Claims 415-416, 418, 426, 431, Mary Brant

"For purposes of reference each folio of the MS. is indicated by its page number being inserted on the margin of the printed page within bracket marks, and the beginning and ending of each folio, by a short dash."

Because this is not print it was difficult to code margin notes to appear in the exact locations as in the original. Please refer to the original book for exact placement.


415. Evidence on the Claim of James Linch, late of Tryon County. [Montreal, 28th February, 1788]

    Claimt. Sworn:

    Says he was on duty at Couteau De Lac in 1783 in Sir John Johnson's Regt.
    He is a native American. In 1775 he lived at Fort Hunter. He came to Canada in 1777. He was in gaol for his Loyalty. He had been under arms with Sir John Johnson in 1775 & was taken Prisonr. in 1776 & kept 12 months in gaol in different forts.

[Marginal note: Appears to have suffered much in gaol.]

    He served in the R. Regt. of N. York the remainder of the War & now lives at New Johnstown. (96)
    He had 10 acres improved on a Leased farm with a small House. A Cow, a Calf, & 6 Sheep taken by the rebels. Some small farming utensils & Furniture.

    Wits. John McIntyre:

    Remembers Claimt. living in Albany Bush. He possessed a farm there. He had 7 or 8 acres cleared. He cannot speak of the Stock.


416. Evidence on the Case of William Agnew, late of Tryon County, N. York. [Montreal, 28th February, 1788]

    Wits. William Agnew, Sworn:

    Says he was in the Commissary's Departmt. at Sorel in 1783.
    He is a native of Scotland. He came to America in 1774 & settled in Campbell's Bush, Tryon County, where he lived until 1778. Says he at no time joined the rebels. In 1777 he was (1) emploied in recruiting for the British Army. He was taken Prisonr. to Albany gaol & confined 2 months. He was bailed until 1779 when he came to Canada, and has been in the Commissary depart. ever since.

[Marginal note: see evidence de bene esse of P. Shaver.]

    He was enlisted in Capt. McAlpine's Corps in the States to raise men. He never served but got his discharge. When he came to Canada 16 acres improved on a Lease forever & Had built a House & Barn. He values the clearance at £5 pr. acre, Furniture & Stock. A Cow & Horse, a Bull, Ox & Heifer & Clothes.
    All were taken from him.


418. Evidence on the Claim of William Russell, late of Tryon County. [Montreal, 28th February, 1788]

    Claimt. Sworn:
    Says he was a Sold. in Sir John Johnson's Regt. in 1783 & gave in a Claim.
    He is a native of Germany. In 1775 he was settled on Sir John Johnson's Lands & came with him to Canada in 1776. (3)
    He has served in the Regt. of N. York all the War.
    He is now settled at New Johnstown.
    20 acres of Land, with a House & Barn.
    He left 3 Horses, 3 Cows, some Sheep, furniture & Hogs.
    All lost to him.


426. Evidence on the Claim of Philip Frymire, late of Tryon County, N. York. [Montreal, 3rd March, 1788]

    Claimt sworn:

    Says he was a Soldier in the 1st Batal., Royal Regt. of N. York in 1783, & had been sent by Sir John Johnson up the Grand river. (16)
    He was born in America. In 1775 he lived there. He joined the B. Army 1777, which was as soon as he could. Before that time he had never taken any part with the rebels.
    He enlisted on his coming to Canada, & served the remainder of the War.
    He now resides at New Johnstown.
    Says that he had sold his farm, but he had stock on his father's farm, viz., 5 Horses, a Cow, Farming Utensils, furniture & Wearing Apparel. All taken away & destroyed.
    Cash in his father's house taken by the mob, £47 Cury.

    Wits. Fredk. Bouch, sworn:

    Knew Claimt in 1775. He was always Loyal. He had some stock on his father's lands. Horses & a Cow. Does not recollect his having sold a farm & knows nothing of his having money in his House.


431. Evidence on the Claim of Simon Clarke, late of Tryon County, N.Y.Province. [Montreal, 3rd March, 1788]

    Claimt sworn:

    Says that he lived in Montreal in 1783 & gave his claim to Lt. Langdan. His name appears in Coll. Claus' List.
    He is a native of Pensilvania & lived in Johnstown in 1775. He was then an Interpreter in the Indian Depart. under Col. Johnston. He came to Canada in 1777, & has served in the Indian Depart. ever since. He received 2sh. 6d. pr diem all the war. He used to carry arms with the Indians sometimes. (21)
    Now lives in Montreal.
    100 acres in Johnstown he got from Sir John in 1774 on a Lease for ever. There was 30 acres cleared. He pd £8 pr an. rent.
    He had 5 Horses, 14 Sheep & 7 Hogs, furniture & farming utensils & some Clothing taken from him.
    Sir John Johnson gives him a good character & says the farm was good.

