With List of Dolgeville's Committee Members in 1935 |

Source: "Herkimer County Volunteer Fireman's Association" (souvenir booklet)
Second Annual Convention and Field Day
Dolgeville, N.Y.
Friday & Saturday, July 26-7, 1935
Printed by the Dolgeville Republican
Fire fighting in Dolgeville dates back to the year 1879, when this village was known as Brocketts Bridge.
The forming of the first fire fighting company is credited to Alfred Dolge, the founder of the village.
This organization was nothing more than a bucket brigade, but what it lacked in equipment it made up
in enthusiasm, and it was only a couple of years later when the fire department became a reality.
In 1880 or 1881 a hand pumping engine was purchased, probably by Mr. Dolge, although some old timers
say that it was obtained by public subscriptions. Nevertheless, with the advent of the pumping engine, the fire
company became regularly organized, with rules to follow and officers to guide and direct.
Fred Englehardt, deceased, was chosen as the first captain. He served for a few years and the next
man to be selected was Captain William Penn, an interesting person and a favorite with the men. Henry
Dolge, a brother of Alfred Dolge, was, as near as can be ascertained, the third chief of this old fire
In the old days the discovery of a blaze was heralded by shouts of "Fire!" in the streets until enough
persons had been gathered to drag the old engine to the scene of the fire. Later a bell on the Major
Winton tannery building was rung as a means of summoning the men to duty. This bell, which is probably
over 100 years old, was later acquired by Alfred Dolge and in turn presented by him to the Fire
Department, and it now is hanging in the small tower on the top of the Alfred Dolge Hose Company building
on South Main street.
The first headquarters of the fire company was a barn on the east bank of the East Canada creek directly
across from the Dolge avenue bridge and was then owned by the Slausons. This building, although considerably
remodeled, is still standing and is now owned by the Daniel Green Company. Later the engine was moved
to a building situated in the rear of the First National Bank. This building is still standing.
The original company as formed consisted of only about fifteen men, who were fitted out with red
shirts, helmets, black belts and trousers of whatever color the individuals happened to own.
As far as known, the first considerable fire at which the hand engine was used was at the home of Dr.
A.G. Barney, the father of Dr. F.M. Barney. This fire did considerable damage, probably due to delay
in sounding any alarm and getting the old engine into operation. It was very difficult to start this
old pump and get it working. Most of the buildings in the village at that time were situated along
upper Main street and, of course, at a fire the pump had to be drawn into the stream and the men who manned
the long horizontal handles on either side of the machine were compelled often to stand in water up to
their waists. A person who was a fireman in those days had to be a rather husky individual to stand
the strenuous work. Some old citizens recall seeing old Captain Penn stationed on the top of the
hand engine and directing the men by shouting in a loud voice: "Up! Down! Up! Down!" as they went
at their back breaking task.
Considerable pressure was developed by this surprising old hand engine and it usually required abut
six men or more to handle the nozzle and direct it on the fire. The old-fashioned straight nozzle
was then in style and, as they were not made with shut-off, as present day types are, much water
damage was caused. The old idea that water always did more damage than the fire was probably true
then, but in these days it is very rarely the case, for with modern equipment and chemicals it is
much easier to control the streams.
It might be of interest to note here that Alfred Dolge was an active member of the old original
company and that his cousin, C.O. Dolge, who is now living in this village on Ransom street, is the
only surviving member of the old original company.
The old company functioned until the year 1894 when, at a meeting, it was decided to split the
company into two parts and form two companies, one to be located on North Main street and one on South
Main street. Quite a number of members of the old department are still living and those who are residing
in Dolgeville are James Thresher, F.P. Barrett, Irving Snell, Charles Bliss, Byron Cross and
Julius Breckwoldt.
At the time the two companies were formed, the old membership list was taken and the first named man on the list
became a member of the No. 1 Comapny and the next on the list became a No. 2 member and so on through
the entire list. It was decided to call one company Alfred Dolge Fire Hose Company No. 1 in honor
of the founder of Dolgeville, and the other company was called General J.P. Spofford Hose Company No. 2,
in honor of the fighting general of the Civil War. The first chief to be named was Helom Brunkhorst
and the first foreman of No. 1 Company was W.R. Roberts, and for No. 2 Company Harvey M. Duesler was named.

