
Fairfield, James W. Ford, republican; W. W. Moshier, democrat.
Owing to the creation of the town of Webb there will be 22 members in the next board, and 12 will be required for organization.
From the Utica Daily Union, February 14, 1896, page 2.
Personal. Miss Anna Gray of Howard avenue is the guest of W. H. Switzer of Little Falls. (page 2)
D. W. Morris, formerly Deputy Clerk of Herkimer County, has been installed as bookkeeper for Roberts, Parry & Co. (page 2)
Bishop Newman in Herkimer. (page 2)
Rev. J. P. Newman, D. D., LL. D., of Omaha, one of the bishops of the M.E. Church, will lecture on the "Four Great Religions"
before the students of the Folts Institute, Herkimjer, this and to-morroww evenings. These lectures are free, thus affording
the people of Mohawk valley an opportunity to hear one of the most gifted speakers of the American pulpit.
BORN. (page 3)
KNOWLES- To Mr. and Mrs. HAYDEN KNOWLES of West Winfield, January 30, 1896, a son.
COE- To Mr. and Mrs. ALBERT S. COE of Middleville, February 12, 1896, a daughter.
From the Republican and Democrat, Saturday, January 7, 1871, a Cooperstown NY newspaper published by James I. Hendryx:
SUPREME COURT.- SABRINA C. THOMPSON AND SABRINA THOMPSON and Clara C. Thompson, infants by Sabrina C. Thompson their guardian, against Mary Ann Countryman
and William Burch, administrator and administratrix or &c. of Thomas I. Thompson, deceased, and Mary Ann Countryman administratrix of &c. Smith Thompson
deceased, Maranda Sutliff, Jennie C. Newton, Elizabeth Thornburgh and Mary Ann Countryman - Summons - to above defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer
the complaint of above named plaintiffs, which was filed in the office of the clerk of the County of Herkimer, N. Y., the 6th day of December inst., and to serve
a copy of your answer on me at Fort Plain, N.Y., within twenty days after the se rvice of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail
to answer the said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the Supreme Court for the relief demanaded in the said complaint. Dated Dec. 6th, 1870.
J. E. DEWEY, Pltf's Atty. (page 4)
A classified ad for an inn from the Otsego Republican, October 25, 1851, Vol. XXIII, No. 26.
Has been recently repaired and newly furnished and is ready for the reception of Travelers and Visiters.
Stages leaves this house Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, for Richfield Springs, Cooperstown and the intermediate places, returning the alternate days.
Stages leave Daily for the North.
Herkimer, July 11, 1851.
From The Morris Chronicle, November 27, 1878, page 2 (an Otsego County NY newspaper):
The quiet of the village of Frankfort, Herkimer county has again been stirred up. A party of burglars attempted and succeeded in entering five
dwellings last Wednesday night, from some of them they stole valuables of considerable amount. And to keep times lively, the same night an elopement took
place. The daughter of the proprietor of the Cottage Hotel eloped with a young Doctor from Ilion and the two were married.
This advertisement appeared in The Roman Citizen, Friday, September 26, 1862, Vol. XXIII, No. 17, Whole No. 1163, page 3. A Rome
NY (Oneida County) newspaper.
Fairfield Seminary.
$32.25 pays for board, washing, room, fuel, and tuition in common English for fall term of 14 weeks.
Unsurpassed advantages in Languages, Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Commercial Department comple (sic).
Special provision for ladies in Music and Oil Painting.
Fall Term opens August 20th. For new catalogues, circular, or to engage rooms, address
Rev. A. G. COCHRAN, Fairfield, N.Y.
1/2/07 Found in The Otsego Republican, Aug. 20, 1890, page 2.
Grand Master J. W. Vrooman of Herkimer, has returned in good health from his European tour.
9/19/06 Researchers who've immersed themselves in early Newport/Norway history
are most familiar with the early settlers the Swezey family. Here's a mystery that'll keep you busy, a profile of Daniel
Swezey of Newport and some of his descendants, from the Gazetteer and Biographical Record of Genesee County, N. Y., 1788-1890, by F. W. (Frederick W.) Beers.
pp. 309-310. This biographical sketch attributes a different wife to him, and mother to his children, than the woman listed in
L.B. Tuttle's 1906 History of the Town of Newport: 1806 to 1906. Refer to the biographical sketch in persons
buried in Swezey-Bromley Cemetery.
Daniel Swezey, of German ancestry, was born in Suffolk County, L.I., in 1753. He went to Herkimer County and died
October 26, 1825, at the age of 72 years. He married Sarah Beal, of Connecticut, daughter of a celebrated music
teacher, and their children were Daniel, George, Samuel, Sarah, Mary, Eunice, and Matthew B. George Swezey was
born at Middle Island, Suffolk County, N. Y., August 9, 1780. His death, in 1851, at the age of 71 years, in the
town of Russia, Herkimer County, was occasioned by an accident. He married Elizabeth Wood, of Orange County, N. Y.,
and their children were William W., Jane, Elizabeth A., Achsah, Harriet, Hiram and Franklin. Hiram Swezey, a
native of Russia, N. Y., born October 6, 1824, came to Victor, N. Y., in 1858, and to Batavia, where he now resides,
in 1882. He married Mary, daughter of Daniel and Catherine (Sherwood) Silliman, of Salisbury, N. Y. Their children are
Annie E., George S., Cora J., Edward H., May G., H. Eugene, and Carrie L. George S. Swezey is pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church at Peabody, Kan. Samuel Swezey visited Batavia in 1814 and '15 as a missionary from Herkimer
County. Daniel upon the death of his father, took upon himself the care of the family. In 1796, with his father, he
purchased land in Norway, Herkimer County, erected a cabin, and made improvements, so that in the spring the whole
family left Long Island in a boat, coming to Albany, where they purchased a cart and oxen, and continued their
journey to Norway. They were three weeks on the road, enduring many hardships. With native energy and perseverance
they performed the duties of pioneer life, and exerted an influence for good that extended to their children as well
as the community around. They were prominent in school and church matters, and aided in building up both for the
benefit of all concerned.
Our listing of the Swezey-Bromley Cemetery has SWEZEY, Sarah, d. 12-26-1819, ae 60 or 66 [age 66], wife of Deac. Daniel
9/5/06 Found in the Richfield Springs Mercury, Thursday, July 19, 1956. This was
a long-time Otsego County newspaper.
