What more can we say about this section? Obituaries not only name relatives and relationships, but often tell vivid stories of people's lives. Please send in your collected Herkimer or Montgomery Counties related obits. Put "OBIT" in the subject heading of your email and name the source of the obit if known. The obits do not have to be long but can be short notices.
1/22/05 Persis Allen's obituary and 8 death notices of Montgomery County residents were contributed by Rosemary Nadal!
The Radii, OBITUARY: MISS PERSUS ALLEN, sister of Mrs. Geo. G. Johnston, of Palatine Bridge, died at Mrs. Johnston's residence, in that village, on Saturday last, at the age of 75 years. DEATH NOTICES: BEEKMAN--In Fort Plain, April 16th, MRS. C. BEEKMAN, aged about 84 years. FUSMER--In this village, April 21st, ADA, daughter of WILLIAM FUSMER, aged 16 years and 6 months. OTTO--In Canajoharie, April 21st, MRS. OTTO, mother of FREDERICK C. OTTO, aged 79 years. COUNTRYMAN--In Ford's Bush, April 10th, MRS. ELIZABETH COUNTRYMAN, aged 80 years, 7 months and 24 days. WINNIE--In the town of Glen, April 18th, ELIZABETH STOWITTS, wife of RICHARD WINNIE, in the 45th year of her age. BRONK--At Lassellsville, April 10th, FREDDIE, twin son of EPHRAIM and HELEN A. BRONK, aged 3 years, 7 months and 20 days. FOX--In Palatine, April 13th, MISS MINA S. FOX, in her 23rd year. MILLER--Near Keck's Center, April 17th, PETER J. MILLER, in his 71st year. 1/19/05 The following grouping of 5 obituaries of Montgomery County residents was contributed by Rosemary Nadal! WILLIAM JAY KLINE, senior publisher of the Evening Recorder, died at his home in Amsterdam, November 3, 1930, following an attack of angina pectoris. He was born at Fultonville, November 7, 1848, the son of William W. and Jane Ann (Booth) Kline. He attended the district school, Albany Business College, Johnstown Academy, and was graduated from Union College in 1872. He received his master's degree from that institution in 1875, and the honorary degree of L.H.D. in 1912. In 1873, Mr. Kline purchased the Amsterdam Weekly Democrat, and six years later he launched Amsterdam's first daily newspaper. This was at a time when such a venture was a hazardous undertaking, but the community took kindly to the daily paper and it grew and prospered with the city until it took its place among the leading publication of the State. In 1893 he purchased the Amsterdam Recorder, consolidating it with the Democrat. Since 1902 his son Gardiner has been associated with him in its publication. Mr. Kline attained a high place in his profession and served as president of the Republican Editorial Association, the New York Associated Dailies, and New York Press Association. For three years he represented the state on the executive committee of the National Editorial Association, and in 1904 was vice-president of that organization. He was a man of liberal education, broad culture, and many and varied interests. His love for travel took him on many trips through various sections of the United States, the Hawaiian Islands, South America, Africa, several times to Europe, and once around the world. His letters to the Recorder describing his experiences were ever a source of interest and pleasure to the readers. He took an active part in all movements looking to the betterment of Amsterdam, and to their successful advancement he gave his whole-hearted support. In the progress of the city, not only in a material way but also along the lines of education and civic and social endeavor, he was an important factor. In 1912 he took the initiative in a movement that resulted in the establishment of a Y.M.C.A. and the erection of the present building. As vice-president of the Montgomery County Historical Society he did much to develop among the people an interest in and love for the history of the Mohawk Valley. He was a charter member of the Board of Trade, Trustee of the Amsterdam Savings Bank, and vice-president of the Montgomery County Trust Company and the Free Library. He was a member of Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa, Artisan Lodge No. 84 F.