Herkimer and Montgomery County, NY
Photo Sketches

Listing Surnames and the Towns and Villages They Lived In

This Mirror List Was Kindly Provided by Darci's Place of Origins

ABEL Family Line of Glen
ADAMS, Henry S.
ADAMS, Sanford S. of Litchfield
ALDRIDGE, James Lyon of Little Falls
ALLEN, David K. of Herkimer
ALTER, Norman Berton of Minden
AUSTIN, George of Frankfort

BAILEY Family of Little Falls
BARBOUR Family of Canajoharie
BARNES, William W. of Canajoharie
BARNEY Family of Minaville
BAUDER Family of Fort Plain
BEARDSLEE, Guy Roosevelt of Nelliston
BECKER, Frank F. of Herkimer
BELLINGER, Harry Campbell of Little Falls
BEST, John of German Flats and Herkimer
BLOOD Family of Amsterdam, Florida and Glen
BOOTH, John R. of Fonda
BRANCH, L. W. of Herkimer
BRECKWOLDT, William Adison of Dolgeville
BRONNER, Myron G. of Start and St. Johnsville
BROWER Family of Fort Plain
BROWN, Frank Edward of Dolgeville and Salisbury
BROWN, James Raymond of Dolgeville and Salisbury
BUDLONG, Charles of Frankfort
BUHRMASTER Family of Florida and Glen
BURRELL Line of Salisbury
BURTCH, A. Howard of Fonda
BYERS, James H. of Mohawk

CARR, Lewis Eleazer of Salisbury
CASEY, James I. of Mohawk
CHAPMAN, Byron Eaton of Little Falls
CLEMENT Family of Glen and Root
CLUTE, John of Charleston
COLLINS, Edward Erastus of Newport
CONABLE, Oscar Fred of Glen and Root
COOK, George Crouse of Fort Plain
COULSON, Albert W. of Ilion
COUNTRYMAN, Edwin of Canajoharie, Fort Plain and Freysbush
CRAMER, Charles N. of Dolgeville, Little Falls and Minden
CRANDALL, Charles Henry of Amsterdam, Ilion and Warren
CROUSE Family of Fort Plain

DAVIS, Erastus Corning of Fonda, Glen and Mohawk
DAVIS Family of Caughnawaga, Fonda
DEAN, Luther I. of Amsterdam
DEGRAFF Family of Amsterdam
DeGRAFF, Howard Alfred
DESMOND, Thomas of Little Falls
DEVENDORF, Irving R. of Danube, Fairfield and Fort Plain
DEVOE Family of Canajoharie
DIEVENDORF Family of Herkimer and Montgomery County
DIEVENDORFF, Jacob and William of Currytown and Root
DILLENBACK Family of Stone Arabia
DINEHART, Delbert of Charlestown
DINGMAN, James, E. of Little Falls
DOCKSTADER, Harry Helmer of Fonda and German Flatts
DONALDSON, Raymond Arthur of Fultonville
DOPP, Harry R. of Freysbush and Rural Grove
DUFFY, George of Fort Plain
DYGERT Family of Canajaharie and Fort Plain

EARL, William Petry of Little Falls
EDWARDS, Edward of Amsterdam
EDWARDS Family - Wm. & John of Glen
EDWARDS, Frank of Glen and Root
EDWARDS, Jacob Saunders Glen of Glen
EHLE, Daniel of Canajoharie, Nelliston and Palatine
EHLE, Frank and John of Canajoharie and Minden
EHLE, Leeta Lewis of Canajoharie and German Flatts
ELWOOD, Emery of Minden and St. Johnsville
ELWOOD Family of Minden, Florida, St. Johnsville

FAILING, John of Currytown, Danube, Minden, Stone Arabia
FAULKNOR Family of Amsterdam, Glen and Minden
FEETER, Silas Stewart of Fort Plain and Little Falls
FERGUSON, James W. of Amsterdam
FERRELL, Byron of Herkimer Co., including military mentions
FINNEGAN, Barnard of Montgomery County
FISHER Family of Charleston, Glen and Herkimer
FONDA, Douw Henry of Canajoharie, Fonda
FONDA Family
FOX Family of Fort Plain and Palatine
FRENCH, Salphronius H. of Amsterdam
FREY, Samuel Ludlow of Palatine Bridge

GAGE, Walter A. of Canajoharie, Fort Plain, Minden
GARDINIER, Irving Roselle of Danube and Little Falls
GARDINIER, William John of Danube and Stone Arabia
GARLOCK, Caroline L. of Ames, Buel and Canajoharie
GARLOCK, Morgan B. of Little Falls
GARLOCK, William D. of of Little Falls, Manheim
GATES, Henry P. of Johnstown
GEORGE, John Anthony of Fonda and Johnstown
GEORTNER, Fred Mechlin of Canajoharie
GETMAN, Addison G. of German Flatts
GORDINIER, John of Fultonville
GREENE Family of Amsterdam
GREENE, Fred Remington of Amsterdam
GREENE, George Griswold of Brocketts Bridge
GREENE, Horace L. of Indian Castle and Little Falls
GREENE, Nelson of Little Falls
GRIEME, Henry C. of Amsterdam

