Herkimer County, NY Deaths
Universalist Sources


Compiled by Karen E. Dau

Part 1, Surnames A - E

Readers need to be aware that a given date may represent either a death or a funeral, and it may not be possible to determine which event is indicated. All sources are from NY state. Information in brackets [ ] has been supplied by the contributor to assist in research. Abstracted and contributed by Karen E. Dau of Rochester, NY, Archivist of the New York State Convention of Universalists.

ADAMS. In Columbia on 10 Sep of consumption, Daniel S. Adams, age 29. Funeral 30th by Rev. D[olphus] Skinner at his previous request. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 8 Oct 1831)

ALDRIDGE. At Fort Herkimer on 10 Jan, Araminta M. Aldridge, age 14 years, 1 month, and 22 days. Only daughter of Calvin M. and Margaret Aldridge. Her death presumably resulted from injuries sustained in a fall on ice 3 days earlier which was originally thought of slight importance. The last of 3 daughters "called to an early grave." Funeral Sun the 10th in the new church at Fort Herkimer. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica,12 Feb 1847)

ALLEN. In Newport on the 15th inst., Lydia Allen, age 63. Wife of Isaac Allen. A long time friend of Universalism. Funeral 17th at the meeting house in Newport by the Editor [Rev. Dolphus Skinner]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 25 Feb 1832)

ANGEL. In Winfield on 9 Aug 1833 of Asiatic cholera, Emer Angel, age 63. A member of the Universalist Society at New Berlin, Chenango Co. for many years. He was a founding member of the Universalist Society in Cedarville. "A reconciler of differences and a promoter of peace." (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 18 Jan 1834)

ARNOLD. In Eatonville on the 17th ult. of consumption, Adelaide S. Arnold, age 19. Daughter of Perley Arnold, Esq. Funeral 19th in the Universalist Church by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Oneida Co.] at her previous request. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 19 Nov 1859)

ARNOLD. In Fairfield on the 15th inst., Diana Arnold, age 23. Daughter of George Arnold. (Gospel Inquirer, Little Falls, Sat. 16 Apr 1825)

ARNOLD. In Eatonville on 1 Aug of consumption, Dolphus H. Arnold, age 21. Son of Parley Arnold. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 21 Aug 1858)

ARNOLD. In Fairfield on the 9th inst, Elizabeth Arnold, age 46. Wife of George Arnold and a mother. (Gospel Inquirer, Little Falls, 19 Jun 1824)

ARNOLD. In Fairfield on 23 May, George Arnold, age 86. One of the first settlers of the town; had lived there over 60 years. Funeral by Rev. G[eorge] W. Skinner. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 7 Jun 1856)

ARNOLD. In Fairfield on 27 Aug, Mary Arnold, age 72. Wife of Abraham Arnold, deceased. She had lived in the Fairfield vicinity for some 20 years. Funeral 28th at Eaton's Bush by Rev. J. B., Jr. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 16 Nov 1833)

ARNOLD. In Fairfield on 30 Mar, Nathan Arnold, age 92 years and 10 months. One of the first settlers. Funeral 2nd inst. in the Eatonville church by G. W. S. [Rev. George W. Skinner]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 21 Apr 1855)

ARNOLD. In Eatonville on 2 Apr, Parley Arnold, age 68. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 15 Jun 1867)

ATKINS. In Warren on 30 Aug, Samuel Atkins, age 28. A native of England. Survived by his wife, whom he had married only the previous 17th of May. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 1 Oct 1841)

AUSTIN. In Salisbury on 14 Mar, William Austin, age 61 years and 4 days. Survived by his wife and children. Funeral by B. B. H. [Rev. Benjamin B. Hallock]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 28 Mar 1857)

AVERY. In Salisbury Centre on 2 Oct of typhoid fever, Daniel Avery, age 58. Father of Ashton Avery and brother of Warren Avery. Funeral Sun the 5th by Rev. D[olphus] Skinner of Utica [Oneida Co.]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 22 Nov 1862)

AVERY. In Salisbury very suddenly on the 26th ult., George Avery, age 47. Survived by a wife and 3 sons, the oldest of whom, "now residing near this city" [possibly in Genoa, Cayuga Co.], was absent from home at the time of his death. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate", Utica, 28 May 1847)

AVERY. In Salisbury on 16 Apr, Sophia Bartlett Avery, age 48 years and 4 months. Wife of B. F. Avery. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 4 Jun 1864)

AYRES. In South Columbia on 8 Jun, Marion Ayres, age 10 months and 3 days. Only daughter of O. P. and Cyrene Ayres. Funeral by Rev. S. R. W[ard]. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 29 Jul 1865)

AYRES. In Fairfield on 25 Jun, Persis Ayres, age 23. Daughter of Stephen and Rosina Ayres. Funeral 28th by Rev. A[aron] B. Grosh. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 9 Jul 1841)

AYRES. In Fairfield on the 21st ult., Roxana Ayres, age 79 years and 2 months. Predeceased by her husband. Both were Universalists. Funeral 23rd in the Union Church at Salisbury Corners by Rev. W. G. Anderson. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 5 Mar 1853)

BACKUS. In Winfield on 5 Mar, Eliza Backus, age 5. Daughter of Avery and Phebe Backus. Funeral 7th by T. J. S. [Rev. Thomas J. Smith]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Auburn, 30 Mar 1838)

BACKUS. In Salisbury on the 5th inst. of cholera morbus, Zachariah Backus, age 32. Survived by his wife and 4 small children. Funeral by Rev. Hathaway. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 29 Oct 1841)

BAILEY. In Mohawk on 29 Jul, Mrs. Lucy Bailey, age 74 years and 3 months. Funeral in "The Mohawk Valley Universalist Church" [the quotes are in the original notice] by Rev. B[enjamin] B. Hallock. (Christian Ambassador Auburn, 30 Sep 1854)

