Our County and Its People
A Descriptive Work On Oneida County, N.Y.
By Daniel E. Wager, 1896
Family Sketches of Herkimer County, N.Y.
If the Surname has connections to both Montgomery and Herkimer County, NY, then they are listed for each county.
DARROW, NICHOLAS N., was born in the town of Schuyler, Herkimer
county, N.Y., June 12, 1825. He was educated in the schools of that early day,
and has had a variety of occupations, farming, and has also followed the canal
several years. He served in the United States Navy three and a half years, on the
flag ship Independence in the Mediterranean Sea. March 13, 1855, he married
Margaret Raunt, of the town of Vienna, by whom he had one daughter, Mary A., who
died at twenty-two years of age. Mr. Darrow has served as assessor several years,
and is a member of New London Lodge, No. 20, F. & A.M., in which he holds the
office of junior deacon. Mr. Darrow's father, Nicholas N. Darrow, was born in
Schenectady county, N.Y. He married Mary Akin, of his native place, by whom he
had six children. Our subject is the oldest living member of the family. Mr.
Darrow, sr., was in the "patriot war" in Canada, was tried, and never heard of
again. His mother, Mrs. Mary Darrow, died in 1845. Mr. Darrow's grandfather,
Daniel Darrow, served under Washington, in the Revolutionary war. The family on
both sides are of New England stock, of English and German origin. (p. 335-336)*
DAVIS, EUGENE, born in Frankfort, Herkimer county, June 18,
1850, is a son of David W. Davis, a shoemaker, who had previously followed trade
in Utica for a time. David W. married Lydia Stevens, a native of Herkimer county,
who is living in Richfield Springs aged eighty-six. Her father was a soldier in
the war of 1812. Their children were Charles S., of Utica; Harriet (Mrs. Chauncey
Johnson), of Yonkers, N. Y.; Hiel, of Utica; Susan (Mrs. James Castler), of
Richfield Springs; and Eugene, of Utica. Eugene Davis was educated in the
Frankfort public schools and first engaged in various business occupations,
principally in the carting and livery business and hotel keeping in Lexington,
Ky., for several years. In 1881 he came to Utica and engaged in carting, and in
1888 purchased his present livery and sales stable of John Butterfield. He then
combined the livery business and carting on an extensive scale and also extended
the boarding and sales stable enterprise. He is a member of Oriental Lodge, F. &
A. M., Oneida Chapter, R. A. M., Utica Commandery, K. T., the Scottish Rite
bodies, 320, Fort Schuyler Council, R. A., and Fort Schuyler Club. In February,
1882, he married Nellie McKennan, of Utica and they have four children: Chauncey
W., Lillian, George A., and Bessie. (p. 257)*
DAY, HORACE E., was born at West Schuyler, Herkimer county.
N.Y., August 21, 1846, son of Horace H. Day, and was educated in the public
schools and Utica Free Academy. He has been identified with the Utica Opera House
in various capacities since about 1866, when he was placed in charge of the box
office. In 1892 he became lessee and manager of this play house, and has
conducted its affairs successfully, being well sustained by the theatrical public
of the city of Utica. Mr. Day married Kittie M. McKinney, of Utica, and they are
the parents of six children. (p. 144)*
DEWING, W.H., M.D., was born in Litchfield, Herkimer county,
N.Y., June 4, 1858, and was educated in Whitesboro Seminary and Hahnemann Medical
College of Philadelphia from which he was graduated in 1882. In 1885 he settled
in Clayville, where he has since carried on the practice of his profession. Dr.
Dewing is a son of George and Mary (Ball) Dewing, and his grandfather came from
New England to Litchfield about 100 years ago. Dr. Dewing married Olive E. Van
Auken, by whom he has two children: George and Ethel Mary. He is a member of the
Oneida County Homoeopathic Medical Society, and has been president of that
organization. (p. 271)*
DODGE, JESSE E., son of the late Hiram, was born in Graefenberg,
Herkimer county, N. Y., January 4, 1864, and was educated in the public schools
of his native town and of Utica and at the Utica Business College. He was for six
years in the employ of M. M. Northrup, manufacturer of candies, of Utica, and on
February 3, 1885, entered the employ of Newell & Rowe, wholesale and retail
dealers in paints, wall paper, window glass, etc. He remained with them and their
successors, Newell, Rowe & Rathbun, Newell & Rathbun, and J. W. Rathbun as
bookkeeper, until December 1, 1893, when the establishment was destroyed by fire.
