Our wills and deeds board has become a big success. The value of wills in straightening out family relationships, in the absence of official birth, marriage, and death records, can't be underestimated. Individual wills and Letters of Administration are placed directly on this page. Other wills that belong in groups have their own subsections, such as the Walrath deed below. To contribute your ancestor's deed, will or Letter of Administration to this valuable online resource, contact the coordinator.

These Herkimer County Surrogate's Court and one other estate notices were spotted by Lisa Slaski in old issues of the Herkimer Democrat newspaper!


9 Sep 1903 - The last will and testament of Genette F. Waterman, late of Little Falls, was admitted to probate, with George D. Waterman as executor. The estate is valued at $25,000, $7,000 of it being real estate and $18,0000 personal property.

9 Sep 1903 - Sophia Jones was appointed guardian of the property of Dayton W. Jones of Little Falls.

7 May 1902 - In Surrogate's Court Monday, Delevan J. Delong was appointed administrator of the estate of Lorrin M. Delong, late of German Flatts. Edward M. Platts was appointed administrator of the estate of Caroline Platts, late of Litchfield. The last will and testament of George W. Hicks was admitted to probate. Clarence E. Hicks was named as executor. A final decree was entered settling the account of Isaac Casler, administator of the estate of Mary Ann Casler, late of Columbia. Fred J. Casler was appointed guardian for Grace and Daniel Casler, minors. An order was entered assessing $50.32 transfer tax against the real estate of Dorothy Eysaman, late of Little Falls. An order was entered establishing the right of inheritance of Frances L. Haun, in the real property of Mary G. Haun, late of Little Falls. A decree was entered finally settling the accounts of Louise J. Getman, as executrix of the estate of Timothy Getman, late of Columbia.

30 Jul 1902 - In surrogate's Court, Monday the following business was transacted: A final decree was entered settling the accounts of George H. Tutle, as administrator of the estate of Ann E. Hewiston, late of the town of German Flatts. A final decree was entered settling the accounts of John H. Gross, as administrator of the estate of Phil. J. Gross, late of the town of Manheim. The last will and testament of Katarine Remington, late of the village of Ilion, was admitted to probate, Philo E. Remington being named as executor. The estate is valued at $5,000, all of which is in property with the exception of $400 personal. The matter of the accounting of Mary Crow was adjourned until Thursday.

17 Sep 1902 - In Surrogates Monday the following business was transacted before Hon. I. R. Devendorf as Surrogate: The last will and testament of John F. Moorehouse, late of Russia, was admitted to probate with Thomas Owens and Flora Owens of Poland as executor and executrix. Value of estate $1,500 real and $3,200 personal. The last will and testament of Nellie J. Spaulding, late of Ilion was admitted to probate, with Alter Hodge and O. B. Rudd of Ilion as executors. The estate is valued at $32,000, of which $30,000 is in personal property. Decree was entered settling the estates of Henry J. Cramer, Martha A. Phillips and Luther J. Woodruff.


12 Mar 1902 - The personal property of the late Mrs. A. S. Dow will be sold at auction in about two weeks.

Herkimer Democrat
22 Jul 1903


The following business was transacted in Surrogates Court, Saturday and Monday:

Will of Henrietta B. Smith late of Newport was admited to probate with Seymour S. and Samuel H. Bowen as executors. The value of the estate is $2500 real, $2500 personal.

The will of S. Elizabeth Beardslee, late of the town of German Flatts, was admitted to probate with Sarah J. Christman and J. Conklin as executors. The value of the estate was $3000 real and $50 personal.

A decree was entered settling the accounts of Rose McIntyre as administrator of the estate of Peter McIntyre late of Frankfort.

Letters of administration were granted Anna J. Pritchard as administratrix of the estate of Mary James, late of Russia. The estate is valued at $100 personal.

Letters of administration were granted Fred A. Huntley as administrator of the estate of Jennie G. Huntley late of the town of Winfield. Value of the estate $1000 personal.

Letters of administration were granted Margaret Clark as administratrix of the estate of Judith Gallagher, late of Newport. Value of the estate $2000 real, $25 personal.