& A.M., Amsterdam Lodge No. 101 B.P.O.E., Antlers Country Club, National Republican Club of New York, and Amsterdam Masonic Club; he was also trustee of the Second Presbyterian Church and of the Home for Elderly Women. Always a staunch supporter of the Republican party, Mr. Kline attended many state and national conventions, and through his paper was a powerful factor in party success locally. The only public office he ever held was that of postmaster having been appointed by President Hayes in 1877 and reappointed by President Arthur in 1881. For many years he was a regular attendant at the reunions of alumni of Union College, was one of the organizers and the first president of the Fulton and Montgomery County Alumni Association, and at one time was a member of the college Board of Trustees. On April 14, 1875, he was married to Miss Emily Gardiner of Amsterdam. Besides his wife, he is survived by one son Gardiner, and three daughters--Mrs. David LeFavour, Mrs. C. Bernhard Machold, and Mrs. William H. Kuhn. Source: The Quarterly Journal Of The New York State Historical Association, January, 1931 MRS. LOULU SNELL BURKE died at her home in Laurelton, N.Y., October 1, 1930, after nearly a year's illness. She was born at Stone Arabia, N.Y., February 7, 1872, the daughter of Jacob and Nancy Lida (Nellis) Snell. Her father was quite prominent in politics during his entire life, being a close friend of Thomas C. Platt. He was Republican State Committee man for several years, and at the time of his death was warden of the Napanoch Prison. While Mrs. Burke was a child, her parents moved to Fonda where she attended the local school, finishing her education at the Sacred Heart Convent at Albany. Mrs. Burke was a charter member of the Women's National Republican Club of New York City and, like her father, took an active part in politics. She was also a member of the Riverside Republican Club. Aside from politics, her hobby was antique furniture, and her home was artistically furnished with an unusual collection of rare and valuable pieces. She had also collected a number of old newspapers and clippings, among which was a copy of the New York Herald, of April 1865, giving an account of the assassination of President Lincoln. She gave this to the Women's National Republican Club, who had it framed and hung in their reception room. She had many sterling qualities which endeared her to all with whom she came in intimate relationship. On June 19, 1901, she was married to Thomas R. Burke of Oneonta. He was then connected with the New York Central Railroad but since 1914 has been railway engineer with the New York City Board of Transportation. Besides her husband, Mrs. Burke is survived by a sister, Mrs. Walter G. Ingalls, and a brother James A. Snell, both of Albany. Source: The Quarterly Journal Of The New York State Historical Association, April, 1931 JOHN FEA, one of Amsterdam's best known residents, died April 20, 1931, after a short illness of pneumonia. Mr. Fea was born in Cherry Valley, April 10, 1852, the son of Alexander and Agnes Ronalds (Parker) Fea. John Fea was educated in the public schools at Fort Plain and the Canajoharie Academy. He was associated with his father in manufacture of organs in Cherry Valley and in Amsterdam, moving to the latter place in 1878. He later became affiliated with Cluett & Sons in the sale of pianos and musical merchandise. Since boyhood Mr. Fea was deeply interested in the early history of the Mohawk Valley, and his historical research has proved of considerable value. He was editor and owner of the Cherry Valley Saw Buck 1872-75. Till 1923 he contributed historical articles to various newspapers throughout the Mohawk Valley. He wrote "Historic Forts of the Mohawk Valley," "Declaration of Rights of the Inhabitants of Cherry Valley," the list of Indian villages published in Greene's History of Old Fort Plain and the chapter on "Clinton's Overland Portage" in Greene's History of the Mohawk Valley. On July 13, 1881, Mr. Fea was married to Anna Wright Otto of Moberly, Mo. Besides his wife he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. W. Arthur Kline and Mrs. Walter J. Sicard; four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Source: The Quarterly Journal of The New York State Historical Association, Volume XII, No. 3, July, 1931. 