The Winfield Star Death Index
Part 2, Surnames G - O

Prepared and Contributed by Kathy Huxtable

This extraction of death notices is from a collection of newspapers printed in West Winfield and was done in 1995 by two students. A few issues of the Madison Leader from Morrisville are also included. The period covered ranges from 1860 to 1952. However, issues from the early years were very sparse, and overall many years are not even represented.

Since West Winfield is located in the southwest corner of Herkimer County, its newspaper's readership is drawn not only from the community, but also from the neighboring counties of Madison, Oneida and Otsego, as well as other towns in Herkimer County. Many of the names found here include residents of these areas. The original newspapers are in fragile condition and not available for further research at this time. Our thanks to the individual who has allowed us to share this information with the public. The index was prepared by Kathy Huxtable, Town of Columbia Page Coordinator.

NameBirthDeathFuneralLocationIssue DateNotes
Gage, William C.18791947 Unadilla Forks1/24/1947 
Galbraith, James19031939 Utica3/31/1939 
Gallup, J.D. 12/28/1930 Brewster1/2/1931 
Galusha, Charles18561913 Richfield Springs1/10/1913 
Gardener, Leslie18401920 West Burlington2/13/1920 
Gardener, Mrs. Porter18501938 Plymouth4/1/1938 
Gates, Clara B.18711950 Bridgewater11/10/1950 
Gates, Henry P. 9/24/1894 West Winfield10/4/1894 
Gates, John  7/7/1951Utica7/6/1951 
Gates, Wilson B.18601951 West Winfield1116/1951 
Gavin, William18591919 Hamilton10/17/1919 
Gay, John C.18691938 Jordanville10/21/1938 
Gay, Marcella A. 3/17/1938 Miller Mills3/18/1938 
Gaylor, Mrs. Seth18901937 Cooperstown10/15/1937suicide
Gaylord, Lena   Maywood, IL10/29/1937 
Gaylord, Mrs. Chester18281893 Litchfield12/7/1893 
Gee, Kenneth19101919 Frankfort1/3/1919 
Geer, Emmett18741924 Cooperstown11/7/1924 
Geer, George McKinley 8/6/1941 Bronx8/15/1941 
Geer, Mrs. Melvin18821919 West Exeter2/7/1919 
Genter, Moses18134/13/1860 Mohawk5/3/1860consumption
Gere, Robert19121918 Syracuse3/22/1918 
Getman, Mrs. Alonzo18331919 Albany1/2/1920 
Gibson, Thomas18391920 New Berlin2/27/1920 
Gilbert, Elbert18961935 Cassville4/26/1935 
Giles, D. 7/5/1912 Edmeston7/12/1912 
Gimm, Mary E.18751950 Ilion12/1/1950 
Ginbey, Mr. J.S.18501928 Chepatchet10/26/1928 
Goff, Leslie 5/10/1939 Altamont5/19/1939 
Goldin, Mrs. Nora18771937 Ilion11/19/1937 
Goodenough, Henry 5/5/1888 Brookfield5/11/1888 
Goodheart, Bruce19251950 West Exeter6/2/1950 
Goodier, Clifford M.18881951 Utica5/25/1951 
Goodier, Merton Watson 10/27/1937 Utica/Cedar Lake10/29/1937 
Gordon, Edward 5/27/1892 Frankfort6/3/1892 
Gorton, Alicia18781950 West Winfield10/13/1950 
Grant, Bernard19081938 Lowville1/6/1939 
Graves, Lottie Hecox18741937 Morrisville12/16/1937 