Mr. Rathbun died soon afterward, and January 1, 1894, Mr. Dodge formed a
partnership with E. J. Snyder, under the firm name of Dodge & Snyder, purchased
the business, and has since continued with success. (p. 222)*
DOOLITTLE, HON. CHARLES A., was born in Utica September 22,
1849. Hon. Charles H. Doolittle, his father, was a son of Dr. Harvey Doolittle,
of Herkimer, and was born in that village February 19, 1816. He was graduated
from Amherst College in 1836, read law with Simeon Ford, of Little Falls, and
later with Denio & Hunt, of Utica, and was admitted in 1839. He soon became one
of the foremost lawyers in Central New York. In 1869 he was elected a justice of
the Supreme Court and ably filled that office until his death, which occurred at
sea, May 21, 1874. He was a member of the common council of Utica in 1839, 1844,
and 1845, and mayor of the city in 1853. He was also president of the Oneida
County National Bank, a manager of the Utica State Hospital, and a vestryman of
Grace church. He married Miss Julia T. Shearman, of Rochester, N.Y., and their
children living are Hon. Charles A., Mrs. A. Coxe, William S., Julius T., and
Miss Isabel, all of Utica. Charles A. Doolittle was graduated with the degree of
A.B. from Amherst College in 1872 and received the degree of LL.B. from Hamilton
College in 1875, after reading law in Utica with Adams & Swan. He was admitted to
the bar at Syracuse in 1875 and began practice as a member of the firm of Adams,
Swan & Doolittle. He was appointed United States commissioner of jurors by Judge
Blatchford, served as mayor of Utica in 1883 and 1884, and as a director in the
Oneida County Bank and an original director of the American District Telegraph
Company of Utica, now the Central Telephone Company. He was a vestryman of St.
Paul's church, Utica, and is a charter member of Fort Schuyler Club. (p.
DUNHAM, M. EARL, D. D., PH. D., LL.D., son of the Rev. Moses and
Roxana Dunham, and grandson of the Rev. Samuel Dunham, was born February 6, 1826,
in Herkimer county, N.Y. He was kept steadily at school until he was twenty-two
years of age, having prepared for college at Cazenovia Seminary and graduated
from Hamilton College, in Clinton, N.Y., in the class of 1847. Three years later
he took the degree of M. A. in course. After graduating he entered upon the
profession of teaching and pursued it steadily for twelve years, holding the
position of principal in Berlin Academy for four years and in Sauquoit Academy
for eight years. Later in life he was principal of the famous Whitestown Seminary
for three years. He was eminently successful in educational work and won a wide
reputation as a teacher. In 1859 he entered the ministry, being licensed and
ordained by the Presbytery of Utica. For the period of twenty-seven years he held
his connection with the Presbyterian church, holding pastorates in some of the
most prominent church societies and serving twice as delegate to the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. In 1889 he changed his church
relation to the Congregationalists, in which body he was honored with a seat in
the National Council, and is now pastor of the Plymouth Congregational church, of
Utica, N.Y. During the period of his successful ministry he has received from
Union and other universities the degrees of Ph. D., D. D., and LL. D. His life
has been an exceedingly busy one, and in addition to his school and pastoral work
he has occupied the editorial chair for several years as managing and associate
editor of The Temperance Patriot, The Living Issue, and associate editor of The
Temperance Banner, The New York Central News, and other reform papers. His
correspondence with secular, religious and reformatory journals has been
prolific, and many short and continued stories of his have been published in
papers and magazines. He has also written and published two books named
respectively Here and Hereafter, and The Philosophy of Prayer, and is busy
preparing others. Early in life he entered upon reform work, first as a
temperance reformer, and has lectured upon this topic extensively throughout the
State of New York and more or less in neighboring States and Canada. His services
have been in large requisition for special addresses at school conventions and
institutes and other special occasions, as well as at religious gatherings. He
was one of the original movers in the prohibitory sentiment in New York State,
and has been honored by several nominations for State and National offices.
Identified with the Good Templars for years he has held some of the highest
offices in the Grand Worthy Lodge, and has been a member of the Right Worthy
Grand Lodge of the World. He has also held high official positions among the Sons
of Temperance, the Rechabites, and the Templars of Honor. As a presiding officer
he has manifested special ability and has often been elected chairman of State
conventions and other gatherings. He was chairman of the New York State
delegation in the Prohibition convention at Pittsburg, Pa., which put St. John in
nomination for president of the United States. In 1851 he married Miss Harriet U.
