Newport, NY to Baraboo, WI

Contributed by BetteJo Hall-Caldwell

Henry Bradbury

Baraboo Daily News, Monday, March 22,1926

Bradbury Family

Henry Bradbury, born at Garrettsville, Otsego Co., New York, was the sixth child of Jas. and Maria Ingham Bradbury. He was of English ancestry; his parents coming to America directly from Manchester, England.

When he was five years of age the family moved from Garretteville to Newport, New York, where the father was employed in a cotton factory similar to that in which he had worked in England. After a six years residence in Newport, the purchased a farm near Utica, New York, and here the family lived until the death of James Bradbury, 03 Aug 1852.

Later they became scattered, Henry coming to the West in 1856. A company of neighbors, including his sister's family, were moving to Baraboo, Wisconsin, and he was engaged to accompany the eight horses they were taking along. He shipped with these as far as Chicago, then a hamlet of a few scattered houses, clustered on the bend of Lake Michigan. Here he detrained and mounting one horse, drove with the aid of his faithful dog, the remainder, through the knee deep mud of Chicago's main street, out across the Illinois prairie to Northwest and bearing up through central Wisconsin, reached the little village of Baraboo about forty miles above Madison which at that time was the railroad terminal.

From Madison travel radiated by means of the stage. Mr. Bradbury was then twenty-three years of age, found employment the first winter in the west chopping wood for fifty cents per cord. While working in Baraboo, he again met and renewed his acquaintance with Miss Letty McGilvra, a school teacher who had taught the rural school in the Bradbury district near Utica, New York and "boarded around." Therefore the Bradbury family came in for its share of her entertainment. She was then making her home at Baraboo with her brother who had persuaded her to come to Wisconsin to bear his family company. I here hold in my hand a little volume with which the officiating clergyman presented the young people the day of their marriage over 68 years ago and which contains their marriage certificate reading as follows, "This certifies that Henry Bradbury and Letty C. McGilvar were by me united in marriage according to the laws of the state of Wisconsin at Baraboo, Sauk County, 19 Jan 1858, W. Cochran." No witnesses were necessary and none signed the document. The marriage took place at the home of the minister a few rods south of here near the location where the late William Eillott once lived. Elder Warren Cochren was one of the early pastors of the Congregational Church of Baraboo. The newly married couple drove to Madison for their wedding trip.

After seeking home sites in Northern Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois, they settled upon a farm two and one-half miles east of Baraboo and remained there until 1901 when they sold their place and retired to Baraboo City. Mr Bradbury was well-known among the business men of his day and vicinity. He was fond of domestic animals, surrounding himself with fine specimens and exercising great concern as to their care and comfort. Especially did he admire fine horses and raised many fancy ones for years on the farm and the slight of mistreat one of his horses was to offer him personal affront.

He loved wood craft and was a correct alrot(?). Intensely patriotic, he chafed under the circumstances which kept him at home in '6'd, but no more than under the insult offered our government during the World War. He loved his country and was proud of her history. Ever a Republican, and later a progressive, he became a staunch supporter and admirer of Hon. R.M. LaFollette and was always in be found well informed on the live issues of the day. His last vote was cast for the Progressive leader. His word was as good as his note and he was a loved and honored and honest man. In 1905 at the instance of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury changed location, spending their time between Newport, New York and Hinsdale, Illinois.

It was at the latter place that Mrs. Bradbury passed away in her daughter's home 24 Dec 1910. Mr Bradbury has resided in both Hinsdale and Newport since his wife's death but for the past few years has made his home continuously with his older daughter in the latter place, enjoying the old familiar environments of his early boyhood, a providence which rarely comes to many. It was here that he passed away, Monday night 15 Mar about 10'oclock from no particular disease, just the slowing down of the natural forces after a long life spanning 99 years of good health and vigor.

He is survived by five children - Mrs. Thomas Longstaff, Newport, N.Y., W.C Bradbury, Lodi, Cal., Mrs. N.W. Paulson and the Misses Lucy and Ina Bradury of Hinsdale, Ill. There are also nine grandchildren, Mrs. Leila Owens, Fresno, Calif., Harold Henry Bradbury, Mrs. Ellen Hyde and Mrs. Ruth Kyle of Lodi, Calif, Henry Lonstaff, Herkimer, N.Y., McKinley Longstaff, Newport, N.Y., Miss Burnice Bradbury, St. Helena, Calif., Mrs. Doris Tunnell, Los Angeles, Calif., and Miss Wilma Paulson, Hinsdale, Ill. The great grandchildren of whom there are twelve are Dwight, Maxine, Frances and Carolyn Bradbury, Rae and Lloy Owens, Delmer and Erna Kyle, Henry =, Harry, Jeanne and Reta Longstaff. One sister Mrs. Lucy Olds resides in Syracuse, New York.

It is fitting that the remains have been brought back to the old home to be placed by the side of his wife on the southern slope of Walnut Hill Cemetery overlooking the beautiful Baraboo Valley, so long the scene of his life's activities.

After life's fitful fever he rest well

I must travel the miles till the journey is done.

Whatsoever the turn of the way

I shall bring up at last with the set-of the sun.

And shall rest at the close of the day.

Let me deal as I journey with foremen, and friends.

In a way that no man can assail.

And find nothing but peace at the roadway's last bend.

When I come to the end of the trail.

We are brothers who travel a great, common road.

And the journey is easy for none.

We must succor the weary and lift on the load.

Of the pilgrim whose courage is done.

Let me deal with them each on my way to the West.

With mercy that never shall fail

And He known to my dreams with a conscience of rest

When I come to the end of the trail.

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Created: 11/3/03
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