Manheim City Directory 1888-1889
Herkimer County, NY

The Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory is a great source for filling in the missing census records of 1890. Individuals in this directory would have likely been in the federal census of 1890. As Jo Dee Frasco said in her transcription of the 1869-1870 directory, "In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there." All original spellings and punctuations were retained from the original records and have been proofread by a third party to ensure a proper transcription.

From Herkimer County 1888-9 Directory, published by Lant & Silvernail, Valatie, Columbia County, N.Y.

Robert Lorick
Contributing Editor

Manheim City Directory 1888-1889
Last Name
First Name
TitleLease Information
Type of Residence
Arnold C. H. Mrs.

56 Dolgeville
Barker Francina Mrs.

60 Dolgeville
Baum Frank
(leased from D. Burwell, est)

38 Little Falls
Beard George

15 Little Falls
Beard Giles

227 Little Falls
Beardslee A. Mrs. (leased to J. Sweeny)

303 East Creek
Bellinger Adam

217 Dolgeville
Billinger Hiram

10 Dolgeville
Bellinger John

35 Little Falls
Bellinger Lottie

12 Dolgeville
Bellinger Peter

81 Little Falls
Bellinger Sandusky

207 Little Falls
Bidleman Emma Mrs.

152 Little Falls
Bidleman Peter

150 Little Falls
Bidleman Peter M.
(leased to J. Dingler)

184 Little Falls
Bloodough & Brown

150 Dolgeville
Bradford George

129 Little Falls
Boradwick Stephen

66 Little Falls
Broat Henry

200 Little Falls
Broat Hiram

240 Little Falls
Broat John

100 Little Falls
Brockett Calvin

143 Dolgeville
Brockett Nathaniel S.

227 Little Falls
Brown George

135 Dolgeville
Burrell Edward J.

250 Little Falls
Burwell Dudley
(leased to F. Baum)
est. 38 Little Falls
Carey John
(leased from S. Loucks)

150 Little Falls
Carryl Lorenzo

466 Little Falls
Cole J.

200 Little Falls
Cook Charles

196 East Creek
Cook Chauncey

173 Little Falls
Curtis Charles
(leased from C. Cook)

191 Little Falls
Davis George

157 Little Falls
Davis Joseph

199 Little Falls
Davis Robert & Peter

157 Little Falls
Dillon Timothy

21 Little Falls
Dineen John

14 Little Falls
Dingler John
(leased from P. M. Bidleman)

184 Little Falls
Dockey John

est. 57 Little Falls
Dooley Daniel

9 Ingham Mills
Dorr James

6 Little Falls
Dunchle P. J. & Everett

180 Dolgeville
Dwyer Anthony

10 Little Falls
Eads James

189 Little Falls
Eads Job

50 Little Falls
Ecker Hezekiah

44 Ingham Mills
Ecker Hezekiah
(leased from N. C. Loucks)

139 Little Falls
Eysaman John M.

100 Little Falls
Faville Henry

82 Dolgeville
Feeter William A.

200 Little Falls
Fleming James

23 Little Falls
Garlock John & James

189 Little Falls
Garlock Nelson

162 Little Falls
Goodale William A.

198 Little Falls
Hagar Nathan

35 Little Falls
Helmer Leonard

201 Dolgeville
Helmer Levi

138 Dolgeville
Helmer Philip

176 Dolgeville
Helmer Reuben

86 Dolgeville
Helmer Samuel

150 Dolgeville
Higby William

179 Little Falls
Hoover John

144 Little Falls
Ingham & Sadle


Ingham Mills
Ives John

233 Little Falls
Jones Dewitt F.

cheese factory Little Falls
Keeler Patrick

64 Little Falls
Keller Sanford

64 Little Falls
Klock Albert

47 Little Falls
Klock Joseph M.

131 Ingham Mills
Kyser Jacob

78 Ingham Mills
Kyser Seymore

152 Little Falls
Lansing S. S.

205 Little Falls
Loucks Harvey

168 Little Falls
Loucks Joseph

120 Little Falls
Loucks J. W.

22 Little Falls
Loucks N. C.

cheese factory Little Falls
Loucks N. C.
(leased to H. Ecker)

