Probate File of David L. Bly
Children of | |
Lewis Bly a second cousin - | Lewis Bly of Waurgan, Conn. |
Susan Craig of Waurgan, Conn. | |
Mary Scoville of Waurgan, Conn. | |
Eliza Eddy - | Willard Eddy of Greene, RI |
Charles B. Eddy of Grafton, Mass. | |
Julia Barton of Oneco, Conn. | |
Samianttia Insley - | Rouse Insley, Lake Station, Ind. |
[Samantha] | |
Lysander Bly - | Dolly Drullinger of Keelersville, Mich. |
Della Taylor of Keelersville, Mich. | |
Mina Jackson [Jackson crossed out] Johnson, of Keelersville, Mich. | |
Alvin G. Bly - | Ralph Bly of Keelersville, Mich. |
Hattie Munsil of Prospect Park, Mich. | |
Lois Sawford of Grand Rapids, Mich. | |
Sibyl Comstock - | Edmund Comstock of Gray, NY. |
Henry Comstock of Gray, NY. | |
Orrin Comstock of Gray, NY. | |
Stephen Comstock of Gray, NY. | |
Lewis Comstock of Gray, NY. | |
Samuel Comstock of Gray, NY. | |
Byron Comstock of Gray, NY. | |
Jennie Comstock of Gray, NY. | |
Henrietta Harding of Gray, NY. | |
Ann Western of Gray, NY. | |
Rachel Service of Middleville, NY. | |
Hellen Vedder - | Lucy Fuller of Grant, NY |
Rouse Bennett - | Virgilla Hall of Gray, NY. |
Horace R. Bly - | David Bly of Gray, NY. |
Baily Bly of Gray, NY. | |
Mary Lawton of Gray, NY. | |
Jennie Wallace of Wilmurt, NY. | |
[Luther Bly] - | Henry Bly of Gray, NY. |
Jennie Comstock of Gray, NY. | |
Fedelia Bly of Herkimer, NY. | |
Severally children of deceased cousins of said deceased. |
Wherefore your petitioner prays that the said last will and testament may be proved, and recorded as a will relating to real and personal property according to the laws of the State of New York, and that the above named heirs and next of kin of said deceased may be cited to attend the probate thereof; and that upon the presentation of this petition the Surrogate's Court of the County of Herkimer may make such further or other order in relation to the proof of said will or the service of said citation as may be just and proper.
Dated the 11th day of June, 1887. Wm S. Burt
End of Transcription
The following information is from other forms in the probate file:
It was ordered that service of the above mentioned citation upon the said above named parties be made by publication thereof in two newspapers, to wit: in the Herkimer County News published at Little Falls, NY, and the Herkimer Democrat published at Herkimer NY. [copies attached to the probate papers]
Samuel J. Western and his wife, Ann Western named in will to receive all real and personal estate. Also named Jason L. Western. E. E. Kelley appraiser. Bill submitted by Dr. Dean B. Tyler [son of Almira E. Bly Tyler Place] of Greene, RI Aug 1, 1888 for 22 weeks board at $5 per week and services rendered to said Bly in his sicness from Oct 28, 1885 - Apr 1, 1886.
Transcribed by Paula Pitts. Brackets indicate information added by Paula Pitts. For information or questions on this probate file please contact Paula Pitts. These families are on the WorldConnect Family Tree database <pitts488>.
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