Claims 264-269, 276, 279

"For purposes of reference each folio of the MS. is indicated by its page number being inserted on the margin of the printed page within bracket marks, and the beginning and ending of each folio, by a short dash."

Because this is not print it was difficult to code margin notes to appear in the exact locations as in the original. Please refer to the original book for exact placement.


264. Evidence on the Claim of Donald McLean, late of Tryon County. [Montreal, 31st October, 1787]

    Claimt. sworn:
    Says he is a native of Scotland, he came to America in 1773 & settled on Sir Wm. Johnson's Land & lived there in 1775. He never took any part with the rebels but joined the B. Army with Sir John Johnson and served in his Regt. all the War. (71)
    He now lives in the 1st Township.
    100 acres from Sir Wm. Johnson, he had cleared 6 acres at the expense of £5.4 per acre.
    He had a House & Barn & Stable, he had a Cow & Calf and half a horse with Murdoch McLean. All this he lost, it was taken from his family.
    Wits. Murdoch McLean, sworn:
    Says Claimt. had 50 acres adjoining that of Wit. & had cleared an equal part.
    He had a tolerable House.
    Says the Horse was claimed by Wit. & was his. He had a Cow and some little Stock.


265. Evidence on the Claim of William Rose, late of Tryon County, N. York. [Montreal, 31st October, 1787]

    Claimt. sworn:
    Says he was on duty at Coteau De Lac in 1783 & sent his Claim to Montreal by Lt. Allen McDonald.
    Produces Certificate of Lt. McDonald that he received Claimts. Claim 24th Aug., 1783.
    (72) He is a native of Scotland. He came to America in 1773 & settled on the Lands of Philip Livingstone on the River Deleware.
    Says he never joined the rebels in Word or Deed. He came to Canada with the Indians in 1777 & joined Sir John Johnson & served the War with him.
    He now lives in 1st Township.
    Property - 8 acres cleared and fenced on a Lot of 200 acres of P. Livingstones Land, at £4 pr. acre. A House, Stable & Barn, some Cows, a Mare, some Furniture, &c., all taken by the rebels.

    Wits. John Cameron, sworn:
    Says he knew Wm. Rose before the War, he was a Loyal Man.
    There was a little improvt. on this Land, he had built a small House & had some Stock.
    This Claimt. produces a Copy of his first Claim delivered in & dated 24th Aug., 1783.


266. Evidence on the Claim of John McKay, late of Harpersfield, Tryon County. [Montreal, 31st October, 1787]

    Claimt. sworn :
     (73)He is a native of Scotland and came to America in 1773 & settled on Mr. Cartwright's Lands in Harpersfield, where he lived in 1775. Says he never joined the rebels. He did not join the British Army until 1780, before that he had been three times imprisoned. Says that he was obliged to fly for furnishing Provisions to the Army under Sir John Johnson. He had a large family to support. After he came in he was a soldier in Sir John Johnson's Regt.
    He now lives in the 1st Township.
    Property - 150 acres. No. 81 in Harpersfield on Lease from Mr. Cartwright paying after the 1st 8 years 6d. Str. pr. acre. He had cleared 16 acres - it cost him £5 pr. acre clearing with House, Barn & Stable.
    He had a Horse & Cow & some grain, all taken by the rebels.
    Wits. Duncan McKenzie, sworn:
    He was neighbour to Claimt. before the War. He was always Loyal - his large family kept him behind.
    His improvts. were considerable, he had a Horse & Cow & some grain & believes they were all lost to him.


267. Evidence on the Claim of John McDonnell, from Baldron, late of Tryon County. [Montreal, 1st November, 1787]

    Claimt. sworn: (74)
    Says he was Billeted near Montreal in 1783 & gave a Claim to Major Greig.
    Produces Certificate from John McKenzie, Capt., that Claimt. made out a Claim in 1783.
    He is a native of Scotland & came to America in 1774. He joined the B. Army 1780. He was directed to remain in the Country by Sir John Johnson, as he was too old to serve. His Son & his Son-in-Law came in at the first of the War.

    He served some time in the 2nd Batal. and now lives in Township No. 1.
    100 acres on Lease from Sir John Johnson, he had cleared 12 acres & had a House, a Barn & Stable. Says the rebels got them all. He had 7 head of Cattle. His Corn was in the ground. He had some little matters in his house.
    Wits. Peter Grant, sworn:
    (75) Believes that Claimt. remained behind on acct. of his age & at Sir John Johnson's desire. He had cleared some Land & had some stock.


268. Evidence on the Claim of John Cameron, late of Tryon County, N. York Province. [Montreal, 1st November, 1787]

    Claimt. sworn:
    Says that he gave his claim to Mr. Valentine by order of Sir John Johnson in 1783.
    Says he is a native of Scotland & came to America in 1773 when he settled on Mr. Cartwright's Lands.
    He came to Canada in 1777 and served the War in Sir John Johnson's Batal.

