1827 Assessment Roll

Town of Norway

Herkimer County, NY

List of names
on the

Made the 29th day of June 1827 by Henry Tillinghast, Silvanus Ferris, and David Humphneville, assessors of said town.

Transcribed by Paula Pitts from the original record at the Herkimer County Historical Society, Herkimer, Herkimer Co., New York.

Spelling has not been changed. Due to the difficulty in interpreting old handwriting, there is a possibility that mistakes have been made.

Abel, Addam
Austin, John and Benjamin
Bronson, Amos
Bronson, Oses Wistel
Buel and Hallet
Barnes, Comfort
Bingham, David
Brainard, Samuel
Brainard, Samuel
Barnes, Lewis
Bly, William
Brainard, Levi
Benjamin, Benjamin
Benjamin, Joshua
Baker, Clark
Baker, Reynolds
Baker, William
Bly, Job
Baker, Allen
Burlingham, Alvah
Bronson, Zenas
Bronson, Zenas Jr.
Bradly, Henry W.
Corse, Cynus
Clark, David
Crandall, Mary
Carpenter, Azed
Comstock, Stephen
Coe, Ira
Crosby, Anson
Crosby, Isaac
Coons, William
Carpenter, Arnold
Cole, Daniel
Case, Stephen
Crosby, Josiah
Colvin, William
Carpenter, Augustus
Corp, Isaac
Corp, John
Carpenter, Samuel
Carpenter, Benjamin
Dubois, David
Dubois, Jacob
Dubois, Joel
Doty, George W.
Davis, Joseph
English, John 1st
English, Robert
English, John 2nd
Earos?, Parkes
Ferris, Silvanus - for their farm
Ferris, Nathan
Ferris, Silvanus
Fruman?, Sylvenius
Forsyth, Franklin
Foster, Elizah
Gage, Moses
Grur, Jabez
Gardiner, Sally
(ink blot), Janus Jr.
(ink blot), Janus
Giles, Marshal
Giles, Samuel
Hubert, William H.
Hale, Richard
Howel, Joshua
Hemenway, Abram L.
Hemenway, Levi
Hall, Oliver
Hall, Daniel
Hall, Benjamin
Hall, Silas
Hall, Caleb
Henderson, Daniel C.
How, Sollomon
Humphney, Charles
Hurd, Ebenezer
Horton, Luther
Hine, Shussel?
Haskin, David
Humpheville, David
Ives, Simion
Ives, Kilburn
Ives, Amos
Johnson, David
Johnson, Timothy
Johnson, Abel
Johnson, Nicholas
Luther, Simeon
Luther, Ereck
Mathew, Moses
Mabee, Maargaret
Manly, Thomas
McAllister [No first name]
Mason, Frederick
Marvel, Rand?
Manly, Addison
Nichols, Mial
Nichols, Horace
Nichols, Maize
Norton, James
Norton, James Donnin farm
Nichols, Benjamin
Nulak, Amasa
Oventurn, Daniel
Pullman, Updike
do [ditto] for Marvil Lot
do [ditto] No 77 Brown Lot
Pullman, Elias
Pullman, Edmund
Potter, Philip W.
Post, Nathaniel
Read, Seboy
Reynolds, William
Robertson, Amasa
Ross, Noble
Rockwell, Edwin
Randall, Smith
Rathbun, Wilbur
1st Tillinghast Farm
Rathbun, Thomas
Rathbun, Edmund
Smith, David
Smith, Isaac
Smith, Henry
Smith, Josiah
Smith, Dudley
Smith, Dudley Jr.
Swan, Lyman
Smith, Elisha
Spencer, Apphens
Smith, William B.
Sweet, Wanton
Salisburry, Nathan
do [ditto] for Morse farm
Smith, Jeremiah
Smith, Jared
Smith, Johnson
Smith, Epaphnas
Smith, Timothy
Smith, T. S. Hurd
Smith, John
Sherman, George
Sheldon, Caleb M.
Servis, William W.
Servis, Phillip
Servis, John
Tillinghast, Jefferson
Thorton, Ephraim
Tillinghast, Henry
Tomkins, Griffin
Tillinghast, Pardon
Tomkins, Stephen
Tomkins, Samuel
Underhill, William
Vanderburg, John
Van Wee, Henry
Wood, Barnet
Woolsey, William
Wilson, Leonard
Whitford, Pascho
Willouby, Arnold
Western, Samuel
do [diito] for Mrs. Ruland Farm
Whitford, Benoni
Whitford, William
Weaver, George
Western, Joseph
Willcox, Henry
Weden, Daid
Wooten, Sherman
for Philip Angels heirs
Cole, Alpha nonresident
Ross, Asher nonresident
Hortune?, Samuel

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