1930 United States Federal Census CORNELIUS F. VAN HORNE of Glen, N.Y., died May 19, 1927. He was descended from a race of sturdy pioneers and patriots, and could trace his ancestry in America to the early 1600s. His great grandfather, Cornelius, removed from New Jersey and settled in Tyron county before the Revolution, and all members of the family were staunch patriots. Mr. Van Horne was born at Glen, March 22, 1860, the son of James and Mary E. (Johnson) Van Horne. In early life he showed a natural love for Mohawk Valley history, and he became a collector of Indian relics and was deeply interested in the study of geology. These interests brought him in contact and close companionship with others having like interests, and through all the years many were the enjoyable days passed exploring the hills and vales and visiting the historic sites of colonial and Revolutionary periods. In the many years of research and study, Mr. Van Horne acquired a fine collection of Mohawk Valley Indian relics and other specimens, and also a valuable library of historical books. During the last few years of his life, he had spent much time gathering local history; as historian of the towns of Glen and Charleston, he wrote much previously unpublished history relative to the lives of men prominent in the Revolution, who afterwards settled in that vicinity. These writings included the story of the life of Lieut. Samuel Tallmadge of the Fourth New York regiment. Mr. Van Horne was one of the charter members of the Montgomery County Historical Society and trustee since its organization. He was also a member of the Sons of Oriskany, the Glen Grange, and the Glen Reformed church. In 1884 he was married to Sarah Lansing, who died in 1918. He is survived by two sons--James C., of Johnstown, and Clarence L. of Lowell, Mass.; two daughters--Mrs. Harry E. Ford of Little Falls, and Mrs. Clausie Ouderkirk of Johnstown; and one brother--Charles of Lansing, Mich. Source:The Quarterly Journal Of The New York State Historical Association, Volume XII, No. 3, July, 1931. REV. WILLIAM MILLER BAUM, JR., pastor of St. Marks Lutheran Church, Canajoharie, died suddenly on Feb. 5, 1932. During the day he had been about the village in his usual health, engaged in completing arrangements for the 49th anniversary of his pastorate on the following Sunday, but that evening while sitting at his desk he passed away. Dr. Baum was born at Winchester, Va., June 30, 1858, son of Rev. William Miller and Maria Louisa (Croll) Baum. When the family moved to Pennsylvania, William attended the York County Academy. In 1877 he was graduated from Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg; three years later he received the Master of Arts degree, and in 1903 he was made Doctor of Divinity. After completing the course at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg in 1880, he was pastor of the church at Phoenixville, Pa. In Jan. 1883 he accepted the pastorate of St. Marks, Canajoharie, and under his ministry which extended over forty-nine years, the church prospered and he was greatly loved and honored throughout the whole community. From 1897 to 1921 Dr. Baum was a member of the board of trustees of Hartwick Seminary. He was also president of the Old Hartwick Lutheran Synod and of the Lutheran Synod of New York state. He was a member of the Mohawk Valley Lutheran Association, and of the Kiwanis Club. During the World War he was an earnest worker in the Red Cross and similar organizations. Dr. Baum was unmarried. He is survived by two brothers--Rev. Frederick J. Baum, Poughkeepsie, and Charles Baum, M.D., Middletown, Pa.; and two sisters--Misses Mary Small and Maria Louisa Baum, both of Middletown, Pa. Source: New York History, Vol. XIV, No. 3, July 1933, New York State Historical Association 1/14/05 This sad account of the deaths of Mary Grantier and Harvey Dingman was contributed by Dingman family researcher Rosemary Nadal! Amsterdam Evening Recorder TWO PEOPLE KILLED IN CRASH ON TRIBES HILL CROSSING Mrs. Mary Grantier of Ames and Harvey Dingman of Fort Hunter Victims of Unfortunate Mrs. Mary Grantier, age 71 years, of Ames, was killed outright. Harvey Dingman, aged 67 years, of Fort Hunter, died in St. Mary's hospital here, and David Warner, aged 77 years, of 96 Grand street, Gloversville, was very seriously injured in a catastrophe on the New York Central crossing, just east of the Tribes Hill station, at 5:05 