BALL. In Litchfield on 24 Sep, Mrs. Martha Ball, age 95 years and 1 month. Wife of Nathaniel Ball, deceased. Funeral in the Presbyterian meeting house by Rev. P. P. Brown, Baptist. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 8 Nov 1839)

BARBER. In Frankfort on the 12th inst. of asthma, Jonathan Barber, age 63. "He died as he had lived, a firm and consistent believer in universal salvation." (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 23 Jul 1836)

BARNEY. In Newport on 20 Mar of heart disease, Alice B. Barney, age 63 years and 1 month. A Universalist. Survived by her husband Pardon Barney, 4 grown sons and 4 grown daughters. Funeral Sat the 20th by Rev. W.G. Anderson at her husband's previous request. (Christian Ambassador", Auburn, 5 Apr 1862)

BARNEY. In Newport on 3 Oct, Pardon Barney, age 71. His wife died about 2 years earlier. A Universalist; known by his minister Rev. W. G. Anderson for 24 years. Survived by a large family. Funeral 5th at the home of a son in Newport. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 15 Oct 1864)

BARNEY. In Newport on 22 Aug of consumption, Sarah Barney, age 46. Wife of Alansing Barney and a mother. Funeral 24th by Rev. L. M. Hawes, who wrote the obituary. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 8 Sep 1855)

BARNEY. In Newport on 4 Jun, William A. Barney, age 19. Survived by his parents. Funeral 5th by Rev. L. M. H[awes]. (Christian Ambassador", Auburn, 22 Jul 1854)

BARTLETT. In West Winfield on 13 Mar of consumption, Mrs. Clementionary Bartlett, age 50. Wife of N. Bartlett and mother of Mrs. Chase, whose obituary appeared the previous Oct 12th [1849]. Funeral by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Oneida Co.] at her previous request. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 5 Apr 1850)

BARTLETT. In Salisbury on 16 Mar, Ruth Bartlett, age 62. Predeceased by her husband. "She died as she had lived, rejoicing in the faith of universal salvation." Funeral by Rev. [Wm. H.] Waggoner. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 11 Apr 1837)

BATES. In Frankfort on the 5th ult., Charles H. Bates, age 5 years and 7 days. Son of David G. and Mary E. Bates. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 5 May 1860)

BATESON. At Little Falls on 23 Jan, Thomas Bateson, age 36. Born in England. Formerly an Episcopalian. Funeral by Rev. F. B. Peck [Universalist]. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 6 Feb 1863)

BELKNAP. At Little Falls on Sun the 12th inst., Juliana Emily B. Belknap, age 23. Wife of Dr. Belknap and daughter of Daniel Brayton, Esq., of Fairfield. Funeral Tue 14th by C. Woodhouse. "Although she died in the faith of the restitution of all things [Universalism], yet the Baptist church was, in Christian kindness, opened for the occasion. She was buried beside her infant child, in the door-yard of her father's house, in Fairfield." (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 25 Oct 1834)

BENCHLEY. In St. Paul, Minnesota on 21 Jan of consumption, William Fraser Benchley, age 33, of Newport, NY. Had gone to St. Paul in a vain effort to regain his health. Was Superintendent of the [Universalist] Sabbath School in Newport. Had lived in California several years. Survived by parents, brothers, a sister. Funeral 30th in Newport at his parents' home by Rev. D[olphus] Skinner of Utica; interment in Newport. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 9 Feb 1861)

BENJAMIN. In Norway on 4 Oct, Benjamin Benjamin, age 85. A Universalist for a half century; a member of the Universalist Church at Newport. Survived by his wife and children. Funeral Sunday the 6th at the home by Rev. G[eorge] W. Skinner. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 26 Oct 1861)

BENJAMIN. In Norway on 21 May, Mary B. Benjamin. Second wife of B. "Father" Benjamin; married to him about 17 years. A Methodist and a personal acquaintance of Rev. W. G. Anderson [Universalist], who wrote the obituary. Funeral Sunday 1 Jun in the Methodist church at Cold Brook; sermon by Rev. W. G. Anderson and prayer by Rev. (R__?), Methodist. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 12 Jul 1856)

BLISS. In Salisbury Centre on 1 Jan, Amanda Bliss, age 60. Wife of Truman Bliss. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 13 Feb 1858)

BLISS. In Salisbury on 5 Aug, Mrs. Celia Bliss, age 60, of Stratford. Wife of Elkanah Bliss. Funeral 7th. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 13 Sep 1839)

BLISS. In Salisbury Centre on 14 Aug of croup, Harriet Matilda Bliss, age 16 years and 3 months. Adopted daughter of Truman and Ann Eliza Bliss. A schoolteacher. Funeral by Rev. H. H. B. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 30 Sep 1865)

BLISS. At German Flatts on 19 Feb, John R. Bliss, age 62 years and 8 months. Funeral 20th in the Universalist church at Mohawk by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner]. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 21 Apr 1866)

BOUK. In Frankfort on 25 Jan, very suddenly, Mrs. Jane Ann Bouk, age 22. Funeral 12 Feb in the Universalist church at Litchfield. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 25 Feb 1854)

BOWEN. At Hope Mills, Tennessee on the 16th ult., the Hon. Benjamin Bowen, age 64. Formerly of Newport "in this county." (Gospel Inquirer, Little Falls, 20 Nov 1824)

BOWEN. In Newport on the 21st ult., Levi Bowen, age 80. A resident of Newport about 37 years. "A constant supporter" of the Universalist church and society. Survived by his wife and children. Funeral the following Sunday in the Newport church by Rev. G[eorge] W. Skinner. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 20 Feb 1858)