The 1813 Will of Simon Bidleman (Bidelman) of Manheim NY
contributed by Jennifer Clark

Early Wills of the Joslin Family of Frankfort NY
contributed by Earl E. Joslin Jr.

A newspaper notice: Mrs. Julia Dunham
contributed by Carol Grainger.

Will Receive Over $5,000.00 Each.

Elisha and Benjamin Lyon of this village and Mrs. Caroline Trask of Poland. Mrs. Julia Dunham, a cousin of Minneapolis MN., left large estate. Will stated that balance of her property should be left to nearest relatives. Died about 4 years ago. Will receive portion of estate not provided for in bequest.

Note: Caroline Trask was a sister of Elisha and Benjamin. And this Julia might have been cousin Julia E. Trask, daughter of Caroline Lyon Trask.

1858 Will of William G. Hilts of Herkimer
transcribed by Glen Bender and contributed by Carol Grainger.

1863 Will of George J. Hilts of Herkimer
transcribed by Glen Bender and contributed by Carol Grainger.

Abstract from the will of Amos Rowland
contributed by Carol Grainger.
Carol isn't related to him, doesn't know which LDS film this was on, but contributed this information to assist someone. For the full will, please refer to the Family History Center microfilm, number given. For further information about the family, contact the appropriate local historical societies.

Herkimer County NY recorded the proceding last will & testament of Amos Rowland deceased as a will of real & personal estate together with the ___ taken in the Court of the ___ of the county of Herkimer ___to the said last will & testament which record is here by signed & certified by me pursuant to the provisions of the ___ ___ this 11th day of April 1837.
Robert ____ Surrogate.
[Note: might be Robert Earl.]

Abstract from the will of John Harter
contributed by Carol Grainger.
Carol isn't related to him, doesn't know which LDS film this was on, but contributed this information to assist someone. For the full will, please refer to the Family History Center microfilm, number given. For further information about the family, contact the appropriate local historical societies.

Will abstract of John Harter.
Will, 8 March 1857.
Will proved 17 April 1856.

Mentioned in will:
Wife: Margaret.
Mary Ann, given the village lands known as the old homestead
. Harriet Caswell the wife of William A. Caswell; Margaret Bridenbecker the wife of Jeremiah Bridenbecker.

Also mentions:
Grand daughter: Frances Ann Bridenbecker, the child of Margaret Bridenbecker.

Source: LDS film from wills of Herkimer County, 22-K-329.

Note: John Harter was the son of Lawrence Harter and his second wife Catharina Dachstaeder. He married Margaret Piper and was residing in the Town of Herkimer in the 1850 census.

1. The Mohawk Valley Harters and Allied Families by Marion Kofmehl & Hazel Patrick, pages 4 & 13.
2. Sept 1850 Town of Herkimer census.

Abstract from the will of Catherine Johnson
contributed by Carol Grainger.
Carol isn't related to her, but is posting this information to assist someone. For the full will, please refer to the Family History Center microfilm, number given. For further information about the family, contact the appropriate local historical societies.

Catharine Johnson:
Wills, v. 30 1901-1903 - FHL US/CAN Film [ 846031 ]

Catharine Johnson - will written 1897, proved 8 Jul 1901. Mentions:
nephews Daniel D. Morgan, with mention of Johnson Morgan (relationship not noted).
brother: James M. Dygert.
niece: Margaret M. Spedding.
grandniece: Margaret Catherine Spedding.
also mentioned: Sayer Spedding- a home on my estate during his life time.

Mohawk Village, Herkimer County NY - 15 June 1900.
All below were noted to have been born in NY.

Catherine is noted to have been born Jan 1832, a widow and without any children. She has a farm and it was mortgaged. Living in her household is Sayer Spedding (Aug 1830) married to Margaret (Feb 1843) for 27 years. It is noted that Margaret was the mother of 3 children, with 3 children living. Those children listed were; Margaret C. (Nov 1875) and Frank S. (Jan 1878).