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Milk train 180 east bound, struck an automobile which was carrying a party of six people, including Mrs. Grantier and Mr. Warner, the other four escaping by jumping from the machine, which was owned and driven by Postmaster R. Raymond Warner of Fort Hunter, who is also proprietor of a general store and conducts a coal business at that place. Mr. And Mrs. Richard Warner of Fort Hunter, Mrs. Grantier, Mr. Warner, the latter's daughter, Miss Minnie Warner, of Gloversville, and Postmaster Warner left the Warner home in Fort Hunter a few minutes before 5 o'clock in a Buick touring car of the 1915 type. Mrs. Grantier, a sister of Richard Warner, had been on a visit at the home of the latter, and David Warner and his daughter of Gloversville were also guests there. The party was starting for the home of the last two mentioned persons in Gloversville and Mrs. Grantier was on her way to make them a visit, she likewise being a sister of David Warner. They crossed the barge canal bridge at Fort Hunter and approached the railroad crossing which is guarded by gates operated by hand with Jacob Storrie of Tribes Hill as gateman. There is considerable traffic over this crossing which connects the highway leading from Fort Hunter with the one on the north side of the Central tracks going to Tribes Hill and hence a guard is maintained on twelve hour tricks. Mr. Storrie has held the position for many years and it is understood expects to be retired next year on a pension. There are conflicting stories as to just what happened. The gateman told Coroner Timmerman that he was on the job and observed the approach of the machine, he being stationed on the south side of the tracks. He said there was no train in sight and he motioned for the automobile to come on. Just as the machine got on track No. 2, the eastbound passenger tracks, it suddenly stopped, and then along came the milk train at a high rate of speed and crashed into the auto before it could be backed off the tracks. Quite a different story of the affair is related by Postmaster Warner in a statement to the coroner, who was at the scene of the accident soon after it occurred and has already been making a detailed investigation. Warner said that as he approached the crossing he did not see the regular gateman, but instead Harvey Dingman was at the gate standard from which the gates are operated and that Dingman started to lower the gates just after he started to drive across the tracks. Postmaster Warner said that he "froze" his brakes immediately and halted the automobile, because he felt the south gate would crash through his windshield. He called to the people in the car to jump, because the milk train had rounded the curve west of the Tribes Hill station and was thundering along then right by the station when the occupants of the car started to get out. The postmaster said he could not be positive, but he thought the gate must have been resting on the rear portion of the top of the automobile. The front section had run up on track No. 2, which skirts the highway very closely, the latter being immediately next to the extreme south rail. Sitting in the front seat with Warner was his father. The others in the party were in the rear, with Miss Minnie Warner occupying a chair that had been placed in it so that all six of the party could be accommodated. All managed to get out of the machine but Mrs. Grantier and David Warner. Storrie, the gateman, told the coroner that he ran over and grabbed Mrs. Richard Warner out of the auto before the crash. David Warner was just getting out of the machine, but Mrs. Grantier never had a chance. There was a terrific smash as the engine struck the auto. David Warner was hurled to one side and very seriously hurt. The train ran a distance of some 800 feet before it was brought to a stop and wreckage of the automobile was found distributed along the tracks. The main part of the machine was held fast to the fender of the engine and the body of Mrs. Grantier was lying between this wreckage and the fender, not being recovered until after the train was halted, the body being buried under what was still left of the automobile on the fender. The standard of the south gate was struck by some of the flying parts of the machine