BRADFORD. In Newport on 4 Mar, Alice E. Bradford, age 15 years, 1 month and 11 days. Only daughter of Hopestite [Hopestill] and Rebecca M. Bradford. Funeral by T. D. C. [Rev. Theodore D. Cook of Utica]. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 30 Mar 1867)

BRADFORD. In Newport on the 8th inst. of diphtheria, Lovina Cornelia Bradford, age 7 years, 6 months and 16 days. Youngest daughter of Hopestill and Rebecca Bradford. Funeral 10th by Rev. W. G. Anderson. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 26 Apr 1862)

BRAYTON. In Fairfield on 24 Oct, Mrs. Julia Brayton, age 69. Born in Litchfield Co., CT; lived most of her life in Fairfield. Survived by her husband and family. Funeral in the Universalist church at Eatonville by Rev. T[heodore] D. Cook. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 11 Nov 1865)

BRAYTON. In Fairfield on the 20th ult. of dropsy of the liver, Lydia Brayton, age 45. Wife of Daniel Brayton Esq., and mother of one daughter, "her only remaining child," and a granddaughter, the child of Mrs. Belknap who had died the previous autumn and left the child to her care. Funeral 21st at the meeting house in Eatonville by Rev. D[olphus] Skinner. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 2 May 1835)

BRONNER. In Stark on 14 Jun, William Bronner, age 12. Son of Christian Bronner. "The deceased left his father's house on the morning of the 13th, and in the afternoon was found in the edge of a wood with his feet entangled in the reins of a bridle attached to a colt, he was bruised and mangled in the most shocking manner and died on the day above mentioned." Funeral 15th in the Otquaga meeting house by Rev. J[ohn] D. Hicks [of St. Johnsville, Montgomery Co.]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 11 Aug 1837)

BROWN. In Cedarville on 18 Jan of consumption, Caroline Brown, age 39. Wife of Charles Brown of Pulaski, Oswego Co. "As a Universalist she lived, and as a Universalist she died." Also survived by one son and one daughter. Funeral 20th in the Union church in Cedarville by B. B. H. [Rev. Benjamin B. Hallock]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 11 Feb 1854)

BROWN. In Herkimer on the 20th ult., Ichabod Brown, age 58. Funeral 22nd in the Presbyterian church by Rev. John Gregory [Universalist]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 6 Apr 1833)

BROWN. In Rome [Oneida Co.] on 14 Aug, Ichabod B. Brown of Herkimer. He died while returning from a visit to his daughter in Illinois. Survived by his wife and a number of children. Funeral Sunday the 16th in Herkimer. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 4 Sep 1846)

BROWN. In Fairfield on the 1st inst., Matilda Brown, daughter of Nathaniel Brown. (Gospel Inquirer, Little Falls, 9 Apr 1825)

BROWN. In Eatonville on 7 Mar, Nathaniel Brown, Jr., age 4. And on 6 Apr, his grandfather Nathaniel Brown, age 76, an early settler. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 24 May 1839)

BROWN. In Eatonville on the 31st ult., Nathaniel G. Brown, age 26. Survived by his wife and one child. Funeral the 1st inst. by Rev. J[acob] Whitney at the meeting house in Eatonville. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 4 Oct 1834)

BROWN. In Fairfield on 13 Nov, Rosa Brown, age 80. Wife of Samuel Brown. Funeral in the Eatonville church by Rev. Geo. W. Skinner. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 24 Nov 1855)

BROWN. In Herkimer on the 25th ult., Roxse Brown, age 45. Wife of the late Ichabod G. Brown. Funeral 27th in the Dutch Reformed church by Rev. D[olphus] Skinner, assisted by Rev. J[ohn] D. Hicks [both Universalists]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 14 Sep 1849)

BROWN. In Russia on the 14th inst. of consumption, Sally Brown, age 29. Wife of Isaac N. Brown; daughter of Daniel Dodge; mother of one infant. Funeral by Rev. Miles. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate", Utica, 29 Oct 1831)

BROWNE. In Cedarville at the home of his brother Rev. Lewis C. Browne on 26 Mar of bronchial consumption, Roland Gaven Browne, age 64 years, 5 months and 11 days. The first son in a family of 5 sons and 2 daughters. A soldier in the War of 1812. A member for several years of the Unitarian church in Trenton, NY, "and latterly a believer in Spiritualism." Funeral 29th in the Universalist church at Cedarville by Rev. Richard Coleman of Bridgewater. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 13 Apr 1861)

BRUNSON. In Warren on 31 Jan, Daniel Brunson, age 74. "His last request was that he might have a Universalist preacher to deliver a funeral discourse ... But an ungrateful and bigoted son ... contrived to defeat his father's last request and dying expectations..." (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 27 Feb 1836)

BUDLONG. In Frankfort on the 10th ult. of inflammation of the lungs, Capt. Aaron J. Budlong, age 80. Survived by his wife of less than 2 years. "This widowed and afflicted woman buried her first husband (Wm. W. Dygert) just 10 years to a day previous to the death of her last husband." Funeral 12th in the Dutch Reformed church by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner, Universalist, of Oneida Co.]; Masonic interment. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 11 Jun 1859)

BUDLONG. In West Schuyler, Herkimer Co. on 26 Sep of typhoid fever, John H. Budlong, Esq., age 36. "...he felt an unworthiness to become a member of the Universalist church." In the notice of 22 Nov his age was corrected to read 36. (Christian Leader, Utica, 1 Nov and 22 Nov 1873.)

