Vital Records of the Schaufler, Fenner and Related FamiliesContributed by Nancy Fenner Ferko "All were in Herkimer Co. at one time or another but some were Montgomery born or Fulton born. Surnames are Fenner, Schaufler, Filkins, McCaffery, Staring/ Stauring, Moran, etc." Letter from Uncle Wally to Mom Mar. 2, 1988 Hi Sis, Just a few lines - One of the people in the Filkins family sent me this so I am sending it to you and you can give it to Nancy--. Or let her make a copy. It sure is something---- Also got some news from another friend who has been helping me. [Note: for ease in on-line reading, abbreviations and ditto marks have been replaced by full entries.] 1865 Census town of Florida, N.Y. 21 frame 100-21 In the 1870 Census for Florida N.Y. no Constant but she found the following---- Mary Service, age 82 Oswego Daily Times, July 6, 1908 Funeral of John C. Schaufler The Funeral of John C. Schaufler was largely attended from the German Lutheran Church yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Kessler officiated and burial was in Riverside. The bearers were Christie, Albert, Walter and Harlow Schaufler, Fred Bowers and Louis Lemp. Oswego Daily Times, Saturday, July 11, 1908 IN MEMORY OF CHRISTIAN SCHAUFLER Memorial resolutions of the Brotherhood of the German Lutheran St. Paul's church: Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty God to take from our midst our beloved brother, Christian Schaufler, one of the founders of the society. Resolved, That we have lost a faithful and efficient member who had endeared himself to us all by his genial and social disposition and his generous friendship. Resolved, That we shall cherish a loving recollection of his Christian Qualities. Resolved, That we tender our sincere sympathy to his faithful wife, who has lived fifty-two years at his side and to the family who has lost a kind father, grandfather, and great grandfather. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the daily papers and be handed to the bereaved family. Karl Fingerhut, Herkimer Evening Telegraph, December 5, 1918 AMONG MOHAWK'S OLDEST RESIDENTS Mrs. Matilda Maria Schaufler, mother of W.C. Schaufler, whose death occurred at the son's home, Orchard Street, Mohawk, Wednesday afternoon, was among Mohawk's oldest residents, being in the 91st year of her age. Her death was chiefly due to her advanced age. A native of Germany, born in Hamburg, the family came to America 54 years ago. With her late husband, John Christie Schaufler, whom she survived by ten years, she was among the pioneer residents of Oswego where she had resided for a half century. Four years ago she came to Mohawk to take up her residence with her son where death occurred. Deceased was a Christian woman and her active years exemplified her religion in her daily life and devout member of St. Paul's Lutheran church of Oswego. Her mind was active for one of her advanced years and she kept up her interest in world affairs. The span her life had covered twelve wars and depreciating the present world conflict she oft expressed the wish that she might see peace again restored to the world. She was a woman strongly devoted to her home and by her family will be sadly missed, from the home circle. The community extends sympathy to the bereaved members. There survives the son with whom she resided, also a son A.W. Schaufler of Oswego, and a daughter Mrs. Michael Temp of Syracuse. She is also survived by 18 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren. There will be prayers at the home Friday (4 lines unreadable) but it is known that she is buried with her husband in Riverside Cemetery in Oswego, NY. Bearers were foremen of the Elastic Spring Knit Cooperation of Mohawk, being Richard T. Lewis, Victor Smith, Hudson R. Watson, Hiram DuBois, John Wicks, and Alden Miner. Utica Herald Dispatch. Thursday Evening, December 5, 1918 MOHAWK MRS. MATILDA M. SCHAUFLER Death of Beloved Woman Occurred at the Home of Son---Village Items Mohawk. Dec 5- At the home of her son, W.C. Schaufler of Orchard street, yesterday afternoon occurred the death of Matilda Maria Schaufler, widow of John Christie Schaufler. Mrs. Schaufler was in her ninety-first year and had been ill for some time, due to her advanced age. She was born in Hamburg, Germany, and came to America 54 years ago and was one of the pioneers of Oswego. There she lived 50 years and four years ago came to this village to live with her son. Her husband died ten years ago in Oswego. Mrs. Schaufler was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Oswego. She was a woman who kept her interest in world affairs and only a few weeks ago she remarked she had lived through 12 wars and expressed the hope that she would live to see the end of the present war. She was a woman of admirable qualities: She had strong faith in a divine leadership and in her home life. Surviving her besides the son with whom she lived are a son, Albert W. Schaufler of Oswego, and a daughter, Mrs. Apana Lent of Syracuse, and 18 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. Utica Observer Dispatch, August 7, 1923 (Utica, NY newspaper) -------DEATH CLAIMS FINE CITIZEN------ Mohawk, Aug. 7-In the passing of Waldenmar C. Schaufler; which occurred at his home in Orchard Street a 7:40 o'clock last evening. Mohawk loses one of its most prominent and best known citizens. Although Mr. Schaufler had not been in his usual health for several days he went with his family for the weekend to their camp "Wa-kep-ya", at Otter Lake. Sunday night he was taken with severe pains in his chest and at 7:30 yesterday morning accompanied by his wife and other members of the family left for home stopping at the office of Dr. Canfield in Herkimer where he was attended until about 5:30 when he seemed so much better he was brought to his home in Mohawk where in a short time the end came. ---Funeral Thursday The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, the Rev. A.E. Moody of Lowville, his former pastor here, officiating. Friends may call from 7 to 9 Wednesday evening. Interment will be made in Mohawk. Mr. Schaufler was born in the state of Connecticut on July 4, 1863. His parents were the late Christie J. and Matilda Schaufler. When a boy he moved to Oswego, NY where he received his early education in the