star Knights of Columbus Members in the Great War star

Herkimer County, NY

These men were members of the three Herkimer County Knights of Columbus councils who'd seen service in World War I. It wasn't stated if they were all members at the time of entering service, or if listings included veterans who had joined the organization after the war. What we do know is that they were all Roman Catholic. Source: The Knights of Columbus in Peace and War, by Maurice Francis Egan and John B. Kennedy, Volume II, Knights of Columbus: New Haven, Connecticut. Copyright 1920.

"Below, without any designation of rank - be they officers or enlisted men, is presented the roster of the Knights who served with their country's colors in the war. ... But whether in the trenches, on the seas, or in the camps at home, all did their duty.

It is a striking coincidence that the first American to fall in the war was a Knight of Columbus and that the last American to fall was also a Knight, and that the first man to win the Distinguished Service Cross was a Knight."

ILION COUNCIL No. 518 - Ilion, New York (page 259 in book)
Benison, James W.
Bonn, Frank P.
Brown, Gilbert S.
Byrnes, William F.
Carney, Thomas F.
Collier, Thomas
Collins, Daniel
Cronkhite, John J.
Crowley, John J. D. S. C.
Degon, Royal S.
Desjardines, Leonard J.
Dinneen, Edwin C.
Donahue, Timothy
Donahue, Luke
Doran, James L.
Dowd, Raymond L.
Doyle, James A.
Doyle, Justin L.
Drumm, James
Gallagher, Harry
Gallagher, Lawrence F.
Gilmore, John
Hamlin, Edgar C.
Jewett, Arthur
Julian, Romain B.
Kennedy, Martin J.
List, Justin B.
McCormack, Edward J.
McCoy, Luke
McCoy, William D.
McDermott, George
McLoughlin, Dennis J.
McNamara, Edward L.
Mooney, William E.
Murphy, George J.
Murphy, Raymond F
Murray, Joseph V.
O'Brien, Stephen W.
Ortner, Rudolph P.
Pecor, Clarence
Pooler, Charles
Seiter, Norman
Staiger, Frederick
Sullivan, Harry J.
Sweeney, John M.
Tracy, Bernard E.
Tracy, John T.
Tracy, Joseph P.
Tracy, Robert A.
Vidulick, Frank

LITTLE FALLS COUNCIL No. 220 - Little Falls, New York (page 240 in book)
Balbo, Joseph H.
Bride, Leslie
Brown, Edward S.
Carr, G. Asades (?)
Clark, Patrick R.
Cole, Harold J.
Cummunisky, Francis J.
Dasey, J. Legrange
Dinneen, Edward F.
Doyle, James A.
Dundon, Edward J.
Eagen, Charles P.
Fitzgerald, James
Fleming, Joseph J.
Foran, John J.
Gallo, James J.
Geiskopf, Joseph A.
Goldthwait, Emil C.
Grace, Arthur C.
Grau, Walter
Hallinan, Joseph
Hallinan, Leo E.
Hagerty, Charles B.
Hart, B. Cletus
Herlehy, Daniel F.
Hurley, Michael
Kamps, Leo A.
Keeleher, James B.
Keeleher, Thomas J.
Kelly, Charles
Ladeau, Edgar
Leary, John F., Jr.
Leary, Paul E.
Mahoney, Leo D.
Marco, Deloir
McCarthy, J. Earl
McCaghey, Leonard J.
McEvoy, Bernard
McEvoy, J. Leo
McEvoy, John C.
McGillicuddy, James G.
McLaughlin, Arthur
McTiernan, Francis M.
McTiernan, James A.
McTighe, Martin E.
Noonan, John F.
O'Brien, Francis S.
Pierce, Francis E.
Reardon, D. Bernard
Reardon, Thomas J.
Reardon, Warren G.
Reardon, John D., Jr.
Reynolds, John J.
Rogers, Lawrence F.
Ryan, Dennis, Jr.
Ryan, Francis J.
Scanlon, Vincent D. P.
Sellman, Leland
Sellman, William P.
Shanahan, Edward P.
Shepardson, John J.
Shepardson, W. Harrold
Sullivan, Leo
Sullivan, Thomas
Vail, Thomas J.
Wagner, Otto H.
Ward, Carl G.
Welton, Michael J.
Whalen, William

WEST WINFIELD COUNCIL No. 1805 - West Winfield, New York (page 266 in book)
Droongoole, Charles J.
Gagan, John B.
Matthews, William A.
Mattresse, Samuel
Murphy, James
Nolan, Dennis
Nolan, Thomas
Smith, Thomas
Walsh, John J.
Walsh, Raymond

NOTE: All spellings are as given in the original book and might not be "correct."

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