BUNN. In Stark on 7 Nov, Mr. Saragah Bunn, age 73 years, 7 months and 7 days. Funeral by D. C. T. [Rev. DeWitt C. Tomlinson]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 4 Dec 1846)

BURCH. In Schuyler on 23 Jun, Emily Burch, age 18. Daughter of Lovell Burch. Her mother died a few months earlier. Funeral by Rev. C. C. G[ordon of Utica]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 7 Aug 1858)

BURDEN. In Russia (Gravesville) on 28 Mar, Mary Happalona Burden, age 13 months and 11 days. Daughter of James E. Burden. With her death her father, at age 34, had buried 3 wives and 2 children within 6 years. Funeral by T. J. W. [Rev. Thomas J. Whitcomb]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 26 May 1848)

BURDIN. In Gravesville (town of Russia) on 22 Aug, Mrs. Lucy Burdin, age 23. Wife of Edward Burdin. Funeral 23rd in the Universalist church in Gravesville by T. J. W. [Rev. Thomas J. Whitcomb]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 10 Sep 1847)

BURLINGAME. In Frankfort on 8 Jul of cholera, Calvin D. Burlingame, age 54, of New Haven, Oswego Co. Died at the residence of a sister-in-law while on his way home, with his wife, from a few weeks by the seashore. A member of the Universalist Society in Mexico. Survived by his wife and 3 children at home and an only son in California. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 12 Aug 1854)

BURRILL. In Columbia on 8 Aug 1859, Alice Burrill, age 3 years, 5 months and 14 days. Daughter of Alonzo Burrill. Funeral by Rev. Lewis Cresaba Browne, from his records.

BURT. In Frankfort on 22 Feb, Andrew Jackson Burt, age 4. Died of complications from an abdominal tumor weighing 3 1/2 pounds. Only surviving son of Asel [prob. Asahel] Burt; the third of four children to die. Born 8 Jan 1828. Also survived by one sibling. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 2 Jun 1832)

BURT. In Frankfort on the 15th ult., Azahel Burt, age 69. A member of the Universalist church. Survived by his wife and 2 daughters. Funeral the following Sunday by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Oneida Co.] at his previous request. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 12 Jan 1844)

BURT. At Little Falls on the 7th inst., Enos Burt, age 91. Funeral 8th. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 27 Jun 1835)

BURT. In Frankfort on 1 Sep, Susan Jane Burt, age 13 months. Daughter of Asahel and Anna Burt. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 24 Sep 1831)

BURTON. In Newport on the 22nd inst., ___ Burton, infant son of Darius Burton. (Gospel Inquirer, Little Falls, 31 Jan 1824)

BURTON. In Herkimer on 26 Mar, Anna Burton, age 2, an only child. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 5 May 1855)

BURTON. In Newport on 22 Jul of consumption, Cynthia L. B. Burton, age 25. Predeceased by her father in early childhood and by her mother a few years previously. An only child. Engaged to be married. Funeral 24th by Rev. A[aron] B. Grosh at the request of the principal mourner. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 20 Aug 1853)

BURTON. In Frankfort on 16 Apr, Harriet R. Burton, age 36 years and 4 months. Wife of David Burton. Funeral 18th by Rev. J[acob] H. Harter. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 1 May 1852)

BURTON. In Schuyler on the 26th ult., Hiram Burton, age about 45. Fatally injured by the kick of a horse. Survived by his wife and 9 children. Funeral 27th by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Utica, Oneida Co.]. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 12 Sep 1845)

BURTON. In Newport on [19?] Feb, John Burton, age 79. Funeral by Rev. Hathaway. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 21 Jun 1844)

BURTON. In Newport on 25 Mar, Joseph Burton, Esq., age 48. Funeral 30th in the Universalist church at Newport by T. J. W. [Rev. Thomas J. Whitcomb]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 26 May 1848)

BURTON. In Herkimer on 17 Mar of pneumonia, Miss Louisa Burton, age 64. Formerly of Newport. Funeral 18th by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Oneida Co.]. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 18 Apr 1868)

BURTON. In Newport on 20 Feb, Mrs. Mary Burton, age about 42. (Christian Ambassador Auburn, 29 Mar 1851)

BURTON. In Newport on the 12th inst., William Burton, age 92. Survived by 2 sons and a daughter. Funeral 14th at the home by Rev. W. G. Anderson. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 30 Jul 1864)

BURWELL. In Norway on the 22nd ult., ___ Burwell, infant son of Dr. Bryant Burwell. (Gospel Inquirer, Little Falls, 10 Apr 1824)

BYINGTON. In Salisbury Centre on 13 Oct 1866 of cancer, Charlotte Byington, age 41 years and 11 months. Wife of George L. Byington. Raised a Universalist. Also survived by her father Mr. Cool. Funeral Mon the 13th in the Union church by Rev. D[aniel] Ballou of Utica [Universalist]. (Christian Ambassador", New York, 16 Feb 1867)

CAIN. In Schuyler on 9 Jul, Warren D. Cain, age 36. Survived by his wife and 4 small children. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn NY, 22 Jul 1854)

CASE. At Little Falls on Thu the 24th ult., Almira E. Case, age 19. A member of the Universalist Sunday School "from its foundation, first as a scholar, and of late as a teacher." Funeral Sat the 26th ult. in the Universalist church by G. W. S. [Rev. George W. Skinner]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 9 Feb 1856)

CASLER. At Little Falls on 18 Feb "from the effects of a severe burning, and after poignant suffering," Mrs. Christina Casler, age 74. A long-time member of St. Paul's [Universalist] Church. Funeral 20th in the church by Rev. H. A. H[anaford]. (Christian Leader, Utica, 11 Mar 1876)

CASLER. At Little Falls on 31 Mar, Mrs. Lang Casler, age 74. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 6 Jun 1863)

CASLER. At Little Falls on the 30th ult., Nicholas Casler, age 48 years, 6 months and 16 days. Survived by his wife and a large family. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 14 Sep 1849)

CASLER. At Little Falls "Tuesday morning," Robert Casler. (Christian Leader, Utica, 27 Mar 1875)

