1869 -1870

The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties for 1869. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there. In transcribing this material we have kept the original spelling and punctuation.

From Gazetteer and Business Directory of Herkimer County, N.Y. 1869-70
published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1869

( post office addresses in parentheses )
Aker, Hezekiah
(Ingham's Mills)
farmer 44
Arnold, Charles H.
(Little Falls)
carpenter and farmer 56
Austin, Marvin C.
(Little Falls)
farmer leases of I. & J. Ives 112 1/2
Barker, Wm.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 40
Barnard, Lansing
(East Creek)

Barney, A. G.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
physician and surgeon
Bateman, Joseph
(Little Falls)
shoe maker and farmer 10
Bauder, C. E.
(East Creek)
town assessor, hop grower and farmer 200
Baum, Henry S.
(Little Falls)
Beardslee, Augustus
(East Creek)
ex-county judge and farmer 300
Bellinger, Adam
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 50
Bellinger, Adam Jr.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 145
Bellinger, Hiram
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 80
Bellinger, Lambert
(Ingham's Mills)
Bellinger, Levi, Jr.
(Little Falls)
farmer leases of Levi Bellinger, 200
Bellinger, Sandusky
(Little Falls)
farmer leases 205
Bidleman, Hiram
(Little Falls)
farmer 217
Bidleman, Morgan
(Little Falls)
farmer 564
Bidleman, Peter M.
(Little Falls)
town assessor and farmer 150
Bishop, Richard
(Little Falls)
farmer leases of Joel Pickert, 144
Bishop, S. C.
(Little Falls)
Bloodough, Alexander
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer leases of H. Brown, 150
Bradford, Elisha
(Little Falls)
retired farmer 127 1/2
Broat, Henry
(Little Falls)
farmer 300
Broat, Hiram
(Little Falls)
justice of the peace, supervisor, cheese buyer and farmer 390
Brockett, Amos
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 147
Brockett, Nathaniel S.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
Brockett, Zenas
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 462
Brockett's Bridge Cheese Factory
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
Phineas H. Smith, prop.
Brown, Charles B.
(Little Falls)
farmer leases of James H. Weatherwax, 200
Brown, Geo.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 136
Brown, H.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
T.P. Green & Co.
Brown, Harvey
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
Brown & Spofford, justice of the peace
Brown, J. N. Rev.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
pastor of M. E. Church
Brown & Spofford
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
Harvey Brown and J. P. Spofford, grocers and hardware dealers
Burwell, Dudley
(Little Falls)
farmer 30
Carey, John
(Ingham's Mills)
Carpenter, O. R.
(Ingham's Mills)
foreman and general superintendent of Manheim Cheese Factory
Carroll, J. A. Miss
(East Creek)
post mistress
Casler, Harvey H.
(Ingham's Mills)
Cook, Chauncey
(Little Falls)
farmer 173
Cramer, Henry
(Little Falls)
farmer leases of E. Bradford, 120
Davis, H.
(Little Falls)
farmer leases estate of J. J. Davis, 148
Davis, John P.
(Little Falls)
with Robert J., dairyman and farmer 180
Davis, Joseph
(Little Falls)
farmer 199
Davis, Robert J.
(Little Falls)
with John P., dairyman and farmer 180
Dengler, John F.
(Little Falls)
farmer leases of M. Bidleman, 126
Dexter, Levi
(Little Falls)
retired farmer 2100
Dey, Jacob N.
(Little Falls)
farmer 100
Dingler, Geo.
(Little Falls)
Dinneen, Michael
(Little Falls)
farmer 3
Dockey, Henry Mrs.
(East Creek)
farmer 23
Dockey, John
(Ingham's Mills)
justice of the peace and farmer 122
Drummond, Wm. H.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
boot and shoe maker
Du Bois, Edwin
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
superintendent of John Watson's tannery
Dunckel, Peter J.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 200
Eades, James
(Little Falls)
farmer 35
Eaker, Catharine
(Ingham's Mills)
farmer 1
Eaker, Hiram
(Little Falls)
farmer leases of S. Snell, 160
Eysaman, John M.
(Little Falls)
farmer 116
Favelle, Henry
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 170
Faville, Benjamin R.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 170
Faville, Reuben
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 97
Feeter, Wm. A.
(Little Falls)
farmer 200
Finck, Andrew A.
(Little Falls)
retired farmer 3
Fry, Peter
(East Creek)
farmer leases of S. Snell, 250
Garlock, John
(Little Falls)
farmer 201
Garlock, John J.
(Little Falls)
Garlock, Nelson
(Little Falls)
dairyman and farmer 132
Goodell, Andrew
(Little Falls)
farmer 200
Goodell, W.A.
(Little Falls)
Green, T. P. & Co.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
H. Brown, general merchants
Gross, Horatio N.
(Ingham's Mills)
Guile, Leonard L.
(Ingham's Mills)
cheese box maker
Hagar, Angeline Mrs.
(Little Falls)