public schools. His marriage to Miss Almira Filkins, daughter of David Filkins took place in Amsterdam 39 years ago, where they made their home, until coming to Mohawk 10 years ago. Page 2 Waldemar C. Schaufler Obit. While in Amsterdam, Mr. Schaufler became interested in the knit goods business. He was superintendent of the Atlas Knitting Mill of that place and also a director of the Amsterdam Savings Bank. ---Builds Knit Industry On coming to Mohawk, he took over the aspects of the defunct Paragon Knitting Mill Company and then resumed the manufacture of knit goods under the name of the Elastic Springknit Corperation. The mill is now one of Mohawk's most thriving industries, the site of the original mill having doubled under Mr. Schaufler's regime. Though a very busy man with his many business interests, he took great interest in the spiritual and social life of the community. ---Honored by Government During the World war he was president of the Mohawk branch of the Red Cross and was very active in the Liberty Loan campaign, receiving personal recognition from the United States Government for his work. Mr. Schaufler was a member of the committee formed to take over the newly proposed play ground for the village and gave unsparingly of his valuable time and financial support for this enterprise. ---In Many Activities He served as village president, where again he gave much of his time and earnest work. He was also a member of the Weiler Library commission where he was greatly missed when called upon to accept the presidency of the village. Mr. Schaufler was president of the Elastic Spring Knit Corporation and the National Mohawk Valley Bank. He was also president of the Leftlock Nut & Bolt C. of Syracuse. He was a member of the Mohawk Valley Lodge No. 276, F. & A.M , a Knight Templar, member of Johnstown Concil, the Shriners of Troy, and a thirty-second degree Mason, past noble grand of the Mohawk Lodge, No.566,I.O.O.F., and a member of the Methodist Church. He was very active in Y.M.C.A. work In politics he was a Republican. Surviving are his wife and son, Harlan Schaufler, and two daughters, Mrs. Earl K. Palmer and Mrs. William H. Dyer, and four grandchildren, all of Mohawk; also a brother, Albert Schaufler of Oswego, and a sister, Mrs. Apama Lemp of Syracuse. **** NOTE ****: This is typed as it appeared in the paper. Waldemar was born at sea off the Coast of Canada. Birth Certificate says Bellville, Canada. His name has been spelled many ways Waldemar, Waldeman, Waldermar, Valdemir. He is also listed in Nelson Green's series The Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West, 4 volumes. W.C. Schaufler was my great grandfather. Utica Observer Dispatch, August 7, 1923 Mohawk Board Expresses Loss of Leading Citizen Adopt Resolutions on Death of W.C. Schaufler, Benefitor and former President who Dies, Aged 60. Mohawk, Aug.7- President Lawrence presided and all members were present at a meeting of the Mohawk Village Board, held last evening, when the following resolutions on the death of W.C. Schaufler, a former village president were adopted. "Whereas, this board has just been shocked by the sad news of the death of Waldemer C. Schaufler, benefactor and former president of this village, and, "Whereas, It is the unanimous feeling of this board that a memorial to his good citizen should be written into the minutes of this meeting. "It is hereby resolved, that the death of Waldemar C. Schaufler is indeed a distinct loss to the village of Mohawk. It means the passing of a man who has given unselfishly of his means and time for the good of the community in which he lived. It marks the shortening of a career, which lead in whatever was progressive, good, and wholesome in the life of the village. May this minute serve as a simple reminder that the village of Mohawk is truly mournful at the loss of this most useful citizen. "It is further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the family of the deceased as an expression of the sympathy which the village extends to them in their sad bereavement." *** NOTE ****: Perhaps someone in the family has the original document. He must have been quite a man! Oswego Daily Palladium, August 8, 1923 (Oswego, NY newspaper) Funeral Tomorrow The funeral of W.C. Schaufler, formerly of this city, whose death occurred in Mohawk Monday, will be held at his home in that village tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. A.E. Moody, of Lowville, his former pastor, will officiate. Interment will be in Mohawk. Oswego Daily Palladium, Monday, August 26, 1923 PLAN NEVER CARRIED OUT MOHAWK: Aug.20- A little incident in the life of the late W.C. Schaufler, of Mohawk, former Oswegonian, has been learned by his friends. Mr. Schaufler took a great interest in religious matters. He had a summer home at Otter Lake, where he was accustomed to spend his weekends, as well as his vacation time during the summer period. He and many others were active in establishing a church at Otter Lake, where many of the summer visitors in that section went for worship. Another man prominently identified with the church was William Norton, sometimes referred to as the John Jacob Astor of Otter Lake. Messers. Schaufler and Norton were accustomed to taking up the collection at the church. They had agreed that if one received more money in his collection than the other, then the man who had taken the smaller sum was to make up the difference out of his own pocket. After the collection had been taken one Sunday not too long ago, it was found that Mr. Schaufler, the side which he had covered, had received 24 more than was collected by Mr. Norton in his part of the church. The latter promptly made good the difference. Mr. Norton was actually moved by a good-natured desire to "get who", so he planned a coup on Mr. Schaufler. He arranged that a number of his (Norton's)) wealthy friends should occupy the seats on the North side of the church on the following Sunday and that they should contribute liberally when he passed the collection plate. Thus there would be an element of certainty that Mr. Schaufler would receive the smaller sum and would have to draw on his own resources for a nest amount. But the plan was never carried out because before the next Sunday arrived, Mr. Schaufler, suddenly