Town Topics
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eckler of Mohawk and daughters, Kaye and Jean Ann, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Miller, Saturday evening. Mr. and
Mrs. Eckler left Sunday for three weeks to visit Mrs. Eckler's brothers, Robert and Arthur Hoke in California. (p. 5)
Schuyler Lake
Miss Cathy Buell spent last week with her sister, Mrs. James Truex at Ilion. (p. 7)
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leary of Syracuse Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brady of Herkimer were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brady. (p. 7)
9/4/06 Found in the Richfield Springs Mercury, Thursday, August 2, 1956. This was
a long-time Otsego County newspaper.
Schuyler Lake (p. 3)
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allen and daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Allen, Mrs. Ira Hines of Frankfort were Sunday callers at Allen Washburn's.
Mrs. Myron Burke of Cedarville and her daughter, Mrs. Jeffery Ricciardi and children of Leona, N. J. were callers at Mrs. Minnie Randall's on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buell and children of Ilion are spending their vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Buell.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chapadeau of Little Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brady of Herkimer were Sunday callers at Francis Brady's.
Exeter Center (p. 3)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schults of Exeter accompanied by her sisters, Mrs. George Mosher of Herkimer and Mrs. Mae Dingman of Ilion spent the weekend in Rochester.
West Exeter (p. 3)
Mrs. Lawrence Watkins called on Mrs. William Griffith at East Winfield last week.
Burlington (p. 3)
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bailey of Cedarville were callers at Elsie Chase's Sunday afternoon.
9/4/06 Found in the Richfield Springs Mercury, Thursday, July 26, 1956. This was
a long-time Otsego County newspaper.
Lakeside [Note: we have no idea which lake this refers to in Otsego County.]
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Farouche of Frankfort are vacationing for two weeks at their summer home, "Edgewood."
Mrs. James Dawley, of the Ilion Hospital staff, and her son, Jimmy spent the last 2 weeks at the Lake. Mrs. Dawley is well known
among the Mohawk Valley residents, as she is office manager at the hospital.
9/3/06 Found in the Richfield Springs Mercury, Thursday, August 30, 1956. This was
a long-time Otsego County newspaper.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker of Herkimer were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Harrington. (p. 3)
Town Topics
Mrs. James Woodruff of Little Falls after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ricer, left Wednesday for Cazenovia where she is the guest of relatives.
[Note: the following is for Richfield Springs, but interesting.]
Mrs. Lila Johnson Melrose of Decator, Ill., stopped in Richfield one day last week to renew old acquaintances, enroute home from a visit with
relatives in Gouveneur (sic). As Miss Lila Johnson she taught English at the Bronner Street high school about 1909, and will be remembered
by many alumni of the old red brick schoolhouse.
Information extracted from Fifty-fifth Annual Report of the New York State Agricultural Society for the Year 1895.
Albany and New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., State Printers. 1896. All names are exactly as spelled in the original
official State of New York book and will not be changed. We thank you in advance for directing ALL questions about persons listed to the appropriate historical
societies, not to the site coordinators.
Ellsworth, S. H., Starkville
Fox, Eli (M.D.), Mohawk
Gilbert, B. D., Clayville
Miller, Warner, Herkimer
Mixter, David E., Jordanville
Morgan, M. T., North Winfield
Pine, George W., Herkimer
Information extracted from Fifth Annual Report of the Education Department, For the school year ending
July 31, 1908. Albany: New York State Education Department. 1909. All names are exactly as spelled in the original
official State of New York book and will not be changed. We thank you in advance for directing ALL questions about persons listed to the appropriate historical
societies, not to the site coordinators.
Classical course
Hazel Seaman - Frankfort
English course
Helena M. Clingen - Little Falls
Mary Agnes Ferguson - Little Falls
ONEONTA NORMAL SCHOOL - graduates 1908
Normal Course
Bessie J. Fuller - Frankfort
Edna Gertrude Malloy - Ilion
Ethel M. Penney - Ilion
Dora Belle Phillips - Little Falls
POTSDAM NORMAL SCHOOL - graduates 1908
Professional Course
Maude Rosamond Bargey - Ilion
Maude Edna Delavan - Mohawk
Edith May Wilt - Hinckley
School Commissioners in the State of New York for the Term of 3 Years
Ending December 31, 1908 with Post Office and Express Addresses
Revised to August 1, 1908
County, Name, Post Office, Express Office
Herkimer - D. N. Boynton, Newport, Newport
Herkimer - Arthur J. Rose, West Winfield, West Winfield
Superintendents of Schools in the cities of the State
Revised to August 1, 1908
Little Falls - A. J. Merrell
Superintendents of Schools in villages having a population of more than 5000
Revised to August 1, 1908
Herkimer - C. L. Mosher
Ilion - Frank D. Warren
First grade certificates issued by school commissioners
Number of certificate, county/district/name, post office address, date of certificate
4723, Helen Cramer, Salisbury, August 1, 1907
4983, Elsie C. Fitch, Poland, , August 1, 1907
4722, Mrs. Nettie G. R. Mahardy, Fairfield, August 1, 1907
5112, M. Verna Reed, Poland, August 1, 1907
4720, Mae Devendorf, Ilion, August 1, 1907
Note: no further information was given as to what these cases were about.
5337 - William Wanless from proceedings of annual meeting in school district no. 3, Russia,
Herkimer co. Appeal sustained. Decided September 23, 1907.
5360 - Application to remove Thomas Leech as member of the board of education of union free school
district no. 1, German Flats and Frankfort. Application dismissed. Decided October 29, 1907.
Biography of Michael Edic Hess,
b. South Columbia, Herkimer county, NY., September 25, 1826. This short bio of a Pennsylvania resident mentions George Hess, Hanyost Hess, John Hess
& others. A link to another site.
Two biographical sketches of men born in Herkimer County
were graciously contributed by Joanne Murray. Source: American Biographical Library; The Twentieth Century Biographical
Dictionary of Notable Americans, Volume 3.
DUELL, Robert Holland, representative, was born in Warren, Herkimer
county, N.Y., Dec. 20, 1824. He was graduated at Syracuse academy and was admitted to the bar in 1845.
In 1848 he removed to Cortland, N.Y., where he practiced his profession. In 1850 he was appointed
district attorney for Cortland county and served as such until 1855, when he became district judge. He filled
that office until 1859. He was a Republican representative in the 36th and 37th congresses, 1859-63, and in the
42d and 43d congresses, 1871-75. He was U.S. commissioner of patents, 1875-76. His son, Charles Holland, born in
Cortland, N.Y., April 13, 1850, was graduated front Hamilton college in 1871 and from Hamilton law school in 1872;
became a patent lawyer in Syracuse, N.Y., and was made commissioner of patents in 1898. Robert Holland Duell died in Cortland, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1891. [ Page 326.]
