1869 -1870

The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties for 1869. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there. In transcribing this material we have kept the original spelling and punctuation.

From: Gazetteer and Business Directory of Herkimer County, N.Y. 1869-70
published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1869
( post office addresses in parentheses )
Ash, David
farmer 300
Austin, Benjamin
farmer 304
Avery, Anson D.
retired farmer
Baker, Wilbur C.
farmer 61
Barney, Henry
farmer 72
Bly, Alanson
farmer 194
Bly, Clark
(Cold Brook)
farmer 158 1/3
Bly, Horace R.
mason and farmer 50
Bullock, Ira
farmer 105
Bunnell, Munson
supervisor and farmer 255
Burt, Henry S.
farmer 200
Butler, Thomas
farmer 155
Carpenter, Charles
farmer 140
Carpenter, Jackson S.
farmer 244
Carpenter, Nelson H.
farmer 123
Case, Stephen
farmer 120
Casy, Michael
farmer leases 200
Collins, Benjamin R.
farmer 47
Collins, Samuel F.
harness maker
Cooper, Henry C.
(Cold Brook)
farmer 167
Cramer, Edmond
farmer leases 150
Crandall, Lucius D.
farmer leases 200
Crandell, Ira
president of Norway Association Cheese Factory, and farmer 160
Dairy Hill Cheese Factory
Joseph Nichols, prop.
Daly, John
farmer 220
Daly, Joseph
farmer 100
Darling, Hiram R.
farmer 100
Dineen, John
(Little Falls)
farmer leases 299
Donnovan, Dennis
farmer 73
Dorsey, James
farmer 220
DuBois, David
with Luke T.; farmer 221
DuBois, James V.
cheese manuf. and farmer 49
DuBois, Luke T.
with David; farmer 221
Dury, Hugh
farmer 153
Dutcher, Sidney E.
farmer 5
Dygert, Charles
(Cold Brook)
farmer leases 25
Enos, Daniel C.
farmer 207
Fenner, Walter H.
farmer 130
Foster, Rufus L.
cheese maker
France, Henry A.
physician and surgeon
Fredenburgh, Albert
Gage, Lorenzo D.
carpenter and joiner
Gage, Lorenzo D.
carriage builder and general wood worker
Gage, Stephen
farmer 245
Gray Cheese Factory
Legg Bros., Weston & Putnam, props.
Gray, Latham
lumber manuf., furniture dealer, turner and farmer 9
Hadcock, Lloyd C.
Hall, Albert
prop. livery
Hall, Alonzo
Hall & Son
Hall, Benjamin C.
farmer 125
Hall, Charles J.
surgeon dentist
Hall, George
Hall & son
Hall, Norman
farmer 408
Hall & Son
Alonzo and George
shingle manufs. and farmers 63 1/2
Hall, William
agent, tannery
Hammesley, George
sawyer and farmer 2
Haregan, Dennis
farmer 200
Hern, John
farmer 100
Hess, Henry
with Nathaniel Tompkins, farmer 63
Hines, Levett Mrs.
farmer 160
Huddleston, William
hotel prop. and shoe maker
Hurd, O. Frederick
farmer 200
Ives, Amos
farmer 154
Ives, James D.
cheese factory and farmer 209
Ives, Jason I.
farmer 568
Jackson, Archibald
with Leonard, farmer 196
Jackson, Leonard
with Archibald, farmer 196
James, Charles A.
Cheese manuf. with the Norway Association
Jeffries, James
farmer leases 160
Johnson, Adelbert
farmer leases 282
Kanady, Robert E.
dealer in stoves, tinware, copper and sheet iron
Kiesling, Frederick
with John, farmer 206
Kiesling, John
farmer 206
Lamphier, James E.
farmer leases 300
Legg Bros.
Weston & Putnam
Judson P. and Sylvanus B. Legg
Jason L. Weston and John M. Putnam
props. of Gray Cheese Factory
Legg, Jared
Legg, Judson P.
Legg Bros. Weston & Putnam, farmer 300
Legg, Sylvanus B.
Legg Bros. Weston & Putnam, farmer 300
Mahardy, Michael
farmer 130
