Ilion City Directory 1888-1889 Part 5
Herkimer County, NY

The Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory is a great source for filling in the missing census records of 1890. Individuals in this directory would have likely been in the federal census of 1890. As Jo Dee Frasco said in her transcription of the 1869-1870 directory, "In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there." All original spellings and punctuations were retained from the original records and have been proofread by a third party to ensure a proper transcription. Due to the size of the information this directory has been divided into six sections.

From Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory, published by Lant & Silvernail, Valatie, Columbia County, N.Y.

Robert Lorick
Contributing Editor

Ilion City Directory 1888-1889 Part 5 (of 6)
Surnames Pa - Ry
Last Name
First Name
Business Location
Type of Residence
Paddock Charles M.
emp. Armory
h E Canal n village limits
Paddock David H.
(prop. Brunswick Hotel),

11 W Main
Paddock John C.
house 45 West
Paddock R.
bds 34 Otsego
Palmer Arnold

house 35 Third ave
Palmer James
emp. Armory
h Prospect n Division
Park Emma (widow F.)

house Centre
Park Frank B.
bds Central Hotel
Park George M.
h Second ab Fifth ave.
Parkes Joseph
house 61 Third ave
Patterson Charles
emp. Typewriter
h Second n Barringer rd
Patterson Louisa (wid R.)

h Second n Barringer rd
Pelton Gilbert B.

bds 32 E Main
Pelton J. R.
(Grimes & P.)
house 35 John
Pelton J. B.
hardware &c. 12 Otsego h 32 E Main
Penfield Charles L.
house Grove
Penney Edward
house 27 Otsego
Penney John W.
emp. Typewriter
h 27 Otsego
Perkins Anna H.
house 42 Otsego
Perkins Hannah

house 42 Otsego
Perkins Russell W.
house 7 West Clark
Petrie Harvey
house 48 W Main
Petrie Irvin
house E River
Petrie James
bds 48 W Main
Petrie Judson
house 1 High
Petrie Wilard S.
emp. Typewriter
bds 48 W Main
Pettee Charles E.
master mechanic
h 47 West
Pettigrove Elizabeth (widow B.)

h Montgomery
Pettigrove Harry
bds Montgomery
Pettingill Charles
emp. Armory
house 54
Philips Horace

house E North
Pickert Charles W.
house 23 Railroad
Pickert Fred.
emp. Armory
house 18 W Canal
Pierce David Rev. pastor M. E. Church
house 15 Second
Pierce J. T.
wine and liquors Main n Union h do.
Pierson John
house Fourth ave ab Second
Piper Frank N.
butcher 8 Otsego house 15 W Clark
Plumb John D.
h Second ab Fifth ave.
Pollock Max
bds Osgood House
Polo Frateski
confectionery Main cor Union h Main
Post Nathaniel
emp. Armory works
h 31 First
Powell Harry
emp. Typewriter
house 6 High
Powers Edward A.
janitor Union Free School
h 16 Second ave
Powers John F.
saloon Union bds 13 West
Powers Thomas E.
emp. Car shops
h 1 Third ave
Pratt Charles D.
bds 34 Otsego
Pridot Alfred
house 14 West
Priest Wm.
lumber teamster
house 44 W Main
Pritchard Jame
bds Ingleside Cottage
Pugh Nettie
dress maker Main cor Railroad bds W River
Pugh William C.
night watchman
h 4 W River
Pulver Jay A.
emp. Sewing machine
h 27 W Clark
Pulver Wm.
emp. Armory works
bds 10 John
Putman Mrs. (widow)

house 6 W Canal
Quaife Frank N.
house 12 Armory
Quaife Walter B.
house 31 Main
Quinlin W. J.
house Remington ave.
Quarters Edward
emp. Armory
bds Prospect ave
Quinilty Mary J. (widow Daniel)

h Montgomery n Division
Rand Alanson

house first ave cor Rand
Rankin Alfonzo E.
house 4 Fourth
Rasbach Benj. F.

bds Catherine cor E Canal
Rasbach G. O.
lawyer Bank Block h 36 E North
Rasbach James
physician Morgan cor Second h do.
Rasbach J. W.
emp. Armory
house 82 Otsego
Rasbach J. A., Jr.
butcher Second cor Otsego h 30 Otsego
Rasbach John A.

house Catherine cor E Canal
Raymond Frank
h E North n Cottage
Reardon Daniel
h Fourth av bel Second
Reaser Minnie (widow John)

house 8 Cemetery
Rechabite Hall

First Street
Redway Charles B.
dry goods, carpets, &c. 2 W Main house 23 Morgan
Redway Fanny (widow Albert)

house 23 Morgan
Reese Frank
pro. Buss line Third house West
Reilly Philip C.
carriage mfg. 16 E Main h 48 do.
Reilly Thomas
h E Clark n Village limits
Reiser Ada M.
bds East Hill
Remington Arms Co.

