Ilion City Directory 1888-1889 Part 1
Herkimer County, NY

The Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory is a great source for filling in the missing census records of 1890. Individuals in this directory would have likely been in the federal census of 1890. As Jo Dee Frasco said in her transcription of the 1869-1870 directory, "In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there."

All original spellings and punctuations were retained from the original records and have been proofread by a third party to ensure a proper transcription. Due to the size of the table-format information, and so that no file size is too large for older computers to process, this directory has been divided into six sections.

From Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory, published by Lant & Silvernail, Valatie, Columbia County, N.Y.

Robert Lorick
Contributing Editor

Ilion City Directory 1888-1889 Part 1 (of 6)
Surnames A - Ch
Last Name
First Name
Business Location
Type of Residence
Last Name First title occupation business location type of residence number
Abbot Charles W.
house 4 E Canal
Ackler David
house Fifth ave
Ackler Emanuel
house English
Ackler Harry
bds 28 Elm
Ackler James
house English
Ackler J. H.
grocery and crockery First n Otsego house 28 Elm
Ackler Martin
house 55 E Main
Ackler Nelson H.
house Frederick
Ackler Warren
emp. Armory
house 51 John
Ackler William

bds 76 Otsego
Ahart Frank
house 25 W Clark
Aichler Frederick
emp. Typewriter
h Third ave ab Second
Alexander Olive (widow Reuben)

h 38 W Clark
Allston James A.
bds Rand
Allston James
house Rand
Allston Robert J.
emp. Typewriter
bds Rand
Allston Samuel M.
emp. Typewriter
bds Rand
Alney James

house Second ab Fifth ave
Ambrose James
house 11 Railroad
Anable Asa
house E North n East
Andrews Samuel J.
emp. Armory
house Second ab Fifth ave
Angell Irvine A.
house 3 W Clark
Angell M. D.
undertaker 24 Otsego house do.
Anslow Horace
emp. Armory
house Remington ave
A. O. U. W.

hall Otseco cor First
Armstrong Frederick
h 78 Otsego
Arnold Anna (wid. Oliver)

h Catherine n E North
Arnold C. W.
wrench mfg.
h n Central R. R. Station
Arnold Walter
emp. Typewriter
house 132 North
Atherton George
house 13 W Canal
Atherton Joseph
house 8 E North
Atherton Wm.
house 10 E North
Atkins George
carriage painter
bds James
Atwell Ira
bds 34 Otsego
Avery Fanny E.
ass't teacher and librarian
bds Second
Babcock Ray

bds 79 Otsego
Back Charles J.
bds 53 West
Back Frank W.
emp. Typewriter
bds 53 West
Back Minnie (widow B.)

house 53 West
Baker Albert
house 20 E Main
Baker Annie E. Mrs.

bds 20 E Main
Baker Charles B.

house 21 First
Baker Charles E.
painter 21 First house do.
Baker Edward
emp. Armory
house Montgomery
Baker John
emp. Typewriter
house First ave
Baker Philo
bds 18 Armory
Baker Walter
forging &c. 3 Railroad h 18 Armory
Baker Walter S.
house 18 Armory
Baldee George W.
emp. Typewriter
h 80 Otsego
Baldee John
house 22 Morgan
Ball Charles
delivery clerk
bds 2 W Canal
Ball Joseph W.
clerk with C. W. Abbott
bds 4 E Canal
Ball Wm. R.
(LeRoy & Co.)
house 2 W Canal
Ballard Edward
emp. Armory
house 25 Second
Ballow James P.
clerk with C. W. Abbott
Osgood House
Bargy Lawrence

house 26 Elm
Barhydt John
house E Clark cor East
Barlow George H.
emp. Typewriter
h 40 Third ave
Barney Warren J.
emp. Armory
h 2 E Canal
Barrett Horatio F.
carriage maker
house 21 John
Barrigan Stash
saloon Union n First h 13 West
Barringer Charles
h 100 Barringer rd.
Barringer Charles W.
house 39 Canal
Barse Frederick
(B. & Miller)
house 28 Morgan
Barse and Miller

saloon and bottler W Main

Bassett William L.
house 38 John
Bastow James
emp. Typewriter
h E North n East
Bates Charles M.
emp. Armory
house Shull
Bates Charles O.
emp. Typewriter
h Montgomery cor Division
Bates George E.
emp. Typewriter
h Second ab Fifth ave
Bates John
emp. Armory
house 17 W River
Bates Wm.
emp. Armory
h W Main n lumber yd.
Beals Oliver B. Rev.