EARL, Robert, jurist, was born in Herkimer, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1824; son of John and Margaret (PETRY) Earl; grandson
of Paul Earl, and of Dr. William PERRY, a surgeon in the Revolutionary army; and a descendant of Ralph Earl, who came to
Rhode Island from England in 1638. He was prepared for college at Herkimer academy and was graduated at Union in 1845. He was
county judge of Herkimer county, 1856-60, was surrogate of the county, and in 1869 was elected judge, and for a time was
chief judge of the court of appeals of the state. On the reorganization of that court in 1870 he was made a member of the
commission of appeals. He was appointed in 1875 by Governor Tilden a judge of the court of appeals on the death of Martin
Grover and in November, 1876, he was elected a member of the court for the full term of fourteen years. He was re-elected in
1890 and in January, 1892, was appointed chief judge by Governor Flower to succeed William Crawford Ruger, deceased. In
November, 1892, Charles Andrews was elected chief judge. Judge Earl retired from the bench by reason of age limit, Jan. 1,
1895. He received the degree of LL.D. from Union college in 1874 and from Columbia College in 1887. [Page 370.]
Henry Harper Benedict's personal sketch was graciously
contributed by Joanne Murray. Source: America's Successful Men of Affairs: An Encyclopedia of Contemporaneous Biography. Vol. 1.
New York: The New York Tribune, 1895-96, pp. 81-83
HENRY HARPER BENEDICT, one of the partners in the firm of Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, who have attained
a world-wide reputation as the manufacturers of the Remington Typewriter, is a man of education and a successful and highly respected citizen.
He traces his descent through a long line of worthy and capable ancestors, extending back to William Benedict, who was living
in Nottinghamshire, England, in the year 1500. William's great-grandson, Thomas Benedict, was born in Nottinghamshire, England,
in 1617, and came to America in 1638. He lived first on Long Island at: Southold, Jamaica and Huntington, and later in
Connecticut. The first of the name of Benedict in America, he was a notable man in his day. He was a deacon, and aided
actively in the founding of the first Presbyterian Church in America, at Jamaica. He held a number of local offices on Long
Island, and was appointed by Governor Nichols a delegate to what is believed to have been the first legislative body ever
convened in New York, to settle "good and known laws" for the inhabitants of Long Island. From 1670 to 1675, he served as a
member of the General Assembly of the State. Mr. Benedict died in Norwalk, Conn., in 1690.
His son James constituted one of the eight men who bought the land and settled the city of Danbury, Conn., and here James,
grandson of the emigrant, was born in 1685, the first white male child of the place. John, a son of James, was a member of
the Connecticut Legislature for many years and acquired the title of Captain in military service. His son James moved to
Ballston, N.Y., after the Revolution, thence to Auburn in 1793. The men of this line were all pioneers, enterprising and
courageous, and they acquired in the life of the frontier a self-reliance of character and sturdiness of constitution, which
have always characterized the family.
Elias, the son of James, came to Herkimer county, N.Y., about 1790, and built the log cabin in which his son Micaiah,
the father of Henry Harper Benedict, was born in 1801. Both Elias and Micaiah bore a man's part in the subjugation of the wilderness.
Micaiah Benedict was a remarkable man. He attended school one summer, when about seven years old, and never received a day's
farther training in any other school than that of experience. Nevertheless he became a man of extended learning. A local
historian says "that which made him erudite was reading, thinking and remembering" through his whole life. He read the best
books diligently, and, possessing a wonderful memory, merited more fully than many others to whom the term has been applied
the soubriquet of a "walking encyclopedia." An ardent Democrat, he admired Andrew Jackson, and served as a local magistrate
for many years. He cast his last vote as a Democrat for Franklin Pierce, and then became a Republican and remained such until
his death in 1881. He was an enthusiastic member of the Masonic order, and lectured much on the subject of Masonry. For several
years he occupied the position of Deputy Grand Master in this State.
Henry Harper Benedict was born in German Flats, Herkimer County, N.Y., Oct. 9, 1844. His father, anxious that the boy
should receive that scholarly tuition which had been denied to himself, educated Harper at the public schools and at Little
Falls Academy and Fairfield Seminary in Herkimer county. Later the young man spent some time at Marshall Institute at Easton,
N.Y., and then enjoyed the regular course at Hamilton College, being graduated therefrom in 1869. At college he joined the
Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. The young man was an excellent student, and aided in his own education by serving during 1867
and 1868 as professor of Latin and the higher mathematics in Fairfield Seminary.
After completing his college course, Mr. Benedict entered the employment of E. Remington & Sons, manufacturers of rifles
and guns at Ilion, N.Y., in a confidential position. He won the respect of his employers at an early period, and showed so
much zeal and talent that he was elected in time a director of the corporation of E. Remington & Sons, and treasurer
of The Remington Sewing Machine Co. With characteristic energy he identified himself heartily with the local interests of
Ilion, and for thirteen years was regarded one of the most valued citizens of the place. He helped to organize the First
Presbyterian Church there, and served as an elder, trustee and treasurer therein. He was also president of The Herkimer County
Bible Society. When The Ilion Literary Association was formed, he became one of its leading spirits, and for many years its
president. This association held annual courses of lectures, and Mr. Benedict's duties as president brought him the acquaintance of many of the most prominent people in the country.
In 1882, having been admitted to membership in the firm of Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, he removed to New York city to
engage in the sale of Remington typewriters. This remarkable invention made slow progress at first, but, once in practical use
among a number of firms, won its way rapidly into public favor. The machine has been advertised with great ingenuity and
energy, and its sale is now world-wide. In 1886, the firm purchased the entire typewriter plant of the Remingtons, including
all rights and franchises, and have since conducted the manufacture as well as the sale of the machine, attaining a remarkable success.
In 1884, Mr. Benedict made a first trip to Europe in the interest of his firm, and has since been abroad many times, both for
business and for pleasure. In his trips, his family usually accompanies him. He has had charge of the foreign department of
his firm's business, which is now firmly established, with connections in every part of the world.
