Short Biographical NotesEminent Residents of Herkimer County, NYContributed by Joanne Murray Source: American Biographical Notes: Being Short Notices of Deceased Persons, Chiefly Those Not Included in Allen's or Drake's Biographical Dictionary, by Franklin Benjamin Hough. Albany, NY: Joel Munsell. 1875. ALFRED, ASAHEL, rev. soldier, settled in Columbia, Herkimer co., N.Y., in 1791, from Ct.; d. June, 1853, a. 93; was in the battle of Monmouth, and taken prisoner at the Cedars in Canada and encountered many perils. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 890.) AYRES, STEPHEN, b. at Braintree, Mass., Feb. 16, 1770; came with his father Jabez, to Salisbury, N.Y., in 1792; settled that year in Fairfield, N.Y.; in 1836 he was in the assembly; d. Sept. 17, 1850, a. 81. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 294.) BEARDSLEE, JOHN, b. in Sharon, Ct., Nov., 1759; left in 1781; tarried for a time in Sheffield, Mass., and in Vt.; built a bridge at Schatlocke, N.Y., a church at Schoharie, then settled in Whitestown; finally settled at Manheim, N. Y., and became extensively engaged in Central N. Y., as a bridge builder, millwright and architect; d. Oct. 3, 1825. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 435.) BELL, GEORGE HENRY, m. a sister of Gen. Herkimer, and was a prominent man in the Mohawk valley before the rev.; he was a capt. in the battle of Oriskany and a wound there received disabled him for life; his two sons Joseph and Nicholas were in the battle; the former was killed and the latter fled; he was many years a justice of the peace, and lived on Fall hill, Herkimer county. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 131.) BELLINGER, CHRISTOPHER, b. at German Flats, was a wealthy farmer, held several town offices many years; in May, 1812, as col. of militia he was sent to Sackets Harbor, and commanded that post several months; in 1814 was again upon the frontiers as col.; in 1810, 11, 14, 22, 24, was in assembly; in politics he was a Jeff. rep. and later a bucktail; d. about 1839 at Little Falls, at an advanced age. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 134.) BELLINGER, FREDERICK, merchant in Herkimer co., N.Y., and in assembly in 1836; d at Mohawk, German Flats; he was a major of militia. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 139.) BOWEN, BENJAMIN, b. in R. I.; rem. from Newport, R. I., to Fairfield, N. Y., in 1787, and in 1792, to Newport, N.Y., where he built mills; in 1798, was in assembly, and was 5 years a county judge; d. at an advanced age. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 301.) BROWN, STEPHEN W., b. in Williamstown, Mass.; was several years a merchant in Salisbury, N. Y., and about 1830 settled at Little Falls, and became extensively engaged in manufactures; in 1837 he was elected sheriff; d. May 30, 1846, a. 49. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 300.) BUEL, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, son of Roswell B., of Killingworth, Ct., who settled in Fairfield, N. Y., at an early period, and about 1800 began trade; d. in 1813 of an epidemic, a. 86: the son was b. July 14, 1801; conducted a large mercantile business at Fairfield; was elected to the 32d cong., and d. Washington, Jan. 31, 1853, a. 52. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 295 (with portrait). BURCH, ROBERT, b. in Killingly, Ct., Dec. 3, 1761; rem. to Berkshire co., Mass., and thence to Herkimer co., N. Y., where he settled, in Schuyler in 1799; in 1811-12 he was in assem.; d. June 26, 1830, in his 69th year. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 298.) CHAPMAN, DAN., b. in Ct.; settled on the Stone ridge, Herkimer Village, N.Y., as a merchant, but became a lawyer; in March, 1803, was appointed surrogate; removed in 1807; reappointed in 1808, and held 'till Nov., 1816; in 1820, he removed to Oneida co.; returned to Herkimer, and finally to Montgomery, where he d. at an advanced age; he was a subaltern officer in the revolution. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 302.) COOK, ATWATER, b. in Salisbury, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1795 was among the first in his section to turn attention to dairying; in 1831 and 1839 he was in assembly; he d. Feb. 14, 1853, at his home in Salisbury. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 303.) COOK, WILLIAM H., settled in Norway, N. Y., in 1792, from Dutchess co.; became a farmer and merchant; was sheriff of Herkimer co. from 1802 to 1806, and in 1807; he was in the battle of Tippecanoe, Nov. 6, 1811, and d. at Vincennes, Ind. (Boston's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 305.) CRAIN, DR. RUFUS, b. in Western, Worcester co., Mass.; studied with Dr. Ross of Colerain and settled in 1790 at Warren, N. Y., and acquired a large practice; he became a judge of the county court in 1817, and held several years; in 1828 he was a presidential elector; he d. in Warren, Sept. 18, 1846, at an advanced age. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 805) DAY, DR. HORACE B., b. in West Schuyler, Herkimer co., January, 1819, graduated at Albany Medical College in 1844, and began practice of medicine. In 1849 he removed to Utica, where he pursued his profession until his death Aug. 23d, 1870. DE WITT, MOSES, b. in Deerpark, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1766, was a pioneer and prominent settler of Onondaga co., N. Y., a surveyor, and at the time of his death one of the most considerable landed proprietors of western New York; was surrogate of Herkimer co., and afterwards of Onondaga co.; many years a justice of the peace, judge of the county courts, and a prominent officer of militia; d. near Jamesville, Onondaga co., Aug. 15, 1794, a. 28. (Clarke's Onondaga, it, 230.) DOOLITTLE, DR. A. F., of Herkimer, N. Y.; d. 1872. DOOLITTLE, CHARLES H., b. in Herkimer, 1816, educated at Fairfield Academy, and at Amherst College, where he was graduated; studied law with Mr. Ford at Little Falls, and afterwards with Denio and Hunt at Utica, and was admitted to practice in 1839; in 1869, after thirty years of active duty as a practitioner at the bar, he was chosen justice of the Supreme Court; he was a learned lawyer and an excellent judge; in May 1874, he was lost at sea on his way to Europe. DOOLITTLE, HARVEY W., M. D., b. in 1789, reared at German Flats, N. Y.; and began practice in 1809, at Herkimer village; he was a member of the state med. soc.; d. in 1853. (Tr. N. Y. St. Med. Soc., 1854, p. 92.) ELLISON, HENRY, settled from N. E., in Herkimer, N.Y., several miles north of the village; was many years engaged in farming and tanning, and in 1.836 was a presidential elector; he d. about 1850. (Benton' s Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 308.) FEETER, WILLIAM, b. at Stone Arabia, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1756; was a soldier of the revolution and served in Tryon co.; he was afterwards col. of militia, settled in Glen's Purchase, Little Falls, N. Y., and d. May 5, 1844, a. 88. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 420). FORD, SIMEON, settled in Herkimer co., from Berkshire co., Mass., before 1797, as a lawyer, and some years partner of Gaylord Griswold; he became dist. atty., June 10, 1818, and held till May, 1823, and again in 1836; in 1821, and 1822 he was in assembly; in 1824 he was appointed engineer at the Syracuse Salt Springs and held till 1826; lived 5 y. in Rochester, returned to Herkimer in 1832, and in 1836 settled in Cleveland, O.; he was prosecuting attorney from this time till his death, Oct. 12, 1839, a. 63. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 311.) FOX, JABEZ, removed from Ct. to Herk. co., N. Y., about 1810; was admitted to the bar Jan. 1813; settled in Herkimer and then at Little Falls where he was elected co. clerk in 1822, for 3 years; he d. at Herkimer, Jan. 1825, a. 35. FRANK, JOHN., son of Conrad F., a patentee of Staley's 3d tract in Herkimer co.; he was many years a judge of the Herkimer co. court, served actively in the revolution and d. in German Flats, about 1836, in old age; his house was nearly opposite Herkimer village near Ft. Herkimer. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 309.) GOLDEN, DAVID V. W., b. in Beekmantown, N.Y.; in 1792 removed to Niskayuna, N. Y., as a merchant, and in 1798 settled in Columbia, Herk. Co., N.Y., where he traded till his death, Feb. 11, 1814, a. 41; he was several years a county judge. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N.Y., p. 314.) GOODRICH, REV. CHAUNCEY ENOCH, son of Dr. Enoch Goodrich; he was b. near Troy, N.Y., Sept 19, 1801; he graduated at Union College in Coll a in 1825, and at Princetown Theological Seminary in 1828. He held pastorates in Salisbury, Herkimer co. in Butternuts and Fly Creek, Otsego County, and again in Herkimer county, at Winfield. Removing to Utica with broken health in 1841 he became a market gardener; for sixteen years he devoted himself to the improvement of the potato, renewing the seed with tubers obtained from Chili, and thus producing several new and valuable varieties; he furnished for different agricultural journals as many as one hundred and thirty papers on various topics. For the last nineteen years of his life he acted also as chaplain of the N.Y. State Lunatic Asylum; his death took place May 11, 1864. GRAVES, JOHN. b. in Dutchess co., N.Y.; removed to Russia, N.Y., in 1795; in 1813 and 1824 he was in assembly; in 1829 he became sheriff of Herkimer co, and held one term; he d. at Gravesville, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1855, a. 76. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 320.) GRISWOLD, ELIHU, b. Aug. 17, 1756; removed from Windsor, Ct., early in the settlement of Herkimer co., N.Y.; he was county clerk from April 6, 1804, to Feb., 1810, and in 1811, was again appointed and held till his death, Jan. 12, 1812, a. 55. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 317.) GRISWOLD, GAYLORD, b. in Windsor, Ct.; settled in Herkimer, N. Y., soon after it was formed, as a lawyer, and was an energetic politician; he was in assembly in 1797 and 1798, and in congress in 1803-5, and d. in Herkimer, March 1, 1809, a. 41, leaving a fine estate. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y.., p. 314.) GRISWOLD, JOAB, b. in Goshen, Ct., June 29, 1769; settled early in Herkimer co.; was an active federalist; was appointed co. clerk in March, 1798, and held 6 y.; the office and records were burned the night before he was to deliver possession to his successor, perhaps by accident. He was a lawyer and farmer, and lived at Herkimer. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y, p. 316.) HACKLEY, AARON, moved from Wallingford, Conn., with the family of his father, Aaron Hackley, to Salisbury, N.Y., in 1795; grad. at Williams Coll., and then studied law, setting up in practice at Herkimer; in 1812 he was county clerk, in 1814-15, in assembly, and in 1818 in congress; in 1828 he was dist. att.; he resided afterward some years at Utica, and for a shorter time in N.Y., where he d. HACKLEY, PHILO M., b. in Wallingford, Ct., Oct., 1776; settled in Salisbury, N.Y., with his father, Aaron H., in 1795, and removed to Herkimer where he became a merchant; he was federal in politics. In 1807 he was surrogate, in 1810 sheriff and in 1820 member of assembly; he resided several years at Little Falls, and went thence to Auburn, N.Y., about 1839; five years after he removed to Allegan, Michigan, where he d. Oct. 24, 1849, a. 73. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N.Y., p. 337.) HADLEY, JAMES, Prof. at Yale Coll.; was b. in Fairfield, Herkimer co., N.Y., March 30, 1821; his father, Dr. James Hadley, was for many years professor of chemistry in the Medical Coll. at Fairfield, and afterward held the same chair in the Medical Coll. at Geneva, N.Y.; he entered in September, 1840, the junior class at Yale, and was grad. in 1842; he continued his studies at the coll., except when for a brief period he acted as tutor in Middlebury Coll., Vermont; and in 1845 joined the Yale Faculty as assistant professor in Greek. In 1851, ex-President Woolsey resigned the professorship of Greek, and Prof. Hadley was appointed to that chair; in 1860, the professor published a Greek Grammar for Schools and Colleges founded on a similar work by Prof. George Curtius, in Germany; and in 1869, an abridgment under the name of Elements of the Greek Language. Prof. Hadley contributed