house 81 Otsego
Bearsley S. E. Miss

house 4 Morgan
Beaver John
tool maker
house 4 James
Bedworth Fred. A.
h Charles (West Hill)
Bedworth John C.
emp. Armory
h Charles (West Hill)
Bedworth Wm.
h Charles (West Hill)
Behan Timothy J.
com. Traveller
h 9 W North
Bell James
house 5 W North
Bell John
emp. Typewriter
bds 21 W North
Bell Robert J.

house 21 W North
Bellinger Lawrence

42 E Main
Bellinger Milton
emp. Typewriter works
h 11 Second
Bennett Frank B.
emp. Typewriter
bds 7 Railroad
Bennett Fred. H.
Deputy Postmaster
bds 7 Railroad
Bennett John
house Frederick
Bennett John

house Barringer rd cor Montgomery
Bennett Joshua
emp. Car shops
house Prospect
Bennett Robert R.
com. Traveller
h 7 Railroad
Bennett William
emp. Armory
house Fourth ave
Bennett William J.
h 33 W Clark
Benson Albert
bds 38 W Main
Mrs. (widow George)

house 38 W Main
Benson Henry
emp. Typewriter
h Montgomery
Benton W. W.
house 13 Armory
Berry William
house 27 Elm
Birk Jeremiah

house 22 Cemetery
Black George H.
emp. Typewriter
h 39 Railroad
Blanchard Abijah B.
emp. Armory
h 28 W Clark
Bliss Jennie Mrs.

house 11 W North
Blodgett James
bds West
Blodgick James
bds 13 West
Blum F. C.
saloon 22 Union bds 13 West
Bonefeldt Conrad
emp. Armory
h 13 Montgomery
Boone James M.
bds Osgood House
Borgersrud A.
groceries, etc. 3 Railroad h 19 River
Bossert, Smith & Co.

electrical supplies

Bossitt Wm. F.
Supt. Electric Light Works
h 13 Cemetary
Bourn Hugh
house Armory Hill
Bower Augustus
Hoefler's Ave
Bower Frank J.
bds Hoefler's ave
Bower Louis
house 4 Short
Brand Charles E.
bds Fourth ave ab Second
Brand Harrison
h Second cor third ave
Brand Henry N.
h Fourth ave ab Second
Brand Nathan

bds 32 Morgan
Brannan Frank
house 5 Railroad
Brannan John
house 23 E North
Braun Emil
baker 8 Union house 50 West
Brennan John E.
bds 5 Railroad
Brennan M.
house 15 W Canal
Bremer Charles

bds 53 West
Bremer Wm.
photographer Main cor Railroad h 1 1/2 W Canal
Bridenbecher Julia (widow Z.)

house Division
Briggs William

house 23 Second
Brill Addison
h W Main cor Barringer rd
Bronner Manly
arrow mfg.
house 13 Third
Brooks Alfred J.
emp. Armory
bds Fourth ave ab Second
Brooks B.
emp. Armory works
house 26 Otsego
Brooks Joseph H.
h Fourth ave ab Second
Brooks William E.
emp. Typewriter
h 47 John
Brown Benj. T.
house Division
Brown Charles F.
baggage master
Rand cor Second ave.
Brown E. W.
house 10 West
Brown Emory
bds First cor Second
Brown Horatio F.
bds Shull
Brown Joseph G.
h West cor Second
Brown Joseph L.

house 8 Fourth
Brown Milo
h Prospect E Frankfort
Brown Myron
bds Shull
Brown Oscar
house Shull
Brown Stephen

house Second cor Barringer rd
Bruce William
house 44 W Clark
Bruder George
(pro. Bruder House) 8 Morgan house 6 do.
Bruder George, Jr.
bds 6 Morgan
Bruder Max
h Fourth ave bel Second
Brunswick House

(David H Paddock, pro.)

