URBAN DELOS PAYNEContributed by Josh Payne[Note: This information about Urban Delos Payne was contributed by Josh Payne in April 2002, and found recently on a CD that I burned and mislaid. My apologies to Josh for the 2-year delay!] "I am responding to the request for further information about people found listed in the Village of Iion Cemetery listing. Urban (Delos) Payne, b. Aug. 6, 1850, d. Jan. 22, 1922, was born and lived in Edmeston, Otsego County, NY; married Aug. 10, 1870, to Ella St. John, b. July 23, 1850, d. Dec. 7, 1914. He was my great-grandfather. Our family has done extensive genealogy research, and I would be glad to share this information with anyone who contacts me, or would gladly provide more details to you if you would like. My father was born in Edmeston, but moved to and lived a large part of his life in New Jersey. Unfortunately, to date, despite extensive research, I have ancestors for Urban D. Payne going back only 2 generations, to an Edward Payne who moved from Vermont at about age 21, though other family branches in some cases go back hundreds of years. I would, of course, appreciate any information anyone could provide about his lineage. Thanks for your efforts and your dedication that provides this information to those like ME!" Sincerely, "I thought I'd introduce you to Urban Delos Payne and his wife, Ella St. John Payne... in front of their house on a farm in Edmeston, with their horse Dexter, and dog, Tippie, photo made 1909." Close-up View. "The last image is William F. Payne, son of Edward, father of Urban D., born 1819, died 1898; who was married to Mary Ackerman of Edmeston, and lived in Sherburne, Chenango County, NY.; I don't know who the little boy is, or the date of the photo." Click on image for a large view of the William F. Payne Family Bible page. [Note: this large image was converted to grayscale to lower file size. 112k. |
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