In 1867, he married Maria Nellis, daughter of Henry G. Nellis, and granddaughter of General George H. Nellis, of Fort Plain,
N.Y. They have one child living, a daughter, fifteen years of age. Their home has been at 116 Willow Street, Brooklyn
Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict are members of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York city, Dr. John Hall's, but
attend the Church of the Pilgrims in Brooklyn, the Rev. Dr. Storrs, pastor. Their daughter is a member there. Mr. Benedict is
a member of the Hamilton club and Long Island Historical Society in Brooklyn, and of the Grolier, Republican, Delta Kappa
Epsilon and Union League Arkwright clubs in New York.
A man of refined tastes, he has made a collection of engravings and etchings by the great masters, which is of the highest
quality, perhaps unsurpassed by any other of its size anywhere. He also possesses a good library and a collection of oil
paintings, mostly by American artists, which, like his prints, represent the several artists at their best.
This personal sketch of Herkimer & Montgomery County's famous entrepreneur
Alfred Dolge was graciously
contributed by Joanne Murray. Source: America's Successful Men of Affairs: An Encyclopedia of Contemporaneous Biography. Vol. 1.
New York: The New York Tribune, 1895-96, pp. 196-199
ALFRED DOLGE, manufacturer, one of the most remarkable men for whom America is indebted to the mother
land of Germany, was born in Chemnitz in that country, Dec. 22, 1848. His father, August, was one of the leaders of the
Revolution of 1848-49, and the honor of being twice tried by court martial was accorded to him. Twice he was sentenced
to death, but the penalty of his courageous efforts for liberty was afterward changed to imprisonment for fifteen years.
Alfred attended the public schools of Leipzig during his boyhood, and then learned the trade of piano making
in his father's factory, an art requiring the highest mechanical skill. Attracted to America by the greater liberty and more
promising opportunities of the new world, he landed at Castle Garden on the 9th of September in 1866. A strongly built,
capable and practical youth, he accepted the first employment which offered, and found work on a farm in Wisconsin for one
season. Returning then to the East, he spent two and a half years at his trade of piano making. With $500, which he had earned
by diligent labor at the bench and saved by careful economy, Mr. Dolge began, in July, 1869, the importation of piano materials
from Europe. The felts employed by piano makers in this country were at that time purchased abroad, but Mr. Dolge believed
that they could be, and should be, made in America. To believe is, with a nature as energetic as his, to act. In 1871,
therefore, Mr. Dolge began the manufacture of piano felts, in Brooklyn, and thus became the actual pioneer of this valuable industry in the United States.
In 1874, he moved the works to Dolgeville, in Herkimer county, N.Y. In this beautiful town, a large factory
has gradually come into existence through his persistent energy; and at these works Mr. Dolge has also developed the most
highly approved felt machinery known to the whole industry. Departments for making the different parts of pianos have been
added to the factory, one after another, until Mr. Dolge is now the proprietor of the most complete, the largest and most
highly developed piano material manufactory in the world. Employment is given to a large force of skillful operatives; and
probably no where in the United States can there be found a finer group of working people than those to whom Mr. Dolge has
been both an employer and benefactor. His enterprise has finally put an end to the importation of piano materials from Europe,
and rendered America entirely independent of every other land for its supply of these articles. If it be added that the
performance of public services of great utility has brought Mr. Dolge a fortune, it must be said on the other hand that he has
bestowed far greater benefits than he has received. But to say that he is a successful manufacturer, by no means sums up the remarkable career of Alfred Dolge.
The village of Dolgeville, founded by him, has become the model industrial town of American origin, both in
its social and economic aspects. It has all the advantages of modern ideas and city methods, without the disadvantage of the
paternalism usually associated with so called ideal towns. A free public school and an academy of the highest order, fully
equipped with scientific apparatus and with all the modern appointments, have been built by Mr. Dolge and given to the town.
Houses containing from six to nine rooms have been built, many of them wholly or in part by Mr. Dolge, and now belong to the
workmen themselves. Mr. Dolge has also converted the woodlands surrounding the town into parks, which will always remain a
permanent and beautiful feature of the place. In all which pertains to making Dolgeville a model town in its sanitary,
educational and picturesque aspects, Mr. Dolge has shown a practical good sense, amounting to real greatness. He is the leader of his people, not their patron.
The most significant of the new ideas introduced at Dolgeville, and the one whose influence will be the most
permanent and far reaching, is Mr. Dolge's contribution to the solution of the labor problem. One of the most depressing
features of the present industrial system, apparently the one most difficult of treatment, is the discharge of workmen, when
they reach the stage of "diminishing returns," or declining efficiency. It is a complaint against modern capital, that it
takes labor when it is young and vigorous, exploits its vitality, and ruthlessly throws it aside, when it has passed the
prime of life or approaches old age, The workmen are then too old to learn a new trade. Except in rare cases, they are liable
to become recipients of charity or entirely dependent for support upon the younger members of their families. It is thus held,
and not without force, that a hopeless old age is all the average working man can hope for, unless he dies in the harness.
This is made the basis of much of the Socialistic attack upon modern capital. For this complaint, Mr. Dolge has, by
experiments continued through twenty years, developed a successful remedy, based upon economic and scientific principles,
which enables every workman to retire at the age of sixty with a competence for the remainder of his life. It is a system of
industrial insurance, which is to labor what a depreciation fund is to capital. It provides for the retirement of workmen when
they reach the age of declining efficiency, in the same way that a depreciation fund provides for replacing old machinery
with new. This system entirely eliminates the inhumanity hitherto involved in the discharge of old and often faithful workmen.
By providing for them a permanent income for the remainder of their lives, the hopelessness of old age is entirely overcome.
In an article in The Social Economist for June, 1892, presenting the leading features of his system,
Mr. Dolge says: "In order, therefore, to obtain the best results from laborers, they must not only live under good conditions
while working, but they must be placed beyond the fear of want in their old age. To secure this, a labor depreciation or
insurance fund should be made an established part of the cost of production, just the same as depreciation for machinery is
provided for now. From these, two important advantages are obtained: (1.) Laborers can be retired without becoming paupers,
when they cease to be profitable factors in production, or when they reach what economists call the stage of 'diminishing
returns.' (2.) Their future being assured, laborers would feel safe in keeping their wives at home, sending their children to
school, and otherwise living up to the full extent of their income. Thus, instead of constantly trying to restrict their
standard of living to provide for old age, they would have every inducement for extending it, which would tend to increase
their intelligence, social character and individuality, and develop not only more efficient laborers, but a higher manhood and superior citizenship among our people."