Green, Mrs. Miranda A. C.18081895 West Winfield11/7/1895 
Greene, Fay D.18691938 Bridgewater11/4/1938 
Greenleaf, George18571938 Leonardsville3/18/1938 
Griffith, Clara18601951 Utica2/23/1951 
Griffith, Mrs. Thomas 10/30/1895 Long Island10/31/1895 
Griffith, Mrs. William  6/23/1935Sauquoit6/28/1935 
Griffon, Michael A.19001952 Albany1/25/1952 
Gulbrand, Mrs. C.E.  9/14/1919Hamilton9/19/1919 
Gunson, Benjamin 7/2/1894 Barstow's Corners7/5/1894 
Hackley, John M.18461920 Hartwick2/27/1920 
Hackley, Mrs. Jennie E.18311912 Perkasie, PA1/10/1913 
Hackley. Mrs. 6/22/1927 Hartwick6/24/1927 
Hackney, David G.   Fort Plain2/27/1920 
Hadley, Kernan J.18611938 North Winfield4/1/1938 
Hadley, Rice T.  6/20/1918Litchfield6/21/1918 
Hagadorn, Pvt. Harry192519518/26/1951Korea2/16/1951 
Haggerdon, Sylvester18491919 Miller Mills1/10/1919 
Haggerty, Frank18671938 Utica5/6/1938 
Hanley, Raymond18691925 Oneonta10/2/1925 
Hannahs, Chief Robert K. 4/28/1938 Richfield Springs5/6/1938 
Hansen, Earl 12/10/1948 Grandview, WA12/24/1948 
Hanson, James 11/24/1938 Sauquoit12/2/1938 
Hanson, Minnie 2/28/1950 Clayville3/10/1950 
Hardenburg, J.J. 1/26/1888 Little Falls2/3/1888 
Harrig Fred18761938 Kenwood2/18/1938drowned
Harrington, John U.18401910 Oneonta10/28/1910 
Harris, William18471903 Ilion6/25/1903 
Harris, William19011925 Ilion2/6/1925 
Harrison, Mrs. T.E.18391893 Paw Paw, MI9/28/1893 
Hartwick, Joe18431924 Bath12/5/1924 
Harvey, female childae 2 da.3/17/1918  3/22/1918dau/Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Harvey
Harwick, Mrs. Charles19021950 Richfield Springs12/22/1950 
Haven, Albert F. 11/4/1937 Sauquoit11/12/1937 
Haven, Austin 10/20/1937 Sauquoit10/29/1937 
Hawes, Mrs. Edwin E. 8/27/1951 Utica8/31/1951 
Hawkes, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth18621936 Mohawk8/21/1936 
Hawkins, Mrs. Andrew18171895 Edmeston11/14/1895 
Hayes, Willis Martin18461938 Chepatchet3/25/1938 
Hayward, Harry R.  6/13/1920New Berlin6/18/1920 
Heath, Edwin18891951 Utica4/27/1951 
Heath, Mrs. Edwin18861950 Utica12/22/1950 
Heatherington, Mrs. Daisy18811938 Cherry Valley10/21/1938 
Heidal, William18801951 Schenectady8/31/1951 
Heidel, Mrs. William18801937 Leonardsville12/24/1937 
Hemingway, William W.18251921 Binghamton1/14/1921 
Hendrix, Margaret 6/24/1914 West Winfield7/3/1914 
Hibbard, Cora18741950 Utica12/29/1950 
Hibbard, Edward L.18351898 Cedar Lake6/23/1898 
Hickling, Grover C.18941935 Edmeston6/7/1935 
Hill, Addison18851939 North Norwich3/3/1939 
Hinckley, G.W. 8/12/1892 Leonardsville8/18/1892 
Hines, James D.18841951 West Winfield4/9/1951 
Histed, Mrs. Charles  6/16/1920North Winfield6/18/1920 
Hitchings, Daniel 11/28/1888 East Winfield12/6/1888 
Hitchings, Owen 9/17/1889 Chepatchet9/19/1889 
Hitchings, William T.18191904 East Winfield6/30/1904 
Hiteman, Henry18481919 West Winfield2/7/1919 
Hobday, Dr. Edward James18681918 West Winfield4/19/1918 