Hughston, only daughter of James Hughston, of East Guilford, N.Y., a lady of rare
abilities. She died in 1859, leaving one son, George F., editor of the Utica
Daily Press, trustee of Hamilton College, and one of the managers of the Utica
State Hospital. In 1862 Mr. Dunham married Lydia M. Johnston, only daughter of
David S. Johnston, of Sydney, N.Y., a lady of culture and refinement, who devotes
much of her time and energies to works of reform. Hale and hearty, Mr. Dunham is
still in the forefront of the battle, doing an amount of work before which many a
younger man would shrink. (p. 154-155)*
EATON, MAURICE.--Samuel Eaton was born in Newport, Herkimer
county, N.Y., and afterward moved to Deerfield, where he engaged in farming. He
was a Republican in politics, and was assessor of the town of Deerfield for
several terms. He married Hannah Tanner, of Schuyler, Herkimer county, by whom he
had five children: Morris, a farmer on the homestead, who is a Republican in
politics and is at present assessor of Deerfield; Charles, also a farmer on the
homestead, who is a member of Lodge No. 455, F. & A.M.,; Albert, a carpenter of
Goshen, Ind.; Sherman, a farmer in Herkimer county; and Emma, who married Hugh
Jones, a farmer, of Deerfield, and who died in 1890. Samuel Eaton died March 16,
1894, and his wife died in November, 1891. Elijah Eaton, father of Samuel, came
from Vermont and was a pioneer of Deerfield, where he was a farmer. He married
Hannah Goodrich, of Whitestown. (p. 381)*
EVERETT, CHARLES M., was born in Clinton, N.Y., April 7, 1843,
son of Hiram G. Everett, who was born in Litchfield, Herkimer county, in 1801. He
married Elizabeth Blockstone, who was born in the town of New Hartford, her
father, Edward Blockstone, being among the early settlers of the town, coming
from Connecticut. They had two children: Edward B. and Charles M., the latter the
only surviving one. Charles M. Everett graduated from the law department of
Hamilton College, and was employed in the office of ex-Judge Williams of Clinton
for four years. He then engaged in the wholesale grocery business in Utica and
New York city, but for the last fifteen years has been traveling. He has been
president of the school board, since the organization of the Union school and
academy of Clinton. He married Mary V., daughter of William Groves, who was one
of the two first graduates of the Hamilton College, by whom he has three
children: William G., Edward R., and John Groves. Mr. Everett is a member of
Lodge No. 169, F. & A.M., of Clinton, (p. 297-298)*
FERRIS, TIMOTHY HARVEY, one of the most energetic of the younger
members of the bar of the city of Utica, was born in the town of Russia, Herkimer
county, N.Y., September 4, 1871, son of Charles S. and Gertrude (Terry) Ferris.
He was educated at the district school in Russia and at Prospect village school,
but at the age of fourteen he was compelled to give up his studies on account of
ill health, and worked on his father's farm for a time. During the winter of
1888-89 he took a course in banking and bookkeeping at the Utica Business
College. He taught the district school at Russia for two terms in 1889. In
January, 1890, he commenced the study of law in the office of Charles G. Irish,
where he remained for a year and a half, during a portion of which time he acted
as assistant secretary of the Merchants' & Manufacturers' Exchange. He afterward
pursued his legal studies with Dunmore & Sholes, and was admitted as an attorney
and counselor in February, 1893. The following March Mr. Ferris was taken in as
partner, and the firm became Dunmore, Sholes & Ferris. September 1, 1895, he
organized the N. E. White Company, of Utica, N.Y., wholesale grocers, feed,
grain, and produce dealers, with a capital stock of $25,000, and was made its
president which position he still occupies. His father having died he also
manages the home farm at Russia. Mr. Ferris takes a keen interest in politics,
and was a member of the Democratic County Committee of 1894. In 1895 he ran for
State Senator in the Utica district as an Independent Democrat. He is unmarried.
(p. 92)*
FERRIS, V. SEAMAN, was born in the town of Flushing, Queens
county, N.Y., March 4, 1841. He was partly educated there and afterward in
Brooklyn. In early life he was a clerk, then engaged in the lumber business on
his father's land in Hamilton county for twelve years, afterwards in Herkimer
county for eleven years, and then came to this town. December 28, 1868, he
married Alma J. Miller, formerly of Herkimer county, by whom he had two sons:
Jesse S., a clerk at Verona Station with Hugh H. Miller, a merchant of that
place; and Eugene B., a farmer at home. John M. Ferris, father of V. Seaman, was
born in Westchester county, N.Y., in 1794. He was educated there, and was a boat
owner and a lumberman. He married Elizabeth U. Powell, by whom he had five
children: Anna, George P., John T., V. Seaman, and Esther P. Mr. Ferris died in
1861, and his wife in 1846. Nicholas Miller, father of Mrs. Ferris, was born in
Herkimer county, N.Y., in 1809. He was educated there, and was a sawyer by
occupation. He married Angeline Barker, of his native place, by whom he had nine
children: Peter, Daniel H., John H., Almira, Joseph, Arceolia, Hugh H., and Ellen
M. Mr. Miller died in June, 1864. The ancestry of the family is English and
Dutch. (p. 327-328)*
FOWLER, WILLIAM H. jr., was born at Trenton, Oneida county,
N.Y., June 13, 1830. His father, William H. Fowler, was born at Fairfield, Conn.,
November 8, 1801, and died at Little Falls, N.Y., April 17, 1896. In 1827 he
removed to Trenton, N.Y. In 1832 he moved to Cold Brook, Herkimer county, N.Y.,
where he carried on a furniture and undertaking business for fifty years. In 1829
while in Connecticut he married Mary Ives of New Haven, who was born in 1803, and
died in Cold Brook in December, 1881. William H., jr., was educated in the common
school in Cold Brook, where he lived until twenty-three years of age; from which
place he went to Poland, Herkimer county, and was manager of the Union store, a
position he held for twelve successive years. December 25, 1857, he was married
to Mary M. Slocum, daughter of Sidney Slocum of Cold Brook. In 1866 Mr. Fowler
moved to Trenton, N.Y., where he became associated with Levi Wheaten, under the
firm name of Wheaton & Fowler, dealers in general merchandise, and remained until
1870, when he settled at Oriskany Falls, N.Y., where he has since resided and is
now engaged in the general merchandise trade. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler have three
children: Frank S., born January 31, 1861; Ruth Ives, born March 30, 1866; and
Nettle E., born December 3, 1872. Frank S. is engaged with his father in
business, and October 15, 1884, he married Anna Louisa Root, of Madison, N.Y.
