March 18, 1911
Part 1
Recently I had the good fortune to purchase an original old newspaper, the March 18, 1911 number of
the "Utica Saturday Globe." Most of the news is national or pertaining to Herkimer or Montgomery County, with a
bit of news from other Mohawk Valley counties. The paper is dry, pieces missing, and literally falling apart as I
handle it, but most contents are still here in one fabulous 10-page newspaper. As there
are many photos, I'm converting them to grayscale for faster viewer
downloading. All spellings and punctuation are exactly as given and won't be changed. It's a lot of
fun putting this together but... news will be intermittently updated throughout the fall and winter as I find the time.
Herkimer Union of Carpenters and Joiners - Fine Group of Officers.
Herkimer, March 17.- In all of Herkimer county's fine appearing body of organized labor there is none
in a more flourishing condition than the Herkimer Union, No. 380, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners.
This union was instituted March 26, 1901, with 10 charter members and it has grown steadily until now it has
nearly 100 members. They are all skilled workmen and are the county's best citizens. The union is ruled by
Intelligent men, who are securing the rights for their fellow members by peaceful methods. They believe loyalty
one of the strong perquisites for a successful administration and as they set a good example in their community
so are loyalty and obedience given to them. The Herkimer local is bound to be a source for good in Herkimer and
it will continue to flourish.
In the picture of the officers presented herewith, reading from left to right, are the following: Back row -
Edward Collis, Warden; Frank Roxby, Trustee; Lorenzo Weakly, Conductor; William Sladler, Trustee. Front row -
Ralph H. Harter, Recording Secretary; Fay L. Bauder, President; Irving P. Eysaman, Vice President; Seward D.
Green, Financial Secretary.
Who Was Re-elected Village Treasurer of Ilion Recently.
Ilion, March 17.- E.B. Maurice, Democratic candidate for village treasurer, was one of the men who
were elected at the recent municipal election in this village. This will be Mr. Maurice's second term
in the office. He was elected first a year ago on the Democratic ticket. He fulfilled his duties so well that,
this spring, he was again nominated by the Democrats and endorsed by the Republicans, who realized that
he was a man in the right place and ought to stay there. Mr. Maurice has been a resident of Ilion for the
past 22 years, being well known to most of the residents of the village, all of whom agree that he is making a
splendid village treasurer.
Appointed Collector of Taxes by the Ilion Municipal Board.
Ilion, March 17.- A.E. Dengler was appointed collector of taxes for this village at the meeting of the
Municipal Board held Monday night. This position is one that is passed around each year. There is no doubt
of Mr. Dengler's ability to make a good official. He has served several terms on the Village Board as a trustee
and is familiar with al the phases of Municipal work. Mr. Dengler is a Democrat, but his appointment is just as
satisfactory to the Republican taxpayers of the village as it is to the members of his own party.
If there are any residents of Herkimer county who can trace their ancestry back to the days of bold Capt. Kidd and
his black-whiskered, swarthy-faced sea rovers and plank-walking experts and are willing to own up to the connection,
such persons are likely to become rich beyond any of their present fondest dreams. And when they stride through the
gilded halls of society they can say with truth that the original of their family won his money just as honestly,
though a bit more primitively, as lots of the gold barons of the present day. A.J. Nellis, a Johnstown attorney,
is looking for the heir of Daniel Wert, who had three sons - Daniel, Joseph, and John - all of whom settled in the Mohawk
valley. Old Dan'l himself was a contemporary of Cap. Kidd and the money that he left behind him, which runs up into the millions,
is now held by the Dutch government, awaiting a claimant. So get down your family Bible and if you can find therein any
reference to a freebooting ancestor who worked under the belief that divine help is extended to those on the high seas who
help themselves, the money may be yours for the asking. [Transcriber's Note: keep in mind that this was published 91
years ago!]
John Harris of Little Falls, is an authority on All Kinds of Sports.
