The 1850 US Mortality Schedule - Herkimer County, NY
At the time of the 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 US censuses, information was gathered about deaths in the
calendar year proceding each census. This specialized census, referred to as the Mortality Schedule,
is particularly convenient for researchers as it can pick up people for whom there was no headstone or
newspaper obit, as well as women and children whose names do not appear on the 1840 or 1850 census.
We hope to eventually be able to post more of the various years' Mortality Schedules of both Herkimer and Montgomery Counties abstracted
from microfilm. Fair warning: the films for some townships were of very poor quality - fading, blurring or
other pre-filming damage, bad handwriting, tiny notations, re-writes over errors, odd abbreviations. As some
of the towns were by and large illegible on the microfilm reader, they couldn't be copied, so not all
towns will be represented in these listings.
The original New York State films are available for your own viewing at the State Library in Albany and
at the main research library of the New York City Public Library in Manhattan. These films are not available at the Northeastern Branch
of the National Archives in Manhattan, who will direct you to the library uptown. It's been over two
years since I made these transcriptions and do not have copies of other towns on hand. If your local library has
copies of the NY State Mortality Schedule films, please let us know so that we can post it on this page.
The categories in the 1850 Mortality Schedule were:
- Name of Every Person Who Died during the Year ending 1st June 1850, whose usual Place of Abode at the Time of his Death was in his Family
- Age
- Sex
- Color: White, black or mulatto
- Free or Slave
- Married or Widowed
- Place of Birth: naming the State, Territory, or Country
- The Month in which the Person died
- Profession, Occupation, or Trade
- Disease, or Cause of Death
- Number of Days Ill
In this particular census, the Herkimer County enumerators did not indicate color unless a person were black. There were no slaves in New York State at the time. All spellings are those of the enumerator.
Columbia Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Mercy Hudson, 80, widowed, b. Conn., Sept., consumption, 2 weeks
Catharine Wolleben, 30, married, b. NY, Sept., confine, 1 week
Lucinda Johnson, 77, widowed, b. Mass., August, inflamation, 2 weeks
James Miller, 2 months, b. NY, Oct., inflamation, 2 weeks
Mary Kesler, 6, b. NY, August, unknown, 3 days
Susan Griffith, 38, married, b. Conn., Oct., confine, 3 weeks
Elizabeth Barringer, 6, b. NY, August, inflamation, 5 days
Mary Reynolds, 22, married, b. NY, Oct., inflam. bowels, 3 weeks
Henry Passage, 43, married, b. NY, Nov., farmer, consumption, 6 months
Amy (Anny?) Waldrom, 75, married, b. NY, May, old age
Joseph Vandusen, 21, b. NY, March, clerk, congestion on brain, 4 days
James Vanalstine, 11, b. NY, March, brain fever, 3 days
Walace Vanalstine, 7, b. NY, Feby, brain fever, 1 day
Jane Manning, 3, b. NY, May, brain fever, 2 months
Mary Wormworth, 90, widowed, b. NY, March, old age
Frances Brown (female), 4, b. NY, Feby, unknown, 3 months
Daniel Lyman, 17, b. NY, April, farmer, diabetus, 3 months