Headquarters of Alfred Dolge Hose Company No. 1 |

Headquarters of Gen. J.P. Spofford Hose Company No. 2 |
As the village water system was being installed and in some part of the village was ready for use,
something more modern was needed for fire fighting than the old hand engine. This was not necessary
where the village hydrants were available, although the old relic was used a few times in outlying
sections and the battle-scarred machine should have been preserved, but through lack of interest it
was allowed to rust away and now is no more.
Two hand-drawn hose carts were purchased. They were about alike and carried a box for tools and nozzles,
a wire basket on top for coats and helmets, an axe on one side and a crowbar on the other. Each cart
could carry about five or six hundred feet of hose. A reel which carried abut one hundred feet of
strong rope was fastened to the front and when the apparatus was needed this rope was run out, the
fire fighters got a hold and the race was on.
As there has always been friendly rivalry between the two companies, an answer to an alarm was really
a race to see who could get to the blaze first. Probably the horse races of today are no more
exciting than some of the runs made by the men of these two companies. Many prizes have been won for
Dolgeville back in the days of the Tri-County Conventions by these men who so speedily drew these
carts to a blaze.
The gongs on the sides of the two hose carts rang merrily as they were dragged through the village
streets until 1922, when the village fathers decided to partly motorize the department, and sounded
the death knell of the old carts. It was in this year that a Ford truck was purchased and equipped
and was given into the charge of Alfred Dolge Hose Co. No. 1.
To the boys who had been pulling the heavy two-wheelers by hand for years this was the last word in
fire apparatus and as the Spofford Hose Company was still compelled to use the old cart, much
dissatisfaction was aroused, which resulted in the purchase of a fine large Larabee truck in 1927.
This was obtained largely through a large cash donation made by the members of Spofford Hose Company
No. 2 and a good investment, as it is still in use today and, as it is equippped with a pumper, has
done good service at many fires outside the village.
In 1929 the old rivalry cropped out again and No. 1 company started a whirlwind campaign to raise
money for a larger truck and, as a result, the fire department was increased by the addition of a
Sanford chemical and hose truck. This truck, which was purchased through the efforts and hard work of
the members of Alfred Dolge Hose Company No. 1, was later formally turned over to the village by the
Since that date another light car has been purchased by the members of Alfred Dolge Hose Company No. 1
and has been named "The Dawn Patrol," and has been used in the service at fires and in motor races
and contests.
This company was incorporated in 1896 and has several members in active service who have served thirty
years or more. The quarters for the Alfred Dolge Hose Company are located on the corner of South
Main and Slauson streets and it is in this building and in the tower in the rear where the modern and
complete alarm system is located. The rooms are well furnished and many a social hour is spent in
this building.
Spofford Hose Company is housed in the Barney building on North Main street and has spacious and well
furnished quarters. Both companies hold regular monthly meetings for the transaction of their business
and each has a membership of about fifty men at all times.
The Spofford Hose Company was incorporated in 1903.