CASTOR. At Little Falls on 21 May, Mary Castor, age 53. Wife of Jonas Castor. (Christian Ambassador, 31 May 1862)

CHAPMAN. In German Flatts on the 3rd ult., Joseph Chapman, age 67 years and 9 months. A farmer; had lived in German Flatts most of his life. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 30 May 1857)

CHAPMAN. At Little Falls on the 15th inst. of typhoid fever, Joseph K. Chapman, age 44 years and 9 months. A member of the Universalist Society. Survived by his wife, 3 children, a sister, several brothers. Funeral 18th in the Universalist church. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 26 Nov 1859)

CHAPMAN. At Little Falls on 30 Jun, Margaret Klock Chapman, age 32. Wife of Joseph Chapman. A member of the local Universalist Society. Also survived by one daughter. Funeral 2 Jul in the Methodist church by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Oneida Co.]. (Christian Ambassador", Auburn, 17 Jul 1852

CHASE. In West Winfield on 21 Sep of consumption, Mrs. Odelia H. Chase. Survived by her husband and one child. Funeral 23rd in the Baptist church by Rev. J. S. Palmer, who fulfilled her request for a Universalist pastor to preach her funeral sermon. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate", New York, 12 Oct [paper is misdated as 5 Oct] 1849)

CHENEY. At Little Falls on 13 Mar of pneumonia, Henry Cheney, age 57. Interment according to Masonic rites. (Christian Leader, Utica, 6 Apr 1878)

CHRISTMAN. At Little Falls "at the upper part of Paine's Hollow" on 8 Nov of consumption, Catharine Christman, age 22 years, 11 months and 12 days. Eldest daughter of Jacob Christman. Funeral 9th by J. D. H. [Rev. John D. Hicks of St. Johnsville]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 10 Dec 1841)

CHURCHILL. In Eatonville [no date given; possibly around Sep 1849], ___ Churchill. An infant child of Albert and Susan M. Churchill. Funeral by T. J. W. [Rev. Thomas J. Whitcomb]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 11 Jan 1850)

CHURCHILL. In Middleville on 24 Dec 1861, Maria L. Churchill, age about 17. Funeral at the home by G. W. S. [Rev. Geo. W. Skinner]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 16 Feb 1861)

CHURCHILL. At Little Falls on 2 Dec 1862, Reuben Churchill, age 62. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 31 Jan 1863)

CLARK. In Newport on the 29th ult., Miss Almira Clark. Daughter of Stephen Clark. (Gospel Inquirer, Little Falls, 20 Nov 1824)

CLARK. In Mohawk on 28 Jan, Flavius Clark, Esq., age 91. One of the oldest inhabitants of the county. A Rev. War soldier and a Mason. "Having disposed of all his temporal affairs, he desired only to live to see the completion of the new Universalist church in Mohawk (on the building of which he worked several days during the last summer), and to have his funeral sermon preached therein." Funeral by Rev. D[olphus] Skinner at his request. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 28 Feb 1852)

CLARK. In Mohawk, German Flatts on the 21st ult., Rhoda Clark, age 68. Wife of Flavel Clark Esq. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 14 Sep 1833)

CLARK. In Mohawk on 19 Oct of fever, Sally Clark, age 63. Wife of Flavel Clark Esq. Funeral 21st in the Dutch Reformed church by Rev. D[olphus] Skinner. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 19 Nov 1847)

COFFIN. In Newport on the 31st ult., Benjamin S. Coffin, age 32. Fatally injured when thrown by his team of horses in front of his mowing machine. Survived by his wife and one child. Funeral Sun the 3rd by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner]; interment according to Masonic rites. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 23 Aug 1862)

COFFIN. In Ohio on 10 Apr, Edwin T. Coffin, age 10 months and 7 days. Youngest child of Worden and Lavina Coffin. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 26 May 1848)

COLLINS. In Gravesville on 18 May of dropsy of the heart, [Fanny? printing partly obliterated] Collins, age 33. Wife of George W. Collins of Gravesville, who was in the army near Fredricksburg. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 6 Jun 1863)

COFFIN. In Newport on 1 Dec 1866, Lucy Coffin, age 13. Only child of Joseph and Sally Coffin. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 2 Feb 1867)

COLE. In Newport on 8 Jan, George Cole, age 10 years, 4 months and 7 days. Only child of Asa and Camelia Cole. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 4 Feb 1865)

COLE. In Cedarville on the 20th ult., Rhoda Cole. She was married to David Cole only a few weeks before her death. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 8 Oct 1831)

COLLIS. In Frankfort on 9 Feb of consumption, Charles A. Collis, age 21. His father died a few months earlier. Survived by his mother, a sister, brothers. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 25 Mar 1865)

COLLIS. In Frankfort on 17 Jul of consumption, William L. Collis, age 47. Survived by his wife and 4 children, and "only one brother out of a large family." Funeral 19th by T. D. C. [Rev. Theodore D. Cook]. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 13 Aug 1864)

COLTIS. At Little Falls on the 16th inst., Miss Elizabeth Ann Coltis, age 32, of Fly Creek. She left no survivors. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 30 Dec 1854)

COLVIN. At Little Falls on 25 Sep, Margaret Colvin, age about 58. Wife of Joseph Colvin Esq. Funeral 27th by J. H. H. [Rev. Jacob H. Harter]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 18 Oct 1851)

COOL. In Salisbury Centre on 17 Nov 1863 of typhoid fever, Lydia Cool, age 61. Wife of Daniel Cool. Funeral Thu 15th inst. by Rev. F. B. P[eck]. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 2 Jan 1864)

COOPER. In Eatonville on 24 Aug, Miss Eleanor P. Cooper, age 23. Funeral 27th by B. B. H. [Rev. Benjamin B. Hallock]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 13 Sep 1856)