HACKNEY, William C. of Fort Plain and Minden
HAGAR, James L. Jr. of Fort Plain
HAGGART, James of Fonda
HAMMOND, Werdon Frost of Fonda
HANSON, Burton of Montgomery County
HANSON, James Howard of Amsterdam
HANSON Line of Amsterdam, Mohawk
HANSON, William Lotridge of Amsterdam, Tribes Hill
HARTER, Charles of Ilion
HASLETT, Frederick Sternberg of Florida, Fonda, Fort Plain
HAYES, George C. of Manheim and Marcy
HESSLER, Ephraim
HOFFMAN, Roland of Fort Plain
HOWARD, Harry of Amsterdam, Fonda
HUGHES, William W. of Little Falls

JACKSON, John Wagner of Fort Plain
JACKSON, Samuel W. of Palatine
JACOBSON, Milton of Amsterdam and Fonda
JEWETT, Charles of Amsterday and Florida
JEWETT Family - ALLEN Line of Amsterdam
JOHNSTON, Michael B. of Manheim
JONES Family of Amsterdam
JONES, Myron E. of Amsterdam and Burtonsville
JONES, Sheldon Frederick of Danube and Little Falls

KELLER, Delight E. (Ransom) of Dolgeville and Manheim
KELLOGG, George of Amsterdam
KILTS, Winfield Snell of Canajoharie, Stone Arabia
KLEM, Philip George of Herkimer
KNOX Family of Canajoharie
KRETSER, Guy Leslie of Little Falls, Palatine

LANSING Family of Charleston, Glen
LATHERS, Irving Christian of Root and Rural Grove
LEE, Truman
LEONHARDT, Edgar of Fort Plain and Stone Arabia
LIPE Family of Canajoharie and Root
LIPE, Clifford and Willard of Fort Plain
LITTLE Family of Charleston
LONGSHORE Family of Canajoharie
LOOMIS, Rodney O. of German Flatts, Little Falls
LOUCKS, Adam of Montgomery County
LOUCKS, Joel of Palatine and Stone Arabia
LYKE, John J. of Palentine

MABIE, William of Amsterdam
MACWETHY, Lou D. of St. Johnsville
MCMICHAEL Family of Florida and Minaville
MILLER, Albert A. of Danube, Fordsbush, Minden
MILLER - Roof D. of Fort Plain, Freysbush, Minden
MILLER Family of Amsterdam
MOORE, John David of Herkimer
MORGAN, Daniel D. of Ilion and Mohawk
MORRIS, Abram Vrooman of Amsterdam
MOULD, M. H. of Herkimer
MOYER Family of Minden
MOYER, Fayette E. of Canajoharie and Minaville
MURPHY, John A. of Herkimer

NAGLE, Charles J. of Salisbury
NELLIS Family of Palatine
NELSON, Arthur Wemple of Dolgeville and Little Falls
NELSON, Henry Edgar of Canajoharie and Little Falls
NEWTH, Mrs. Addie Dockstader of Fonda
NHARE, David H. of Amsterdam
NIETSCH Family of Amsterdam, Charleston, Florida, Glen

O'CONNOR, George of Fort Plain
OSBORNE, Cyrus of Newport
OSTROM Family of Glen
OWENS, William A. of Danube and Deerfield

PELTON, Frank Edmund of Herkimer and Ilion
PETRIE, William H. of Dolgeville and Manheim
PRENTISS, S. Roy of Poland
PRYNE, Peter of Frankfort
PUTMAN, Abram Victor of Auriesville and Glen

PUTMAN, Simon Wellington of Amsterdam, Fonda, Tribes Hill
QUACKENBUSH, DeWitt Johnson of Fultonville and Glen
QUACKENBUSH, Gilbert Horatio of Ft. Hunter and Glen
QUACKENBUSH, Henry Marcus of Fairfield and Herkimer
QUINLAVIN, Leland P. of Frankfort and Litchfield

RACE, Robert Henry of Herkimer (Gem Knitting Mills)
RASBACH, George O. of Ilion
RASBACH, W. Frank of Little Falls
RATHBUN, Acors of Little Falls
REID Family of Amsterdam and Minaville
RICKARD, John of Fort Plain