Hoffman, Mrs. Luly  1/4/1921Utica1/14/1921 
Hollis, Arthur   Rome1/21/1927 
Holmes, Dr. Harold B.18884/12/1938 Boston, MA4/15/1938 
Holmes, Herbert18691934 West Winfield12/7/1934 
Holmes, Mrs. Bertha18731892 West Winfield4/15/1892 
Hopkins, Mrs. Weltha  3/21/1918 3/22/1918 
Hoppkins, Lucy18471921 Leonardsville1/14/1921 
Horner, Emma T.18481928 Ilion11/30/1928 
Hotchkiss, Walter18681923 Cassville7/6/1923 
Houck, Jefferson18731937 Tully11/12/1937 
House, Flora 4/21/1951 Miller Mills4/27/1951 
House, Jay Stanley19011950 Waterville7/21/1950 
Howard, Mrs. Lizzie18591951 Ithaca11/2/1951 
Howe, Julia Ward18191910 Middletown, RI10/28/1910 
Howland, Mrs. Henry S.18291905 Babcock Hill5/11/1905 
Huddle, Mrs. John S. 6/15/1944 Van Etten6/23/1944 
Huggins, Mr. Charles  11/15/1937Leonardsville11/19/1937 
Hughes, Rev. Henry R. 12/9/1946 Youngstown, OH1/31/1947 
Hugich, Albert 2/27/1939 North Columbia3/3/1939 
Hulbert, Addison18851938 Herkimer4/29/1938 
Hull, Mrs. Gertrude Walker 1/15/1947 Cortland1/17/1947 
Hume, Thomas18621928 Edmeston11/30/1928 
Humphreville, Mrs. Lewis 8/22/1950 Holland Patent9/1/1950 
Huntley, Flora18331925 West Exeter10/2/1925 
Huntley, Mrs. D.C.18431921 West Exeter6/17/1921 
Hutchings, Dr. Richard H. Jr. 12/15/1938 Pawlings, NY12/16/1938 
Huxtable, Arthur Y.18761950 Columbia6/23/1950 
Huxtable, Helen18451938 Melrose, MA12/16/1938 
Hynes, Frank R.18611935 Camden4/26/1935 
Ingersoll, Jonny186211/10/1863 Ilion11/25/1863congestion of brain
Ingram, Mrs. Lawrence19061939 Chenango Forks9/8/1939 
Inman, Ella 8/10/1951 Cassville8/17/1951 
Jackson, Mrs. Margaret18541939 Utica3/3/1939 
Jago, Rev. William H.18651925 Remsen10/2/1925 
Jago, William Hadwin 5/8/1951 Ashland, KY8/24/1951 
Jewel, Mrs. Helen Davenport 12/22/1912 Richfield Springs12/27/1912 
Jewell, Mrs. Niles D.18361917 Richfield Springs10/19/1917 
Johnson, Charles F.18711939 Utica1/20/1939 
Johnson, Charles M.18271904 Clayville9/8/1904 
Johnson, Francis D.18791938 Sauquoit5/13/1938 
Johnson, Ida C. 11/27/1938 West Winfield12/2/1938 
Jones, Anna Jennie18591938 Clinton3/4/1938 
Jones, Annette A.18451938 Sauquoit5/27/1938 
Jones, John A.18461936 West Winfield8/21/1936 
Jones, Joseph18641951 Toronto, Canada8/31/1951 
Jones, Katherine Davis18531927 West Winfield6/24/1927 
Jones, Louis A.18931950 Paterson, NJ6/2/1950 
Jones, Mrs. F.M.C.18441913 West Exeter1/10/1913 
Jones, Mrs. Jennie18771951 Chepatchet9/7/1951 
Jones, Owen P.18921951 West Winfield6/1/1951 
Jones, Richard 12/2/1888 East Winfield12/6/1888 
Jones, Robert R.18421938 Miller Mills6/3/1938 
Jones, Sewell M.18861939 Syracuse4/28/1939 
Jones, Thomas 6/1/1912 Plainfield6/7/1912 
Jones, William18561910 Cedarville8/9/1910 
Jones, William E.19001939 Utica3/31/1939 
Joslin, Miss Minnie18701950 Crane's Corners5/26/1950 
Joslyn, James C. 5/6/1905 Barstow's Corners5/11/1905 