In the houseshold previous to Catherine's lived Daniel Morgan (Jun 1837) and his wife Emma S. (Nov 1852) and their children. Daniel and Emma were married 26 years. It was noted that Emma was the mother of 4 children, with 3 children living. Those children listed in Daniel's household were: Marie J. (Jun 1875), Samuel (Jun 1878) and Johnson (Dec 1885).

1901 Will of Catherine/Katherine Hilts of Herkimer
transcribed by Glen Bender and contributed by Carol Grainger.

1873 Will & Estate Papers of George G. Hilts
contributed by Jeanne Kline.

1855 Will of John N. Hilts of Herkimer
transcribed by Glen Bender and contributed by Carol Grainger.

Probate Notice of Nicholas E. Devereux's estate
contributed by Rick White.
Rick's not related to the family but thought that this newspaper notice might assist someone.

The following item is from The Utica Observer Dispatch, February 3, 1928.

Will of the Late Nicholas Devereux Filed for Probate

Will of the late Nicholas E. Devereux Sr., prominent in the textile industry here for several years, was filed for probate to day in Surrogates Court.

The amount of the estate was said to be undetermined.

Mr. Devereux's entire estate is left to his widow, Mary McMahon Devereux, and three sons, Nicholas E. Jr., John C. and Ramsay Devereux. The will was made Oct. 15, 1921, and witnessed by John Miller, New Hartford, and James D. Judson, Utica.

Disposal of $10,000 for a purpose named in a sealed envelope is asked in the will but the request is not made mandatory.

1854 Charles Garlock Estate Final Decree of Herkimer
contributed by Ron Reid.

1901 Will of Mary E. Kenyon of Little Falls
contributed by Ron Reid.

Mary E. Kenyon Estate Appraisal of Little Falls
contributed by Ron Reid.

1874 Will of Maxson L. Kinyon of Little Falls
contributed by Ron Reid.

1877 Maxson L. Kinyon Proof of Will of Little Falls
contributed by Ron Reid.

1841 Will of Ebenezer Thayer of Winfield
contributed by Ron Reid.

1841 Newspaper Probate Notice of Ebenezer Thayer of Winfield
contributed by Ron Reid.

1895 Benjamin E. Bushnell Estate Final Account of Little Falls
contributed by Ron Reid.

1895 Benjamin E. Bushnell Surety Petition of Little Falls
contributed by Ron Reid.

1894 Benjamin E. Bushnell Proof of Will of Little Falls
contributed by Ron Reid.

1831 George A. House / Samuel Kenyon Deed of Danube
contributed by Ron Reid.

1828 James B. Kinyon / William Reynolds Deed of Newport
contributed by Ron Reid.

1827 John Thomas / James B. Kinyon Deed of Newport
contributed by Ron Reid.

1817 Arnold / Kinyon et al. Deed of Newport
contributed by Ron Reid.

1890 Estate Notices from the Herkimer Evening Democrat
contributed by Lisa Slaski.

1887 Probate of David L. Bly of Norway
contributed by Paula Pitts.

Miscellaneous Abstracted Names, Herkimer County Letters of Adminstration
contributed by Ron Reid.

1830 Will of Benjamin Cahoon of Fairfield
contributed by Valerie McIntosh.

1902 Will of Matthew C. Rider of Litchfield
contributed by Al White.

1904 Will of Holmes Rider of Frankfort
contributed by Al White.

1905 Will of Theressa D. Rider of Winfield
contributed by Al White.

1867 Will of Eveline M. Rider of Litchfield
contributed by Al White.

1878 Will of Mary Rider of the Town of Litchfield
contributed by Al White.

Will of Eseck Brown of Newport
contributed by Nan Sicotte.

Will of John Demuth of Herkimer
contributed by Floyd & Kathy Cmela.

Wills of Valentine & Catherine Steinmuller of Manheim
contributed by Betsy Voorhees

Will of Mary Golden of Little Falls
contributed by Floyd & Kathy Cmela.

Will of Ichabod Brown of Herkimer
contributed by Betsy Voorhees.

Will of George Golden of Herkimer
contributed by Floyd Cmela.

Will of Benjamin Harrington of Winfield
contributed by Michael J. Miller.

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Last Updated: 10/7/17
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