Mr. Dolge's plan is entirely free from the slightest taint of paternalism, being based upon strictly economic
and thoroughly practical business principles and verified by a test of twenty years. It is susceptible of universal
application. If this were made a national policy, as it easily might be, it would tend to eliminate pauperism from this
country, might do it altogether, and would certainly do much to destroy the acrimonious spirit which is creating a social
antagonism against present methods of production. In this, Mr. Dolge has proved himself a social philosopher as well as a successful manufacturer, qualities rarely found together.
To grow rich, and at the same time to become more democratic towards the masses, is a quality of greatness.
Mr. Dolge is now the head of the great firm of Alfred Dolge & Son; a partner in C. F. Zimmerman & Co., manufacturers
of autoharps; and Daniel Green & Co., second vice president of The Little Falls & Dolgeville Railroad, and in New York city, trustee of The German Savings Bank, and member of the Republican and Liederkranz clubs.
By his marriage, Dec. 22, 1868, to Anna Auguste Horn, he has five children, Rudolf, William, Ernst, Henry
and Fritz Dolge. His home is now in New York City, where he has become widely known and greatly respected. He is an
interesting speaker and has frequently been heard with profit before public assemblages in explanation of economic questions.
A new batch of Herkimer County human interest stories
from out-of-state newspapers was graciously contributed by Joanne Murray.
From: Appleton Motor (Appleton, Wisconsin) 16 October 1862
General Anderson, of Fort Sumter fame, is with his family at Henderson, Herkimer County, New York. His health is not yet restored.
From: Alton Telegraph and Democratic Review (Alton, Illinois) 9 Oct 1841
Another Bank Robbery!
The last New York papers state that the Herkimer County Bank was robbed of over seventy thousand dollars, principally
its own notes, in the night of the 25th ult. The offender is believed to be the book keeper, named Anson C. Brown, a
young man of 21, who borrowed the key of the guard-lock from the cashier, under a plausible pretense, in the evening of
that day, and disappeared before the next morning. He was supposed to have gone toward Boston, with two accomplices.
From: Atchison Globe (Atchison, Kansas) 10 June 1884
Body Found After Two Years
Utica, NY. June 10 - The body of a lumberman who mysteriously disappeared about two years ago has been discovered about
eight miles from Bisby Club Lodge, on the Moose River, in Herkimer County, covered with moss. A bullet hole was found
in the head. Other lumbermen reported finding the body in the winter, and it is believed they knew when and how he
died. The missing man left a wife and children and it is now believed he was murdered.
From: Bismarck Daily Tribune (Bismarck, North Dakota) 6 December 1913
[An Advertisement for Cheese]
Dear Sir:
I have this year another of those fine Herkimer County, New York, cheeses. Weighs 1,160 pounds. It's the finest cheese
on the market and the flavor is especially delicious because large cheeses of this kind have a taste that no smaller
cheese ever has. I've had one of these cheeses every Christmas season for a number of years, and the demand is so
great some people do not get in till too late and are disappointed.
This cheese will not be cut till December 16, but orders are being taken now. Send in your order for five, ten or
twenty-five pounds. The price is 30 cents a pound for five pounds or less, 28 cents a pound for orders over five
pounds. Don't delay, order now.
You can keep this cheese as well as the maker. Just melt a little paraffine [sic] and cover the cheese with a
thin coating. It stays fresh and delicious till you want to use it. It is the finest table cheese you ever
tasted and for rare-bits has no equal.
If you send in your order promptly I'll save whatever sized piece you want - if you delay it may be all gone, and
you'll miss the greatest delicacy of the season.
The Old Pioneer Store
Chas. Kupitz
Established 1878
From: Adams Centinel (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) 12 February 1823
A Phenomenon!
There is a spring in Herkimer County, New York, which always discharges an equal quantity of water, never rising or
falling - and what is more remarkable, always, about 24 hours before a north east storm, the spring grows muddy, and
continues so from four to ten hours, according to the power of the storm coming. This spring has been known for many
years, and whenever it grows muddy, though the sky may be clear, and the weather perfectly mild, and without any
appearance of a storm, the inhabitants predict such an event with the same certainty, as they would the rising of the sun.
From: Adams Centinel (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) 12 November 1823
A cavern has been discovered in Herkimer County, New York, the depth of which has not yet been ascertained. A
number of trials have been made to descend to the bottom. At a depth of 30 feet, there was great difficulty of
breathing, produced by the carbonic gas, and all candles and matches were extinguished - but below the depth of 30
feet the air was pure. A Mr. Brown was lately let down to the distance of one hundred and sixty-five feet,
which being the whole length of the rope, he was pulled out. At that depth there was no sign of a bottom. The
editor of the Little Falls paper observes, "Who knows but this cavern may prove to be only a trap door to Capt. Symmes inner world."
From: The Bridgeport Telegram (Bridgeport, Connecticut) 3 June 1922
Remington Stockholder Appeals From Decision
Herkimer, NY. June 2 - An appeal from the Supreme Court decision upholding the recent election of officers of the
Remington Type-Writer Company at Ilion has been filed in the office of the Herkimer County Clerk by Francis A. Huck
of New York. A stockholder, Mr. Huck alleges that the election of a few weeks ago was irregular in view of the fact
that officers were chosen by a count of uplifted hands instead of ballot.
Through an error it was announced yesterday that the action had been taken by a stockholder of the Remington Arms
Company, the mistake arising from the similarity of the names of the corporations.
From: Burlington Hawk Eye (Burlington, Iowa) 12 September 1850
John Stag, from German Flats, Herkimer County, New York, a passenger on board the Georgia, died 20th August, of
Cholera morbus. He came down in a sail skiff from San Francisco to Panama on his return to his family, and had
collected a small amount of money, which is in the hands of the captain.
From: Burlington Hawk Eye (Burlington, Iowa) 16 February 1882
Roaming Robert
...On the banks of the Mohawk - A busy village on a picturesque site - The center of cheese culture - Medical
discussions on the train - The railway life saving service - A medical preserver.
LITTLE FALLS, N.Y. - When you come to Little Falls you want to get out of the cars and see how busy everything is.
Everybody is so busy here it makes your back ache to look at them. The location of the village is romantic beyond
description. It stands in a narrow gorge where the Mohawk gently roars and plunges on its clear winding way to the
sea. The gentle river breaks right through a ridge over 500 feet high. This ridge used to be the eastern shore of a
great lake that reached clear to Ontario, until the restless water cleft the rocky bank, and the great lake, cutting
through this barrier, found an outlet through the Mohawk Valley. The river falls forty-five feet in half a mile, and
this water power is utilized by the factories that line the river banks. The rocky hills all about this gorge are
pierced with numerous caverns. They are not so large as the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, but they are big enough for
David Davis to crawl into, and that is cavern enough for an ordinary man. Little Falls is, moreover, the
market town of Herkimer County, and Herkimer County is famous from Dan to Beersheba for its rich cheeses. Mondays
Little Falls is so full of farmers and cheeses that the sound of a rat can be heard clear down to Kings County.