Ilion Hose Co. No. 1 C.W. Carpenter Hose Co. No. 2
E.W. Corey Hose Company
Alexander Hose Company No. 1
Fort Dayton Steamer Co. Excelsior Hook and Ladder No. 2
Thomas Hanahon Steamer and Hose Co. No. 1
H.M. Wood Hose No. 1 H.H. Ingham Hook and Ladder No. 3
Alfred Dolge Hose Co. No. 1 J.P. Spofford Hose Co. No. 2
General Committee
C.R. Simonds, Chairman
Raymond Zimmerman
Raymond Darling
Dan Green
Raymond Smith
H. Eaker
Charles N. Cramer
Claude Mosher
Clinton Whyland
Albert Galusha
Sport Committee
Herman Eaker, Chairman
Max Bahr
Lloyd Timmerman
Harold Stone
Kendrick Ashe
Darius Young
Wendell Young
Carl Viel
Edgar Brereton
William Near
Kenneth Parker
Jay Argersinger
Charles Weinschreider
John Sherba
Frank Lichtneger
Gordon Ellis
Parade Committee
Raymond Zimmerman, Chairman
Harold Dannhauser
Arthur Durfey
Gustave Hain
Herman Ortlieb
George Leavitt
Arnold K. Mosher
Charles Hewitt
Steven Novogurski
Dance Committee
Albert Galusha, Chairman
Carter Borst
O. Knapp
Jospeh Trunpowsky
H. Ostrum
Publicity Committee
Dan Green, Chairman
Walter Casler
Arnold Petrie
Banquet Committee
Clinton Whyland, Chairman
F. Shaver
T. Shaver
Alvin Scott
Carl Viel
Vincent Gentner
Reception Committee
Charles N. Cramer, Chairman
Eugene Jacchia
John Dingman
Henry Bogerd
Philip Dunderdale
Alfred Loucks
Booth Committee
Claude Mosher, Chairman
William Betzing
H. Decker
T. Rocco DeLucco
Robert Petrie
Peter Kurto
Edgar Moore
H. Ostrom
A. Schumacher
Peter Yaworsky
A. Walters
Otto Vogt
Otto Brosat
Robert Brereton
H. Cramer
K. Darling
T. Davis
C. DeLucco
Lloyd Handy
R. Loucks
H. Nehr
Charles Palmer
Harry Pavalock
Edward Pavalock
Don Pavalock
Jackson Shults
E. Wagner
A treat for current and former residents of Dolgeville - we're including the names of
advertisers and business owners. This was during the Depression, yet the number and type of
businesses open indicated some degree of prosperity. The Daniel Green factory gave employment
to many residents. If you have a personal memory or story of any of these businesses or their proprietors, please send it
in to the site coordinator for inclusion on this page. (Special Prize to the first
researcher who knows the real story behind "Ed, the Old Battle Axe Juggler"!)
Castle Restaurant ("Italian and American Dishes"), Dolgeville
Yatarola's Restaurant ("Short Orders, Luncheons, Cigars, Cigarettes"), Dolgeville
Julius Breckwoldt & Son, Inc., Dolgeville
Silvernail Coal Co., Dolgeville
Pierce's Smoke Shop, Dolgeville
The Taylor Shop, clothing and furnishings, Dolgeville
Dolgeville News, Dolgeville
Arnold Petrie Insurance, Dolgeville
Doyle Hardware, Dolgeville
Ortlieb's Market ("Where Quality and Service Predominate"), Dolgeville
I.G.A. Food Store (Carl Greenlee, prop.), Dolgeville
A.E. Samuels Clothing and Shoes, Dolgeville
Frey & Scott ("Crosley and Grunow Refrigerators, Thor Washers")
Dolgeville Hardware Company, Dolgeville
Hilltop Dance Hall (Peter DePiazza, prop.), Dolgeville
DeKater and Stahl Chevrolet and Oldsmobile, Dolgeville
Maple Springs Beverage Company ("When Your Are Dry, The Above Is The Reply"), Herkimer
Bruno A. Miller, Chrysler and Plymouth, Dolgeville
Riverside Restaurant (James Favale, prop.), Dolgeville
Joe Brown's Station, Gas & Oil, on Oppenheim Road
Chirico's Restaurant, Herkimer
Floyd G. Leneker, Repub. Candidate for Supervisor, Town of Salisbury
Yerdon's Ice Cream, Fort Plain and Utica
Edmund A. McCarthy, Judge of Juvenile Court, Little Falls
Floyd A. Clayton, Repub. Candidate for Supervisor, German Flatts
Waverly Hotel and Restaurant ("Special Sunday Dinner 50c, 60c, 75c"), Herkimer
Frank Dodge, Repub. Candidate for Supervisor, Town of Salisbury