stricken, has passed to the great beyond. Oswego Daily Palladium, September 10, 1924 (Oswego, NY newspaper) Had $108,000 Insurance Fifty-four thousand dollars was paid to Oswego people in life insurance benefits, according to the figures tabulated for the insurance Press. In Syracuse $1,610,000 was paid. Walderman C. Schaufler, a former Oswegonian and brother of letter carrier Albert Schaufler, carried almost as much life insurance as twice the total-received in Oswego. Mr. Schaufler, who resided at Mohawk, N.Y. where he was engaged in the knitting business, carried policies that totaled $108,214. That amount has been paid to his heirs. Boonville Herald, July 16, 1975, Boonville, N.Y. CHURCH TRAVELS FROM HAWKINSVILLE By Jesse La Paira OTTER LAKE---The Otter Lake Community Church which opened its doors on Sunday, July 6 to a non-denominational worship has quite a unique history to its origin. About 54 years ago, the church was brought in by horse and wagon from Hawkinsville where it was originally built.. German Lutherans started it back in Hawkinsville in 1859 with completion and dedication in 1861. No record of who the pastor was has been found. In 1891 for an unknown reason the church was abandoned and withstood 30 years of all kinds of weather and abuse. In the Spring of 1921 Roscoe Norton, B.A. Capron and W.C. Schaufler obtained the church and arranged to have it transported to Otter Lake. The foundation was started on July 30 and the church came in sections by horse and wagon. After many hard days of work it was re-constructed on the spot where it now stands. At 3 p.m. on Aug. 28 1921 the bell once again tolled for the services with the Rev. Ernest E. Ellis officiating. In the summer of 1922 the church was incorporated under the state to be non-denominational with free pews. The manse was erected in the summer of 1924 which houses the supply ministers serving the church and community.In years to follow over $900 donations were given to redecorate the inside of the church and a contractor was hired from Forestport to do the job. In 1959 one hundred years after the start in Hawkinsville, Roltin Kussum constructed a facsimile of the church as a bank which rests inside the church for those who wish to make a donation to help with the upkeep of the church and manse. Supply pastors for the summer are Rev. Polick, Rodchester July 20 and July 27. Rev. Bardwell will be the pastor on Aug.3 and Aug 10. Bardwell has been pastor since 1921 and has served a total of 25 years. Rev. Hall, an Otter Lake summer resident, will officiate Aug. 17, 24, and 31 and will serve communion on Aug. 31. Over the years there have been 67 supply pastors who served the community and we are grateful to all of them. After the first service the board of trustees will hold their annual meeting with Charles Kussum chairman. Ruth Norton, secretary- treasurer and trustees Clifford Benjamin, Alfred Gordon, Peter Cuomo and Robert Sheldon. **** NOTE ****: My Great Aunt Ethel Schaufler, married to Earl K. Palmer, was the first bride to be married in the Church and her sister Mildred and William Dyer also were married there. A picture of the church was included in the newspaper article but the quality was not good enough to print. WEDDINGS Palmer---Schaufler A Wedding of interest to Oswegonians was solemnized at Otter Lake on Saturday noon, when Miss Ethel Marguerite Schaufler, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W.C. Schaufler, former residents of this city, now of Mohawk, became the bride of Earl Kenneth Palmer, son of Frank Palmer, of Binghamton, the Rev. Arthur Moody of Lowville, officiating. The bride wore a gown of white georgette and a veil caught with orange blossoms. Her bouquet was a shower of roses. Miss Mildred Schaufler, her sister, who attended, wore a gown of orchid with hat to match and carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia roses. John R. Norway, Binghamton, was the best man. The bride, was given in marriage by her father, and the ushers were H.C. Schaufler and William H. Dyer. Following a dinner at the Otter Lake Hotel, the bridal party and guests were entertained at the Schauflers' beautiful Summer home at Otter Lake, Camp Wa-Kep-Ya. Among the city guests from out of town were: Mr. And Mrs. Albert Schaufler, Fred Bauer, Mrs. Lena Bauer and the Misses Marguerite and Viola Bauer, of this city. The wedding was the first to take place at the Community church at Otter Lake, as it was mainly through the efforts of her father W. C. Schaufler, the church was built. Utica Observer Dispatch, Saturday, August 26 1922 OTTER LAKE CHURCH SCENE OF LOVELY WEDDING TO-DAY Felicity Attends Union of Mildred Schaufler and William Dyer, of Waltham, at Little Church this Afternoon. Mohawk, Aug. 26---The marriage of Miss Mildred L. Schaufler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.C.Schaufler of Orchard Street, this village to William H. Dyer of Waltham, Mass. took place at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Otter Lake Community Church, Otter Lake, N.Y. Amidst decorations of mountain fern, flowers and evergreens, the ceremony was performed by the Rev. Arthur E. Moody of Lowville. The attending couple were Marcella Shuttleworth of Amsterdam, cousin of the bride and T. Morry Gill of Waltham, Mass. Harlan C. Schaufler, brother of the bride and E.K. Palmer were ushers. At the organ Professor Thomas Ryan of Utica, assisted by Professor Barton, violinist, rendered the wedding march, from Lohengrin. During the ceremony Ernest Wright sang "At Dawning" by Cadinan. A solo, "A Perfect Day" was rendered by S.P. Hall. The bride was charmingly gowned in white georgette, with tulle veil and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Her maid wore pink georgette and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas. After the ceremony at the church, dinner was served at the Otter Lake Hotel, while a fine musical program was given under the direction of Ernest Wright. The bride is an accomplished vocalist and pianist, having studied at the Utica Conservatory of Music. She is the daughter of W.C. Schaufler, president and manager of the Elastic Spring Knit Corporation at Mohawk and president of the National Mohawk Valley Bank. She is a most charming young woman and very popular. The groom is a