and smashed, Dingman being found under the wreckage of the standard. It was stated by some that he ran out to help try and back the automobile off the tracks after he saw the approach of the train. Both David Warner and Dingman were rushed to St. Mary's hospital here in the automobile of Frank Brown. Dr. Canna was called to attend them. In the case of Dingman he had fractured ribs, internal injuries and lacerations and bruises all over the body. He died at 6 o'clock, about one hour after the unfortunate accident. Mr. Warner has a fractured left ankle, a fracture of the left shoulder, his scalp is torn in many places and he has numerous lacerations. Because of his advanced age it is feared he may not survive. Dr. Canna says that the man's condition is very serious and no encouragement can be given that he will pull through. Coroner Timmerman on being notified of the accident motored to Tribes Hill and took charge of the case. He questioned several people and when he heard conflicting stories about the affair he decided to make a through investigation into all the facts. Postmaster Warner was positive today in a supplemental statement to Coroner Timmerman that he did not see the regular gateman on the job at his accustomed place and that the gates were being operated by Dingman. He said he heard Sorrie make exclamations right after the crash, but he did not know where he came from. All these things will be ironed out at one or more hearings the coroner will hold, the first one being slated for tomorrow evening at his office. Several witnesses will be interrogated at that time and later. Then the coroner will base a verdict on the result of his findings. Mrs. Grantier's body was brought to the undertaking rooms of Edwin L. Wilson here, and later Undertaker C. L. Young of Canajoharie came here and took the remains to Canajoharie. Mrs. Grantier lived with her son, Seth, and daughter, Miss Bertha Grantier, at Ames. The funeral will be held at Ames tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Ames. The remains of Harvey Dingman were also taken to the Wilson undertaking rooms, where the funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. The burial will be at Glen. He was a well digger by occupation and lived at Fort Hunter for a long time. He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. May Kashner of Pasadena, Cal., Mrs. Bert Cole of Los Angeles, Mrs. Edward F. Boland of Gloversville and Mrs. Areline L. Wagoner of Schenectady; a brother, Chauncey J. Dingman of Amsterdam, and a sister, Mrs. Arthur Houghton of Glen. Mrs. Richard Warner suffered considerably from shock after the accident, and she was attended at her home in Fort Hunter by Dr. Bernhard of Tribes Hill. The obituary of Mary Jane Foster Allen, from an undated newspaper clipping, was graciously contributed by her great-granddaughter, Barbara Allen Empey Elmore. Mrs Mary Jane Foster Allen, who would have been 97 in October, died Monday at her home in Cullen in the Town of Warren. Mrs Allen suffered a broken hip some weeks ago while visiting at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs Bert Weir, N. Richfield St., where she spent her summers. 5/22/04 Obits of the Family of Jacob and Nancy Fox Gould Wendell - a large collection contributed by Charlott Wells Jones. 5/21/04 Mr. J.O.H. Bennette's obituary was kindly contributed by Paula Pitts, found in the Conroe Courier newspaper, Conroe, Texas. See more Conroe, TX obits with local connections further down this page. Conroe Courier, Friday July 14, 1933, Page 1. J. O. H. BENNETTE DEAD "J. O. H. Bennette, aged 71 years, died at Conroe hospital July 9, after an illness of a few days, but he has been in poor health for several months. Mr. Bennette was born at Gray, Herkimier [sic] county, New York, Sept. 12, 1862, and came to Conroe about 1905 from Illinois. For many years he engaged in timber and saw mill business in this county. The only official position he ever held was president of Conroe School board for about 10 years. He was buried in Conroe cemetery Monday afternoon, services were under auspices of Conroe Masonic Lodge. Mr. Bennette is survived by two sons, Morgan Bennette of Conroe and Howard Bennette of Tulsa, Okla. and one stepson, J. M. Bennette of Seattle, Washington." 