    Wits. Jacob Mortule sworn : Has seen the farm. There was a good clearance, 30 acres. He had Cows, Horses & Sheep on it.

[Note from Steve: "This page is somewhat confusing. It appears to be an addendum to another claim by the children of Mary Brant."]

[Note from the site coordinator: we don't have access to the original book and have no further information about this claim. If you're interested in pursuing this for your own personal research interests, please ask your local librarian about interlibrary loan, referring to the source given at the end of this section of claims. For further information about patents and land mentioned, please direct all inquiries to local historical societies, or seek advice of a professional genealogist or historian.]

    Vide Mr. Pemberton's Book, No. 10 to 12. [Montreal, 3rd March, 1788]

    Further Evidence on the Claim of the Children of Mary Brant.

    Wits Sir JOHN JOHNSON sworn:

    Says that Mary Brandt has received Compensation for her own Losses.
    7 of the Children are now alive. Certain Lands were left to them by the Last Will of his father Sir Wm. Johnson.
    Elizabeth was to have 700 acres in Harrison's Patent, by the Atlas of the late Sir Wm. Johnson. He values it at £1200 Yorke Cury. Believes that there was considerable Improvets. Understood that there were several tenants on it.
    2,000 acres in Kingsland. Sir Wm. valued this at 40 sh. Cury. pr. acre. They claim 20 sh. pr. acre. He cannot say what is improved of this. (72)

    Magdalines Share:
    No. 8 - on Anthonys Nose on Mohawk river. Was sold by Sir Wm. for £1,100 Cury. & he took it back. Sir Wm. valued it at £1,200. There was very considerable Improvts on it.
    The share of Kingsland was the same as Elizabeths.
    Margts Estate. Lots 12 & 25 in Stone Arabia. Believes they were improved.
    Share of Kingsland the same as the others.

    Georges - Two Lotts in Sacandago. One of the Lotts was very valuable & was Let. He cannot speak as to rent value.
    The other Lot was likewise improved. Cannot speak to that of the north side Mohawk river 3,000 acres Kingsland as before.
    Mary's Estate - 2 Lotts in Stone Arabia. Cannot speak to them. In Kingsland as before.
    Peter, Deceased - Has farm in Stone Arabia. Devized to him by Sir Wm. Knows it is valued at £1,200 York Cury. There was a Stone Mill on it. 200 acres uncultivated near the Mill.
    Lot 2 & 3 & (after his mother's death) were improved. 4,000 acres in Kingsland as above. 2,400 acres a grant from the Indians valued at £2,400 Cury.

    Jacob Markle sworn:

    Knows 2 Lotts in Stone Arabia, one of which Sir Wm. Johnsen bought it of Nicholas Snell. Thinks he pd £500 Cury. for it. Thinks there were more than 100 acres. Sir Wm. Johnson built a Mill on it.
    100 acres in Stone Arabia, bought of his Br. Wm. Markle. 30 or 40 acres were improved. Thinks his Br. pd. £200 Cury. for it.

    Wits. Simon Clarke:

    Says he remembers a farm of Sir Wm. Johnsons near Stone Arabia. There was a Mill on it. It was built by Sir Wm. It was of Stone. The Land was good. 30 acres were cleared. There was a good farm house on it.

Claims Claims 415-416, 418, 426, 431, and Mary Brant (further evidence) were prepared by Steve Mabie.

Stop by Steve's new site, Steve MABIE's Mabie/Maybee/Mabee/Mabey Family Records, which includes a large compilation of church and civil records relating to persons named MABIE, MABEE and spelling variants.

Source: "Second Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario", by Alexander Fraser, Provincial Archivist, 1904. Printed by Order of The Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Toronto: L.K. Cameron, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1905.

This book was reprinted in 1994 by the Genealogical Publishing Co. of Baltimore, MD. Check with your librarian about interlibrary loan or suggest they acquire a copy for their collections. All of this information is new to me so I'm unable to help or advise researchers personally.

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Created 4/27/01
Copyright © 2001 - 2008 Steve Mabie/ M. Magill
Thank you to Anonymous Angel for contributing material in memory of E.E.
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