Fairfield Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Mary Parkhurst, 64, married, b. NY, Dec., dropsy, 2 years
William Alexander, 1 month, b. NY, Feb'y, unknown, 7 days
James Borden, 60, married, b. NY, June, farmer, consumption, 60 days
Selona West, 78, married, b. NY, Aug't, diarrhea, 11 days
Harriet Yager, 1, b. NY, Sept., fits, 1 day
John Jackson, 60, married, b. NY, Dec., laborer, dropsy, 1 day
Thankful Ford, 69, married, b. NY, Dec., dropsy, 3 yrs
Abigail Huddlestone, 90, widowed, b. NY, June, old age, 7 days
Mason H. Vanslyke, 1, b. NY, March, croup, 1 day
Isabel Bushnell, 78, married, b. NY, July, contraction in heart, 30 days
Dwight Safford, 21, b. NY, Sept., farmer, inf. bowels, 40 days
Frankfort Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Christopher Marsh, 73, married, b. Conn., April, farmer, typhus f., 21 days
Naomi T. Brigam, 2, b. NY, Sept, unknown, 1 day
Mary Fuller, 95, widowed, b. NY, Nov., old age
Mary Roberts, 44, married, Wales, Feb., typhus f., 10 days
Laura Flantly (?), 2, b. NY, March, measles, 7 days
Thankful Farwell, 89, widowed, b. Mass, Feby, old age
Daniel J. Silliman, 59, married, b. Conn., Aug., carpenter, gravel, 90 days
Thomas H . James, 53, married, b. England, Aug., farmer, accident, 8 days
Leora F. Bridenbecker, 3, b. NY, Oct., dysentery, 9 days
Hiram F. Bridenbecker, 7 mnths, b. NY, Oct., dysentery, 9 days
Clarinda M. Clark, 51, marrried, New Hampshire, Dec., consumption, 150 days
Sarah A. Nichols, 20(?),b. NY, May, consumption, 90 days
George W. Edick, 3, b. NY, Sept, scarlet f., 5 days
Josephine Saner, 4(?), b. NY, Sept., scarlet f., 9 days
John Morris, 1 month, b. NY, Aug., fits, 8 days
Elizabeth Williams, 81, widowed, b. NY, Jan., consumption, 200 days
James Haslett, 9, b. Ireland, June, scrofula (sp), 9 days
Robert Harvy, 10, b. NY, Dec., dropsy heart, 5 days
Susan Harvy, 3, b. NY, Sept., bowel comp., 5 days
James Roscoe, 5, b. NY, May, disease heart, 10 days
Elizabeth Dewolf, 18, b. NY, Oct., consumption, 370 days
Samuel Vinton, 65, married, b. New Hampshire, June, farmer, dropsy, 90 days
James Wells, 10 months, b. NY, August, dropsy head, 21 days
William Dygert, 1, b. NY, April, inflamation brain, 4 days
Joel Gregory, 53, married, b. NY, Jan., laborer, consumption, 300 days
Daniel Beman, 44, married, b. NY, Nov., shoemaker, typhus f., 42 days
Apha Budlong (male), 11 months, b. NY, March, measles, 7 days
Elisabeth Collier, 72, widowed, b. Conn., July, dropsy, 30 days
James Wells, 49, married, b. England, Nov., farmer, diareah, 40 days
William H. Morris, 13, b. NY, April, accident, 4 days
Charles H. Nurse, 24, married, b. NY, August, farmer, consumption, 1-0(?) days
Marcellus J. Colvin, 5 months, b. NY, Oct., consumption, 10 days
Herkimer Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Nancy Orindorf, 7, b. NY, Sept., dysentary, 5 days
Jeremiah Sullivan, 60, b. Ireland, March, laborer, dysentary, 5 days
Peter Small, 1, b. NY, March, croup, 1 week
George Nellis, 84, married, b. NY, Nov., farmer, old age
Jacob Helts, 52, married, b. NY, Dec., farmer, brain fever, 2 weeks
Harriet Wade, 4, b. NY, April, fitts, 3 days
Fanny Osborn, 5 months, b. NY, Sept., B. fever, 1 week
Browning Neast, 70, married, b. Mass., Sept., laborer, consumption, 1 year
