The 1787 and 1788 tax lists of the Town of Palatine were contributed by Douglas J. Ingalls. [Note: Doug passed away September 29, 1999] Manheim, in Herkimer County, was formed from Palatine, Montgomery County, on April 7th, 1817.

TAX RECORDS of the TOWN of PALATINE: 1787 and 1788

Town of Palatine

Klock, Jacob G.
Walradt, Jno.
Lemperson, Cornelius
Hallengas, Coonradt
Hellenbolt, Tunis
Klock, Jacob C.
Hellenges, Peter
Backester, Thos.
Backster, Ulrich
Bellinger, Henry F.
Bellinger, Frederick
Youcker, Jacob
Hyde, Elihu
Osterhout, Frederick
Yocker, George
Youran, Jacob
House, Christian
Cook, Rudolph
Yocker, Rudolph
Balsly, Peter
Bellinger, Adam
Bayer, Valenter
Bayer, Jno.
Edle, George
Delebus, Jacob
Remsneder, Jno.
Anstat, Hendrick
Leimbag, Henry
Reder, Henry
Reder, Frederick
Rickert, Conradt
B(uyce), Peter
Stiles, Lodewick
Grant, John
Young, Richard

Town of Palatine

Bellinqer, Henry F.
Bellinger, Frederick
Jocker, Jacob
Hyt, Elshu
Osterhont. Frederick
Uncker, George
Yeoran. Jacob
Haus, Christian
Cook, Rudolph
Yeocker, Rudalph
Palsley, Peter
Bellinger, Adam
Beyer, Valatine
Beyer, John
Edell, George
Debus, Jacob
Remesneder, John
Einstat, Henry
Reeder, Henry
Reeder, Frederick
Reckert, Conradt
Buya, Peter
Stils, Lodewick
Grant, John
Young, Richard
Keyser, Barent
Keyser, John
Lasder, Daniel

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Last Updated: 1/28/99
Copyright ©1999 Douglas J. Ingalls/ Martha S. Magill
All Rights Reserved.