April 19 Ruth Ives married Clifton C. Newell, of Oriskany Falls. Mr. Fowler has
been identified with the Prohibition party for the past ten years. (p. 259)*
FRAME, WILLIAM L., was born in the town of Trenton, N.Y.,
October 25, 1858, son of Solomon and Olive (Wheeler) Frame. Solomon Wheeler came
from Jefferson county about 1838; he married a daughter of Schuyler Wheeler, who
came from Herkimer county about 1800, by whom he had four children: Schuyler,
William L. and two infants, deceased. He was a farmer and actively interested in
town and county affairs and was a member of the M. E. Church. William L. Frame
married Ella, daughter of James Weston, by whom he had four children: George W.,
Reba, Ethel, and Genivra. He is also a farmer and is master of Trenton Grange No.
635 in which he has been very active, having served as lecturer, treasurer,
commercial secretary, etc. (p. 217)*
GAMMEL, GEORGE W., was born in Utica February 22, 1862, and is a
son of Robert Gammel, who was born in Germany April 21, 1822, came to Utica in
1853, and died here February 13, 1895. Robert established the present restaurant
business of his son in 1860. He had come to America in 1848 because of the German
revolution, in which he was an active patriot. He married Emile Baruschkey, who
was born in Germany January 1, 1823, and of their twelve children four are
living, viz: Charles, George W., and Mrs. Will H. Roberts, of Utica, and Robert
W., of Cleveland, Ohio. Charles served for two years in the war of the Rebellion
as a member of the 11th N.Y. Cav. His brother, William, enlisted at the age of
fourteen in Co. H. 146th N. Y. Vols., being the youngest man to enlist from
Oneida county, and was killed at the battle of White Oak Swamp in 1865, after
serving gallantly for two and one half years. George W. Gammel was reared in his
father's business and in 1880 became his partner under the firm name of Robert
Gammel & Son. In 1883 the Senior member retired and since then he has continued
the business alone. He is a member of the Elks, I. O. O. F., Order of Harrugari,
the German Literary Society, the Utica Turn Verein, the Maennechor, and the
German Mutual Benvolent Association. In 1893 he married Phebe, daughter of John
Z. Brown, of Frankfort, N.Y. (p. 351)*
GOODIER, LEWIS EDWARD, was born in the city of Utica, March 23,
1857. His father was Jonathan Goodier, a native of Litchfield, Herkimer county,
whose father, Aaron Goodier, an Englishman, settled there in 1794. His mother was
Clarissa Sill Treadway, a native of Connecticut and descendant of an old
Middletown family. The subject of this sketch attended the public schools of the
city, graduating from the academy in 1873, entered Yale College and received the
baccalaureate degree in 1877. From Hamilton College Law School, he graduated as
Bachelor of Laws in 1878. He was connected with the law firm of Lindsley &
Dunmore from 1878 to September, 1881, when, with David C. Wolcott, he formed the
partnership of Goodier & Wolcott, which conducted a general law practice in the
Parker block and the Arcade until the death of Mr. Wolcott in July, 1895. His
office is now at No. 65 Arcade building. Has never held office and has not been a
candidate except at the charter election of 1886, when he was the nominee of the
Republicans for special city judge, and met defeat with the rest of the city
ticket of his party. He is an enthusiastic national guardsman and has been
connected with the military organizations of the city since 1878, when he joined
the Utica Citizens Corps. He was active in the movement which carried that
organization in the fiftieth year of its existence into the National Guard, as
the Forty-fourth Separate Company of the State troops, in 1887, and has been its
commandant since March, 1888. He served with his company at Buffalo for eight
days during the railroad strike riots in 1892, and has been on several occasions
assigned to the command of battalions of National Guard troops at the Camp of
Instruction maintained by the State at Peekskill. He married Miss Jane Estelle
Northrop in 1882, and has four children: Chester Jennings, Lewis Edward, Mabel
Estelle and Helen Munn. (p. 73)*
GOODIER, WADSWORTH S., was born in Utica, August 13, 1858. He is
a son of Jonathan Goodier, who was born in Litchfield, Herkimer county, N.Y.,
February 6, 1822, came to Utica in 1850, and has since resided there, most of the
time engaged in business as a lumber merchant. The subject of this sketch was
educated in the public schools and academy of Utica, and read law with Burton D.