"The national song of Herkimer County," the fat passenger said, "is 'The Watch on the Rind'."
"And she believes in the power and influence of an untrammeled cheese press," remarked the tall, thin passenger.
"Verily," said the sad passenger, "it is mitiest in the mitey."
"Is the past tense of cheese, chose?" asked the fresh young man, but he was immediately crushed by the cross passenger
who asked him if the past tense of niece was nose?...
From: Burlington Hawk Eye (Burlington, Iowa) 27 April 1882
In conversation recently Gen. Francis E. Spinner told how he adopted that marvelous signature of his. "It
was when I was practicing law at Herkimer County," he said, "Years ago - well, let me see - it was in 1830. Judge
Osborn was my law partner. I was scrawling with my pen at my desk, and wrote my name several times in that
manner. Osborn happened to see it. He said: 'Hello, old Fishhook, I'll bet you can't do that again.' I said: 'I bet
I can,' and I did. I adopted it as my signature then, and I have written my name in that way ever since."
The names of the following Mohawk Valley Region students and physicians were abstracted from "Bulletin of The University of Rochester. The
School of Medicine and Dentistry. 1933-34," November 1933. Series XXVIII, No. 7. Only two Herkimer & Montgomery County residents
were listed. Two men's names, from Utica in neighboring Oneida County, were abstracted as it's helpful to find your relative's
name posted anywhere on line.
Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine
Students 1933-34
Third Year
Leonard Michael McGuigan, A.B. Union College, Amsterdam, N.Y.
First Year
Robert Brown Ainslie, A.B. Colgate University, Ilion, N.Y.
Arthur Salvatore Coriale, B.S. Hamilton College, Utica, N.Y.
Nathaniel Jones, A.B. Colgate University, Utica, N.Y.
Biographical sketches of former Herkimer County residents from History of Kent County, Michigan:
together with sketches of its cities, villages and townships... etc. Chicago: C. C. Chapman & Co. 1881.
James JEWELL, only son of James B. and Ruth P. (Taylor) Jewell, was born in Almond, Allegany
Co., N. Y., in 1830. His parents settled in this tp. in 1837 and the following year they bought
160 acres in Byron. Three years after, they bought 120 acres in Wyoming on sec. 16. Ten or twelve
years after, they went to White River, Muskegon Co., and stayed five years. They returned to Byron
where the father died in December, 1860. Mr. Jewell of this sketch has spent most of his life in
Wyoming, where he owns one house and three lots, valued at $1,000. He has operated with a threshing
machine 15 years. He was married at White River in January, 1855, to Harriet E., daughter of Moses
and Lydia Carleton, born in Mohawk, Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1831. They have five children -
William W., Lydia R., George C., James M. and Elmer E. Mr. Jewell is a member of the Grange. [Wyoming Township, p. 1419]
Henry A. HYDORN, Supervisor and Justice of the Peace, of Walker, was born Jan. 30, 1844, in
Brunswick, Rensselaer Co., N. Y.; his father, Conrad H., was a native of the same town, and came to
Michigan in 1866. He was a contractor and builder by occupation, which he pursued in Grand Rapids,
where he spent the remainder of his life. He died at his residence, 118 Fourth st., March 25, 1874,
leaving two sons and four daughters. Mr. Hydorn, of this sketch, is the youngest son. He attended
the common schools of Schaghticoke, and finished his education at West Winfield Academy,
in Herkimer Co., N. Y. In 1856 he entered the store of H. D. Carpenter, his brother-in-law, at
Cedarville, N. Y. In 1860 he went to West Winfield and entered the employ of R. Huntley as clerk,
and at the same time attended the academy until the fall of 1861. He traveled for the drygoods
house of Johnson, Fry & Co., 384-386 Broadway, N. Y., until September, 1862, when he enlisted
in the 152d N. Y. Inf., as 2d Lieut., and was promoted to the Captaincy of Co. B; served three
years in the Army of the Potomac, and took part in 23 engagements. He embarked in mercantile
business in New York, and in 1876 came to Michigan and bought a small farm on sec. 22, Walker tp.,
which has since been his home. He was elected Justice of the Peace in 1879, and was appointed
Supervisor June 13, 1881; is Chairman of the Standing Committee on Drains; is also Notary Public.
Mr. Hydorn is acting as salesman for Whitworth & Alden, 39 West Bridge st. [Walker Township, pp. 1397 - 1398]
David W. HILTON, son of David and Hannah Hilton, was born in Monroe Co., N. Y., in 1828.
His mother, who was born in 1793, died in 1846, and in 1848 he and his father came to Michigan
and bought 200 acres in Walker, in sec. 6. They settled on it and began the work of clearing and
improving. The father, who was born in 1783, died in 1874. Mr. H., of this sketch, owns 120
acres of land; 60 acres are improved. He was married in Alpine, in 1858, to Mary C., daughter
of Lyman W. and Sarah L. PATTEN, born in Herkimer county, in 1842. They have three children, born
in Walker - Mary L., Nora C., and Alberta S. Mr. Hilton had but little means to start in life with,
but by industry, economy and close attention to business, he acquired a nice property. He is
consequently one of the solid, influential pioneers of Kent county. He is a member of the Masonic
fraternity; in religion he is liberal, and in politics Republican. We give his portrait in this work. [Walker Township, p. 1396]
Leonard K. HILTON, son of David and Hannah (Black) Hilton, was born in New York in 1831.
His father was a native of Vermont, his mother of New York. The latter died when he was young,
and when he was 15 years of age his father came West with eight children, five sons and three
daughters. They came to this tp. in 1849, and his father bought several hundred acres in Walker and
Alpine, besides several city lots in Grand Rapids. Mr. Hilton, sr., died, and his estate was
distributed among his children, Mr. Hilton of this sketch receiving 80 acres and one city lot.
He has 60 acres improved. He was married in Pontiac, Oakland Co., in 1864, to Chastina Fisher,
a native of the same county. They have three children, born in Walker - Willie F., Aug. 26, 1868;
Edna M., Aug. 28, 1873, and Arthur L., March 2, 1879. [Walker Township, p. 1396. He is brother of David W. Hilton.]
Philip T. FOX, farmer and stock-breeder, was born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1812.