SAMMONS, Thomas N. of Canajoharie
SAWYER, Ralph William
SCHUYLER Family of Glen and Root
SCOTT, Charles of Fort Plain and Freysbush
SERVOSS Family of Glen and Florida
SHAVER, L. James of Ames, Canajoharie, Palatine Church
SHELP Family of Amsterdam
SHULER Family of Amsterdam and Florida
SHULTS, Arthur G. of Fort Plain and Palatine
SHULTS, Manly of Fort Plain and Palatine
SHULTS Family of Palatine
SHULTS FAMILY - Johannes I. of Fort Plain, Minden and Palatine
SIMONS-CHASE Family of Little Falls
SIMPSON Family of Fonda
SIMPSON, George Charles of Amsterdam and Fonda
SITTERLY, Laura E. Heroth of Palatine Bridge, Stone Arabia
SLATER, Charles E. of Fort Plain and Glen
SLITER, Edwin L. of Dolgeville
SMALL, Edward of Little Falls (+picture)
SMITH, Arthur William of Amsterdam and Fort Plain
SMITH, Charles of Salisbury
SMITH, David Cady of Minden (+picture)
SMITH, Delano of Herkimer
SMITH Family of Canajoharie
SMITH Family of Glen
SMITH, George D. of Little Falls
SMITH, George I. of Dolgeville, St. Johnsville
SMITH, George Leonardof Little Falls
SNELL Family of Amsterdam, Palatine and
SNELL, Charles B. of Fort Plain
SNELL, James R. of Stone Arabia
SNELL, John Nelson of Freysbush and Palatine
SNELL, Milton of Little Falls and Manheim
SNOW Family of Currytown and Root
SNYDER, Ralph Gordon of Stark and Herkimer
SPENCER, Harry Baum Williams of Canajoharie, Palatine Bridge
SPONABLE Family of Fort Plain
SPONABLE, Fox of Fort Plain and Nelliston
SPRAKER, Benjamin of Canajoharie, Fort Plain
STAFFORD, Walter of Ilion and Little Falls
STALEY Family of Amsterdam and Florida
STARIN Family of German Flatts and Glen
STARK, Joshua of Canajoharie and Mohawk
STEWART, John Knox of Amsterdam
STEWART, Charles of Herkimer
SUGDEN, James Taylor of Amsterdam (+picture)

TILTON, Clara Maude Cook of Palatine Bridge
TIMERMAN, Lincoln A. of Fort Plain
TURNER, Harvey Griswold of Fairfield

VAIL, Thomas of Montgomery County (+picture)
VAN ALSTYNE, Harry Eugene of Fonda, Ilion, Mohawk
VAN BROCKLIN, William Seward of Amsterdam (+picture)
VAN BUREN, Martin of Amsterdam, Glen (+picture)
VAN DUSEN, Lillian Dockstader of Fonda, Mohawk, Palatine
VAN EPPS, Arthur Gardinier of Fultonville, Glen
VAN HORNE Family of Florida and Van Hornesville
VAN WIE Family of Amsterdam, Glen and Palatine Bridge
VAN DERVEER, John Enders of Glen
VANDER VEER, Albert of Root (+picture)
VANDER VEER Family of Florida and Glen
VEDDER, Arthur G. of Fort Plain, Nelliston
VEEDER, Jacob J. of Fonda and Glen
VEEDER, Leland Nelson of Auriesville, Fultonville, Glen
VOORHEES Family of Charleston and Glen
VOORHEES, Harry Putman of Fultonville
VOORHEES, James E. of Amsterdam
VOSBURGH, Edwin of Root (+picture)
VOSBURGH, Jeremiah of Fort Plain and Stone Arabia
VROMAN, Col. John W. of Minden and Herkimer (+picture)
VROOMAN Family of Mohawk

WAGONER, Clifton Eugene of Little Falls
WAIT, Charles Franklin of Amsterdam (+picture)
WAIT Family of Amsterdam
WALDVOGEL, Herbert Jones of Little Falls
WALLIN, Samuel of Amsterdam (+picture)
WALRATH Family of Palatine
WARNICK, Spencer K. of Amsterdam (+picture)
WARREN, Richard De Vene of Ames, Canajoharie, Mohawk
WELLER, Lester M. of Fort Plain and Minden
WEMPLE Family of Fonda
WEMPLE - Jan Barentse Family of Canajoharie and Fonda
WENDELL Family of Fort Plain
WHITCOMB Family of Amsterdam, Fonda and Glen
WHITMAN, Walter Randall of Little Falls
WIETING Family of Fort Plain, Minaville and Primrose Hill
WILSON, Edwin Lansing of Amsterdam (+picture)

YATES, Rynier Van Evera of Van Everaville
YOUNG, Benjamin John of Ilion
YOUNG, Clark L. of Canajoharie, Palatine, Stone Arabia

ZIMMERMAN Family of Canajoharie, Danube, Manheim, Minden
ZOLLER, Jacob of Fords Bush, Little Falls, Minden, Palatine
ZOLLER, John I. of Fords Bush, Little Falls, Minden

Many more famiilies from this region can be found at the following website:

Hudson-Mohawk Valley and Wisconsin Biographies

All With New York Origins - Gathered From Various Sources

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Created: 3/18/05
Updated: 2/2/06
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