Biographical Sketch of John Henry MyersContributed by Joanne Murray Source: Leading Citizens of Clinton and Essex Counties, New York. Boston Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1896. Pages 182-183 John Henry Myers, a native resident of Plattsburg, N.Y., is President of the Iron National Bank of this village and a member of the firm of M.P. Myers & Co., hardware merchants. He was born on August 15, 1834, son of Lawrence and Maria D. Myers. Mr. Myer's paternal grandfather, Joseph Myers, whose father came from Holland, was born in New Jersey. Just prior to the commencement of the Revolutionary struggle he removed to Herkimer, Herkimer County, N.Y., and there spent his remaining days. Lawrence Myers was born during the residence of his parents in Herkimer. In early manhood he located in Whitehall, engaging in mercantile business with his brother, Peter J. H. Myers. In 1828 he came to Plattsburg and opened a store on the north-west corner of Water and Bridge Streets, putting in a complete stock of general merchandise. He was subsequently engaged in the iron and lumber business on the Saranac River, also continuing in trade until his decease in 1872, after a busy life of seventy-three years. The maiden name of his wife was Maria D. Kirtland. She was a native of Granville, Washington County, N.Y., and was a daughter of John and Lucy (Burbank) Kirtland. Mr. And Mrs. Lawrence Myers were the parents of nine children, two of whom died young, namely; Peter, in infancy; and Maggie when seven years old. Seven grew to mature years - Joseph, Lucy, Lawrence, John H., Michael P., Jared K., and William W. John H. Myers received a practical education in the days of his youth, finishing his studies at the Plattsburg Academy, and at the age of seventeen years went into a machine-shop to learn the trade, serving an apprenticeship of two and one-half years. He afterward entered the iron works of his father, which were located on the Saranac River, and at the expiration of a year was so well qualified for the business that he was placed in charge of the establishment, which he superintended for twelve years. Mr. Myers was elected President of the Iron National Bank in 1887, and has since given his entire time to the management of this institution. John H. Myers and Julia R. Lane were married in 1856. Mrs. Myers was born in the city of Troy, N.Y., and is a daughter of Matthew and Maria Lane. The union of Mr. And Mrs. Myers has been blessed by the birth of four children, but one daughter only is now living, Gertrude R. Mr. Myers is a man of recognized worth as a citizen, his business ability being unquestioned and his character irreproachable. In local affairs he takes a genuine interest, and has served with credit and acceptability in various offices. He has represented Plattsburg on the County Board of Supervisors, is now a member of the Village Board of Education, and has succeeded his father as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Plattsburg Academy. He was the first President of the Clinton County Agricultural Society, serving in that position five years. In politics he has always affiliated with the Republican party, and cast his first Presidential vote for John C. Fremont. He is a man of deep religious convictions, and both he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. |
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