His parents, Jacob P. and Sarah (Scott) Fox, were natives of New York, the latter of Scotch,
the former of German descent. He early learned the trade of wool-carding and cloth-dressing, which
he followed from the age of 18 to 22. He was among the earliest settlers of this tp., coming in
1838 when the forests were unbroken and Indians plentier than other kinds of neighbors. He has
followed the occupation of a farmer since the age of 22. He was married in 1840 to Barbara Krum.
Her parents were natives of New York, of German descent. They have five sons, stalwart, active men -
William Henry, Jacob P., Richard, John M. and Benton D. Mr. Fox is a Democrat and has held the
offices of Commissioner of Highways and Township Treasurer. His sons are operating with a threshing machine. [p. 1374]
Wm. HYSER, physician and surgeon, was born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., Sept. 11, 1826; is son of Henry
and Helen Hyser, natives of New York. He began the study of medicine at the Geneva Medical College about the year
1846, and graduated at Buffalo University in 1850, commencing the practice of his profession in this tp. the same year.
In September 1863, he enlisted as Captain in the 6th Mich. Cav., and was discharged for disability; re-enlisted in
1864, and served one year; was in both Grant's campaigns on the Potomac. He resumed his business in Plainfield in 1865;
was married in this county in 1852 to Jeanette M. Saunders, born in New York in 1830; they have four children -
Herman W., Jennie E., Frank H. and Albert. Dr. Hyser has held the offices of Tp. Clerk, Justice of the Peace, School
Inspector and Supervisor; belongs to the Masonic order, Lodge No. 34. P. O., Austerlitz.
[Plainfield Township, p. 1317]
A. B. GRANT, M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, is a native of Columbia, Herkimer Co., N. Y., and
was born Jan. 15, 1849. His father, David Grant, was born in the same tp., and was from German parentage. He
died in Spring Arbor, Jackson Co., March 7, 1873, and was by occupation a farmer. His mother was a native of Otsego Co.,
N. Y., and was a descendant from Roger Williams. She still survives. The Doctor is the youngest of a family of seven
children, two being dead. Dr. Grant received a common English education, and taught school in Jackson Co., Mich. He
received his medical education at Cleveland, Ohio, and Detroit, Mich. He has held the office of Corresponding Secretary
of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of Michigan for the past three years. He practiced his profession at
Lyons, Ionia Co., Mich., until October, 1878, when he succeeded Dr. Amos Walker, and located permanently at Lowell.
Nov. 19, 1873, he was married to Miss Ada C. Fellows, daughter of John A. Fellows, of Sandstone, Jackson Co., Mich. Her
father is a native of New York, and a well-to-do farmer, living six miles west and north of Jackson city. Her mother,
Laura Anette Emery, is a native of Vermont, and daughter of Dr. John W. Emery, a surgeon of more than ordinary
prominence in earlier years, and now a resident of Paw Paw. Mich., being over 89 years of age. Dr. and Mrs. Grant have
two sons - Burdette F., born July 4, 1875, in Sandstone, Jackson Co; and Heman E., born Nov. 13, 1878, in Lowell.
The Doctor and lady are members of the Congregational Church, of Lowell. [p. 1216]
Luther DENSMORE, carpenter and joiner, Ada, was born in Potter, Yates Co., N. Y., July 9, 1833. His parents,
John and Elizabeth Densmore, were also natives of New York. Mr. Densmore's grandfather, David Densmore, was a
Revolutionary patriot. At the age of 21 Mr. Densmore served an apprenticeship of five years at his trade. He served
one year in New York State, and then in 1855 came to Ada and served four years with Henry Hoyt and John Schenck. Since
that date he has followed his trade, and for the last four years he has been foreman in the Bridge Department of
the D.,G.H. & M.R. R. October, 1864, he enlisted in Co. B, of the New 3d Mich. Inf., under Capt. Moore. He
participated in the skirmishes of Murfreesboro and Decatur, and at the close of the war moved off to Texas and was
mustered out at Victoria, Texas, and discharged at Detroit, June, 1866. He enlisted as Corporal and was promoted
to Orderly Sergeant the autumn of 1865.Mr. Densmore was married Oct. 18, 1858, to Miss Gertrude HOLT, daughter
of Henry and Mary Holt, a native of Herkimer Co., N. Y., born Mar. 27, 1835. They have three children - Georgia H.,
born May 24, 1860, wife of William H1. Smith; Jessie E., born July 19, 1862, and May L., born May 7, 1868. Mr. and Mrs.
D. are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. D. is a Republican. [p. 504]
Isaac WINEGAR, son of Isaac and Leah (Vosburgh) Winegar, was born Jan.12, 1816, in Chenango Co., N. Y. He is
a descendant of Ulric Winegar, the earliest ancestor to whom the family have been able to trace kinship with
directness and certainty. The latter, "pioneer and patriarch" of the Winegar family in America, was a native of
Switzerland. In 1710, he came to America with the colony known as the "Palatines," under the protection of Queen
Anne. The tract of land on which he settled on Hudson river is known to this day as "Winegar's land." He went in 1724
to Oblong, now Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., where he died in 1750, aged 102 years. He left several daughters and
one son, Garrett Winegar, who was born in Germany in 1702, and at the age of 22 married Catherine Snyder. He also
settled at Oblong, where he built the first saw-mill and died in 1755. His will made provision for his wife and 14
children, nine sons and five daughters. Samuel Winegar, seventh son of Garrett Winegar and grandfather of Isaac
Winegar, died early in the present century, leaving the following children: Asenath, Jeremiah, Gideon, Thomas,
Isaac, Susan and Polly. He was also a miller by occupation. Isaac, the youngest son, was the father of Mr. Winegar,
of this sketch. The latter was reared to agricultural pursuits and at 22 engaged in harness-making, taking it up
from choice, without previous instruction in its details; afterward worked at it as a journeyman, was acknowledged
to be a superior workman. His shop was at Crane's Corners. Afterward he began to work as a carpenter independent of
an apprenticeship, and has followed it since 1845. He did a great amount of work on his own residence, and planned
and built his barn, a structure 32 by 44 feet and 16 feet from sill to plate. Mr. Winegar was married in
Litchfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Dec. 31, 1840, to Sarah F., daughter of Alden and Susannah W. (GESS) WHITCOMB,
born in Litchfield, Feb. 18, 1826. Of five children born to them, two are living - Isaac M., born in
Litchfield, Apr. 11, 1842 and Edith M., born in Byron, Sept. 8, 1866. Mr. Winegar came to Michigan in the fall of
1845 and bought 80 acres of land, perfectly wild, with no traces of civilization. He now owns 100 acres on sec. 28
and 531 on sec. 29, with 80 acres under improvement, the result of his own labor. He also owns two lots and a
residence on Main street, at Byron Center. Mr. Winegar received a limited education and set out in the world
without aid; has earned for himself a comfortable independence and a name that will pass to his posterity as
that of a man without reproach. He was a Lieut. in the 27th Reg. N. Y. State nf., commissioned in 1844. He is
and has been for a number of years Justice of the Peace, and is connected with the Odd Fellows Encampment at
Salem Center. Mr. Winegar's portrait appears on another page. [Byron Township, p. 635]
Henry HOLT was born April 6, 1803, at Hampton, Conn. His father, Nehemiah Holt, was a soldier of the Revolution,
and participated in the battles of Long Island, Harlem Heights, Trenton and Princeton. He was an officer under Col.