Hurlburt, of Utica, who was for many years resident attorney of A. T. Stewart &
Co., of New York, who owned and operated the Utica Steam Woolen Mills, at Utica,
and the Washington Mills, in the town of New Hartford, N.Y. He was admitted to
the bar at Rochester, on October 10, 1879, and has since practiced his profession
in Utica. In January, 1881, on the resignation of Mr. Hurlburt as attorney for A.
T. Stewart & Co., Mr. Goodier was appointed to the position by Judge Henry Hilton
of New York, the executor of A. T. Stewart's will, and still serves in that
capacity. He makes a specialty of real estate law. He is a member of Imperial
Council, Royal Arcanum. November 26, 1885, he married Lulu V. Long, daughter of
James H. Long, of Mankato, Minn., and their children are James H., Virginia and
Treadway. (p. 186-187)*
GRIFFITHS, LEWIS G., was born in the town of Russia, Herkimer
county, November 26, 1854, son of William C. and Jane Griffiths, who came from
Wales and settled in Russia, where Mr. Griffiths was employed in the tannery
business. He moved to New Hartford, Stittville, and then to Prospect, where with
his son he engaged in the tannery business, which they followed until his death,
July 31, 1882, at fifty-four years of age. Mr. Griffiths and his son, Lewis G.,
were both members of the Remsen Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 677, Oneida Chapter No.
57. Utica Commandery No.3, and Lewis G. is a 32d degree Mason; also a member of
the I. 0. R. M. No. 221, of Prospect, and I. 0. 0. F., of Trenton, and was
treasurer of the Remsen Lodge, F. & A. M., from 1880 to 1885. After his father's
death he conducted the tannery business until it burned, since which time he has
lived retired. (p. 114)*
HAGEDORN, HENRY, was born in Hamilton county, N.Y. November 15,
1838, son of Henry and Margaret Hagedorn, of Hamilton County. Henry Hagedorn,
Jr., settled in Oneida county with his family about 1880. His wife was Amelia,
daughter of Samuel Colwell, of Herkimer county, and they have one child,
Katherine, who was born in Herkimer county, February 4, 1881. Mr. Hagedorn
started for himself when twenty-one years of age as a carpenter, which business
he followed until 1880, when he purchased the grist and grinding mill at
Prospect, which he has run to the present time. He is a charter member of Lodge
No. 221, I. O. R. M., of Prospect, and is active in lodge work. (p. 13)*
HALEY, HON. CORNELIUS, was born in Little Falls, N.Y., December
20, 1860, and is a son of John and Mary Haley, natives of Ireland; Mr. Haley
still lives in that village; Mrs. Haley died June 2, 1896. He received a public
school education and at the age of eleven entered the woolen mills in Little
Falls where he remained about five years. The family then moved to near
Schuyler's Lake, Otsego county, but two years later returned to Little Falls,
where he again entered the woolen mills. He soon went to New Jersey and learned
the moulders' trade, which he followed for several years. He came to Utica in
1883. In 1890 he was nominated for member of assembly by the Democrats and the
labor organizations of the city and was elected by a handsome majority. He was
re-elected in 1891 and again in 1892, and served in all three terms. During his
first year in the assembly he was a member of the committee on canals, labor,
industries, etc. During the second year he was chairman of the committee on labor
and industries, and a member of the committee on excise and canals. During his
third term he served as a member of the committee on railroads, electricity, gas
and water, and others. He introduced and succeeded in passing a bill making ten
hours a legal day's work on steam surface railroads, and was prominent in other
legislative movements. May 27, 1893, he was appointed by Governor Flower and the
commissioner of labor T. J. Dowling as chief clerk of the Bureau of Statistics
and Labor at Albany, which position he held until April 23, 1896, when he
resigned. He is a prominent member of several labor and other organizations of
Utica. December 28, 1886, he married Elizabeth, daughter of James and Mary
Hannon, of Sharon, Mercer county, Pa., who died October 14, 1892, leaving two
children: Mamie Perpetua and James Bernard. (p. 252-253)*
HALL, HENRY L., was born in Rome, N.Y., September 29, 1846, son
of Luther L. and Patience S. Hall. Luther L. Hall was born in Herkimer county,
N.Y., and both grandfathers on his father's and mother's side were in the
Revolutionary war. Luther L. first settled in Floyd. He was engaged in farming,
and came to Whitestown, N.Y., and bought the family homestead, which has been in
possession of the family for forty-seven years. Henry L. was educated at the
Whitestown Seminary, and then started in the milk business in Utica, and also in
supplying the city with garden vegetables. He has also been engaged in the
grocery business. He is a real estate dealer, and owns the principal business
block in Yorkville, also several farms in the county, and is interested in the