Mahardy, Patrick
farmer 366
Mahony, James
farmer 115
McAvoy, James
McLaughlin, James
farmer 180
Moody, James
farmer 250
Morse, Erwin
farmer 163
Morse, Nathaniel
farmer 222
Morse, William H.
with N. Morse; farmer 222
Murphy, John C.
farmer 300 and with Griffin Sweet 299
Nichols, Henry C.
farmer 200
Nichols, Joseph
prop. of Dairy Hill Cheese Factory and farmer 200
Norway Association Cheese Factory
Ira Canell, president
Almeron Root, Treasurer
George Willis, salesman
Norway Union Store
Augustus S. White, agent
Norris, John
farmer 71
Norton, Morgan
farmer 540
Payn, Stephen
(Cold Brook)
farmer 200
Petrie, Albert A.
farmer 217 1/2
Pierce, Rufus D. Rev.
pastor of Baptist Church
Pullman, Elias B.
retired farmer
Pulman, William R.
farmer 25
Putnam, John M.
Legg Bros., Weston & Putnam, farmer 185
Randall, Elisha O. Mrs.
retired farmer
Randall, George
retired farmer
Rathbun, John
Raynore, Christiney
with John H., farmer
Raynore, John H.
farmer leases 6
Reynolds, Giles
farmer 332
Rockwell, Horace M.
farmer 115
Root, Aaron
farmer 160
Root, Almeron
treasurer of Norway Association Cheese Factory
Root, Almeron P.
farmer 125
Root, John B.
post master, town clerk and notary public
Root, Marshal
retired farmer
Ross, Daton
carpenter and joiner
Ryan, William
farmer 42 1/2
Salisbury, Ackland
farmer 10
Service, Philip
farmer 50
Service, Philip
farmer 61
Shibly, Josiah
farmer leases 225
Silliman, George
farmer 152
Smith, Charles C.
farmer 262
Smith, David
farmer 213 1/2
Smith, Elisha
prop. of stone quarry and farmer 200
Smith, Frederick
farmer 31
Smith, Frederick
farmer 30
Smith, Jackson
farmer 220
Smith, John
farmer 44
Smith, Jonathan Mrs.
farmer 140
Snyder, George
teamster and farmer 47
Sperry, Samuel P.
farmer 72
Sullivan, Bartholomew
farmer 35
Sweet, Burton J.
farmer 235
Sweet, Griffin
with J.C. Murphy, farmer 299
Tillinghast, Mary Ann Mrs.
farmer 143 1/2
Tomkins, Griffin
farmer 73
Tomkins, John
farmer 106
Tompkins, Van Rensselaer
farmer 58
Topper, Jonathan
(Cold Brook)
with Martin, farmer 265
Topper, Martin
(Cold Brook)
with Jonathan, farmer 265
Van Vechten, Harmon
farmer 802
Van Wie, Andrew
(Cold Brook)
farmer 60
Vedder, Aaron
farmer 49
Vedder, Sears
farmer 172
Vincent, Samuel
farmer 150
Walther, Philip
farmer leases 220
Wendover, Henry
farmer 403
Wendover, Henry S.
with Henry, farmer 403
Western, Benjamin
farmer 200
Western, Dwight C.
with Jason, farmer 400
Western, Jason
farmer 400
Western, Joseph
sawyer and farmer 210
Western, Samuel
sawyer and farmer 50
Weston, Jason L.
Legg Bros., Weston & Putnam
White, Augustus S.
agent Norway Union Store
White, George
(Cold Brook)
farmer 200
White, Nicholas
(Cold Brook)
farmer leases 16
Wilcox, John P.
carpenter, butcher and farmer 50
Willis, George
salesman of Norway Association Cheese Factory
Willoughby, Frederick J.
farmer 103
Wilmot, John
(Cold Brook)
farmer 218
Wilmot, John
(Cold Brook)
farmer 300

Source: This directory was provided to site visitors for educational and research use by the Newport Historical Society, Newport, New York.

Submitted by: Marjorie Foss, Muriel Fenner, and Pat McKerrow - the Newport Town Historians in 1997.

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Last Updated: 4/4/97
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