    He never joined the Rebels.
    He now resides in the 1st Township.
     (No. 1) 150 acres from Mr. Cartwright on a Lease for ever - to pay 6d. Stg. for every acre after the 1st 8 yrs. He had cleared 5 acres. Says it cost £3 pr. acre to make it fit for Corn.
    (No. 2) 200 acres from Mr. George Clarke - on the Delaware. He was to pay 20 sh. pr. acre for it, but pd. nothing. He had cleared above 3 acres. He had a good House on it. Growing Corn. (76) He had 9 Cows, a Horse, a Mare & Colt, Farming Utensils & Furniture and Utensils for making Sugar. All these were sold by the rebels.
    Wits., William Rose, Sworn : Says he had cleared some Land on Mr. Cartwright's Land & some on Delaware. He had 2 Horses and several Cows. He made some sugar & had utensils for that purpose.


269. Evidence on the Claim of Duncan McKenzie, Late of Tryon County. [Montreal, 1st November, 1787]

    Claimt. Sworn:
    Says that his Father, John McKenzie, gave in a Claim in 1783. He is since dead & he claims as his only child. His mother lives with him & is well satisfied he shall claim.
    Certificate that his Father sent in Claim to Montreal 24th Aug., 1787.
    He is a native of Scotland, and came to America in 1774 & in 1775 lived in Harpersfield. Mr. Cartwright's Land. He lived there until 1779. He was then young & unable to bear arms.
    But when came to Canada he joined Sir John's 1st Battn.
    He now lives in the 1st Township.
    (77) Property - 150 acres in Harpersfield & he had cleared 15 acres - with a good House, Barn & Stable. He lost 6 Cows, 2 Oxen, a Mare, a Bull & 5 Calves. All taken from him.
    Grain in Barn, some Clothes. His Father was obliged to fly for safety.
    Wits., John McKay, Sworn: Knew Claimt's Father, John McKenzie. He died last year & left only this one son. His mother lives with him.
    Both father and son served as soldiers. Thinks he had cleared & fenced 15 acres of Land. He had a Mare, 2 Oxen & 6 Cows. He had 2 Servts. which forwarded his Improvements.


276. Evidence on the Claim of Peter Fenny, late of Johnstown, Tryon County, N. York. [Montreal, 7th November, 1787]

    Claimt. Sworn:
    Says he was at Couteau De Lac doing duty as a soldier in 1783 & sent a Claim to the Adjt. of the Regt. at Montreal.
    He is a native of Scotland. He came to America in 1765, & in 1775 he was settled on Sir John Johnson's Land. He came into Canada with Sir John Johnson & enlisted in his Regt. & served all the War with him.
    Produces his discharge in 1783.
    He now resides at Riviere au Raisin, 50 miles above Montreal. He had cleared 8 acres on 110 acres of Sir John Johnson's land on a lease forever, paying £6 Cury. pr. an. Thinks it would cost £5 Cury. to clear an acre of Land into the order his was in.
    He had 4 Cows, Tools, Corn growing. He knows nothing of who has it. (91)
    Wits, Donald McGregor, Sworn:
    Peter Fenny was well known to him. He was very Loyal during the War.
    He was settled on 100 acres of Sir John Johnson's Land for 4 years before the War. Thinks he had cleared 8 acres. He had a House & some Furniture. He had 4 Cows & had a Crop in the ground. Believes that his Cattle were drove off.


279. Evidence on the Claim of Duncan McArthur, late of Tryon County, N. York Province. [Montreal, 12th November, 1787]

    Says that he gave a Claim to Adjt. Valentine of Sir John Johnson's Regt. in 1783.
    (92) He was then at Montreal.
    He is a native of America. In 1775 he lived on Sir John Johnson's Estate, and joined the British Army in 1776 with Sir John Johnson & srvd. the War in his Regt.
    He now resides in No. 1 New Johnston.
    Improvements on 100 acres on Lease forever. He had cleared 10 acres, and had a House on it. He had a mare, a yoke of oxen & 2 Cows, Farming Utensils, Beding, Crop on the ground & Furniture.
    Wits., Peter McGregor, Sworn: He was always Loyal & knew his farm. He had several acres cleared. He had one Cow.

He had a Horse & some Furniture.

    Wits, John McGregor, Sworn:
    Duncan McArthur was always Loyal. He had some clearance on his Farm. He had a Cow & Calf & some goods. Believes his horse might be elsewhere.

Claims 264-269, 276 and 279 were prepared by Steve Mabie.

Stop by Steve's new site, Steve MABIE's Mabie/Maybee/Mabee/Mabey Family Records, which includes a large compilation of church and civil records relating to persons named MABIE, MABEE and spelling variants.

Source: "Second Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario", by Alexander Fraser, Provincial Archivist, 1904. Printed by Order of The Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Toronto: L.K. Cameron, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1905.

This book was reprinted in 1994 by the Genealogical Publishing Co. of Baltimore, MD. Check with your librarian about interlibrary loan or suggest they acquire a copy for their collections. All of this information is new to me so I'm unable to help or advise researchers personally.

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Created 4/27/01
Copyright © 2001 - 2008 Steve Mabie/ M. Magill
Thank you to Anonymous Angel for contributing material in memory of E.E.
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