canning factory at Whitesboro. He has always been noted as one of the most active
and leading business men of the township. He married Kate L. Russell, of Jersey
City, by whom he has two children: Henry Russell, and Bertha Alene. (p. 320)*
HAMLIN, EDWARD A., was born in the town of Floyd, Oneida county,
November 28, 1842, son of Joseph S. Hamlin, a native of Connecticut, who was born
July 20, 1810, where he lived until six years of age, moving with his parents to
Holland Patent, N.Y. Joseph S. Hamlin was engaged in farming, and in 1833 married
Delia Willard of Fairfield, Herkimer county, who was born July 25, 1817. Edward
A. received his education at the district school where he lived, and afterwards
completed a course at the Whitestown Seminary. Leaving school at the age of
twenty, he returned to the farm, and continued at that industry until 1867,
living in the mean time at Floyd and Trenton, N.Y. In 1867 he settled at Oriskany
Falls, and with James A. Douglass, as Douglass & Hamlin, conducted a lumber
business; this partnership continued ten years, after which Mr. Hamlin sold his
interest in the business to his partner, and returned to his former occupation,
settling on a farm adjacent to the village, and has continued farming, with the
exception of two years, to the present time. In June, 1895, he, with C.C. Newell
and C.E. Hains, organized the Oriskany Falls Knitting Company, to manufacture
sweaters and knit goods. February 12, 1873, Mr. Hamlin married Georgia A. Newell,
a native of Oriskany Falls, who was born July 22, 1847, by whom he has one son,
Preston N. Hamlin, born October 5, 1875. Mrs. Hamlin acquired her education at
the Oriskany Falls school and Cazenovia Seminary. (p. 283-284)*
HATHAWAY, GILBERT, was born in Herkimer county, N.Y., in 1839,
son of Isaac B. and Rebecca (Higby) Hathaway. He was reared in Lewis county,
N.Y., educated in the common schools, has always followed farming as an
occupation, and since 1870 has resided in Western, on the farm he now owns. His
wife was Margaret, daughter of Jacob and Agatha (Wellman) Wolfe, of Rome, by whom
he had two children living: Levi B. and Herbert H. Mr. Hathaway and wife are
members of the M. E. church, and in politics he is a Republican. (p. 164)*
HICKS, NICHOLAS H., was born in Deerfield, Oneida county, N.Y.,
March 29, 1834, son of George and Elizabeth (Harter) Hicks. George Hicks was a
farmer of Deerfield, and died in 1840, and his wife died in 1884. The maternal
grandfather, Nicholas Harter, came from Herkimer county, and was a pioneer of
Deerfield, settling on the farm now owned by our subject. Nicholas H. Hicks was
educated at the schools of Utica, and has since engaged in farming, now owning
the home farm of fifty acres, and carries on gardening and truck farming. In 1855
he married Adaline, daughter of Van and Rebecca Sweet, deceased, by whom he had
five children: George N., real estate agent at Omaha, Neb.; Frances, who died
when twenty-eight years of age; Herbert D., stenographer, typewriter and real
estate agent at Chicago; Clarence, a farmer of Deerfield; and Mary, who lives at
home. Mr. Hicks is a Democrat in politics, and has been supervisor of his town
for seven years. (p. 214)*
HORTON, GEORGE C., son of James, was born in Sandisfield,
Berkshire county, Mass., July 10, 1843, and moved with his parents to Herkimer,
N.Y., in the spring of 1849. There James Horton was for three years the buyer and
salesman for the Laflin Brothers Paper Company, manufacturers of writing papers.
Leaving them he engaged in the powder business in Frankfort and continued until
his death in 1870. George C. Horton was educated in the public schools of
Herkimer and Frankfort, Whitestown Seminary, and at Hamilton College, teaching
school in the mean while during part of each year for eight successive years. His
school teaching commenced in the fall of 1860. In the spring of 1869 he settled
in Utica and became a member of the firm of Rowley Brothers & Co., which in
January, 1879, was changed to Rowley & Horton. This is the oldest paper firm in
Utica. Mr. Horton is a member and trustee of the Tabernacle Baptist church, and
has been very prominent in the Young Men's Christian Association, serving as one
of the trustees since its organization, as treasurer of the board since February,
1895, as its first secretary, and two years as its president. He was one of its
founders, and has always taken an active interest in its growth and prosperity.
(p. 268)*
JACKSON, B. O., was born in Boonville, Oneida county, N.Y., in
1831, son of Thomas Jackson, of Fairfield, Herkimer county, a descendant of the
old renowned family of Andrew Jackson. His father came here in pioneer times of
1807, and cleared the land where his son now resides. The farm is devoted to
dairying, and contains 240 acres, on which Mr. Jackson erected an elegant modern
residence in 1870. In 1863 he married Nancy C., daughter of Hamilton Rice of
Fairfield, Herkimer county, by whom he had two children: Clara E. and Ward R. (p.