Knowlton, and assisted in the removal of the leaden statue of Geo. III from its position at Bowling Green, which was
manufactured into bullets for the Federal soldiers. He was born in 1756, and died June 5, 1824. The mother of
Henry Holt was Sally (Dunlop) Holt. Mr. H. went from Connecticut to Oneida Co., N. Y., and thence to Herkimer Co.,
same State, moving in 1852 to sec. 3, this tp., where he now resides. His estate includes 450 acres of land,
worth $50 an acre. He was married June 18, 1830, to Loranzy M. POTTER, of Norway, Herkimer Co., N. Y.
She died April 21, 1835, leaving three children. Henry H., eldest son, was born March 27, 1831. He became eminent
for ability, and served as Lieut. Governor of the State from '72 to '76. George A. was born Feb. 3, 1833, and was
killed by a runaway team, Dec. 14, 1859. Gertrude L. was born March 27, 1835. She married Mr. Denison, of Ada, and
is now deceased. Mr. Holt was married April 19, 1836, to Mary DeWitt. The record of their seven children is as
follows: Francis E., born Sept. 21, 1837, died Nov. 13, 1863; Horace Gaylord, Nov. 18, 1839; Marion, Nov. 15, 1841;
Charles F., March 5, 1844; Sarah H., Jan. 5, 1847, died Aug. 1, 1850; Edward D., Feb. 11, 1849, died Aug. 6, 1850;
Helen G., Nov. 25, 1854. Mr. Holt is a Republican, and himself and wife are members of the Baptist Church. [Cascade
Township, p. 707]
James BUSH was born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1821; is son of William and Margaret (COUNTRYMAN) Bush.
His father was a soldier of 1812, and his grandfather, George Bush, fought in the Revolutionary war. The latter was
involved in all the perils and disasters that made Herkimer county prominent in the history of that struggle. He
took his gun and family with him to the field to make the precious lives secure from the murderous Tories and
Indians, and was inclined to peace; but the destruction of his home and the toil of years exasperated him at last
and he went into the service and fought until his country was free. The father of Mr. Bush died when he was 13 years
old and he maintained himself, earning from $40 to $60 with three months' schooling annually. He saved $800, and in
1851 bought 158 acres of land in Grattan, which he has increased to 359 acres by later purchase. His land is situated
on sees. 7 and 18 and sec. 12, Plainfield. His first wheat brought 50 cents a bushel. He was married in 1847, to
Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann M. BELL, born in Herkimer county. Mr. and Mrs. Bush have four children -
Clarinda (Mrs. J. Berry, Reed City), Charles S. (married Augusta Bartlett), Wm. D. (married Myrtle Elkins), Ralph E.
Mr. Bush has served as Justice of the Peace. He was a pioneer of this tp. and made all the improvements on his land. [p. 764]
John S. DAVIS was born Oct. 9, 1827, in Frankfort, Herkimer Co.; is son of Ezekiel W. and Amelia Davis.
The former was born in New Jersey, the latter a native of Connecticut. Mr. Davis came to Michigan with his parents
in the spring of 1834. His father bought 132 acres of land in Grand Rapids in sec. 34, where he lived 30 years, and
moved into the city; he died in 1873. In 1849 Mr. Davis received by deed, from his father, 56 acres of the old
homestead, and Dec. 25, of the same year, was married to Elizabeth A., daughter of Allen and Cornelia Hard, born
April 5, 1829. They had two sons - Charles L. and George B. Mrs. Davis died April 3, 1869, in Grand Rapids tp. Mr.
Davis has been Town Treasurer and belongs to the Baptist Church. Politically he is a Republican. His father
held the position of side Judge three terms and was the first Collector of Taxes in Kent county. He came to the tp.
the year after Mrs. Burton and the Guild family. [p. 786]
James S. CROSBY (deceased) was born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1813. He was the son of Stephen and
Charity (Sears) Crosby, the latter a native of Connecticut. Mr. Crosby was reared to manhood at Herkimer,
Ontario Co., where he, early in life, gave his attention to mercantile pursuits, which he afterward carried on in
Wayne Co., N. Y. In 1856 he came to Michigan, remaining a short time at Plainwell, Allegan Co., within the same year
proceeding to this city, where he embarked in traffic in flour and feed, and dealt in soap and candles. In 1858 he
opened an office as insurance and real-estate agent, which he continued until his death, Sept. 9, 1875. He was
married in 1837, in Wayne Co., N. Y., to Amelia Barney, born in Orange Co., N. Y. Their only child, Moreau S., Lieut.
Governor of Michigan, resides at Grand Rapids. Mr. Crosby was a public man and office-holder in his native State, but
in his later life he found retirement and personal privacy more agreeable to his tastes. [p. 982] [Note: Herkimer is NOT in
Ontario County.]
Regarding James S. Crosby's mother:
Mrs. Charity CROSBY, grandmother of Hon. Moreau S. Crosby, was born Aug. 14, 1789, at Ridgefield,
Fairfield Co., Conn. Her father, Roles Sears, was a Captain in the Revolutionary war. He was
twice married and the father of 14 children. Mrs. Crosby is the second child by the second marriage,
and is the last one of the 14 living. A sister 12 years older than she died three years ago at
Danbury, Conn., aged 100 years and three months. Mrs. Crosby is now 92 years of age and has lived to
see her fifth descendant. She was married in October, 1805, at the age of 16, to Stephen B. Crosby.
They came to Grand Rapids in 1858. Mr. Crosby died July 2, 1872, aged 89, the last of a family of
12 children. [p. 982]
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