Kane, Michael 9/30/1894 Ilion10/4/1894 
Kantor, Edward19061950 Bridgewater7/14/1950 
Kay, Norman    3/6/1942 
Kayner, Norman  8/14/1914Columbia8/21/1914 
Keehle, Mrs. John19181950 Utica10/6/1950 
Kehoe, Joseph A.18841938 Bridgewater5/20/1938 
Kehoe, Joseph Edward19151950 Bridgewater9/22/1950 
Kehoe, Mary B.18851951 Waterville3/30/1951 
Kelley, Mrs. Anna Phillips  6/12/1918Newark, NJ6/21/1918 
Kelley, Peter J.18451919 West Winfield4/25/1919 
Kellogg, H.D.18361892 Unadilla Forks8/18/1892 
Kelly, M. Agnes 11/3/1950 Utica11/10/1950 
Kennedy, M.F. 11/14/1951 Babcock Hill1116/1951 
Kennedy, Mary Ann18551935 Clayville4/12/1935fire
Kennedy, Thomas J.18741938 West Winfield3/4/1938 
Kenyan, Mrs. Zayda18811938 Brookfield12/31/1938 
Kerwin, Patrick T.18981951 Unadilla Forks12/28/1951 
Keyhoe, Ellen Collins18601919 Bridgewater1/3/1919 
Kilbourn, Giles17762/19/1868 Plainfield2/19/1868 
Kilbridge, Margaret Barry18491938 West Exeter3/18/1938 
King, James18691938 Utica5/20/1938 
Kingsbury, Rev. A.C. 11/22/1893 Redlands, CA12/7/1893 
Kinne, Guy18391921 Richfield Springs7/15/1921 
Kinney, Mary18321912 Utica7/12/1912 
Kinney, Thomas18711889 West Winfield9/19/1889typhoid fever
Klippel, George P.18741935 Cedarville6/28/1935 
Klippel, Mrs. Katherine18421919 Cedarville9/19/1919 
Knight, Mr. Charles  9/22/1950Utica9/29/1950 
Knowles, Harry18801892 West Winfield8/18/1892 
Knowles, Lloyd L.18941950 Whitesboro7/7/1950 
Knowles, Mr. Lavern18831919 West Winfield2/7/1919 
Kolb, William 4/4/1951 Crane's Corners4/13/1951 
Lambert, Dr. Sylvester 1/10/1947 Walnut Creek1/17/1947 
Landphere, Mrs. Charles 1/14/1938 Utica1/21/1938 
Laraby, James18651939 West Winfield3/31/1939 
Larrabee, Mrs. Harold19141938 Utica1/28/1938 
Laudmann, Mrs. Mary A.18491918 Richfield Springs6/21/1918 
Lawton, Mrs. A.P.18091893 West Winfield9/28/1893 
Leach, Charles 2/25/1920 West Winfield2/27/1920 
Leach, Mrs. A.A.18491894 North Winfield10/4/1894pneumonia
Lecky, Mary Uraina Holmes18441928 West Winfield11/2/1928 
Ledke, Herman 7/2/1894 Little Falls7/5/1894 
Legas, Frank18751951 West Winfield12/28/1951 
Lehman, Walter J. 7/6/1951 Detroit, MI8/3/1951 
Leonard, Fenwick  7/27/1950West Winfield8/4/1950 
Lewis, Adelbert R. 7/12/1921 Bridgewater7/15/1921 
Lewis, John18781938 Milan, MI4/22/1938 
Lewis, Mrs. Katherine H.18811950 Utica9/15/1950 
Lewis, William  12/11/1948Unadilla Forks12/17/1948 
Lintz, Charles L.18521930 West Winfield12/5/1930 
Lintz, Mrs. Charles18591938 Sherburne4/22/1938 
Loomis, Iola May18671919 Richfield Springs5/23/1919 
Lorimer, David19321935 Washington6/7/1935spotted fever
Loshaw, Kevin19111939 Lowville1/6/1939 
Lumley, Miss Margaret18321938 Frey's Bush3/11/1938 
Mack, Myra18401914 Burlington Flats7/3/1914 
MacNaughton, Mrs. James18621952 Argyle1/25/1952 
Macumber, Leon19091919  2/7/1919 
Main, Martha A18501927 Brookfield4/22/1927 