graduate from the College of Forestry at Syracuse University 1921, where he took a prominent part in student activities, and is a member of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. After an extended motor trip westward the happy couple will reside in Mohawk where they will be at home to their many friends. Guests from Mohawk were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wright and daughter Ellen and son Lynn; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bevis and daughter Roberta; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sperry, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and daughter Evelyn, Miss Helen Fulmer, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schaufler and daughters Almira and Thelma and son Wallie, Mr. and Mrs. E.K. Palmer, Miss Reta Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Day, Miss Cora Filkins. The following out of town guests were also present: Mr. and Mrs. M. Lemp and daughter Apama of Syracuse, William Shuttleworth and daughters Gladys and Mary and son Jack of Amsterdam; Mrs. Helen Dyer, Waltham, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Murray T. Gill, Waltham, Mass.; Misses Marjory and Harriet Boyd and Harriet Boyd of Ovid, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lemp and daughter Pauline; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lemp and son Michael, and Joseph Zaromba of Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Coons, Mr. and Mrs. John Norway and frank Palmer of Binghamton; the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Moody, with sons Charles, Arthur and James of Lowville. Pre-nuptials events were given by Mrs. Harlan Schaufler, Mrs. Ernest, and Mrs. Charles Bevis. Utica Daily Observer Dispatch, Sunday, July 22, 1928 Wedding Miss Almira M. Schaufler is Married in Mohawk In Church Ceremony Mohawk, July 21---At 4 o'clock this afternoon Miss Almira Mae Schaufler became the bride of Ernest Allen Haskell in the First Methodist Church. The edifice was decorated in green and white hydrangeas and lilacs prevailing. Eleanor O'Brien of Ilion played the organ. The bride and her attendant Miss Yula Lewis of St. Johnsville, college roommate were met at the alter by the bridegroom and his best man, Redmond Harver, a fraternity brother. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Harlan Schaufler. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Arthur Moody, of Geneva, former Mohawk clergyman. Miss Ethel Schreyer of Frankfort sang "At Dawning' and "Perfect Day". The ushers were: Lynn Wright and Raymond Roberts. The bride wore white georgette trimmed in lace, a veil entrain caught with orange blossom and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid was gowned in orchid georgette with hat to match and carried Madam Butterfly roses. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents in Orchard Street to immediate friends and relatives. Catereas Ann Halsam of Ilion served, assisted by girlfriends of the bride, Misses Mollie Wagner, Ellen Wright, Irene Morse and Thelma Schaufler, the bride's sister. The house was decorated with garden flowers. The bride's gift to her maid was a gold pen and pencil. The bridegroom gave his best man a leather travel set. The couple left later for a trip. After Aug. 15 they will reside in Massena where Mr. Haskell holds an office position with the Aluminum Co. of America. The bride is a graduate of Mohawk High School and the Potsdam Normal College. The bridegroom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Haskell of Massena, is a graduate of the high school of that place and Clarkson School of Technology. Social events in honor of the bride were given by the Zeta Gamma Upsilon Sorority of Potsdam, Mrs. Earl K. Palmer and Miss Mollie Wagner. WEDDINGS IN UTICA AND VICINITY SCHAUFLER/DILLON Old Forge---Miss Alice Elizabeth Dillon daughter of Mrs. Dennis Dillon, Raquette Lake, and the late Dennis Dillon, former Hamilton County Judge, became the bride of Walderman Christopher Schaufler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schaufler, Little Falls, in St. William Church, Raquette Lake, at 10 a.m. Sept. 18. The double ring ceremony was performed during the solemn high nuptial Mass celebrated by Father O'Donnell, New York City: the Rev. Julian Hubal, Raquette Lake, deacon: the Rev. Cuthbert Dittmeier, sub deacon, and the Very Rev. Provincial Francis in the sanctuary. A choir from Rensselaer assisted in the Mass. Father O'Donnell, who came from New York City to perform the ceremony, served during World War 2 as Chaplain of the bridegroom's medical unit. The bride, given in marriage by her brother Dennis Dillon Jr., Raquette Lake, wore a full-skirted gown of ivory satin and rose point lace fashioned on princess lines with a long train. She wore her mother's wedding veil of rose point lace; which trailed beyond her gown, and she carried white orchids and stephanotis. Her maid of honor was her college roommate, Miss Mary Kane of Brooklyn, who wore a gown of ice blue brocade and a tiara of bronze mums. She carried a bouquet of yellow mums. Her bridesmaids were her four sisters-in-law, Mrs. John C. Dillon, Yonkers: Mrs. Dennis Dillon Jr., Raquette Lake: Mrs. Ernest Haskell, Binghamton,: and Mrs. William Fenner, Raquette Lake. They were gowned in petal yellow brocade and wore tiaras of bronze mums. They carried bouquets of baby bronze mums. The groom had as his best man, his cousin, Frank Burns of Little Falls, Ushers were Robert Palmer, Little Falls, and the bride's brothers, John C. Dillon of Yonkers and Dr. Thomas Dillon, New York City. Master Geoffrey Dillon was ring bearer and Mistress Hope Dillon was flower girl. She wore a colonial frock of pale pink brocade and a tiara of pink sweetheart roses. She carried a blue basket of white rose petals. Bowers of white mums and smilax, accentuated by white candelabra, decorated the church. A reception for 400 was held at the Dillon Summer home on Golden Point following the ceremony. Out of town guests were present from Lake Pleasant, Wells, Speculator, Piseco, Utica, Little Falls, Glens Falls, Albany, Binghamton, New Paltz, and New York City. Mrs. Schaufler is a graduate of Raquette Lake High School and Marymount College and has done graduate work at Syracuse and St. Lawrence Universities. Mr. Schaufler, who served as a captain in the Medical Corp during World War 2, and now is in the Reserve, is a graduate of the Lewis Hotel School, Washington,D.C.. After a trip through Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Schaufler will reside at Raquette Lake. The Observer Dispatch, Sat. August 6, 1977, Utica NY MARYANN SCHAUFLER MOHAWK---Maryann McCaffery, 89 of Binghamton formerly of Mohawk and Little Falls, widow of Harlan Schaufler died Friday. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Almira Haskell with whom she lived in Binghamton for the past 20 years. Mrs. Thelma Fenner, Anchorage, Alaska, one son Walderman Schaufler of Binghamton, one brother Francis (Judy) McCaffery, Herkimer, five grandchildren, fifteen great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. The funeral is 8:30 a.m. Monday at the Graves Applegate Funeral Home in Mohawk and 9 at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament. Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery, East Herkimer. Calling Hours Sunday 2-4 and 7-9. Friends may donate to the Special Children Fund of the Association of Retarded Children. The Observer Dispatch, Sunday August 7, 1977, Utica NY Maryann McCaffery Schaufler, 89, of Binghamton, formerly of Mohawk and Little Falls, widow of Harlan Schaufler died Aug. 5. **** NOTE ****: Mary Ann was known as "Mayme" and was the daughter of Patrick McCaffery and Mary Ann Moran Boonville NY Herald, August 7, 1977 MARY ANN SCHAUFLER Mary Ann (Mayme) Schaufler, 90, from Binghamton, died this past week. She was born in Broadalbin on August 17, 1887 and married Harlon Schaufler in Amsterdam in 1907. The Schauflers moved to Mohawk where they operated the Elastic Spring Knit Corp. In 1919 the family visited Otter Lake and enjoyed it so much the bought a lot from R.G. Norton and had a camp built on it. The place proved to be too small so other lots were eventually added and a larger summer home was erected on what is know as the Ridge overlooking the Lake. The place was called Wa-Kep-Ya. The family grew up in the area and many were married in the Otter Lake Community Church, which was bought in Hawkinsville by Mr. Norton, Mr. Capron and Mr. Schaufler along with others and dismantled the brought by horse and wagon over Hogsback Road and recreated. Ethel S. Palmer, Mildred S. Dyer and their sister, Thelma S. Fenner of Anchorage, Alaska as well as Robert Palmer were some of the first babies baptized in that church. Mayme Schaufler spent her summers in Otter Lake for more than fifty years. She spent a few years after the death of her husband with her son Wallie, at Raquette Lake, where he operated the Mountain Villa. They then moved to a smaller camp and lived year 'round. The camp is located across from St. Mary's of the Snow Catholic Church. For the last twenty years Mayme resided with her daughter in Binghamton. She never missed coming to Otter Lake in the summer to be surrounded by her three children, five grandchildren, fifteen great-grandchildren and friends. One of the last of the "Old Timers", it was fitting that she spent her last hours in her beloved Adirondacks. It is requested that contributions in her memory be made to the Retarded Childrens Association in care of your local post office. **** NOTE****: Mary Ann Schaufler Obit. There are some mistakes in this obit. The Camp and Church building was in Mr. W.C. Schaufler's era. He was the father of Harlan and father-in-law of Mary Ann. Also Ethel Schaufler Palmer (daughter of W.C.) was the first wedding in the Community church at Otter Lake in 1922. Mildred was Ethel's sister. Thelma Fenner was Ethel Palmer and Mildred Dyer's niece and all three of them were married in the church. Thelma Schaufler Fenner was the daughter of Harlan and Mary Ann Schaufler. Robert Palmer was Ethel's son who was baptized there. Herkimer Evening Telegram, January 21, 1908 Obituary: Anson G. Fenner Anson G. Fenner died at his home in Eatonville at about 8 o'clock last evening at the good old age of 84 years, having been born on Christmas Eve, 1924. He had been in failing health since last summer; the decline being gradual and the end came so peacefully that those nearest him scarcely realized that he was passing away from earth. Mr. Fenner was born and had always lived on the farm which he tilled so successfully and where his parents Mr. And Mrs. George B. Fenner, old settlers of the community of Eatonville, had previously resided, Anson G. Fenner retaining the homestead after they had passed away. On January 5, 1848, he was united in marriage to Mary Ann Weatherwax, who survives him. It is given to few old couples to pass the 60th anniversary of their marriage together, but such was the happy fact in Mr. and Mrs. Fenner's lives, although there was not formal celebration of the event. Besides his widow, he is survived by five children, Mrs. Charles Ives of Salisbury, Frank A. Fenner of this city, George B. Fenner of Middleville, Mrs. Harry Arnold, wife of Superintendent Arnold of the County Home of Middleville, and Mrs. Delia H. Fenner, who resides at the homestead and has tenderly cared for her parents. Seven grandchildren also survive and one sister, Mrs. George W. Fenner of Newport. Mr. Fenner was a Republican in politics and at one time held the office of assessor of this town. As printed in the Herkimer Evening Telegram or Herkimer Democrat, January 1908 ANSON G. FENNER Useful Career of a Sturdy Eatonville Citizen Draws to a Close. Eatonville, Jan.24- One whose place in life was filled long and well has departed in the death of Anson G. Fenner, which occurred at his home here Monday night, following a decline of several months. Heart trouble was the direct cause. Like his father before him, Mr. Fenner was born on the farm where his industrious and goodly life was spent, and the soil of which was cleared by his pioneer grandfather, who came to the town of Fairfield with others from Adams, Massachusetts, about 1788. This grandfather, Maj. Daniel Fenner, married Lydia Arnold, daughter of Stukeley Arnold and Lydia Edmunds Arnold. Two sons, George and Nathan were born of this union, the former being our subject's father, and to him fell the homestead when the farm was divided between the sons in due course of inheritance. The