15) *
JACKSON, ISAAC W., was born in Fairfield in 1815, son of William
Jackson and cousin of Andrew Jackson. His boyhood was spent on the large farm of
his father's in Fairfield, where he received his education in the common school
and academy. Mr. Jackson resides on his 400 acre dairy farm, on Jackson Hill,
Boonville, which is adorned with spacious and substantial buildings, including a
model dairy barn, wherein the most modern methods are employed, and which was
erected in 1879 under his personal supervision, In 1838 he married Clarrissa
Ellis, by whom he had four daughters: Almira C., Melissa. I., Frances A., and
Sophronia, wife of Webster Billington, of Bridgeport, N. Y., and the only
daughter who survives her mother, whose death occurred in 1846. Mr. Jackson
afterwards married Phebe A. Smith, by whom he had two sons: Irving and Drew W.,
both of whom are engaged in farming near Boonville. Mr. Jackson is a staunch
Republican, ever since the formation of that party, previously being a Democrat.
He voted for Van Buren in 1836, and has voted at every presidential election
since, covering a period of sixty years. He is an ardent admirer of nature, and
has devoted much time to scientific investigation. (P. 181)*
JACKSON, JOHN T.--John Jackson's father was John Jackson, born
in Boonville in 1830, and died October 9, 1857. His mother, Harriet Pitcher, was
born in Boonville February 13, 1832, and they were married February 24, 1852;
they had two sons; Roscoe N., born July 7, 1856, and John S., born November 8,
1857. His grandfather, John Jackson, of Herkimer, married Hester Neely and came
to Boonville in 1817. She died in September, 1881, and her husband in 1829. Their
children were Abraham, Jerome, Silas, Andrew, John, Jane and Ann. Abraham and
Silas are living in Wisconsin, and the others are dead. Roscoe N. Jackson married
Minnie Withington of Adams, and is now a physician in Faribault, Minn. John S.
Jackson was born in Boonville, November 6, 1857; he has always been engaged in
farming and owns 130 acres which is devoted to dairy products. In 1878 he married
Cora Bell Talcott of Leyden, Lewis county, N.Y.; she was born in Leyden in 1859,
and there lived until her marriage, November 6, 1878. They have three children:
Pearl S., born October 23, 1881; Edith H., born October 1, 1885; Vere T., born
December 23, 1890. (p. 130)*
JACKSON, WALTER D., was born in 1829, son of Thomas Jackson, of
English and Scotch descent, who was born at Fairfield, N.Y. He is a member of the
old pioneer family, whose records can be ascertained as far back as 1747, the
date of the birth of his great-great-grandfather, and whose lineage can be traced
to the celebrated general by that name. Thomas Jackson withheld himself from
political life, and instilled a similar aversion in the minds of his children, of
whom he had nine. W. D. Jackson has always resided in Boonville, and been engaged
in agricultural pursuits, having a farm of 240 acres, and beautiful buildings;
also a large cheese factory which is conducted on his farm. In 1862 he married
Mary Roberts, daughter of Channery Roberts of Leyden, by whom he has two
children: Anna, wife of B. A. Capron the well-known attorney of Boonville, and J.
Will Jackson. (p. 180)*
JAMES, A. WILLARD, was born June 20, 1863, in Utica, as was also
his father, Arthur M., who was a son of Joseph James, who came here from Welsh
Bush, town of Frankfort, and followed his trade of architect and builder, and who
was prominent in church work, being for several years an officer in the
Tabernacle Baptist church. He was educated in the public schools of Utica and
became a clerk of Bradstreet's Commercial agency. In 1883 he accepted a position
as bookkeeper with Henry Hopson, real estate and fire insurance, with whom he has
since remained. Mr. James has been an active Republican, and in 1893 was elected
city assessor of the Tenth ward for two years, being re-elected in November,
1895, for another term. He has been ward and city committeeman several times and
a delegate to several political conventions. He is the official appraiser of real
estate for the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and a member and past
noble grand of Oneida Lodge, No. 70, I. O. O. F., and a member and past chief of
Tri-Mount Encampment, No. 24, I. O. O. F. He is also a trustee of the Odd Fellows
Union. (p. 264)*
JAMES, WILLIAM M., M. D., is a son of David and Clarissa
(Tompkins) James, and was born at North Gage in the town of Deerfield, Oneida
county, May 20, 1839. David James, farmer and brickmaker, was born in New Jersey.
He came when a boy with his mother to this section of the State, and died in
January, 1872, aged sixty-four. His wife died in January, 1880. They had seven
children: Thomas T., who died in 1892; Dr. William M., of Utica; Spencer C., of
Centerville, Iowa; Emeline (Mrs. Douglas J. Pullman), of Centerville, Iowa; Sarah
C.; Charles A., of North Gage, on the homestead; and Harriet A. (Mrs. Hugh Jones)
of Norway, Herkimer county. Dr. James was educated in the district school and in
Whitestown Seminary and prepared for college but abandoned the idea of a
collegiate training to read medicine with Dr. Luther Guiteau, of Trenton, N. Y.
He attended lectures at Albany Medical College and at the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of New York city, from which he was graduated March 13, 1862. He was
a member of the house staff in Bellevue Hospital during the two years following.