Mair, William Curtis19231926 Vernon12/3/1926 
Mandeville, Harmon19101928 Saratoga11/30/1928 
Mansfield Phelps, Rose E 4/23/1938 Newport/Richie, FL4/29/1938 
Mariott, Mary Hellen18971919 West Exeter2/7/1919 
Marriott, Frank G.18701948 Litchfield9/17/1948 
Marriott, Homer S.18901950 Clayville6/23/1950 
Marriott, R. Elmer18951952 New Hartford2/8/1952 
Marsh, Mrs. ---18171895 Bridgewater11/14/1895 
Martin, Henry  8/14/1914North Winfield8/21/1914 
Mathews, Adilad18321925 Litchfield10/9/1925 
Matterson, Oscar F.18261910 New Berlin4/22/1910 
Matteson, Evelyn19141919 Leonardsville1/3/1919 
Matteson, Mrs. Herman18731938 Unadilla Forks6/3/1938 
Matteson, Mrs. M.R.18751950 West Winfield5/12/1950 
Maxson, Julian Ray19011938 Richfield Springs2/4/1938 
McCabe, Mrs. Charles18971927 Salisbury Center4/22/1927 
McCarthy, Daniel J.18731938 Newport3/25/1938 
McCauley, Mary Ford18511930 New York City2/21/1930 
McCourt, Thomas18051892 Clayville4/15/1892 
McDermott, James18761935 Bridgewater4/26/1935 
McDonald, Rev. W.C. 7/5/1894 West Winfield7/5/1894 
McEwan, Miss Mildred 5/14/1919 Otsego Lake5/23/1919drowned
McGowan, Hon. Archibald C.18171893 Frankfort2/23/1893 
McKoon, Mrs. Ann Crary 1914 Keuka Park9/25/1914 
McLaughlin, Oliver18681938 Sauquoit4/1/1938 
McNamara, Raymond19011939 Allen's Lake4/21/1939 
McNess, Mrs. Sarah Fenny18521938 Sauquoit1/28/1938 
Merril, Cornelia 1891 Stillwater, MN6/4/1891 
Merritt, Mrs. Harry 9/12/1950 Crane's Corners9/22/1950 
Messenger, Rev. James 7/3/1932 Brookfield7/8/1932 
Metzger, Jacob B.18621937 Litchfield12/24/1937 
Mezick, Daniel18881950 Herkimer12/22/1950 
Miller, Charles19111938 Dolgeville12/16/1938 
Miller, H. Thane 12/9/1895 Cincinnati, OH12/26/1895 
Miller, Hester Ann Slaade18401927 West Winfield4/22/1927 
Miller, Howard C.18891950 Baldwinsville11/10/1950 
Miller, Jennie Merle Vosburg18991938 Sauquoit5/6/1938 
Miller, Leo W.19021937 Richfield Springs10/15/1937 
Miller, Mrs. Charles  11/7/1919Brookfield11/14/1919 
Miller, Mrs. Ida 1/28/1938 Sauquoit1/28/1938 
Mills, Jay T.18831938 Plainfield4/15/1938 
Mittledorf, David19131916 Schenevus1/21/1916 
Montgomery, Charles F.  11/3/1938West Winfield11/4/1938 
Moore, Minnie L.18711938 East Winfield5/6/1938 
Moore, Mrs. Merritt K.  11/17/1951Oxford11/23/1951 
Moors, Mary J.18351891 West Winfield6/18/1891 
Moran, Mrs. William Sr.18921951 Utica1/5/1951 
Morey, Newell18361920 Newport2/27/1920 
Morgan, Charles  12/29/1937Sauquoit1/7/1938 
Morgan, Franklin Dewite18421911 West Winfield6/30/1911 
Morgan, Fred  12/12/1937Earlville12/16/1937 
Morgan, Fred J.18571888 West Winfield8/2/1888 
Morgan, Fred R.18831941 West Winfield8/15/1941 
Morgan, Geo. W.18356/17/1887 Cedarville6/24/1887explosion
Morgan, Jennie P. 1/1/1920 West Winfield1/2/1920 
Morgan, Mary Horrigan   Waterville11/2/1928 
Morgan, Mrs Clarence18921937 Sauquoit11/5/1937 
Morgan, Mrs. Abigail18191904 West Winfield6/30/1904 