first cheese produced in Herkimer county is authentically stated to have been made by the original group of settlers from Adams here mentioned, thus laying the foundation for that great dairying industry which later made the chief commercial fame of Herkimer. Anson G. Fenner entered the world on Christmas Eve, 1823, and grew to manhood content with his sturdy and independent existence on the paternal acres which were his pride and care. He also took an especial interest in finely bred cattle and his dairy of Ayrshires was noted. Although constantly studying farm improvement in accordance with the most progressive methods, he found time to keep abreast the general public topics of the day. His political faith was Republican, and he actively participated in the political duties of citizenship without seeking to make this a means of his own preferment. He had, however, at one time accepted the office of assessor. In whatever relation we consider him; he measured fully to the standards of an honorable man, cordial in social intercourse and secure in the esteem of all who knew him. January 5, 1848, he married Mary Ann Weatherwax, and their happy union was privileged to endure beyond the 60th anniversary. The glad celebration of their wedded half-century is recalled with pleasure by those who attended it, but owing to Mr. Fenner's poor health there was of cause no formal celebration of the added decade. Besides his widow, deceased is survived by five children. Mrs. Charles Ives, of Salisbury, Frank A. Fenner, of this city, George B. Fenner, of Middleville, Mrs. Harry Arnold, wife of Supt. Arnold, of the County Home in Middleville, and Miss. Delia H. Fenner, who resides at the homestead and has tenderly cared for her parents. Seven grandchildren also survive and one sister, Mrs. Washington Fenner, of Newport, whose maiden name was Martha Fenner. The funeral services took place from the late home at 11 a.m. Thursday, Rev. Mr. Price, the Newport Universalist clergyman officiating. Interment was made at Middleville. Herkimer Evening Telegram, March 11, 1910 Stricken at Breakfast Table An Estimable Lady of Eatonville a Victim of Heart Disease Mrs. Mary A., Relict of Anson G. Fenner died suddenly of heart disease Sunday morning at the Fenner homestead in Eatonville, expiring at the breakfast table, where she sat with her daughter, Miss Delia Fenner. Mrs. Fenner was born in that vicinity October 20, 1826, her maiden name being Mary A. Weatherwax. She was united in marriage to Mr. Fenner January 6, 1848, when she went to the Fenner farm to reside and where for over 60 years has made her home. Mr. Fenner died two years ago. Her demise will be universally regretted. Besides her daughter mentioned, she is survived by two other daughters, Mrs. Harry Arnold, of Herkimer, Mrs. C.L. Ives, of Salisbury, and two sons, Frank A. of Little Falls and George B. of Middleville. Two sisters and one brother also survive. They are, Mrs. Joel Pickert of Manheim, Mrs. Harold Eaton of Eatonville and Mrs. Arnold Eaton of Eatonville and Andrew J. Weatherwax of Newville. The funeral will be held from her late home Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock and interment will be made in the Middleville cemetery. Herkimer Democrat, Saturday, August 8, 1903 OBITUARY: William Fenner Though his visits were stayed for a time, the silent messenger of death has summoned another of our aged residents to rest. At 5:30 o'clock Thursday morning, William Fenner, an aged resident of this village, died at his home in North Bellinger street, from dropsy and valvular heart trouble. Mr. Fenner had been in ill health for over a year, and for the past few months had been failing. He could not lie down at night and had been obliged to sleep in his chair all of the time. Thursday morning he arose early and it is supposed that he went into the kitchen for something, while his son lay down for a brief rest. Missing his father he went into the kitchen and found him lying dead upon the floor. Mr. Fenner was a son of Nathan and Harty Fenner, and was born in Fairfield in 1822. His parents lived on a farm and he followed that calling until 25 years ago when he moved to this village and subsequently found employment in the assembling room of the H.M. Quackenbush's factory. He was employed there until about a year ago when ill health obliged him to retire. He was educated in the common school, and was a member of one of the pioneer families of this country. His parents were among the pioneer settlers of Fairfield and his early ancestors were among the early settlers of America. In 1853, or about that time, he was married to Miss Eliza Wood, a young woman from Fairfield. In politics Mr. Fenner was a republican, and although he never held a public office he had the respect of all who knew him, alike for his manly qualities and his general beneficence. He is survived by his widow and one son, William Fenner, and several grandchildren, besides other relatives. The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock at the house, Saturday afternoon, Rev. W.D. Chase conducting the service. Burial will be made at Oak Hill Cemetery. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES, TOWN OF HERKIMER William B. Fenner was born in Fairfield, NY, in 1822. He was married in 1851 to Eliza A. Wood. They have one child, William D. Mr. Fenner has been engaged in farming since 1845. His father, Nathan Fenner, was born in Fairfield, and died at the age of seventy- one years. His wife, whose maiden name was Harrie Brown, is still living, aged seventy- seven years. His grandfather Daniel settled in Fairfield in 1795. **** NOTE ****: It is believed his mother's name was Harty-Hearty Fenner married to Nathan according to the 1850 Census. Herkimer Evening Telegram WEDDINGS A Pretty Home Wedding at the Home of Mr. And Mrs. F.D. Staring January 12, 1906: In the presence of about sixty-five relatives and friends, at the home of the bride, Clara Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Staring of Small's Bush was on Wednesday evening, January 10, 1906, united in marriage to Ralph George Fenner of Osborn Hill. The parlor where the ceremony took place was beautifully decorated with evergreens, their deep color being relieved by white. Ropes of cedar were festooned from a