139 Little Falls
Loucks Phoebe Mrs.

195 Little Falls
Loucks Samuel
(leased to J. Carey)

150 Little Falls
Markell George

183 Little Falls
McCammon George W.

126 Little Falls
Millingan W. G.

11 Little Falls
Murphy James

91 Little Falls
Murray Aaron

36 Dolgeville
Newman Paul
(leased from J. Keyser)

295 Ingham Mills
Newport John

11 Ingham Mills
Nicholes Elisha

22 Dolgeville
Peck Byron

200 Little Falls
Peck William

662 Little Falls
Petrie William
(leased from J. Pickart)

150 Little Falls
Pickart Joel

178 Little Falls
Place William

27 Little Falls
Ransom David

200 Dolgeville
Reaks Daniel

18 Little Falls
Rice Joseph

280 Little Falls
Rockefellar Enoch

130 Dolgeville
Rockefellar Henry Mrs.

152 East Creek

est. 160 Little Falls
Ryan Joeseph
(leased from T. Snell)

148 Little Falls
Sadler J. B.

8 Ingham Mills
Sadler Samuel

5 Ingham Mills
Shell Philo

5 Little Falls
Simms Edmund Mrs.

126 Little Falls
Smith Baron

50 Dolgeville
Smith John H.

91 Little Falls
Smith Michael

11 Little Falls
Snell Alexander

6 Ingham Mills
Snell Alvin

110 Ingham Mills
Snell David

152 Ingham Mills
Snell Bush

cheese factory East Creek
Snell Charles


Ingham Mills
Snell George I.

23 Little Falls
Snell J. G. & Clarence

162 Little Falls
Snell J. G. & Clifford

152 Little Falls
Snell Joshua

165 Little Falls
Snell Luke
(leases to 152 W.. Zoller and 119 S. Stall)

Little Falls
Snell Ozias

70 Dolgeville
Snell Peter P.

142 East Creek
Snell Simeon

233 Ingham Mills
Snell Truman
(leased to J. Ryan)

148 Little Falls
Snell Willard

88 Ingham Mills
Spencer Howard

152 Dolgeville
Stall Sylvester
(leases from Luke Snell)

119 Little Falls
Stauring Marvin
(leased from P. Bidleman)

248 Little Falls
Still Stephen

100 Ingham Mills
Strough Obediah

25 Little Falls
Sweeney John
(leased from Mrs. A. Beardslee)

303 East Creek
Timmerman Alvin

25 Little Falls
Timmerman George H.

137 Ingham Mills
Timmerman Ira

121 Little Falls
Timmerman Lyman

95 Little Falls
Timmerman Norman

134 Little Falls
Timmerman Orville

109 Little Falls
Timmerman Peter

est. 110 Little Falls
Timmerman William P. Mrs.

36 Little Falls
Uhle Mark

128 Little Falls
Van Allen David Mrs.

est. 34 East Creek
Van Slyke Addison

139 Dolgeville
Van Vakenburg Andrew

126 Little Falls
Van Valkenburg C. A.

107 Little Falls
Van Valkenburg Elias

51 Little Falls
Vedder Malvin

12 Little Falls
Walrath A.

39 Ingham Mills
Weaver John D.

5 Dolgeville
Wetherwax J. H.

est. 200 Little Falls
Wilcox George P.

16 Little Falls
Windecker Ezra

5 Dolgeville
Windecker John F.

136 Little Falls
Youran Myron

100 East Creek
Zoller William
(leases from L. Snell)

152 Little Falls

Thank you in advance for directing ALL requests for information about persons listed to the local historical societies and libraries, not to the site coordinators.

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Created 9/11/03
Copyright © 2003 Robert Lorick
All Rights Reserved.