Little Falls, March 17. - Herewith is presented a picture of John Harris, a popular resident
of this city and a well-known dog trainer. Mr. Harris is here shown with Sylvester Reardon's dog
"Bounce." The animal is one of the finest specimens in the city and Mr. Harris says he can "whip its
weight in wild cats." Mr. Harris has been born and brought up in Little Falls and is regarded as one of
the most accurate men on all kinds of sports, especially base-ball, for he is the leading "fan" in the city.
Herkimer has received State aid in dynamiting the channel of the East Canada creek. By request, the State was notified
this week that following the thaws of Monday and Tuesday the stream was likely to break up an time, in which case there might
be trouble. Help was sent to relieve that situation and the work of dynamiting the channel is now under way.
Death of Little Falls Lady of Strong Christian Fortitude.
Little Falls, March 17.- The grim reaper has been rather busy in the family of Mrs. Mary Nolan, of
14 King street, during the past few years, taking away some of her children. Yesterday morning she was
the one to be called to meet her Maker and she answered the summons with that same Christian fortitude
that characterized her entire life during trouble. Mrs. Nolan had ben ailing for some time with heart
trouble, but her condition was not regarded as critical until a few days ago.
Mrs. Nolan was born in Ireland about 61 years ago and her maiden name was Mary Butler. She was united in
marriage in that country to James Nolan, who died about 10 years ago. After their marriage the couple came to
America. They settled in Ilion and resided there until about 25 years ago, when they moved to this city. She was
an estimable woman and a fine neighbor and a devoted member of St. Mary's Church. She is survived by three
sons, David, John and Charles, and by two sisters, Mrs. Johanna Place and Mrs. Bridget Carey; also by one
brother, John Butler of Herkimer. The funeral will be held Saturday morning from St. Mary's Church.
Herkimer county has many clubs who have attractive camps in the Adirondacks. The Outlet Club, of Little Falls,
is one of them and their camp is on Jocks lake. The organization is an exclusive one, its membership being
limited to 20. This week it held its banquet at the Richmond in Little Falls and it was an enjoyable affair.
Ald. S.J. Waters was one of the conspicuous figures and he stoutly denied the charge that he was in the woods
every year for the purpose of playing golf. He claimed that he had a record of catching more trout than any one
of the other anglers and he said that he had a brand new system. When on a trout stream he usually sang religious
songs and he found that it acted something like the Piped Piper story and that the trout simply jumped out of the
water and into his basket. Dan Mahoney and Fire and Police Commissioner Leary told the banqueters how the
"punkies" ate them alive. Truman Haskell, the old Adirondack guide, was a guest and the two new members of the
oranization, John Begley and John M. Flynn, sang a duet for the guests. Around the festive board the members told
stories and had an enjoyable time.
Death of Stratford Resident Who Came of Revolutionary Stock.
Stratford, March 17.- Mrs. Marcia C. Goodwin died a few days ago at her home in this village. Mrs. Goodwin
was a woman of high Christian impulses and her loss falls as a heavy blow upon the community in which she had
spent most of her life. She was born in Vermont 76 years ago, her ancestors having played prominent parts in the
revolutionary war. She was the daughter of Selah and Charlotte Ambler.
From Vermont she came to Stratford early in life. She taught school for some years and was united in marriage
to Mr. Goodwin 55 years ago. Mr. Goodwin died about a year ago. Mrs. Goodwin was an earnest worker of the
W.C.T.U. and labored incessantly for the principles represented by that organization. She was a member of the
Stratford M.E. Church. Her kindly influences were known and appreciated by many residents of the community.
The relatives who survive are two sons, Charles, of Stratford, and Walter, of Battle Creek, Mich., and two daughters,
Mrs. D.L. Hubbs, of Cherry Valley, and Mrs. Avis Sanders, of Poland.
