Civil War Pension Papers


William H. Wood

Contributed by H. Geywits.

The following correspondence and award information is taken from the original items sent to William H. Wood covering the years 1898-1901. He is listed in the 1890 Civil War Veterans & Widows Census for the Town of Warren as having served as a private in Co. E, 147th Ill. Regiment from 1864-1865. His application for a pension was listed as chronic rheumatism. He died on January 9, 1902, aged 60 years and is buried in the Highland Rural Cemetery at Jordanville, New York. He is honored as a veteran.

                        April 13, 1898

Wm. H. Wood, Esq.
Dear Sir:
    You should report for a medical examination to Dr. E. H. Douglass, Little Falls, N.Y. as herein directed, at a time when rheumatism and lumbago are discernible after which return the order to me.
    You should furnish the evidence called for through Mr. Storer July 10, 1896, again Nov. 17, 1896 and again March 8, 1898.
    You must not imagine that because you are again ordered for a medical examination that you are going to get your pension without furnishing any evidence to complete your claim, if you do you will be disappointed. This medical examination is held to determine whether you have a bayonet wound of left knee joint, rheumatism, lumbago and any infirmities due to advanced age and what they are.
    You will get a thorough and more careful examination this time.
                        Seth Johnson
P.S. Before you go to Little Falls call and see Mr. Storer for further instructions to whom I have written.

Certificate Division
Act of June 27, 1890

Notice of Issue and Fees


Washington, D. C.                May 5, 1900


Herewith is transmitted a certificate No. 1.000.924 for Origl. pension, issued this

day in your favor, accompanied by a voucher for the amount now due and

payable thereon.

You should execute the voucher in accordance with the printed instructions,

and return it to the pension agent at Buffalo, who will then send directly to your

address, a check for the pension due.

Your recognized attorney is Seth Johnson, of Washington, D. C., whose fee is

10 dollars, which is payable by the pension agent.

Very Respectfully,

H. __________________

"The following notice was postmarked from Buffalo, May 25, 1900 from the Department oft he Interior, United States Pension Agency, Buffalo, N.Y. and addressed to William H. Wood, Warren, N.Y."



The pensioner and magistrate are requested to carefully examine the voucher after its execution and before mailing this Agency. If found defective in omission of dates, misspelling of names or in any way, it will be laid aside until after the payment of the other vouchers and will then be returned to you for correction. This will cause the pensioner a delay of from seven to ten days in receiving check.

U. S. Pension Agent
Buffalo, N. Y.


Washington D. C., January 16, 1901

In response to the personal request of Hon. J. S. Shurman you are informed that the above entitled claim for increase of pension is awaiting its turn for consideration and will be acted upon as soon as it can be reached in its regular order.

A large number of claims of like character which have been pending for a longer period of time than this one, have not yet been acted upon; but it is confidently hoped that they may be disposed of so that this claim can be taken up for consideration within a reasonable time.

Under the certificate of medical examination of Nov. 28, 1900, the claim will be reached in about several months.

Very respectfully,



Washington, D. C
June 17, 1901

    I have the honor to inform you that the claim of William H. Wood, Warren, Herkimer Co., N.Y. for Increase pension has been allowed at $8. per month from Nov. 28, 1900, and that certificate No. 1000924 will this day be forwarded to the pension agent at Buffalo for transmittal to the pensioner with voucher for payment.
    As you have called up this case by letter of inquiry I deem it but courteous to inform you of this action.

Very respectfully,

H. Clay Evan__

Hon. J. S. Shurman

                        June 19, 1901

William H. Wood, Esq.
Dear Sir:
    I am happy to inform you that I have succeeded in the prosecution of your claim for an increase of your pension under the Act of June 27, 1890 (new law) which has been allowed at $8.00 per month from Nov. 28, 1900, date of your medical examination.
    The amount now due will be paid to you by the agent at Buffalo on returning to him properly prepared vouchers or     I yet have pending for you a claim for reconsideration and arrears of pension under Act March 6, 1896 which has not as yet been acted upon. When it is settled will advise you of the result.
    When you get your check I wish you would send me $2.00 for expenses in the prosecution of both of your claims and oblige.

Yours respef.
Seth Johnson
500 5th St. N. W.

           Justice of the Peace

Agent United States Express Company
Manager Western Union Telegraph Company

                      Richfield Springs, N.Y., Jul. 22, 1901

William H. Wood, Esq.
Warren, N.Y.

                                    Please send me your old Pension Certificate at once No. 1000925 dated May 5, 1900.

Truly yours
Jas. A. Storer

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