COUNTRYMAN. In Poland on Wed 20 Mar, Mrs. Delabianzy Countryman, age 29 years and 32 days [sic]. Wife of Moses Countryman and mother of two sons, ages 6 and 4. Funeral Fri 22nd "in the Universalist church at this, her native place," by Rev. W. G. Anderson. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 5 Apr 1850)

COUNTRYMAN. In Herkimer on 22 Nov 1847, Delia Countryman, age 3. She drowned in a tanning vat. Funeral 24th by Rev. T[homas] J. Whitcomb. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 21 Jan 1848)

COUNTRYMAN. In Poland on 2 Feb, Elvira Countryman, age 36. Wife of John Countryman and a mother. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 28 Mar 1868)

COUNTRYMAN. In Middleville on the 26th ult., Hannah B. Countryman, age 46. Wife of Rev. Asa Countryman and a mother. Funeral 28th ult. in the Union church by B. B. H. [Rev. Benjamin B. Hallock]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 12 Apr 1856)

COWNOVER. At Little Falls on 3 Feb of typhus fever, Isaac Cownover, age 50. His wife died some time earlier. Survived by his mother and one orphaned child. Obituary by Rev. Geo. W. Skinner. (Christian Ambassador", Auburn, 10 Mar 1855)

CRANE. In Mohawk on 2 Apr, Emily Crane, age 9 months. Youngest daughter of Josiah Crane. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 17 Apr 1853)

CRIPPEN. In Eatonville on the 25th ult., John S. Crippen, age 5 months and 25 days. Only child of Abraham and Clarissa Crippen. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 16 Aug 1834)

CRIST. In Middleville on 12 Mar, Ida B. Crist, age 17. Adopted daughter of Cornelius and Maria Crist. She was the oldest of 3 orphaned girls whose parents had died in Virginia some seven years previously. The sisters came to Middleville because family friends lived there. All three were adopted in the town and all attended the same Sunday School, receiving baptism in 1874, "and when they knelt together at the altar, there were few in the congregation that were not affected to tears." Funeral by Rev. S. R. Ward. (Christian Leader, Utica, 29 Apr 1876)

CRIST. In Mohawk on 9 Oct, Stephen Crist, age 78 years, 9 months and 4 days. Survived by his wife. Funeral by B. B. H. [Rev. Benjamin B. Hallock]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 27 Oct 1855)

CRISTMAN. In German Flatts on the 25th ult. of apoplexy, William Cristman, age 58. Survived by his wife and 2 sons. (Christian Ambassador", Auburn, 8 Dec 1860)

CUMMINS. In Newport on 16 Mar, Ezra Cummins, age 23 years. Survived by his parents and siblings. Funeral 18th ult. in the Universalist church by T. J. W. [Rev. Thomas J. Whitcomb]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 9 Apr 1847)

DAIN. In Litchfield on the 15th inst. of consumption, Lucy Ann Dain, age 14. Daughter of Wm. and Priscilla Dain. Funeral by Rev. W[m.] Underwood. Obituary was written in Frankfort by D. Heald on 17 Apr 1834. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 26 Apr 1834)

DAVIS. In Frankfort on the 13th inst., George Davis, age 67. A native of Wales. Funeral in the Universalist church. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 23 Jan 1858)

DAVIS. In Frankfort on the 4th inst., John Davis, age 54. A native of Wales; had lived in America about 20 years. Survived by his wife and 5 children. Funeral Sun the 6th by the Editor [Rev. Dolphus Skinner]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 18 Feb 1848)

DAVIS. In Frankfort on the 16th inst. of consumption, Sally Davis, age 36. Wife of Josiah Davis. Funeral 18th by the Editor [Rev. Dolphus Skinner]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 29 Nov 1834)

DAVIS. In Frankfort on the 28th ult., Sylvanus Davis, Jr., age 15. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 5 Jun 1830)

DAVIS. In Frankfort on 19 Dec 1856 of inflammation of the bowels, William Henry Davis, age 18. Youngest son of Edward Davis Esq. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 10 Jan 1857)

DEDRICK. In Frankfort on 14 May, Sarah Dedrick, age 40. Wife of John Dedrick and mother of six. Two brothers and a sister predeceased her. Funeral in the Methodist church by T. D. C. [Rev. Theodore D. Cook, Universalist]. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 22 Jun 1867)

DELANO. In Middleville on 19 Aug, Colby Delano, age 27. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 29 Nov 1850)

DENISON. In Herkimer on 18 Apr of consumption, Asa Denison, age 70. A native of Stonington, Connecticut; had lived in the area about 50 years and in Herkimer for 26 years. Survived by his children. Funeral by Rev. Ottman (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 24 May 1844)

DERTHICK. In Columbia on 17 Oct of consumption, Ira Derthick, age 59. Survived by his wife. Funeral by Rev. W. E. M[anley]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 15 Nov 1850)

DEUEL. In Frankfort on 6 Jun of consumption, Caroline Deuel, age 16. Daughter of Stephen Deuel of Frankfort, formerly of Stillwater. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 6 Jul 1849)

DEVENDORF. In Cedarville on 26 Feb, Albert Henry Devendorf, age 44 years and 3 months. Youngest son of Lewis and Mary Devendorf. (Christian Ambassador", New York, 2 Apr 1864)

DEVENDORF. In Danube on Fri the 16th inst., Alexander Devendorf, age 23. Funeral the following Sunday by G. W. S. [Rev. George W. Skinner]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 9 Feb 1856)

DEVENDORF. In Danube on "Dec. 23d" [this may be an error, or perhaps it refers to Dec. of the previous year], Charles Devendorf, age 1 year and 3 days. Funeral Tue the 25th ult. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 13 Dec 1856)