The latter part of this month will see Little Falls attain to the 100th anniversary of its incorporation, which was,
at first, as a village. The Business Men's Association in that city has taken up the matter of commemorating the event
with a big celebration to be held some time during the coming summer. The actual anniversary date would be out of the question -
first, because the weather at that time is not to be depended upon for outdoor doings of any nature; second, because the
time would be too short to permit of a proper arrangement of matters. As a substitute, Labor day has been suggested. That
date would answer all requirements. A committee to push the affair along has been appointed to consist of Mayor Desey,
Rush F. Lewis, Frank Wilcox, J.B. Koetteritz and J.G. Burney. It might not be a bad idea to combine the centennial
celebration with an old home week.
Newport, March 17.- Mrs. Eliza Shaw Law closed a life of usefulness recently at the home of her sons,
William and Percy Law, in this village. The cause of Mrs. Law's death was pneumonia. She was 66 years old, having
been born in Philadelphia. She was married in 1869 to Mr. Law, who has been dead for some time. While a resident of
this village she was an active worker in the M.E. Church, of which she was practically a life-long member. Mrs. Law
was a woman of many fine traits of character and she was highly regarded. She was a devoted wife and mother and
a sympathetic neighbor of kindly influence. Her place in the home and in the community will be hard to fill.
- Mrs. Charles Coons, of St. Johnsville, is visiting Mrs. J.I. Spraker this week.
- Mrs. John Barker, of Fort Plain, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Richard Van Antwerp.
- Mr. and Mrs. Duane Everson were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner Blood, of Glen.
- Aaron Sweet and family are entertaining Mrs. Sweet's brother, Capt. Lucien Sweet, and wife,
of the Philippines Islands.
- The Young Ladies' Bridge Club met with the Misses Cora and Florence George at the home of John A.
George Tuesday evening. The prizes were won by Mrs. Homer Young, a handsome picture, and Miss Gertrude
George, a coral pin.
- The Fortnightly Club met at the home of Mrs. James I. Spraker Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John S. Heustis
conducted a very pleasing parliamentary drill. Two excellent papers were read: The Evolution and
Development of Modern Illustratoin, Miss Lillian Van Antwerp; Edwin A. Abbey - Distinguished Painer and Illustrator,
Mrs. Edward Edwards. Roll call, current events. The next meeting of the club will be held with Mrs. S.W.
Putman as hostess.
Well-known Civil War Veteran who Died in Herkimer, Aged 83.
Herkimer, March 17.- Another civil war veteran answered the last roll call, the county lost a native son and
this village a resident esteemed by all who knew him in the death of William A. Casler, who was summoned Sunday
night. Death occurred at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. G.A. Vielhauer, on Lansing street, and was due to complications
incident to advanced age, following a two weeks' illness. Deceased was born in Little Falls Janaury 15, 1828, and lived in that city
until the breaking out of the civil war. He enlisted in the celebrated Thirty-fourth Regiment, New York Volunteers. His regiment
was assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division of the Second Corps, when, under the gallant Col. J.A. Suiter, late of
Herkimer, it participated in some of the bloodiest engagements of the rebellion. With the old Thirty-fourth Mr. Casler
participated in the following engagements: Siege of Yorktown, Fair Oaks, Seven Days' Battle, Savage Station, Malvern Hill,
Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. When discharged by expiration of his term of service he was in a field
hospital ill from diseases due to exposure in the service. His army career was a brilliant and meritorious one.
When the piping times of peace came Mr. Casler took up the occupation of farming, settling in the town of Salisbury,
where he resided for a score of years, until the death of his wife, when he came to Herkimer. Mr. Casler remembered well
the building of the Erie canal, the first train over the Central Railroad and many other events of historical interest.
There survives one daughter, Mrs. A.E. Bleekman, and a brother, Adam Casler, of Little Falls. The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon from the Vielhauer home, Rev. Scott Farley, of the Baptist Church, officiating. The remains were laid at rest in
Oak Hill Cemetery.
To Be Continued.