Roster of Herkimer County Officers

of the

38th Regiment, Seventeenth Brigade, Fifth Division

New York State Militia


The district covered by the 38th Regiment, under commandant William La Dew, was made up of the County of Herkimer, except for the town of Stark. Stark was in the district of the 39th regiment, under commandant John D. Shaul.

NAMES Office Date of Commission Date of Rank Letter of Company Non-commissioned officers and privates of company Total officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates, including staff Arm of Service Residence

Field Officers
William LaDew Colonel May 5, 1857 April 16, 1857

Infantry Graysville, Herkimer co.
James A. Suiter Lieut. Colonel May 5, 1857 April 16, 1857

Infantry Herkimer, Herkimer co.
George W. Thompson Major July 30, 1858 August 22, 1857

3 Infantry Herkimer, Herkimer co.

Company Officers
John F. Hosch Captain

Chas. T. West 1st Lieutenant

H. M. Bliss 2d Lieutenant

A 48 51Infantry

Chas. H. Batchelder Captain July 29, 1857 May 16, 1857

Infantry Herkimer, Herkimer co.
Henry H. Bellinger 1st Lieutenant October 18, 1855 September 18, 1855

William H. Crego 2d Lieutenant July 30, 1858 July 10, 1858 B 40 43 Infantry Herkimer, Herkimer co.

Ezra D. Beckwith Captain April 8, 1857 March 19, 1857

Infantry Cedarville, Herkimer co.

1st Lieutenant

Ira C. B. Chesebro 2d Lieutenant April 8, 1857 March 19, 1857 C 40 42 Infantry Columbia, Herkimer co.

Jacob Conner Captain October 1, 1855 September 21, 1855

Winslow Short 1st Lieutenant

John H. Miller 2d Lieutenant October 1, 1855 September 21, 1855 D 38 41 Infantry

John Beverly Captain September 12, 1857 August 21, 1857

Infantry Little Falls, Herkimer co.
John G. Gilliland 1st Lieutenant September 12, 1857 August 21, 1857

Infantry Little Falls, Herkimer co.
John H. Fralick 2d Lieutenant September 12, 1857 August 21, 1857 E 32 35 Infantry Little Falls, Herkimer co.

William Coppernoll Captain September 4, 1858August 28, 1858

Infantry Ohio, Herkimer co.
Judson P. Legg 1st Lieutenant May 23, 1857 May 11, 1857

Infantry Ohio, Herkimer co.
William Nicholas 2d Lieutenant February 28, 1857 November 13, 1857 F 54 57 Infantry Norway, Herkimer co.


1st Lieutenant

2nd Lieutenant



1st Lieutenant

2nd Lieutenant



1st Lieutenant

2nd Lieutenant



1st Lieutenant

2nd Lieutenant




Non-commissioned staff


Total of Regiment

252 280

Note: Company D's officers were residents of Danube. "Winslow Short" above is Civil War veteran Winslow Shaut, who according to Stan Shaut, was born in the Town of Danube 21 April 1830. In the 1860 census of Danube, his age was given as 40. Also present in the 1860 Danube census were grocer Jacob Conner, age 34, and blacksmith John H. Miller, age 31.

The officers of Company A resided in German Flatts. In 1860 John F. Hosch, contractor, age 31, resided in the town of German Flatts, as did Charles T. West, age 50 and a carpenter. H. M. Bliss was farmer Herman Bliss, age 33 in 1860, also residing in the same town in 1850 & 1880, and listed as Herman M. Bliss in the 1900 census.

Source: State of New York. No. 184. In Assembly, April 7, 1859. Annual Report of the Adjutant General. (E.D. Morgan, Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the State of N.Y.)

"In every State there are large numbers of citizens who, from pure military zeal alone, are wiling to abstract from their vocations time enough to devote to the acquirement of military information, and from a thousand motives other than a desire to don the insignia of command, or to swell the ranks of a quasi military and a quasi social body, are ready to assume the real duties of the soldier, with the patriotic view of being ready to suppress the disorders of a time of peace, and to maintain the public liberties in a time of war.

Experience has shown that, in our State, at least, there are large numbers of such men, who, in obedience to this spirit, will organize into military bodies, whether pursuant to, or independent of law; and the State has wisely recognized the existence of this spirit.

By the act of 1846, it swept from its statute books laws which sought to foster what had been proved an impossible militia, and addressed itself to the development of a militia, based upon the predilection of the individual. By this act it inaugurated a system which, if properly sustained by the State, will accomplish the great purposes of a citizen military.

Already in lieu of divisions upon divisions, brigades upon brigades, and regiments upon regiments of tatterdemalion militia, we have condensed a mobile body of uniformed troops, comprising eight divisions, twenty-six brigades and sixty-two regiments, armed, equipped, and passibly well disciplined for service."

- Frederick Townsend, Adjutant General.

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