The roll of members of the Old Yellow Church was contributed by Douglas J. Ingalls. The original book was kept by Col. William Feeter and is now in the Genealogy Room of the Public Library in Little Falls, NY. Colonel Feeter's handwritten membership roll was transcribed and contributed to them by Carlton Taylor Barker of Herkimer, NY and reprinted in the journal Tree Talks in 1978 and 1979. Colonel Feeter, his family, and others on this list are buried in the Old Yellow Church Cemetery. A comparison of names with that list will show some slight variations in spelling.
The following records of the family of Col. William Feeter were written on the inside face of the cover:
FEETER William, b. 2 Feb 1756
Elizabeth Bellinger, b. 23 March 1765
Their children:
Adam, b. 27 Oct 1782
Eva, b. 16 Oct 1784
William, b. 3 Dec 1786
George Henry, b. 16 March 1789
Elizabeth, b. 16 May 1791
Caty, b. 7 Dec 1792
Mary, b. 21 May 1794
Anna, b. 21 May 1796
Dolly, b. 4 Dec 1795
Delia, b. 31 July 1801
Johannes, b. 30 Nov 1804
Peter, b. 25 Oct 1807
Regular Communicants of the Evangelical German Congregation in Manheim, Herkimer Co., N.Y., as reorganized in 1839:
1. John F. Windecker
2. Peter Eisaman
3. John Bellinger, old member
4. Joseph Boyer, moved
5. Jonas Boyer
6. Joseph Bateman
7. Reuben Hays
8. Calvin Hammond
9. Lovinus Van Slyke
10. Peter Keyser, old member
11. William Feeter, old member
12, Garret Van Slyke, old member
13. [named crossed out]
14. Henry Boyer
15. John Gasart
16. Abraham Shaver
17. Godfrey Miller
18. Levi Bellinger
19. Conrad Kiltz
20. Nicholas Van Slyke
1. Harriet McKinster Footer
2. Mary Bateman
3. Sally Van Slyke
4. Mrs. Van Slyke, wife of Garret
5. Caty Boyer
6. Margaret Shell
7. Nancy Boyer
8. Elizabeth Petrie
9. Mrs. Davis, wife of Abraham
10. Lany Windecker
11. Mrs Simmons
12, Barbara [?], old member
13. Polly Kiltz
14. Olive Hammond
15. Freelove Hammond
16. Catharine Wolaver
17. Jane Foot
18. Pauline Casso
10. Mrs. Heart, wife of George N.
20. Polly Keyser
21. Betsy Van Slyke
22. Jennet Swackhammer
23. Elisabeth Hays
24. Justina Keller
25. Mrs. Adle
26. Margaret Keller
27. Eve Dockstrader
28. Mrs. Heart [name crossed off]
29. Anna Bellinger, dead
30. Mrs. Shaver
31. Betsy Pickert
32. Sally Scott
33. Betsy Hays
34. Sally Case
35. Lucinda Barnes
36. Mary Windecker
37. Nancy Failing Feeter
38. Mrs. Davis, wife of Joseph
39. Deanna Keller
40. Elizabeth Hays
41. Mrs. Van Slyke
42. Sally Bellinger
The above list was scanned and edited by Douglas J. Ingalls. A reprint originally appeared in Tree Talks Vol. 18 No.1 March 1978 and Vol. 19 No.1 March 1979. [Note: Doug passed away on September 29, 1999]
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