5/17/04 Obit of Jessie Lowe Perrse found by the site coordinator in The Le Roy Gazette-News, LeRoy, N.Y., Wednesday, June 23, 1920. Vol. 95, No. 16. MRS. EDWARD PERRSE Died at Fonda Monday - Formerly Miss Jessie Lowe of Le Roy Mrs. Jessie Lowe Perrse, wife of Edward Perrse, died Monday at her home in Fonda, New York, after an illness of ten days. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Lowe, of Fonda and formerly of Le Roy, and she was born in this village January 7, 1881. She attended the Le Roy high school, removing from here to Bliss some years ago with her parents. Fourteen years ago she was united in marriage to Mr. Perrse, who with two daughters, Margaret, age 12 and Grace, age 9, survive her. Besides her parents, she leaves the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. James Peppard and Fred Lowe, of Le Roy; Ellsworth Lowe, Mrs. Craig Norton and Mrs. Ellsworth Flint, of Bliss and Mrs. J. W. Horning of Fonda. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from her late home and the burial was at Fonda. Also, two items of interest to Empie researchers. From The Le Roy Gazette-News, LeRoy, N.Y., Wednesday, April 16, 1913. Vol. 88, No. 7. Mrs. Solomon Smith. Mrs. Ann Smith, widow of Solomon Smith, died on Sunday afternoon at the home of her son, Irving Smith, of Batavia, and formerly of Le Roy. Her death was the result of a stroke of paralysis which she suffered about one week before. She was born in Herkimer county on October 10, 1839, and for over thirty years resided in East Bethany, having gone to Batavia to make her home about one year ago. Her husband died last November. She is survived by the following children: Irving, of Batavia; Eli, of Corfu; Byron, of East Bethany; Mrs. Florence Baker, of East Bethany. She also leaves two brothers, Jacob Empie, of Batavia and Eli Empie, of Roanoke, also two sisters, Mrs. Eleanor Tubbs and Miss Mary Empie, of Pavilion. The funeral was held to-day and the interment was made in Stafford. (p. 4) From The Le Roy Gazette-News, LeRoy, N.Y., Wednesday, December 15, 1915. Vol. 90, No. 42. Mrs. Eli Empie, who last week underwent an operation at Dr. Lee's hospital in Rochester, is doing as well as can be expected. (p. 7) 4/20/04 Obits of the Family of Jacob and Magdelena Snyder Wendell - a large collection contributed by Charlott Wells Jones. (updates have been added through 2014) A funeral notice found by asst. coordinator Lisa Slaski. The Herkimer Democrat, Wednesday, March 5, 1890. Wm. Witherstine and family and Luke T. Dubois attended the funeral of Sarah Comstock, at Gray, Herkimer county, Sunday. Mrs. Comstocks age was 90 years. She was the grandmother of Mrs. Wm. Witherstine, and the aunt of Luke T. DuBois. Note: From online records on this site and census records for Herkimer county: William Witherstine was married to Mary Western, a daughter of Jason L. andMalida [Comstock] Western. Malida [Comstock] Western was the daughter of Georgeand Sarah [Dubois] Comstock. Luke T. DuBois was the son of David and Sarah [Tillinghast] DuBois. David Dubois was a brother of Sarah Comstock. Sarah [DuBois] Comstock is buried in Barnes Cemetery, Norway, Herkimer county, NY. 4/6/04 A BIG thank you to Melissa Wohler for the obit of her gg-grandfather George Grower! Little Falls Evening Times, August 8, 1898 Lumberman Killed George Grower of Ohio Struck by a Central Freight Train
Was standing on Ann Street Crossing Waiting for Passenger Train to Pull This was a shocking death which George Grower, a lumberman from the town of Ohio, met in this city last night. While standing on the Ann street crossing at 10:45 last night a fast east bound Central train struck him. He was thrown under the cars and rolled over and over as far as the Ann street crossing. He received injuries which resulted in his death at the hospital at 5 o'clock this morning. Grower and a neighbor named Douglass Comstock brought loads of lumber here yesterday for William H. Waters, the lumber dealer. As it was quite late when they unloaded, they decided to remain over night and attend the minstrel show. They put up at the Foley house on the south side, and it was while returning to the that hostelry after the show that the fatality occurred. When Comstock and Grower reached the railroad crossing they found their passage blocked