Hagar, Nathan
(Little Falls)
carpenter and farmer 33
Hagar, Lawrence
(East Creek)
farmer 2 1/2
Helmer, Leonard
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
retired farmer
Helmer, Leonard Jr.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer leases of L. Helmer, 225
Helmer, Philip
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
retired farmer
Helmer, Reuben
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer 86
Helmer, Samuel
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
hop grower and farmer 150
Henderson, J. A.
(Little Falls)
Henderson, W. H.
(Little Falls)
farmer leases 352
Hoover, Ephraim
(Little Falls)
leader of string and brass band
Hoover, John
Little Falls)
farmer 160
Horton, Wm.
(Ingham's Mills)
Ingham, David
(Ingham's Mills)
farmer 170
Ingham, Erastus
(Ingham's Mills)
carpenter and joiner
Ingham, W. A.
(Ingham's Mills)
Snell & Co., farmer
Ingham, Walter D.
(Ingham's Mills)
post master, prop. of saw mill and lime kiln
Jennings, A .N.
(Brockett's Bridge, Bulton Co.)
carpenter and joiner
Jerome, Permelia Mrs.
(East Creek)
prop. of hotel
Johnson, Robert
(East Creek)
stone mason
Keeler, Patrick
(Little Falls)
farmer 50
Keller, Benj.
(Little Falls)
farmer 103
Keller, Peter
(Little Falls)
farmer 88
Kelly, John
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
Kilbe, G. I.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
prop. of hotel
Kilts, J. L.
(East Creek)
farmer 100 and leases 66
Klock, Daniel
(Little Falls)
farmer 115
Klock, Hiram
(Little Falls)

Kretser, John
(East Creek)
Keyes, L. S.
(Little Falls)
cheese maker and foreman of Manheim Cheese Factory
Kyser, Jacob
(Ingham's Mills)
farmer 520
Kysor, John P.
(Little Falls)
farmer 150
Kysor, Seymour
(Little Falls)
Lamberson, A.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
insurance agent
Lamberson, Albert
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
retired farmer
Lamberson, J. D.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
harness dealer and grocer
Lansing, S. Stewart
(East Creek)
farmer 220
Loucks, David
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
boot and shoemaker
Loucks, Dwight M.
(Brockett's Bridge, Fulton Co.)
farmer leases of Philip Helmer, 190
Loucks, Harvey
(Ingham's Mills)
Snell & Co.
Loucks, Harvey
(Little Falls)
farmer 168
Loucks, Jacob P.
(Little Falls)
farmer 10
Loucks, Joseph
(Little Falls)
farmer 127
Loucks, Norman C.
(Ingham's Mills)
Snell & Co., live stock broker and farmer 140
Loucks, Phebe A. Mrs.
(Little Falls)
farmer 175
Loucks, R. H.
(Little Falls)
farmer leases of Hiram Broat, 145
Loucks, Samuel
(Ingham's Mills)
Snell & Co., farmer 150

Directory of Manheim: Surnames M - Z

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Last Updated: 11/9/97
Copyright ©1997 Paul Horvat/ Martha S. Magill
All Rights Reserved.