While there he also performed the duties of examining surgeon in one of the
provost marshal's offices for about one year. In March, 1864, he accepted and
entered upon the position of surgeon in Lincoln General Hospital in Washington,
where in consequence of poor health, he was compelled to resign and return home.
He then became associated with his old preceptor in Trenton and in September,
1864, entered into partnership with him, continuing two years. In 1866 he came to
Whitesboro and in 1869 opened his present office at 166 Genesee St., Utica, which
he has occupied ever since. While in Bellevue he also took special instruction in
the diseases of the eye under Dr. H. B. Noyes of New York. In Boston in 1869 he
pursued special courses in diseases of the throat. He also took a special course
in the diseases of women under Dr. Horatio R. Storer, the only man then to make a
distinct specialty in giving instruction on the diseases of women in the United
States. Dr. James has probably performed the only operations for the radical cure
of tic-douloureux in this section of the State. He has performed almost every
operation known to surgical science, many of a difficult and intricate character,
and in this respect his hospital experience has proven inestimably valuable. He
has made hundreds of post-mortem examinations, and while in Washington was
detailed specially for this purpose in the military hospital where he served. He
is a member of the Oneida County Medical Society, and has written several
articles on medical subjects. He is also a member of Utica Lodge F. & A. M.,
Oneida Chapter R. A. M., and Utica Commandery, K. T. In April, 1865, he married
Sarah F. Beecher, who died in 1867. He married second in May, 1869, her sister,
Marion E., daughter of Joel Beecher, of Carthage, N.Y. She died in 1877, leaving
three children: Dr. Frederick W., of New York city; Sarah R., of Whitesboro, and
Harry B., of Columbus, O. In March, 1879, he married for his present wife, Miss
Serena Higby, of Whitesboro. (p. 187)*
KENT, BION H., was born in the town of Remsen, in 1857. Silas
Kent, his great-great-grandfather, was born in Connecticut, of Scotch parentage.
John Kent, the great-grandfather, was also born in Connecticut, and came to
Remsen in 1791, where he cleared a farm and kept the first public house in the
town. He married Grace Root, by whom he had six children. Silas Kent, the
grandfather, was born in Connecticut, February, 1787, where he engaged in farming
and was fairly prosperous. He died when thirty-five years of age, leaving a wife
and seven children. Chester G. Kent, father of Bion H., was born in January,
1802, on the farm now owned by his son. He was the oldest of the family of seven
children, and on him depended much of the support of the family; the following
eight years after his father's death the family contracted a store debt of
$101.50, for which he gave his note the year he was eighteen, and paid it in six
months' time, making the money by manufacturing potash. He spent his life
successfully farming, and at the time of his death had acquired 430 acres of
land, all of which he had cleared of the timber. He was twice married: first, to
Almira Sheldon, by whom he had three children; second, to Polly Bly, daughter of
William and Isabella Bly, of Norway, Herkimer county, by whom he had three
children: Silas, Mary J., and Bion H. He died in January, 1887, and his wife died
five days later. Bion H. Kent was educated in the common schools and was
graduated from Eastman's Business College of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. After the death
of his father he purchased the farm and has been largely interested in the dairy
business, having sixty milch cows, and since 1892 has been breeding fine Holstein
cattle. In 1891 he erected a fine cheese factory on his farm which he now
conducts, and from 1890 to 1894 he conducted a stage route from Honnedaga
Station, which is located on his farm, to Honnedaga Lake, for the Adirondack
League Club, of which he is a member. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F.,
Trenton Lodge and Knights of Pythias. In politics he is an active Republican, has
served his town as assessor, and is now serving his second term on the Board of
Supervisors. In 1875 he married Celia A., daughter of Richard Childs, by whom he
had one child, Chester D. His wife died November 7, 1879, and in April, 1892, he
married Margaret Humphrey, daughter of William Humphrey, of the town of Steuben,
by whom had one child, Bion H., jr. (p. 184)*
LEWIS, WILLIAM D., was born in Utica, N.Y., in 1855 son of
Dennis Lewis, a farmer, now of Frankfort, Herkimer county. He graduated from the
Whitestown Seminary in 1875, and began teaching in 1872, while yet a student
there. In 1878 he came to Washington Mills, where he taught, later canvassing for
the Johnson Encyclopedia, also for a life insurance company. In 1884 he engaged
in the mercantile business here, and was very successful. He was elected school
commissioner for the First district of Oneida county in 1887, filling that office
for three years, and proving a most efficient and popular official. In 1891 he
sold out the grocery store, and held the position as bookkeeper one year for the
Lewis & Babcock Tool Co. He is owner of the Fruit Evaporator at Washington Mills,
to which he devotes his attention during the season of operating, and acting as
traveling salesman for a Utica house the remainder of the year. In 1876 he
married Emma E., daughter of Pardon Russell, of Frankfort, Herkimer county, by
whom he had three children: Charles W., and Earl R., now associated with the
evaporator business; and Cora E. (deceased), who died in 1887 at seven years of
age. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity and Odd Fellows. (p. 162)*
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Continue on to Part 3