Source: Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Herkimer, 1910. Herkimer: Herkimer Democrat Press. 1910.

Report Committee on Burial Deceased Soldiers and Sailors

To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Herkimer County:

Your Committee to whom has been entrusted the duty of providing for the burial of deceased Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and their wives and widows, in accordance with provision of Article 83, of Chapter 328 of the Laws of 1908 and dying within and residents of the County of Herkimer, without leaving sufficient means to defray their funeral expenses, also for providing and erecting suitable headstones at the graves of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, whose graves are unmarked, do respectfully report as follows:

Since our annual report, made November 17th, 1909 to the Honorable Board, death has reaped a rich harvest of the old veterans, thirty-one have died and been buried by us.

Of this number twenty-one were Soldiers and ten Soldier's wives or their widows.

When we have had reasons to suspect that the deceased has left sufficient means to defray their funeral expenses, we have investigated such application before giving an order, but have not found a case the present year that did not come within the provisions of the law.

We rely to a great extent upon the approval of the application, by the Supervisors of the town that the deceased was a resident of, as they have the advantage of acquaintance with the financial circumstances of the deceased. We therefore respectfully ask a close scrutiny of the application before approving the same.

In payment of the expenses of burials, we have in each case drawn an order on the County Treasurer of Herkimer County for $50.00 The following is a list of the names of such deceased Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and their wives or widows - Company and Regiment and the consecutive numbers, dates and amount of such order.

No. Order Date Name, Company and Regiment Amount
461Nov. 19, 1909James Stevens, Co. B, 152nd N.Y.V. $50.00
462Nov. 19, 1909Parmelia, wife of G. Hawks, Co. A, 1st N.Y.A. $50.00
463Nov. 19, 1909Frederick Reese, Co. B, 10th V.R.C. $50.00
464Nov. 20, 1909James Atherton, Co. A, 152nd N.Y. $50.00
465Nov. 25, 1909Edward L. Staples, Co. H, 8th Kansas $50.00
466Dec. 1, 1909Ellen, wife of Theodore Wiles, Co. D. 152nd N.Y. $50.00
467Dec. 10, 1909Sebastian Murry, Co. B, 49th N.Y. $50.00
468Dec. 14, 1909Almira J., widow Alford I. Parks, Co. B, 3d Minn.$50.00
469Dec. 18, 1909Chloe A., widow Thomas P. Applegate, Co. K, 11 Ohio $50.00
470Jan. 13, 1910 James McCarn, Co. B, 2nd N.Y. Art $50.00
471Feb. 12, 1910Daniel J. Colburn, Co. G, 11th N.H. $50.00
472Feb. 25, 1910Bridget, wife Patrick McColl, Co. C, 2nd N.Y.C. $50.00
473Mar. 1, 1910Rebecca, widow John Kirchen, Co. E, 1st V.R.C. $50.00
474Mar. 7, 1910James P. Burns, Co. C, 152nd N.Y. $50.00
475Mar. 10, 1910Daniel H. McLean, Co. E, 152nd N.Y. $50.00
476Mar. 15, 1910Clark Truesdale, Co. G, 7th N.Y.H.A. $50.00
477Mar. 22, 1910Horace E. Heath, Co. H , 121st N.Y. $50.00
478Mar. 25, 1910Marietta, wife of Henry W. Cadwell, Co. D, 12 N.Y. $50.00
479April 1, 1910David Shell, Co. I, 81st N.Y. $50.00
480April 4, 1910Charles E. Staring, Co. D, 121st N.Y. $50.00
481April 26, 1910Frank Casler, Co. H., 2d N.Y., Spanish War $50.00
482May 4, 1910Israel Jones, Co. F, 117th N.Y. $50.00
483May 11, 1910David J. Churchill, 1st N.Y. I., Art. $50.00
484June 24, 1910Andrew Sherman, Co. A, 121st N.Y. $50.00
485June 24, 1910Capt. Charles D. Fenton, Co. A, 97th N.Y. $50.00
486July 25, 1910Mariah, widow Wm. H. Reynolds, Co. D, 121st N.Y. $50.00
487Aug. 17, 1910Hattie, wife Abram L. Miller, Co. F 16th N.Y.H.A. $50.00
488Sept. 9, 1910John W. Welter, Co. E, 152nd N.Y. $50.00
489Sept. 17, 1910Thomas Farrell, Co. B, 34th N.Y. $50.00
490Oct. 3, 1910Mary, wife Chris Tyler, Co. G, 34th N.Y.$50.00
491Nov. 17, 1910Michael Heirkmyer, Co. A, 7th N.Y. $50.00

Total for burials................... $1550.00

[Note: the dates are not date of death or burial, but dates when orders were placed with the County Treasurer for burial expenses. All spellings of individuals and regimental abbreviations are exactly as given in the Supervisor's report and will not be changed. No information was given as to place of burial, although for some of the men clues as to location will appear several paragraphs below. The site coordinators aren't related to and so have no info about anyone listed. We thank you in advance for your directing all questions about veterans and wives named above to local historical societies.]

We have erected headstones since our last report at the graves of the following named deceased Soldiers, and have drawn orders on the County Treasurer in payment thereof, paying $15.00 for each headstone and erection thereof.

In most instances we have paid for concrete foundations for the same. We have been obliged to do this, as most cemetery associations require such foundations for headstones. You will find the expense for foundations included in the bills for headstones.

The following is a statement of the amounts, date and number of order, to whom paid, and the names of the Soldiers, and places where erected.

[Note: this has been slightly reformatted to save time coding.]

Order No. 295 Nov. 19, 1909 McMath & Son
Corp'l. John Starkings, Fairfield $15.00, Foundation $2.00

Order No. 296 Nov. 20, 1909 J.P. Harvey
James Darling, Salisbury Corners, $15.00
Charles Herbert, Fairview, Little Falls, $15.00
Benjamin Borst, Van Hornesville, $15.00
George H. Borst, Van Hornesville, $15.00
Hiram House, Starkville, $15.00

Order No. 297 May 11, 1910 McMath & Son
William Luther, Norway $15.00, Foundation $2.50
Sebastian Murray, Herkimer $ 15.00, Foundation $2.50
David Shell, Herkimer $15.00, Foundation $2.50
Edmund Staples, Ilion $15.00
James McCarn, Ilion $15.00, Foundations $3.00

Order No. 298 May 18, 1910 McMath & Son
Foundation for headstones on G.A.R. Lot, Ilion Cemetery for E. Staples (Bill of Ilion Cemetery Asso.) $1.98

Order No. 299 May 28, 1910 McMath & Son
Israel Jones, Newport $15.00, Foundation $2.50

Order No. 300 July 20, 1910 McMath & Son
Edward C. Manning, Gray $15.00, Foundation $3.00
Frank Casler, Herkimer $15.00, Foundation $2.50

Order No. 301 Oct. 28, 1910 Darling & Watson
James P. Burns, Catholic Cemetery, Little Falls $15.00
James Atherton, Fairview, Little Falls $15.00

Order No. 302 Nov. 18, 1910 Darling & Watson
William H. Fineout, Fairview Cemetery, Little Falls $15.00

Total for headstones........ $277.48

Following the above was the financial accounting, with burial and headstone expenses exceeding the County's appropriation by 227.48. The committee stated that they didn't anticipate such a large death rate but requested the same amount, $1600.00, be appropriated to them for the next year. The four members of the Board of Commissioners for the Burial of Deceased Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines were James Roche, F.W. Cristman, D.J. LeRoy, and James F. Whiting. Dated December 13, 1910.

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Updated: 8/27/09
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