11 W Main
Buckley Daniel
house East cor E Clark
Buell Charles H.
h Frankfort Village
Buell George N.
house English
Buell Oliver G.
emp. Typewriter works
bds Central House
Buies Paul
house 26 Elm
Burch Alfred W.
emp. Typewriter works
bds 14 Third
Burch C. B. & Son
dry goods

9 E Main
Burch C. B.
(B & Son)
house 14 Third
Burch S. C.
(Burch & Son)
house 16 E Main
Burch William W.
bds 14 Third
Burch S. C. Mrs. ass't teacher
house E Main
Burdett Frank
house 6 W Canal
Burke Fred. J.
law student
bds 25 West
Burke John
bds River
Burke M. L.
house 25 West
Burke William
bds Central Hotel
Burke William
bds 25 West
Burkhart Charles J.
emp Armory
house English
Burns Edward
emp. Typewriter
house 9 E Canal
Burns Hugh
house 7 High
Burns Maria (widow M.)

house W North
Burton David

house 14 John
Burton Edward
house 8 Railroad
Burton N. W.

house 14 John
Buschor Gotlieb
tailor 8 Railroad house do.
Busher Rose (widow)

house 48 W Main
Bushnell William
house 4 Cemetery
Butler Michael
emp. Armory
h 38 1/2 W North
Butterworth Isaac
house Division
Cahoon B. W.
house 4 E Canal
Campbell Charlotte (widow H.)

h 22 W North
Caple Monroe
emp. Planing mill
h Mohawk Village
Capron Charles A.
h 3 Cemetery
Carlton A. J.

house 34 Morgan
Carney Mame
bds 23 River
Carney Michael
house 12 W River
Carney Patrick
emp. Typewriter
h 26 W North
Carney Patrick

house 10 W River
Carney Philip
emp. Armory
bds 10 W River
Carp Christopher
tool maker
house 5 E Clark
Carp Christopher M.
emp. Typewriter
bds 5 E Clark
Carpenter Charles W.
Village Pres't
h 26 Morgan
Carpenter Delilah (widow W.)

house 12 Railroad
Carpenter Henry R.
bds 26 Morgan
Carpenter Martha

house 4 Morgan
Carr Ann E. (widow James)

h Third cor John
Carr Jack
house 13 E Clark
Carter Mary A.
ass't teacher
bds Ingleside Cottage
Carver Lynn G.
house 6 W Clark
Casey George
house 27 W River
Casey John
bds 27 W River
Casler Perry
street sprinkler
h 8 W Clark
Casler Peggy (widow)

house 4 Morgan
Casler Richard P.
emp. Typewriter
h 14 Railroad
Casler William H.
delivery clerk
house 15 Elm
Castle M. A.
act. Milliner First cor Union h do.
Caspares Daniel D.

house 55 West
Caspares Henry S.
tool maker
house 55 West
Caswell Kate (widow E.)

house 53 John
Central Hotel

(J. D. Hunt, pro.)
Railroad cor Canal
Chandler Henry
emp. Typewriter
h 55 Third ave
Chapman Alvin
emp. Car shops
h Second ave n Rand
Chapman Edward G.
h E Clark n Catherine
Chappell James A.

house 34 Second n Third ave
Chapple Arthur
emp. Typewriter

52 West
Chesebrough George M.
emp. Sewing machine
h 27 Third ave
Chiesholcer Leopold
Street Commissioner
h 19 W Canal
Chisman Robert
bds 34 Otsego
Chismore Apphia (widow Jacob)

h 20 Second
Chismore Henry
emp. Armory
house Rand
Christie Charles F.
house 12 W Clark
Chrisman Fred.
house 50 W Main
Chrisman William
livery 5 Morgan house do.

Thank you in advance for directing ALL requests for information about persons listed to the local historical societies and libraries, not to the site coordinators.

Continue on to Part 2 - Surnames Cl - Gi

Continue on to Part 3 - Surnames Gl - Ku

Continue on to Part 4 - Surnames La - Ow

Continue on to Part 5 - Surnames Pa - Ry

Continue on to Part 6 - Surnames Sa - Zi

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Created 9/11/03
Copyright © 2003 Robert Lorick
All Rights Reserved.