by the 10:41 and 10:46 passenger trains. Grower stood on the eastbound freight track and did not notice the approach of a fast freight drawn by engine 707, in charge of Engineer Fred Evansburger of Utica. Comstock stood just outside the track and saw theengine just as it was upon them and tried to pull Grower from the track. He was knocked against the gatetenders's shanty and his body rebounded under the cars. He was caught by the trucks and rolled along the rails to the Second street crossing where William Slattery, Thomas J. Collins and Dennis Kane, who were sitting on the fence, pulled him from under the train. The fireman of the engine saw the fatality and notified the engineer, who brought the train to a stop, not, however, before the body had been pulled from under the fifth car of the train. Grower was conscious when taken from under the juggernaut. His leg left was cut off between the knee and ankle and his body was frightfully bruised and lacerated. The amputated part of the foot was found opposite THE TIMES office, 50 feet east of where he was pulled from under the train. Assistant Chief Halling was early on the scene and soon had the stretcher ready to convey Grower to the hospital. Dr. Ingham attended him, but had little hope of recovery from the first, on account of severe shock and the great loss of blood. Grower sank rapidly and died at 5 o'clock. After the accident Comstock drove to Gray to notify Grower's family. Mrs. Grower and a son and a brother of the dead man came to the city this afternoon. They were much overcome when they learned of Grower's death, being entirely unprepared for the sad news. The son was especially affected by his father's death and to a TIMES reporter expressed the wish he was in his father's place. The body will be taken to Poland by train tomorrow, thence to the Grower home by wagon. The funeral will be held Thursday. Grower was 44 years old and resided on what is known as "Bull Hill," near the hamlet of Gray. A wife and seven children survive. About eight years ago Grower was in company with a lumberman named Franklin Bennett when the latter was killed on the West Shore near the Lover's Leap cut. Notes: Two years later, Douglas Comstock married Delia Grower, one of George Grower's daughters. The earlier incident with Franklin Bennett is detailed in the Norway Tidings. George Grower is my 2nd great-grandfather. 4/5/04 Thank you for two Conroe, TX obituaries goes to Bly Family researcher Paula Pitts! Rozelle Nicholas Pullman, born Norway, Herkimer Co., New York
The Conroe Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1936, page 1, Conroe, Montgomery Co., Texas. Mr. R. N. Pullman, age 78, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Ries, in San Antonio on June 17. Mr. Pullman was born in Herkimer, New York, December 3, 1858. He moved to Stillman Valey [sic], Ill, at the age of 21 where he was married to Miss Julia E. Bly in 1888. Mr. Pullman brought his family to Conroe in March, 1911, where he lived until a few years ago. Mrs. Pullman died in 1917, since which time Mr. Pullman has made his home with his several children. He is survived by two sons, W. H. Pullman of Dallas and Harold Pulman[sic] of Bessmay and two daughters, Mrs. Fred Ries of San Antonio and Mrs. E. J. Temple of Winnebago, Ill, and several grandchildren, all of whom attended the funeral. Funeral services where held in the Methodist church at 2:30 p.m. Thursday with Rev. J. B. Nutter and Hulon N. Anderson conducting the services. Burial was in the Conroe Cemetery. Mr. Pullman had a few relatives and many friends in Conroe. Julia Elizabeth Bly, daughter of William Morgan Bly and his wife Frances Comstock of Herkimer Co., New York. J. O. H. Bennette, (James O. Henry) brother of Julia Bly Pullman, was the son of James M. Bennett and his wife Frances Comstock of Herkimer Co. Conroe Courier, Thursday, June 28, 1917, Page 1, Conroe, Montgomery County, Texas MRS. PULLMAN PASSES AWAY Mrs. Julia E. Pullman, age 49 years, wife of Mr. R. N. Pullman, passed away at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, after suffering for several weeks with something like cancer of the breast. She was taken to Houston, where an operation was performed, but it failed to produce the desired relief, and her condition continued