Ilion Citizen Newspaper

Dated March 14, 1907

These news items were contributed by Laura Perkins, Town of Frankfort Editor! The Ilion Citizen covered towns and small villages all around the county. For further information about this newspaper's availability, please contact the local historical societies, The New York State Newspaper Project, or ask your local librarian about interlibrary loan.

Ilion Citizen Newspaper, Dated March 14, 1907

Source: Ilion Citizen Newspaper, Dated March 14, 1907

News Items Town of Russia:

March 11--Mr. and Mrs. John FOREST of Poland were calling on friends in town Thursday.

--Miss Lena WOOD, who has been sick for some time, does not improve as fast as her friends would wish her to.

--P. L. CARPENTER and wife were pleasantly entertained at Alfred HINES', Norway, from Friday until Sunday.

--Several from Russia attended the funeral of George BUCK at Poland Thursday afternoon.

--Mrs. Winnie MOUNT and son Donald have been sick the past week and under the care of Dr. WARREN of Trenton. All hope for a speedy recovery.

--Miss Erma CARPENTER of Holland Patent spent Saturday and Sunday at home with sister Jessie.

--Josiah LAWTON attended the funeral of his brother Lewis at Middleville Wednesday.

--Mrs. Mary FOREST, who has been in poor health for some time, fell on the ice recently and now is confined to the house.

--Ernest RUSSELL is suffering with an attack of sciatic rheumatism.

--It was with sincere sorrow and regret that we heard of the death of George W. BUCK of Poland, who died quite suddenly at his home Tuesday morning. He was a highly esteemed citizen of the town of Russia where he was born 73 years ago and had always made his home. To his bereaved wife and daughter, who are so suddenly bereft of a kind husband and father we extend our deepest sympathy.

Source: Ilion Citizen Newspaper, Dated March 14, 1907


The first meeting of the new Village Board was held Wednesday evening. President E. C. WHITMORE presided and Trustees A. E. DENGLER, L. G. CARVER, L. E. HOLLISTER and H. I. HUNTER were present.

President WHITMORE appointed the following standing committees:




The following appointments were made:

Edward Y. STEWART, clerk; Charles E. MAURICE, collector; Sanford TICKNOR, member of Board of Health for five years; William STITT, chief of police; J. F. DURRENBECK and Albert MEEHAN, night police; C. N. GRAY, water commissioner for five years; James VAN GUMSTER sewer commissioner for five years; E. B. MAURICE, library trustee for five years.

Source: Ilion Citizen Newspaper, Dated March 14, 1907

Deaths in Columbia
Joseph A. MILLER

At an early hour Wednesday morning at his home in Dennison Corners, occurred the death of Joseph A. MILLER, in his 80th year. Mr. Miller was one of the oldest settlers, having lived in Columbia 75 years and for the last 60 years had lived in the house in which he died. He was well known and had many friends. He is survived by his wife and one son, Cala Miller, and a brother C. P. MILLER of Herkimer. The funeral will be held from his late residence Friday at noon.

Deaths in Columbia
Mrs. Elizabeth ACKLER

Mrs. Elizabeth ACKLER, 84 years old, widow of Philip ACKLER, died at her home in the town of Columber Tuesday night. She was born in South Ilion and had spent her whole life within a radius of three miles from her birthplace. She is survived by one son, Charles ACKLER. The funeral will be held Saturday.

Source: Ilion Citizen Newspaper, Dated March 14, 1907

News Items of Columbia Heights:

--I feel like extending congratulations to the month of March as the weather is so much more desirable than the cold and storm February that preceeded it.

--The sick in our midst are gradually improving.

--Andrew MILLER has returned to Herkimer for the fifth time this week to act in the capacity of juror. It will be very gratifying to him if he finishes this week without any more postponements.

--Miss Catherine Butler who taught out school last winter recently supplied the place of one of the teachers in the Mohawk schools who was ill, in a very satisfactory manner.

--It is with feelings of sadness that I write of the death of the late Rev. Wm. SHELLANEL, who was for several years ago pastor of the Reformed church here. There are many in this vicinity by whom he will be long remembered.

--Martha STEVENS spent a part of last week visiting her friends, Miss Cathereine BUTLER and Miss Grace AVERY of Ilion.

--Will GRIFFIN attended the auction of Oliver CLAYTON'S of East Herkimer Wednesday of last week.

--Mrs. Delos HOUSE made a business trip to Herkimer last Friday.

--The many friends of Miss Helen PIERCE, a farmer resident here, will be glad to know she is able to be about the house after her recent illness.

--The writer called on Mrs. Jessie KELLEY who recently returned to the home of her father from the Emergency Hospital in Herkimer, found her gradually improving. Her many friends hope for her speedy and permanent recovery.

--Do not forget the apron and necktie social at the Columbia Grange Wednesday evening March 13th. There will be a great variety of all the latest designs in Gentlemen ties. Do not miss the opportunity. refreshments will be served. All will be cordially welcomed.

--Mrs. Ida GARSHENS and Martha STEVENS were entertained at the pleasant home of Dr. and Mrs. H. J. CRISTMAN'S of Herkimer last Sabbath.

Source: Ilion Citizen Newspaper, Dated March 14, 1907

News Items of North Columbia:

March 14--F. R. WHITE and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John ACKLER. Mrs. MANNING was so far recovered as to be able to sit up a part of the day.

--Mrs. C. CHRAUSE and children are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LUCY.

--Mr. and Mrs. N. HAGGERTY of Ilion and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd HAGGERTY of this place were recent guests of Dr. HAGGERTY at Monticello.

--N. H. ACKLER of Ilion is visiting friends and relatives on the hill.

--Mrs. Harvey CRISTMAN visiting at Grant ACKLER'S one day last week.

--Mrs. PERRY is spending sometime at the home of her son, H. D. GUNN in this place.

--John GETMAN and family recently visited their brother, Bert OXNER and family at Orendorf Corners.

--C. D. GETMAN and P. H. WARD are finishing their cottage at Canajarago Lake this week.

Source: Ilion Citizen Newspaper, Dated March 14, 1907

News Items of Columbia Hills:

March 14--Gladys LUM has been spending a week with her grandparents. She returned Sunday.

--C. H. BEEBE and wife visited friends at Litchfield wednesday of last week.

--Mrs. H. ROWLAND and Mrs. HOUSE of Columbia Center spent a few days at L. J. MILL'S last week.

--James GOODIER of West Winfield visited his daughter, Mrs. MARRIOTT and family not long since.

--Maud MILLS returned from Richfield Springs Tuesday.

--Harold BEEBE attended the concert given by the New Zealanders at Herkimer last Friday evening.

--May POLISSIE entertained friends from Utica recently. They have returned.

--Their friends are sorry to learn that Walter SMITH and children are contemplating moving from the farm in the near future.

--Samuel LUCY and wife of Columbia Center were recent callers at C. H. BEEBE'S.

--L. J. MILLS and wife spent a day at Richfield Springs recently.

--We are informed that Mrs.(?) SMITH, who has for some time made his home with Mr. MARRIOTT, and helped him on the farm will work the Galard REYNOLDS farm, the coming season.

--Some from here attended the quarterly meeting at Columbia Center and enjoyed the sermons by Revs. REED and ALLEN.

--We are always willing to correct any items, should there be mistakes, if notified by the parties concerned.

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Created 12/17/02
Copyright © 2002 Laura Perkins
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