Morgan, Solomon18191890 New Berlin6/16/1890 
Morgan, Taylor W.18161893 West Winfield11/23/1893 
Morris, Deloss W.18851932 Plainfield12/9/1932 
Morris, James P.   Belmont, NC8/10/1951 
Morris, Leslie19101938 Cazenovia1/28/1938 
Morris, Mrs. Richard 12/22/1950 Ilion12/29/1950 
Mortis, John D.1812*1952 Sauquoit2/1/1952*birth year in error
Moss, Elsie19171937 Hudson Falls11/12/1937 
Moyer, Mrs. James18771938 Clayville4/1/1938 
Moyer, Wm. James19281932 Cassville12/9/1932 
Mullen, Hugh J. 12/30/1938 Rome1/6/1939 
Mullen, John D. 1912 West Winfield12/27/1912 
Mulloy, Katherine  7/1/1923Cooperstown7/6/1923 
Mumbulo, Edward18701930 Edmeston12/5/1930 
Mumbulo, Mrs. Fred18861950 Unadilla Forks10/27/1950 
Mumbulo, Mrs. Harold18901938 Utica2/4/1938 
Murphy, Mrs. Elizabeth L.18601952 Richfield Springs2/1/1952 
Murphy, Timothy 6/13/1920 Little Falls6/18/1920 
Murray, Minnie Miller18701919 West Winfield4/25/1919 
Murry, Thomas 10/19/1937 Sauquoit10/29/1937 
Myers, John18661935 Brookfield7/26/1935 
Myers, Matt M.18601928 Unadilla Forks11/2/1928 
Myers, Mrs. Sarah Uttley18271899 Unadilla Forks6/29/1899 
Myers, Mrs. Sophronia18171892 Cedarville9/8/1892 
Nance, John C.19001937 Morton's Gap, KY10/15/1937 
Nelson, Elizabeth M.19271939 Lyons Falls1/20/1939 
Nelson, Mabel Holman18791939 Hudson Falls1/27/1939 
Newell, Mrs. George  10/6/1937Sauquoit10/15/1937 
Nichols, Elizabeth M.18421928 West Winfield3/16/1928 
Nichols, Henry   Norway12/5/1924 
Noble, Clinton18771952 Utica2/8/1952 
Norman, Donald19401950 New Berlin4/28/1950 
Norman, William19441950 New Berlin4/28/1950 
Norton, Charles Gage18491919 Litchfield11/14/1919 
O'Brien, Anna18651951 West Winfield2/23/1951 
Oliver, John W. 5/2/1938 Yorkville5/6/1938 
Orr, Mrs. Mary Sinnot18711939 Ilion1/27/1939 
Osterhout, Francis19211921 Richfield Springs7/15/1921 
O'Toole, Peter18331910 Plainfield8/9/1910 
Owen, Catherine18671950 Utica5/26/1950 
Owens, Beecher W.18721951 Richfield Springs4/27/1951 
Owens, Demarest18981939 Nebia, PA1/20/1939 
Owens, Fred R. 11/1/1938 North Winfield11/11/1938 
Owens, Hugh Robert18501938 Utica12/2/1938 
Owens, Mary Ann18451935 South Ardmore, PA4/12/1935 
Owens, Mrs. Earl D.19041950 West Winfield4/14/1950 
Owens, Mrs. Katherine18621951 Utica12/28/1951 
Owens, Mrs. Owen18711950 Sauquoit9/15/1950 
Owens, Mrs. William C.   Great Neck6/23/1950 

Surnames A - F

Surnames P - Z

All names are as spelled in the original newspapers. Due to fragile condition, the original issues aren't available for lookups or further handling. For further information about anyone listed, please contact the appropriate local historical societies and libraries.

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Created: 3/14/05
Updated: 4/14/05
Copyright © 2005 Kathy Huxtable
All Rights Reserved.
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