


Source: Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Herkimer, 1903. Little Falls: Stebbins & Burney, Printers. 1903.

The following report of the Special Committee appointed to examine the expenditures of the commission having charge of the burial of deceased soldiers, sailors and marines, read Monday, was brought up for adoption.

To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors:

GENTLEMEN - Your special committee to whom was referred the annexed report of the Committee on Burial of deceased Sailors, Soldiers and Marines and widows, and the bill for disbursements made by them, respectifully report that we have compared the vouchers therewith and find the same correct and true. We find that the committee have expended as follows:

For burial - $840.00
For headstones - $480.00
Total - $1,320.00

We also find that the Board of Commissioners for the interment of deceased Soldiers and Sailors have overdrawn their appropriation of last year $410.00, owing to the large number of deaths during the year, and that several headstones have also been erected.

We would recommend that there be added to the tax budget the sum of $1,000 and the same placed by the County Treasurer to the credit of said committee.

Harvey Rankin} Committee
Edward Small}

[Note: dates are dates that checks were issued to cover burial expenses, and are not dates of death. Some of the headstone placements in 1903 were for burials made before 1903.]


To the Board of Supervisors of Herkimer County:

GENTLEMEN - Your Commissioners hereby report burials of deceased Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in said county, also of burials of widows of such pursuant to Chapter 96 of the Laws of 1903, as follows:

Date. 1903NameResidencePayee
Jan. 5thJames LaffertyLittle FallsD.F. Herlehy
Jan. 20thMarshall ChristmanLittle FallsH.A. Tozer
Jan. 30thAndrew BridenbeckerFrankfortAndrew Folts
Feb. 3rdThomas CorcoranGerman FlattsM.D. Angell
Feb. 5thWilliam ReynoldsLittle FallsH.A. Tozer
Feb. 14thMenzo PetrieWarrenC.E. Hyde
Feb. 16thWm. C. SmithGerman FlattsM.D. Angell
Feb. 26thW.W. ArthurGerman FlattsM.D. Angell
April 22dFrederick AustinDanubeD.F. Herlehy
April 27thAlbert CregoHerkimerW.B. Howell
May 14thRufus ThompsonSalisburyE.W. Moore
May 19thMonroe CaplesGerman FlattsMrs. M. Caples
June 9thJohn OrendorfLittle FallsMary Orendorf
June 13thJames H. PurchaseWarrenC.E. Hyde
Aug. 4thEliza Ann CaseHerkimerW.B. Howell
Aug. 12thWm. A. WheelerLittle FallsH.A. Tozer
Aug. 17thCordelia L. DouglassGerman FlattsC.I. Douglas
Aug. 24thM.D. BronnerGerman FlattsAngelin Bronner
Sept. 10thJames A. ChappellGerman FlattsMrs. O.E. Young
Sept. 15thThomas ClarkNewportKate B. Clark
Oct. 2dIra HodgeNorwayMay F. Hodge
Oct. 5thEmeline CristmanHerkimerW.B. Howell
Oct. 5thRufus PearlHerkimerW.B. Howell
Nov. 30thStephen EdgettHerkimerW.B. Howell

Of the foregoing list it will be observed that three of such drafts were issued for the burial of widows of deceased Soldiers, Sailors or Marines, Nos. 292, 294 and 299, being issued for burial of Eliza Ann Case, widow of S.L. Case, late of Co. B of the 153d Regiment, N.Y. Vols.; Cordelia L. Douglass, widow of John L. Douglass, late of Co. G, of the 2d Regiment, N.Y. Vols.; and Emeline Cristman, widow of Jacob Cristman, late of Co. K., of the 152d N.Y. Vols., respectively, this in accordance with the provisions of the statute as amended by the laws of 1903, as hereinbefore mentioned.

The total number of burials made by your committee during the time reported for being twenty-four, which at $35.00 each make the amount expended for this purpose $840.00.

Drafts have been issued by your commissioner during the past year for the erection of headstones for deceased Soldiers, Sailors and Marines as follows:

March 24th, 1903.

Draft issued to A.O. McMath for eleven headstones at $15.00 each, amounting to $165.00, the stones erected and placed as follows:

Commissioner OrderingSoldiers NameWhere Buried
D.J. LeRoyMichael SeiterFrankfort
D.J. LeRoyJames BarryFrankfort
D.J. LeRoyMadison P. WhitneyFrankfort
D.J. LeRoyAlbert J. CookFrankfort
D.J. LeRoyBurton ZollerFrankfort
D.J. LeRoyClarence BurdickIlion
D.J. LeRoyWilliam C. SmithIlion
D.J. LeRoyWilliam W. ArthurMohawk
James RocheNelson McGrawHerkimer
James RocheSamuel L.B. BlackHerkimer
James HaneS.C. DavisPoland

May 28th, 1903.

Draft issued to A.O. McMath for four headstones at $15.00 each, amounting to $60.00, erected and placed as follows:

Commissioner OrderingSoldiers NameWhere Buried
D.J. LeRoyAndrew BridenbeckerFrankfort
D.J. LeRoySimon LloydHinckley
James RocheAlbert CregoHerkimer
D.J. LeRoyMonroe CaplesMohawk

August 4th, 1903, Draft, A.O. McMarth, $60.00

Commissioner OrderingSoldiers NameWhere Buried
James RocheMenzo PetrieJordanville
James RocheWm. H. WoodJordanville
James RocheJames W. PurchaseJordanville
James HaneCapt. Thos. RathbunOhio

Nov. 9th, 1903, Draft, J.P. Harvey, $195.00

Commissioner OrderingSoldiers NameWhere Buried
M.C. HylandThomas ClarkLittle Falls
M.C. HylandWilliam A. WheelerLittle Falls
M.C. HylandRufus C. ThompsonLittle Falls
M.C. HylandMarshall CristmanLittle Falls
M.C. HylandYork CantwellLittle Falls
M.C. HylandHenry MathewsLittle Falls
M.C. HylandJohn OrendorfLittle Falls
M.C. HylandFrederick AustinLittle Falls
M.C. HylandJohn C. StauringLittle Falls
M.C. HylandC.S. JohnsonLittle Falls
M.C. HylandJacob CaslerLittle Falls
M.C. HylandHenry H. MillsLittle Falls
M.C. HylandWilliam H. ReynoldsLittle Falls

The total number of headstones furnished as above being thirty-two at $15.00 each, making a total for headstones of $480.00.


Total expenses for burials - $840.00
Total expenses for headstones - $480.00
Grand total - $1,320.00

Dated December 7th, 1903.

Respectfully submitted,
Secretary of Commission

We hereby approve the foregoing report.

JAMES ROCHE, President pro tem
County Committee for the Burial of Deceased Soldiers, Sailors and Marines.

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