white bell tied with satin ribbon. To the strains of Lohengrins bridal march the wedding procession entered the parlor at 7 p.m. The ceremony was performed by Rev. George W. Sias, pastor of the Universalist church, of Middleville. The groom was attended by Earle F. Smith, of Middleville, and the ushers were Roy B. and Harry W. Fenner. The bridesmaid, Miss. Mabel J. Fenner, wore a gown of white dotted mull. She carried pink carnations. The bride was gowned in white silk and wore a tulle veil fastened with carnations and carried a shower bouquet of carnations. After the ceremony the party entered the dining room, where a sumptuous repast was served by the Misses Nina M. Broat, Selena A. Staring, Mabel V. Kirby, Mary Perrine, and Kathryn A. Hoover. They were dressed in white with pink girdles and were presented aprons by the bride. The estimable and popular young people received a beautiful array of presents, among them being a deed of the place formerly owned by George Fenner, grandfather of the groom, table linen, cut glass, china, money, silverware and a hand embroidered centerpiece of American roses. Guests were present from Middleville, Fairfield, Herkimer, Little Falls, Whitesboro, Cedarville, Amsterdam, Schenectady, Manheim and Eatonville. That the happy pair may be found in their pretty winter wedding the gateway to a future life of prosperity and sunshine, is the hearty wish of many whose congratulations follow them to their future home. **** NOTE ****: It is believed that the grandfather mentioned is George Farmer, father of the groom's mother as his paternal grandfather was William Fenner according to census records. Herkimer Evening Telegram, Saturday, February 15, 1908 Friday afternoon, February 14, at 5 o'clock Clara Staring, wife of Ralph G. Fenner, passed quietly from this life to the other side. Measles followed by pneumonia were the cause of her death. A husband and a five months' old baby are left to mourn her loss. Herkimer Evening Telegram, Saturday, February 15, 1908 Mrs. Ralph Fenner Mrs. Ralph Fenner died last night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stauring, in the Burt Settlement, east of Herkimer. She was 19 years old and her death was caused by pneumonia and measles. Besides her husband; she is survived by a child, five months old, also her parents and one sister. The funeral will be held from her late home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the body will be placed in the vault at Fairview cemetery, Little Falls. Herkimer Evening Telegram, Wednesday, February 18, 1908 Friday afternoon occurred the death of Mrs. Ralph Fenner, at the home of her parents Mr. And Mrs. Fred Staring being due to an attack of Pneumonia which developed from a previous attack of Pneumonia which developed from a previous attack of measles. Mrs. Fenner was 19 years of age and besides her husband, to whom she was united in marriage about two years ago; she is survived by one son, five months old, her parents and one sister Miss Selena Staring, who will have the sympathy of the community in their sudden and sad bereavement. The funeral was held at 2:00 p.m., Monday and was largely attended, the Rev. J.S. Cutler, of the Little Falls, was the officiating clergyman. The remains were placed in the vault in Fairview Cemetery. The following ladies acted as honorary bearers: Kathryn Hoover, Maud Kirby, Nina Broat, Mary Perrin, and Almeda Wakeman. Herkimer Evening Telegram, September 1910 KILLED BY LIGHTNING Former Resident of Herkimer on Timmerman farm east of Little Falls---- Little Falls, Sept. 28- Fred Stauring, a tenant on the Timmerman farm, located about two miles east of this city on the St. Jonesville (sic) turnpike, was driving a team and doing some plowing in a field on the E. T. E. Lansing farm. It is supposed that upon seeing the approach of the storm started for his home, which was not far distant. He had not gone over 100 yards when the storm broke. Not returning home at the usual time to assist in the milking and not reporting to supper Mrs. Stauring became alarmed at her husband's absence. She telephoned several neighbors to learn if he had been seen about the vicinity and to each inquiry she received a negative answer. She then appealed to men who reside near by and a searching party was formed, consisting of Alexis Scheryer, Arthur Shunk, and Edward Enright. After a short search they came upon the team, tangled in the harness. Two of the tugs had become unloosed from the plow. Upon further search the dead body of Mr. Stauring was found 26 feet from the spot where the horses were standing. Mr. Stauring was a former resident of Herkimer and moved to the farm he was conducting two years ago. He was a middle-aged man and besides his widow, one daughter, Sylvia, survive. Herkimer Evening Telegram, March 7, 1910 A Rural Wedding At the home of the bride's father, William Kirby, in North Herkimer last evening, occurred the marriage of his youngest daughter, Mabel V. Kirby to Ralph G. Fenner of Middleville, the ceremony being performed by Rev. C.E. Bingham of the Universalist church of this village. Miss Madeline Hendrix presided at the organ and rendered "Lohengrins Wedding March". The ceremony was performed under an arch of evergreens, from which suspended a white bell. The bride was attended by her niece, Miss Maud Kirby, while Paul Kirby, a nephew, acted as best man. The bride's wedding gown was an exquisite creation of cream silk lansdown, richly ornamented with hand embroidery, and carried a shower bouquet of sweet peas. Her bridesmaid was gowned in white silk batiste, trimmed in cluny lace, and she carried pink carnations. After the ceremony the young couple received the sincere congratulations of all present. A delicious supper was served. Miss Myrtle Huiser of Utica and Miss Maude Richardson of Richfield acted as waitresses. he bridal couple received many beautiful and costly gifts. Amid a shower of rice and confetti Mr. And Mrs. Fenner left on the 9:02 train for Titusville, PA. The brides going away gown was a tan colored broadcloth with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Fenner have many friends who will earnestly wish them a happy and prosperous future. Herkimer Evening Telegram, March 1, 1918 Mrs. Ralph Fenner Passes Suddenly The many friends learn