Otsego Street
Remington Carver
(prop. Osgood House)
W Main cor Otsego
Remington E. Sons

receivers Addison Drell and H. N. Russell

Remington E.

house 26 John
Remington Philo

house Remington ave
Remington Philo E.

bds 26 John
Remington Sewing Machine Agency

(limited) office Main

Remington Standard Typewriter Mfg. Co.,

office and works after Jan. 1st 1889, E Clark
Ribolin Charles A.
emp. Typewriter
h 17 Cemecery
Ribolin Wm.
emp. sewing machine
h Fifth ave.
Rice Ambrose W.
watch repairer
bds Railroad
Rice George P.
carpenter and builder, r Novelty Works Otsego house West cor Otsego
Richards Martin J.
h n Central R. R. sta.
Richardson A. D.
bds W Main cor Barringer rd.
Richardson Geo. D.
h 21 Second
Richardson Thomas
lawyer Bank bl. h W Main cor Barringer rd.
Richerd Thomas
tailor 10 Second ave house do.
Riddell Frank J.
blacksmith W Main opp Morgan house W Main cor West
Rilly Thomas
emp. Armory
house Third ave bel Second
Ringwood James D.
emp. armory
bds 4 Armory
Ringwood Patrick
tool maker
house 11 High
Ringwood Thomas
house 4 Armory
Risedorf Clarence
emp. armory
house 18 E North
Risedorf William
house 14 E Main
Rivers Alonzo A.
tool maker
house 46 Third ave
Rivey Eugene D.
bds Third ave
Rix George P.
emp. typewriter
house Second ab Fifth ave
Rix John J.
house English
Rix Walter C.
bds Second
Robbins Ida E.
ass't teacher
bds Prospect ave
Roberts R. C.
emp. armory
house Remington ave
Roberts William

bds 8 E Canal
Robinson Edwin
emp. Knitting mill
bds 2 Short
Robinson Georgie (widow Charles)

h 26 W North
Robinson G. W.
boots and shoes 17 First house 37 John
Robinson Lizzie (widow E.)

house 10 1/2 E Canal
Robson John D.
h Second ab Fifth ave
Roche Edmund
(R. & Giblin)
house at Utica
roche Eliza (widow John)

house 34 E Main
Roche & Giblin

coal dealers office 8 E Main

Roche Martin
emp. Armory
house 33 E North
Rogers William
house 35 W North
Roscup George
house 19 1/2 W River
Rose Charles
house 2 John
Rose melvern J.
house W Main n Shull
Rosien Fred M.
house 49 john
Ross Albert M.
prop. Agri. Works
h 21 E Clark
ross Bert B.
bds 21 E Clark
Ross D. G.
dry goods, carpets, &c. 7 First h 63 West
Rossinski A. D.
cigar mfr. 8 Railroad h 12 W Canal
Rourke Michael
house 33 W North
Rowland Catherine (widow)

house E Clark
Rowland Edward
emp. Typewriter
bds 9 E Clark
Roland Joseph

house 1 Grant
Rowland William
night watchman
h 33 E Main
Rudd Orange B.
jeweler 8 E Main h 33 John
Ruddy Henry
emp. Typewriter
h East opp E River
Rulison Nellie S.
ass't teacher
bds 10 john
Russell A. N. & Sons

lumber dealers and planing mill office 41 W Main

Russell A. N.
(A. N. Russell & Sons)
h 32 Otsego
Russell Frank B.
bds 30 Second
Russell Fred N.
emp. Typewriter
h W Main n Shull
Russell George R.
(A. N. Russell & Sons)
bds 32 Otsego
Russell Hattie E.
principal Intermediate Dep't
bds Otsego
Russell James A.
tool maker
house 30 Second
Russell Samuel T.
(A. N. Russell & Sons)
house 8 First ave
Ryan Flora
bds 29 John
Ryan Patrick

house 29 John
Ryan William A.

bds 29 John

Thank you in advance for directing ALL requests for information about persons listed to the local historical societies and libraries, not to the site coordinators.

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Back to Part 2 - Surnames Cl - Gi

Back to Part 3 - Surnames Gl - Ku

Back to Part 4 - Surnames La - Ow

Continue on to Part 6 - Surnames Sa - Zi

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Created 9/11/03
Copyright © 2003 Robert Lorick
All Rights Reserved.