Appolos Guillet (male), 39, widowed, b. NY, Jany., inflam. bowels, 6 days
Andrew Buch, 24, b. Germany, April, molder, consumption, 1 year
Daniel O'Bryant, 26, b. Ireland, Sept., laborer, ship fever, 3 days
Russel, Keatch/Kratch (?), 65, b. Mass., May, laborer, rheumatism, 3 years
Christopher Vincent, 83, b. R.I., March, laborer, old age
Charles Pickring, 30, b. Germany, Dec., carpenter, consumption, 6 months
Sarah Cook, 98, mulatto, b. NY, Feby., old age
Jane Lancake (?), 50, married, b. NY, Nov., asthma, 6 months
Johnson Porter, 75, widowed, b. R.I., Nov., farmer, old age
Mary Osborn, 27, married, b. NY, Sept., dysentary, 2 days
Mary Hensy (sp), 12, b. Ireland, Nov., dysentary, 8 weeks
Rosey Brown, 46, widowed, b. NY, August, dropsy, 1 year
Elijah Harvey, 77, married, b. Vermont, June, farmer, palsey(sp), 3 months
Catharine Lyabock(?), 58, married, b. NY, Dec., consumption, 1 year
William Walace, 1, b. NY, August, colery(sp), 1 day
Theodore G. Holden, 1, b. NY, Oct., inflamation, 2 days
Lany Binder (?), 2, b. NY, August, dysentary, 3 months
Robert Wiles/Niles/?, 5, b. NY, April, unknown
Catharin Palr---, 38, married, b. NY, May, consumption, 4 months
Aseneth Batchulder, 51, married, b. N. Hampshire, Sept., consumption, 1 year
Frederick Ketchum, 2 months, b. NY, August, colery(sp), 2 days
Elizabeth Ketchum, 2, b. NY, May, fitts, 6 weeks
Martin Walk, 58, married, German, Jany, laborer, consumption, 8 months
John Fullum, 4, b. NY, August, colery(sp), 1 day
Francis Fullum (male), 1, b. NY, August, colery(sp),1 day
Isabel Earl, 24, married, b. NY, July, congestion on the brain, 2 weeks
Litchfield Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Susan Whitcomb, 44, married, b. NJ, December, consumption, 100 days
Adaline S. Ross, 6, b. New York, December, dropsy on the brain, 42 days
Desire Haggerty, 40, married, b. N York, Jan., liver diseas(sp), 8 days
Cyrus Donker, 7, b. N York, Sept., scarlet fever, 4 days
James Newton, 59, married, b. Conn., November, farmer, num(sp) palsy, 7 days
Genevieve Underwood, 20, b. NY, Sept., dysentery, 8 days
Maranda Cahoon, 36, married, b. NY, Feb., consumption, 30 days
Fanny Beebe, 43, married, b. NY, Oct., consumption, 14 days
Henry Armstrong, 43, married, b. NY, Jan.(?), blacksmith, consumption, 42 days
Norway Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Walter Sweet, 73, married, b. R. Island, Feb., farmer, consumption, chronic
Marriette Sweet, 30, b. N.Y., Jan., cholic, 1 day
Mary Tompkins, 2, b. N.Y., May, consumption, 6 mos
Joanna Sallsbury(sp), 74, married, b. Conn., Mar., palsy, 30 days
Augustus Carpenter, 67, married, b. R. Island, Aug., farmer, cancer, 7 mos
Charles E. Humphreyville, 6 mos, b. N.Y., Sept., unknown, 90 days
Freelove Brainard, 66, married, b. Conn., May, palsy, 10 days
Asahel Andrews, 68, married, b. Conn., Nov., farmer, dropsy, 60 days
Sophia Service, 1 month, b. N.Y., Mar., inf. lungs, 2 days
Aaron Vedder, 1, b. N.Y., June, inf. lungs, 4 days
Abigail Cummings, 64, widowed, R. Island, Oct., dropsy, 6 mos
Laura A. Benjamin, 33, married, b. N.Y., Mar., childbirth, 7 days
Ohio Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Ann Wilkins, 53, b. N.Y., Sep, blood flux, 7 days
James F. Wilkins, 21, b. N.Y., Sep, farmer, blood flux, 9 days
Rowland Emery, 63, married, b. N.Y., Dec., farmer, consumption, chronic