to become more critical from day to day until Tuesday afternoon, when she passed away. The funeral took place from the residence at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning and was conducted by Rev. Ira F. Key of the Methodist church. Burial was at Conroe cemetery. A large concourse of friends followed the remains to the grave. Many flowers were placed upon the grave, among which was a beautiful floral piece from the Twentieth Century Club. Mrs. Pullman had been a resident of Conroe for about five years and had made many friends. She was a member of the Congregational church, retaining her membership in Illinois, there being no organization here. Deceased is survived by a husband and four children, W. H. Pullman, Miss Ruth Pullman and Harold Pullman of Conroe, and Mrs. E. J. Temple, Winnebago, Ill., and a brother Mr. J. O. H. Bennette of Conroe. For the edification of local Humphreys family researchers, this obit was spotted by the site coordinator in the Necrology section of the "Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical socity," Vol. IV, Nos. 1-4, New Series, 1919, pp. 151-152. 12/16/03 Another contribution from Stan Shaut! 12/11/03 The obituary of Winslow and Edward Shaut was contributed by Stan Shaut. "I am sending an obit for Winslow Shaut, my great grandfather, and his son Edward. Winslow was a veteran of the Civil War, owned a farm near Bath, NY where his mother is buried, and ran a store in Utica, NY until the death of his wife Martha Louisa Bronner Shaut in 1908. He then entered the Soldiers and Sailors Home in Bath, NY where he died. Winslow's parents were Abraham Shaut and Elizabeth (Betsey) House. Winslow was born in Herkimer County Danube Town on 21 April 1830. Winslow, his wife Martha Louisa Bronner Shaut, and his son Edward are all buried in Whitesboro, NY. " Utica Saturday Globe 1/22/10 DIED THE SAME DAY. Winslow and Edward Shaut, Father and son, and former Utica Residents. The deaths of Winslow Shaut and Edward Shaut, father and son and former residents of Utica, which occurred Saturday, form an unusual coincidence. The father died at the age of 80 at the Soldiers' Home at Bath and the son at Sonyea, Livingston county, at the age of 42. Both were well known in this section of the Mohawk valley. Winslow Shaut was born in the town of Danube, Herkimer county, and there nearly half his life was spent. In 1864 he enlisted and served until the close of the war, when he sold his farm in Danube and removed to Steuben county. In 1890 he came to Utica and opened a grocery store on South street, conducting this business until very recently, when he entered the home at Bath. During a portion of his time here the son, Edward, lived with him and was employed on the railroad. The father is survived by four sons, William and Barney Shaut, of Little Falls; Sherwin, of Albany, and Charles M., of Mohawk. Tuesday the funeral of father and son was held in this city, Rev. George C. Baner, pastor of the Universalist Church, conducting the services. The remains were placed in the receiving vault in Forest Hill Cemetery. 12/3/03 The obituary of Helen Powers Pickett was contributed by Betsy Voorhees, originally posted on the NYONEIDA-L mailing list on Oct. 28, 2003. Obituary of Helen Pickett, Frankfort, N.Y. Source, Rutland Vt. Herald-Fri. Aug. 13, 1948 PROCTORSVILLE, Vt. The body of Mrs. Helen Powers Pickett, who died late yesterday in Frankfort, N.Y., will be brought to Wallingford, Vt. for burial. Survivors include a son, John Pickett, of Proctorsville, Vt.; two daughters, Mrs. Tillman Ballard of Utica, N.Y., and Mrs. Bernard Cambridge of Frankfort, N.Y.; 15 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Margaret Reil of Arlington, Mass.; and a brother, Michael Powers of Frankfort, N.Y. Mrs. Pickett is also survived by other brothers living in Ireland. Lots more obits on the Obits Bulletin Board Part 9. Back to Herkimer County NYGenWeb Created: 12/3/03 Last Entries Updated: 5/26/08 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 M. Magill/ Betsy Voorhees / Stan Shaut/ Paula Pitts/ Melissa Wohler/ Lisa Slaski/ Barbara Allen Empey Elmore / Rosemary Nadal Several Obituaries Copyright © 1931-1933 The New York State Historical Association Obits Indexing © 2008 Paul McLaughlin All Rights Reserved. |