with a shock of pained surprise of the sudden passing of Mrs. Ralph Fenner, which occurred Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home in North Herkimer. There had been no previous sign that the visitation was so near, she having been active as usual about the household duties up until the time of being prostrated. Death ensued in a few moments and before Dr. James W. Graves, who was summoned, could arrive, Coroner Graves ascribed heart failure as the cause. The blow came as a stunning one to the bereaved husband, besides whom there survive three sisters and three brothers, namely Mrs. Mary Stauring, Mrs. Mathew Scanlon Mrs. Peter Hawkins, George and John Kirby, all of Herkimer and Richard Kirby of Utica. The deceased formerly Miss Mabel Kirby, was born in this country 32 years ago and had always resided in this vicinity. She had won the esteem and regard of all who came into compact with her and will be deeply missed from her accustomed circles. She was an active and interested member of the Herkimer Universalist church. One of her outstanding characteristics was the native kindliness that ever moved her to quick generosity and sympathy. The funeral will take place from the late home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Frank Hokerk officiating, and interment will be made in Oak Hill Cemetery. The Utica Observer Dispatch, Sunday, August 26 1934 FENNER-SCHAUFLER MOHAWK: Miss Thelma Schaufler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schaufler, 12 Orchard Street, was married yesterday afternoon to William S. Fenner, Herkimer, son of Mr. And Mrs. Ralph Fenner, Wellsburg, W.Va., at the Community Church, Otter Lake. Miss Schaufler wore white satin with train and finger-tipped veil and carried a colonial bouquet of white flowers. Miss Lelia Corman, was gowned in aqua blue satin and blue beret with accessories to match and carried a bouquet of pink flowers. Edward Walthart, Herkimer, was the best man and the ushers were Waldmar Schaufler, brother of the bride, and Charles Callahan, Little Falls. The church was decorated with garden flowers, as was the Schaufler camp, Camp Wa-Kep-Ya, where a reception was held following the ceremony. The bride is a graduate of the Mohawk High School and has been active in the younger social circles here and in Herkimer. The bridegroom is a graduate of Herkimer High School, West Liberty School, and Wittenberg College where he was a member of the Alpha Tau Omega. He begins his third term as physical director of the Mohawk High School next month. After a wedding trip to West Virginia and Ohio they will take up their residence at 124 Court Street, Herkimer. Prenuptial events were given by the Melrose Slipper Factory girls at Little Falls, Mrs. E.K. Palmer, Mohawk, Miss Marjorie Streits, Miss Leila Corman, Mrs Alfred Parnell, Miss Rita O'Hare, Mohawk, Mrs. Lambert Will, Little Falls. Utica Daily Press, Nov. 5, 1959 WILLIAM S. FENNER DIES: Herkimer---William S. Fenner, 52, former Herkimer High School sports star and later a coach in Valley Schools, died yesterday at his home in Glenallen, Alaska, following a heart attack. A Herkimer native, he moved to Alaska 10 years ago with his family. He was Superintendent of schools in Klawock, Wasilla, Cordova and Glenallen. A 1927 graduate of Herkimer High School, he was a football, baseball and basketball star and was captain of the 1926-27 team, which won the state football championship. He attended the University of West Virginia in Charleston and received his physical education degree from Wittenberg College in Springfield, Ohio. He took a physical education position the same year in Mohawk. In 1940, he was named football coach and social studies teacher at Massena High School and returned to the Valley in 1942 as physical education director of the Ilion Schools. Two years later, he became principal at Raquette Lake High School and then obtained his first Alaska school post. Mr. Fenner was born Sept. 26, 1907, in Herkimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph George Fenner. He married Thelma Stauffer of Mohawk. Besides his wife, he leaves two children, Nancy and Ralph and two grandchildren. **** NOTE ****: Schools in Alaska were - Klawock, Cordova, Northway, Sitka, Moose Pass, Glennallen. From the Territorial days in 1949 till his death in 1959, the year Alaska became a state. Dad had a great wanderlust and always wanted to see new places as long as there was good hunting and fishing available. He was also instrumental in promoting the building of new schools in many of the places where he was employed. Needless to say he molded many children and always wanted them to be prepared for College and was a firm believer in physical education for all four years of high school and in grade school. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Thursday, July 21 1898 Last Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Miss Nellie Moran and Charles Callahan of Utica were united in marriage in St. Joseph's church- The Rev. Father Mooney performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan left on the evening train for Utica. **** NOTE ****: I believe St. Joseph's church is in Broadalbin, NY. Nellie is my grandmother Mary Ann McCaffery Schaufler's aunt. Broadalbin Herald, 1908 Broadalbin- Mrs. James Drought age 42 died at a late hour last Friday at her home on North Main St. She had been a sufferer for several months from rheumatism in its worst form. Se was born in Deposit, but had lived in this village for the past several years. She was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church and one of the church's most emollient workers. Besides her husband James Draught, she is survived of this place: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Moran and one son Thomas Draught of Broadalbin; three brothers, Thomas Moran of Bristol, CT, William and Joseph Moran of Broadalbin and four sisters, Mrs. Frank Lard of Benton's Corners, Mrs. Charles Callahan of Morehouseville, Mrs. Burt Wilson and Miss Bessie Moran of Broadalbin. The funeral was held from St. Joseph's Catholic Church at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning- Rev. Father Mooney officiating. Burial made in St. Mary's cemtery in Amsterdam. |
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