articles to various scientific and literary periodicals, especially to The New Englander. He was an active member of the American Oriental Society, and was the president thereof at the time of his death. Beside his varied linguistic attainments, he was well versed in civil law, and his course of lectures on that subject was included in the curriculum of the Yale Law School, and was also delivered at Harvard; he attained excellence in whatever branch of study he pursued, and possessed wise, discriminating judgment, which gave great weight to his opinions; his private character was pure and amiable, and he was deservedly held in esteem by the faculty and students. He d. in New Haven, Nov. 14, 1872. HALLETT, STEPHEN, b. in Salisbury, N.Y., in 1787; son of Maj. Jonathan H., of the revolution; in 1820 he settled in Fairfield, N.Y., as a merchant; in 1821, he became sheriff of Herkimer, and held till 1826; he d. at Fairfield, Nov. 19, 1827, a. 40. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 336.) HARTMAN, JOHN ADAM, b. in Edenkoben, Germany, Sept. 1743; settled on the Upper Mohawk; served through the revolution; d. April 5, 1836, in his 93d year. He was reputed an inveterate hater and killer of Indians. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 409.) HERKIMER, JOHN, son of George and nephew of Gen. Nicholas H., inherited the general's house estate and held it till about 1814; he was in assembly in 1800-4-6, and several years a judge of Montgomery and Herkimer Cos, his residence having been set off in the town of Danube, in 1817 from the former to the latter. He was a major in Col. Mill's regt. in 1813, and served at the battle of Sackett's Harbor; he was in earlier days a republican and afterwards anti-Clintonian; in 1823-5, he was in congress; he d. in Danube, N. Y., a. 73, leaving no male issue. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 170.) HOLT, DAVID, settled in Herkimer co., in 1805 from Hudson, N. Y., and began printing a paper and continued several years. He was many years P.M. at Herkimer, a collector of direct tax, and a county judge. He published a paper at Herkimer and Little Falls, went to Albany and thence to Wisconsin. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 321.) HOPKINS, HENRY, settled at Herkimer, N. Y., at an early day in trade; became sheriff in 1813, and held 2 years; was in assembly in 1816; he d. Nov., 1827; in politics he was republican. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 339.) HUBBARD, THOMAS HILL, son of Rev. Bela Hubbard of Trinity church, New Haven, Conn., in 1781, and grad. at Yale, in 1799; pursued legal studies with John Woodworth of Troy, and settled about 1804, in Hamilton, N. Y. He was the first surrogate of the county and served from 1806 to 1816. For two years thereafter he was prosecuting attorney of the district, composed of Madison, Oneida and Herkimer counties. In 1821-3 he represented his district in congress. Receiving the appointment of clerk of the court of chancery, he moved to Utica in 1823, and soon after received that of clerk of the supreme court. He was thrice elector of pres. voting for Madison, Polk and Pierce. He d. May 21st, 1827. LANSING, SANDERS, b. in Albany June, 17, 1766; bro. of John L., chief justice; he was educated to the law, and appointed register in chancery; in 1820, he settled at Little Falls, N. Y., in a land agency; was in the state convention of 1821; was a county judge until 1828, and held several other legal officers; he finally settled in Manheim, N. Y., and d. there Sept. 19, 1850, in his 85th year. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 340.) MAHON, JOHN, of Irish birth, settled and married in Herkimer co., N. Y.; was sheriff in 1808-9, in 1811-13, and in 1815-16; from 1817-21 he was engaged in private pursuits, and upon the restoration of the republicans to power became county clerk, from 1821 to 1823, a county judge from 1823 to 1833; d. at Herkimer Oct: 1851, a. 78. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 342.) MANLEY, THOMAS, b. in Dorset, Vt., Aug., 1763, came to Norway, N. Y., in 1789; in assembly in 1800, 1810, and 1821; d. Jan. 21, 1852, a. 89 years, at his home in Norway. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 344.) [p.276] MANN, ABIJAH, b. at Fairfield, Herkimer co., N. Y., Sept. 24, 1793, received an academical education; a teacher, merchant, postmaster and justice of the peace; during the years 1828-30, a member of the legislature, and actively opposed the Chenango canal; from 1833 to 1837 he represented his district in congress, and being placed on a committee to investigate the affairs of the U. S. Bank; when he was denied admission thereto, he forced its officers to admit him by employing men to excavate beneath the walls of the Bank; in 1838 was again a member of the state legislature; removed to Brooklyn, and in 1854 represented Queens co. in the democratic convention; the following year was nominated by the republicans for attorney gen., and in 1857 for the state senate; his death occurred Sept. 6, 1868. MARKELL, JACOB, b. in Schenectady co., N. Y., May 8, 1770; settled at Manheim, and spent his life in farming: was 27 y. a supervisor, many years a co. judge; in 1813-5 in congress; 1820 in state assembly; d. at the home of his son John, in Manheim, Nov. 26, 1852, a. 82; his wife survived 5 mo. having lived with him 62 y. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N Y., p. 336.) MERVINE, CATHARINAR B., son of Admiral M.; b. at Litchfield, Herkimer co., N. Y., Jan. 12, 1805; in Apt., 1861, he enlisted as a private in the 12th reg. N. Y. state vols., and was made adjutant; he next served on the staff of Genl. McQuade, and after the seven days' battle before Richmond, was appointed assist. adj. gen. to Gen. Griffin; d. at City Point, Va., Aug. 17, 1864. MILLS, JOHN, b. in Chatham, N. Y.; settled in Columbia, Herkimer co., N. Y., in 1790; was in assembly in 1800, filled town offices most of his life and d. in 1836, a. 76. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 348.) MYERS, MICHAEL, b. at Auville, N. J., Feb. 1, 1753; served in the revolution and was wounded in the battle of Johnstown in 1781; upon the formation of Herkimer co., he was appointed a judge and justice, and held till 1805; was in assembly in 1790-1-2-3, and in the state senate from 1794 to 1801; he was many years an active politician and concerned in extensive purchases of land from the state; d. at Herkimer, Feb. 17, 1814, a. 61. His son Peter was some years a co. clerk. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 349.) PETRY, DR. WILLIAM revolutionary surgeon; b. near Oppenheim, Germany, Dec. 7, 1733; came to Am. in 1763, having been a surgeon in the Prussian army; was a merchant at Herkimer, N. Y., before and after the revolution; served on committees of safety several years, and was surgeon at Ft. Dayton in 1776-79; in 1782 was appointed surgeon to the levies under Col. Willett, having previously served professionally in various expeditions, and throughout the Mohawk valley as occasion demanded; d. at Herkimer, Aug. 6, 1806, a. 73. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 352.) PLATT, JONAS, a son of Zephaniah Platt, was b. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 30, 1769; studied law with Col. Varick, was admitted to the bar in 1790 and in 1791 settled at Whitesboro, N. Y.; here he was appointed first county clerk of Herkimer and in 1798 of Oneida co.; in 1796 he was chosen to assembly; from 1796 to 1801 was in congress, and from 1810 to 1813 in the state senate; in 1810 ran for governor but was defeated by Tompkins; in 1813 was a member of the council of appointment and Feb. 25, 1814, was appointed justice of the supreme court of New York; in 1821 he was chosen to the state convention from Oneida co.; after the expiration of his term upon the bench of the supreme court, Jan. 29, 1823, he engaged in practice at Utica and afterwards at New York; he d. at Peru, Clinton co., N. Y., Feb. 22, 1834, in his 65th year. (Street's Council of Revision, p. 195.) ROSECRANTS, REV. ABRAHAM, b. and educated in Germany; settled in German Flats, N. Y., about 1754; and labored among the Germans of the Mohawk valley extensively; married a sister of Gen. Herkimer; d. on Fall Hill in the town of Little Falls about the close of the last century, and was buried near his brother, the first German minister of the upper Mohawk; their graves were within the church. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 404.) ROSECRANTS, GEORGE, son of Rev. Abraham R., b. Nov. 15, 1764, on Fall hill near Little Falls, N. Y.; his mother was a sister of Gen. Herkimer; in 1801, he served in the state convention; in 1805, he became co. judge, and held till 1821; in 1812, he was a presidential elector; in 1817-18, he was in assembly; in 1819-20-21-22, in the state senate; d. at the place of his birth, Dec. 21, 1838, a. 74; he had three brothers, Abraham, Joseph and Nicholas. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 355.) SMALL, JACOB, revolutionary partizan, native of Germany; he was a capt. of Tryon Co. militia in the upper Mohawk country, and for some time stationed at Fort Dayton; he resided at Herkimer. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 411.) SMITH, NATHAN, removed from Mass., to Herkimer co., N. Y., in 1790, and opened a store a few miles from Fairfield and afterwards in the village; was in assembly in 1798, 1801, 2; was several years a county judge; was in the senate from 1807 to 1814, and in 1808 was one of the council of appointment; from 1814 to 1821 was first judge of Herkimer co.; d. at Fairfield, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1836, a. 67. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 357.) SNOW, EPHRAIM, removed from Killingworth, Ct., to Herkimer co., N. Y., before 1800, and was sheriff in 1806; he lived and d. in Herkimer village. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 361.) SPINNER, REV. JOHN D., b. at Warback in the electorate of Mentz, Jan. 18, 1768; received a clerical education, and in 1789 was admitted to holy orders in the R. C. church; about 1800 he became a protestant, and soon after m. and removed to America; began clerical duties at Herkimer and German Flats, Sept. 1801, and labored among the Germans of the Mohawk country about 40 years; for a time he taught a high school at Utica; was accustomed to preach both in German and English; d. at Herkimer, N. Y., May 27, 1848 in his 81st year. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 407.) TILLINGHAST, HENRY, son of Benjamin T.; b. in east Greenwich, R. I., May 22, 1772; went to Vt., became a tanner, and settled in Norway, N. Y., in 1792; was an active republican politician, and served in assembly in 1823 and 1835, and was nearly 30 years in succession a supervisor; he was also many years a magistrate; he d. July 29, 1841. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 362.) TODD, DR. STEPHEN, b. in Wallingford, Ct., Dec. 23, 1773; removed to Salisbury, N. Y., in 1792; studied and practiced medicine, and as a firmer was prominent as an early grazier; in 1814 as capt. of militia he was called to the frontiers, and in 1822 served in assembly; d. at Salisbury, N. Y., in 1827, a. 54. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 367.) TOMBLING, DR. ABIJAH, settled in Norway, N. Y., about 1800 as a physician; removed to Herkimer; became a collector of direct tax for U. S., and in 1816 was appointed surrogate; held till April, 1821; d. at Herkimer. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 368.) VAN HORNE, RICHARD, b. in Sussex co., N. J., Nov. 15, 1770; son of Abraham V.; in 1791 he removed to the head of the Otsquaga creek, now known as Van Hornesville, and engaged in trade with his brother Daniel, which became a business of great amount; he was in assembly in 1809, 10, 3, 6; in 1821, he was in the state convention, and voted against the constitution therein adopted; he d. in Van Hornelsville, Stark, Herk. Co., N. Y., March 12, 1823, in his 73d year. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 370.) VARNEY, DR. ALFRED E., of Middleville, Herkimer co., N. Y.; b. Dec. 29, 1807; d. 1871. (Transac. N. Y. State Med. Soc., 1872, p. 357.) VARNEY, EDMUND, b. in Amenia, N. Y., June 6, 1778; son of John V.; settled in Herkimer co. in 1809; was a justice of the peace 25 years; was 5 years a county judge, and many years supervisor, town clerk, &c.; in 1826 was in assembly, and in 1842, 43, 44, 45, in the state senate; d. at Russia, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1847. (Benton's Herkimer Co. N. Y., p. 369.) WATSON, JAMES, b. in Woodbury, Conn., April 6, 1750; fitted for college with Rev. A. R. Robbins; grad. at Yale in 1776, settled in New York city as a merchant; was in assembly in 1794-5-6, and the first of these years speaker; was in the state senate in 1797-8; and U. S. senator from 1798 to 1800; d. May 15, 1806, and buried in Litchfield; he purchased a large tract of very poor land in Lewis and Herkimer counties, which is still partly a wilderness; his son, James Talcott Watson, undertook expensive improvements with barren results. WHARRY, EVANS, b. near Wallkill, N. Y., in 1749; left an orphan at an early age; made several voyages to the West Indies, and became a surveyor; the revolution found him in the prime of life; commanded a company in Montgomery's army in Canada, and served through the war; about 1785-86, settled in Herkimer co., N. Y., surveyed lands many years; was a county judge, and justice a long time; a member of the state convention of 1801; in assembly in 1804-5; d. in Little Falls, April, 1831, a. 82 years. (Benton' s Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 373.) WIDRIG, GEORGE, of Herkimer co., N. Y.; was in assembly from 1801 to 1807, inclusive; in the war of 1812 was major gen. militia, but was not in active service; lived and d. in Frankfort, N. Y. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 377.) WILLOUGHBY, DR. WESTEL, b. in Ct.; resided for a time in Mass., and settled in Norway, N. Y., at an early period; after practicing here for a time, he removed to Newport village; he was about 20 years prof. of midwifery and the diseases of women and children, at the Medical Coll. in Fairfield N. Y.; was in assembly in 1808-9, and in congress in 1815-17; from 1805 to 1821 he was a county judge; in the war of 1812-15, he was in the medical staff of the army at Sackett's Harbor, and elsewhere; d. at Newport, N. Y., in 1844, a. 75. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 378.) WOODRUFF CHAUNCEY, resided in Herkimer, N. Y., was sheriff of Herk. Co., from 1798 to 1802; d. May 10, 1810, a. 41. WOODWORTH, SOLOMON, became lieut. in Col. Harper's regiment of N. Y. levies, May 11, 1780, and March 8, 1781, was appointed 1st lieut. in Col. Fisher's regiment of Tryon Co. militia, in place of Wm. Lard, deserted; with 40 rangers he was stationed at Ft. Dayton (now Herkimer village) and engaged in scouring the wilderness, north of German Flats; he was once taken prisoner and escaped, and at another time defended a block house near Johnstown; leaving Ft. Dayton to reconnoitre on the royal grant he fell into an ambuscade, and was killed 3 miles north of Herkimer village, east of Canada creek, in a deep ravine; a mound of earth marks the spot; this occurred in 1781. (Benton's Herkimer Co., N. Y., p. 92.) WOOSTER, SHERMAN, b. in Danbury, Ct., Feb. 17, 1779; removed to Ballston Spa in 1787, and was apprenticed to a hatter; in 1801 he went to Utica, and in 1804 to Newport, N. Y., where he afterward resided; be was many years a supervisor, justice and judge; in 1821 he was in the state convention; in 1823-4-5-6, in the state senate, and in the passage of the electoral law was one of the 17 senators who voted for its postponement, and incurred a temporary persecution; in 1833 he was in assembly; d. at Newport, N. Y., May 21, 1833, in his 55th year. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 380.) WRIGHT, SAMUEL, removed from Vermont to Russia, N. Y., about 1793; engaged in farming and trade, was in assembly in 1803, 4, 5, 6, 7; his course with regard to the passage of the charter of the Merchant's Bank of N. Y., procured by bribery, closed his political career. (Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 385.) Information about some of these men is already on our site, including our cemetery listings and military articles. For further information, we thank you in advance for directing ALL questions to the local historical societies and libraries, not to the site coordinators. |
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