Walter Van Wiggeren, County Clerk of Herkimer County
Frankfort Fire Dept. (Lucian Deade, Chief; Clarence Howard, 1st Asst.; Allie Mark, 2d Asst.;
W.J. Carder, Treas.; Louis Clauser, Sec'y)
Bessie T. Ecker, Repub. Candidate for Member of Assembly
Fred W. Sauer, Repub. Candidate for County Treasurer
C.L. Fox & Sons Insurance, Frankfort
Daniel Green Company, Dolgeville
Cody & Regan (Beverwyck Breweries, Inc.), Little Falls
Imperial Fireworks Company of America, Schenectady
Jacobson's Funeral Service, Dolgeville
Modern Woodmen of America Camp No. 14422, Dolgeville
Miller Trucking Service, Dolgeville
Mosher's Candy Shop, Dolgeville
Star Dairy (George Klock, prop.), Dolgeville
F.A. LaBrake & Sons Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Dolgeville
Dr. C. G. Strobel, Herkimer
Ben Franklin League, Dolgeville
Henderson Agencies, Herkimer
E.J. Beckingham Insurance, Herkimer
Ongowanda Club
C.R. Snell & Sons Co. Timber and Woodwork, Herkimer
The Kirby Office Equipment Company, Herkimer
Frank J. Basloe ("Sells The Earth, Adjusts Its Losses"), Herkimer
Charles N. Cramer, Repub. Candidate for Supervisor, Town of Manheim
Flora S. Hofstetter, Repub. Candidate for County Treasurer, Herkimer
Eugene Hoerz, Jeweler & Optometrist, Dolgeville
E.R. Flanders Groceries, Fruits & Vegetables, Dolgeville
Raymond Mang Ice, Dolgeville
Harry J. Hopson, insurance, Dolgeville
Edward C. Rice, Attorney, Dolgeville
Kamps' Bakery, Dolgeville
Vee-Tyde Service Station (W.D. Mang, prop.), Dolgeville
Barrett's Liquor Store, Dolgeville
Household Paper Products Distributors (D.O. Christian - Mohawk; J.C. Walrad - Herkimer; G. Wainwright - Dolgeville)
Thomas Rockwell, Dolgeville
Harry M. James Co., Dolgeville
Lyon's Dairy Farm ("Grade A Raw Milk") Dolgeville
Edward Lyon Market Basket Store, Dolgeville
Dolge Brothers, Dolgeville
Misner's Battery Service, Dolgeville
Brondstatter's Market
Wittig's Homemade Ice Cream, Dolgeville
Wood's Drug Store, Dolgeville
A. & H. Motor Company Ford Sales, Dolgeville
O.M. Mowers Groceries, Dolgeville
Clarence Hall, Purol Gas, Dolgeville
Vee-Tyde Service Station (Orson Williams & Son), Herkimer
Raymond Kilborn, car mechanic, Dolgeville
Metropolitan Hotel ("Floor Shows Fri. and Sat.") Little Falls
Corn Hill Grocery (Val. Samm, prop.), Dolgeville
Burton's Restaurant, Dolgeville
Darling Chevrolet Co., Little Falls
John Mang, distrib. of Purol Products, Dolgeville
David C. Wightman, Member of Assembly, Herkimer County
Walrath's Hotel ("Good Food and Good Drinks, Ballantine Ale on Tap")
The First National Bank, Dolgeville
Scanlon's Gas Station ("For Good Beer"; "See Ed, the Old Battle Axe Juggler"), Dolgeville
Charles E. Malsan, Sheriff of Herkimer County
Schaffer Store (Raymond Bliss, prop.), Dolgeville
Bowman's Pharmacy, Dolgeville
Dopp's ("Good Eats"), Dolgeville
Dolgeville Coal Company, Dolgeville
W.H. Looms Co., Tydol Gasoline, Dolgeville
Erie Bottling Works, Utica
Hubbard Heel Company, Dolgeville
E.W. Moore & Son, Dolgeville
Congdon's Garage, Dolgeville
Philip Edwards, Repub. Candidate for Supervisor, Town of Salisbury
Lee H. Hawver, Newport
Millar Oil Burners, Theodore Ortlieb Sales Service, Dolgeville
William Sweet, Repub. Candidate for Supervisor, Town of Little Falls
Palmer House ("Coolest Grill in the Valley," "First Class Meals Daily"), Herkimer
Green Gable Grill, Little Falls
Cash Market, meats (D. Sofia, prop.), Dolgeville
DeLucco's Grill (Anthony DeLucco, prop.), Dolgeville
Utica-Club - "The Famous Utica Beer"
Lindy's Grill (H. Saltsman, prop.), Dolgeville
Jennings Grill ("For the Mosta of the Besta"), Dolgeville
Cottage Hotel, Dolgeville
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