Helen M. Hayne, 2, b. N.Y., June, kill'd by fall, 2 days
Nathaniel Trimm, 67, married, b. N.Y., May, none, dropsy, 21 days
William H. Williams, 1, b. N.Y., April, inf. lungs, 15 days
Elizabeth Ducher, 79, married, b. N.Y. May, consumption, 90 days
Mary E. Johnston, 4, b. N.Y., April, scarlet fever, 15 days
Abigail McDonald, 83, married, b. Conn., Sep., old age, 6 mos
Sofrona Hodge, 27, married, b. N.Y., Dec., liver comp., chronic
Rosalthie Bennett, 1, b. N.Y., June, consumption, chronic
Catharine Bennett, 4, b. N.Y., May, dropsy, 6 mos
Charles A. Belcher, 3 months, b. N.Y., Mar., inf. lungs, 3 days
Schuyler Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Daniel Cooly, 60, married, b. Conneticut(sp), August, farmer, killed club, 12 hours
Ebeneser Yarns, 81, widowed, b. New York, May, farmer, old age, 13 hours
Jesse James, 27, married, b. England, Decem., farmer, mumps, 3 weeks
Lyman Johnson, 53, black, b. Massachusetts, Sept., farmer, fever soars(sp), 3 weeks
Marria(sp) Minott, 41, married, b. New York, Oct, consumption quick soars (sp) 5 months
Mary Shoecraft, 31, married, b. New York, Oct, soar mouth, nursing, 6 weeks
Lydia Budlong, 21, sin., January, b. New York, billous fever, 9 days
Lilpha Budlong, 79, widowed, b. Massachusetts, Decem., old age & insane, 6 years
Lucy Myers, 33, married, b. New York, Nov., consumption, 6 months
Losia Burch, 37, married, b. New York, Sept., (can't read), 10 months
George Richardson, 8, b. New York, Decem., dropsy, 2 weeks
Elisabeth Fox, 48, married, b. New York, Sept., dioreer(sp), 2 weeks
James Hacans, 13, b. New York, January, dropsy, 8 days
John T. Gould, 52, married, b. Massachusetts, Nov., farmer, palpitation, 3 years
Catherine Niderick, 17 or 47, married, b. New York, Sept., complaint of stomach, 3 months
Wiliam Niderick, 4, b. New York, April, canker rash, 2 weeks
Warren Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Oren Wilkerson, 23, b. NY, Nov., farmer, consumption, 1 year
Mary Weekes, 22, married, b. NY, Feby., confins.(?), 2 months
Charles N. Fox, 17, b. NY, Dec., farmer, diabetus (sp), 1 year
Dorothy Barret, 60, widowed, b. N.H., April, old age
William Rathbone, 1, b. NY, May, brain fever, 1 day
Albert Dolly, 1, b. NY, March, dropsy on brain, 1 month
Fanny Brach (Beach?), 15, b. NY, Feby., typ. fever, 3 weeks
Sarah Dickson, 81, widowed, b. NY, July, old age
Charles Druse, 34, married, b. NY, Feby, farmer, small pox, 2 weeks
Harriet Palmer, 23, married, b. NY, June, consumption, 2 years
Hannah Hicks, 84, widowed, b. NY, May, old age, 5 weeks
William H. Orendorf, 27, b. NY, Jany, farmer, inflam. bowels, 4 months
Isaac Brunner, 17, b. NY, June, consumption, 4 weeks
Elizabeth Haroyer, 39, married, b. NY, August, consumption, 1 year
Wilmurth (sp) Deaths: June 2, 1849 - June 1, 1850
Mary Jane Fitzgerald, 1, b. NY, Oct., lung complics., 21 days
To be continued someday....
Source: This electronic text was transcribed from original microfilm of the 1850 US census by Martha S. Magill. Due to the difficulties in transcribing old and stylized handwriting, the original census should be referred to.
Copyright © 1997 Martha S. Magill
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Created: 12/6/97
Last Updated: 1/8/00
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