DEVENDORF. In Frankfort on the 14th inst. of congestion of the lungs, Chauncey Devendorf, age 54. Survived by his wife and 5 children. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 5 Apr 1862)

DEVENDORF. In Cedarville on the 6th ult., after an illness of nearly 15 years, Christina Devendorf, age 55. Wife of Henry Devendorf. Funeral 9th at the Universalist meeting house by A. B. G. [Rev. Aaron B. Grosh]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 3 Jan 1835)

DEVENDORF. In Mohawk on 31 Oct, David Devendorf, age 80. Youngest and last of a family of "12 children of the same parents." A long time Universalist. Funeral by Rev. D[olphus] Skinner. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 8 Dec 1866)

DEVENDORF. In Mohawk on the 19th ult., Hannah Devendorf, age 76. Wife of David Devendorf. Married nearly 60 years; had lived for 45 years in the home where she died. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 10 May 1862)

DEVENDORF. In Cedarville on 24 Apr, Henry Devendorf, age 87 years, 1 month and 10 days. Son of Jacob Devendorf who, with two brothers John and George, emigrated from Switzerland. Jacob was the father of 7 sons and 4 daughters. Henry was born at the family home a few miles above Fort Plain on 19 Mar 1778. He married Christina Smith in 1803 and they were parents of 4 sons and 4 daughters. A resident of Cedarville over 60 years. An early convert to Universalism; he donated land for a church building. Predeceased by his brothers John, George, Jacob, Rudolph, and Daniel. His youngest son [Henry Harrison Devendorf] died in 1861. Survived by his only remaining brother David Devendorf of Mohawk, his sister Elizabeth Devendorf, and 6 of his children, including Almond Devendorf, treasurer of Lombard University, Galesburg, Illinois. Funeral 24th in the Universalist church by Rev. L[ewis] C. Browne of Canton, his former pastor, who had previously promised to officiate if he [Browne] outlived Devendorf. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 17 Jun 1865)

DEVENDORF. In Cedarville at the home of his father on 9 Apr of consumption, Henry Harrison Devendorf, age 35 years, 6 months and 14 days. Youngest son of Henry Devendorf. Had lived in Herkimer, Syracuse, Camden and Ilion. Also survived by 3 brothers and 3 sisters. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 20 Apr 1861)

DEVENDORF. In Mohawk on the 25th ult., John Devendorf, age 57. A member of the Universalist Society. Funeral by C. W. T. [Rev. Charles W. Townsend] in the absence of his pastor. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 11 Oct 1862)

DEVENDORF. In Mohawk on the 23rd ult., Lawrence L. Devendorf, age 13 months. Only son of Cornelius and Caroline Devendorf. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 12 Sep 1845)

DEVENDORF. In Cedarville on 9 Jan, Maria Devendorf, age 21. Wife of Lewis Devendorf. A lifelong Presbyterian. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 24 Feb 1843)

DEVOE. In Jordanville on 11 Dec 1877, Ann DeVoe, age 79 years, 10 months and 26 days. Wife of Cornelius DeVoe. (Christian Leader, Utica, 2 Feb 1878)

DIBELL [DIBBLE]. In Salisbury on 21 Feb, Mary Dibell [Dibble], age 72. Wife of Nathan Dibell [Dibble]. A resident of Salisbury for nearly half a century. "Long before such a thing as a Universalist church was known in Salisbury, the house of Br. Dibell was the place where many a wandering preacher of our faith delivered his message." (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 22 Jun 1849)

DILLENBACH. In Danube on the 8th inst., Catharine Dillenbach, age 45 years, 2 months and 21 days. Wife of John Dillenbach Jr. and mother of seven. A Universalist. Funeral by Rev. J[ohn] D. Hicks, assisted by Elder Russell, Baptist. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 25 Aug 1843)

DILLEBACH. In Danube on 15 Jul of consumption, Maggie Dillenbach, age 84. Wife of Luther Dillenbach. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 11 Aug 1866)

DODGE. In Frankfort on the 10th inst. of stomach cancer, Gideon Dodge, age 66. Funeral by B. B. H. [Rev. Benjamin B. Hallock]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 25 Oct 1856)

DODGE. In Mohawk on 1 Sep, William H. Dodge, age 1 year and 5 months. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 1 Oct 1853)

DOUGLASS. In Newport on 15 Nov of dropsy on the brain, Eugene Douglass, age 14 months and 26 days. Son of Norton and Charlotte Douglass. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 14 Dec 1838)

DOWNING. In Mohawk on 16 Oct, Carrie Downing, age 4 years and 2 months. Youngest daughter of Dr. W. and Anna Downing. Funeral Sun 18th by Rev. F. B. Peck. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 14 Nov 1863)

DYGERT. In Frankfort on the 16th inst., ___ Dygert, age about 17 months. Youngest son of John B. Dygert. Died of burns from a severe scald incurred the previous day. Funeral 18th, with the prayer in German by Rev. Spinner of Herkimer and sermon in English by the Editor [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Utica]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 22 Jan 1831)

DYGERT. In Frankfort on 11 Apr of inflammation of the bowels, ___ Dygert, wife of Daniel Dygert. She died one year and one day after her marriage. Also survived by an infant about 4 weeks old [Mary A. Dygert]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 10 May 1851)

DYGERT. In German Flatts on the 24th ult. of consumption, Col. Daniel Dygert, age 44. Survived by his wife and 4 children. Funeral 29th by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Oneida Co.]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 11 Mar 1842)

DYGERT. In Frankfort on the 28th ult. of inflammation of the bowels, Harvey Dygert, age 15. Oldest son of John B. Dygert. Predeceased by a brother. Funeral 30th at the home; with the prayer in German by Rev. Spinner of Herkimer and sermon in English by the Editor [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Utica]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 7 May 1831)

DYGERT. In Frankfort on 9 Jun of consumption, Ione C. Dygert, age 20. Youngest daughter of Sarah and the late Warner Dygert. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 29 Jun 1861)

DYGERT. In Frankfort on 18 Mar of congestion of the lungs, Hon. John B. Dygert, age 62, "born and reared, lived and died in this community." Formerly a member of the German Reformed church in Herkimer, of which Rev. Spinner was pastor. Had been a convert to Universalism for about 20 years and a member of the Society in Frankfort. Survived by his wife and 11 children. Funeral 20th. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 1 Apr 1854)

DYGERT. In Frankfort on 8 May, John W. Dygert, age 23. Son of Capt. W. W. Dygert. Survived by his wife and one child. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 1 Jun 1849)

DYGERT. In Ilion on the 24th ult. of consumption, Margaret Dygert, age 65. Wife of the late Col. Daniel Dygert. (Christian Ambassador", New York, 13 Jun 1863)

DYGERT. In Frankfort at the home of E. T. Marsh Esq. on the 15th ult., Mary A. Dygert, age 15 years and 7 months, of Mexico [Oswego Co.]. Daughter of Daniel Dygert Esq. of Mexico. She had come "to her early home to sojourn with her kindred and regain her health." Her mother had died when she was only a few weeks old. Funeral 17th at the Marsh home. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 10 Nov 1866)

DYGERT. In Frankfort on 26 Jul of consumption, Rudolph W. Dygert, age 29. Survived by his wife, 2 small children, his mother, several siblings. His father John W. Dygert died about 4 months earlier. Funeral by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner] in the absence of Rev. Bartlett, pastor of the Society in Frankfort. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 12 Aug 1854)

DYGERT. In Frankfort on 14 May, Capt. W. W. Dygert, age 65. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, New York, 1 Jun 1849)

ELLISON. In Newport on 30 May, Delia Ellison, age 53 years, 10 months and 3 days. Wife of Jacob Ellison. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 1 Jul 1865)

EARL. In German Flatts on the 22nd ult., the widow ___ Earl, age about 80. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 12 Feb 1847)

EASTON. In Cedarville on 7 Apr, Henry Laurens Easton, age 73. Born in 1794 in Wilmington, VT. Moved to Berkshire Co., MA at a young age and lived there until 1815. Came to Cedarville in 1817. Married Elizabeth Devendorf in 1837. That same year he served in the Lower House of the New York Legislature and afterwards was elected to several terms as Justice of the Peace. Funeral by Rev. S. R. W[ard]. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 27 Apr 1867)

EATON. In Fairfield on the 21st inst., Miss Ann Eaton. (Gospel Inquirer, Little Falls, 31 Jan 1824)

EATON. In Eatonville on the 11th inst., Esther Ann Eaton, age 35 years and 22 days. Daughter of John and Anna Eaton. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 22 Sep 1860)

EATON. In Cedarville on Sun 8 Sep, James DeLloyd Eaton, age 60 years, 6 months and 3 days. Funeral 10th in the Universalist church by Rev. L[ewis] C. Browne, a former neighbor. (Christian Leader, Utica, 21 Sep 1878)

EATON. In Eatonville on 5 Oct, John Eaton, age 71 years and 9 months. An early settler, the place bore his name. Funeral 7th by Rev. F. B. Peck. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 31 Oct 1863)

EATON. In Eatonville on the 8th inst., Leonard Eaton, age 60. Survived by his wife and children. Funeral in the [Universalist] church at Eatonville by Rev. B[enjamin] B. Hallock, assisted by Rev. G[eorge] W. Skinner of Little Falls. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 22 Nov 1856)

EDICK. In German Flatts on 10 Jan, Jacob G. Edick, age 68. Survived by his wife and children. Funeral Tue the 13th in Paines Hollow church by Rev. G[eorge] W. Skinner. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 24 Jan 1857)

EDICK. In Paines Hollow on 16 Jul, John S. Edick, age 2 years and 3 months. His parents' only child. Funeral by B. B. H. [Rev. Benjamin B. Hallock]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 5 Aug 1854)

ELLISON. In Herkimer on 1 Mar, Henry Ellison, Esq., age 70. He was chosen to be an elector for the late Andrew Jackson. Survived by his wife and children. Funeral 4th by T. J. W. [Rev. Thomas J. Whitcomb]. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, 31 Mar 1848)

ELLWOOD. In Frankfort on the 14th inst., Jane Elizabeth Ellwood, age 23 years and 7 months. Wife of Chauncey Ellwood and daughter of Dr. Caleb Budlong. Married less than 19 months previously. A son [Murray] born about a year after their marriage had died less than 6 months after his birth. He was their only child. Funeral 16th in the Dutch Reformed church in Frankfort, "the Universalist not being large enough," the Editor [Rev. Dolphus Skinner] officiating. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 28 Apr 1848)

ELLWOOD. In Frankfort on the 25th ult. of congestion of the brain, Murray Budlong Ellwood, age 5 months and 21 days. Only child of Chauncey and Jane Ellwood and grandson of Dr. C. Budlong. (Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, Utica, 10 Mar 1848)

EVERETT. In Litchfield on 15 Sep, John Everett, age 81. Emigrated with his father from New Hampshire at age 19 and had lived in Litchfield over 62 years. A Universalist for many years. Father of 7 sons and 5 daughters, 10 of whom survived, and were all in attendance at his funeral. Predeceased by 2 sons. One daughter lived in Illinois and one son in California. Funeral 16th in the Old Presbyterian church by D. S. [Rev. Dolphus Skinner of Oneida Co.]. Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 15 Oct 1853)

Many thanks to compiler and contributor Karen for this generous donation of her original abstracts! All names are as spelled in the original publications. For further information about anyone listed, please contact the appropriate local historical societies and libraries.

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