SALISBURY RURAL CEMETERY, Part 6 Route 29A Salisbury, NY, Herkimer County
Surnames R - S |
CODE: Interred, Cemetery Section & Lot, Born-Died, Spouse, Parents, Veteran
Rachon, Patricia M, I -118, 1944 - 1989, --, Ellis W Hadcock - Beatrice Cool
Randall Jr, Harold G, A - 54, 1929 - 1934, --, Harold Randall - Daisy Moore
Randall, Annabell H, I -67, 1913 - 1981, --, Joseph Houle - Alexine Le Fage
Randall, Archie Sam, A -54, 1947 - 1947, --, Charles Randall - Bertha Carpenter
Randall, Barry, I - 119, 1955 - 1998, Concetta Youker, Charles Randall - Bertha Carpenter
Randall, Bertha A, I - 119, 1919 - 1992, Charles H, Charles Carpenter - Flossie Hotaling
Randall, Corp Lynn R, A -54, 1923 - 1973, --, Lynn Randall - Mary Kimball, World War II Vet
Randall, Daisy M, I -121, 1910 - 1995, Randall, Leon Moore - Bessie Tansley
Randall, Dayton C, I -119, 1940 - 1981, --, Charles Randall - Bertha Carpenter
Randall, Eugene Frank, I -67, 1939 - 1994, --, William Randall - Annabelle Houle
Randall, George Buell Sr, I - 67, 1909 - 1972, --, Lynn Randall - Mary Elizabeth Kimball
Randall, Harold C, I - 121, 1906 - 1975, --, Lynn Randall - Mary Kimball
Randall, Laurie Ann, I -134, 1981 - 1981, --, Ronald Randall - Brenda Zvirzdin
Randall, Lynn, G - 172, 1876 - 1944, --, Charles Randall - Clare Wheeler
Randall, Mark Sgt, I -119, 1954 - 1975, --, Charles Randall - Bertha Carpenter, Sgt Marines
Randall, Mary E, G - 172, 1882 - 1973, --, Harrison Kinball - Louise Laquay
Randall, Willard C, A - 54, 1903 - 1933, --, Lenn Randall - Mary Kimball
Rands, A D, F - 3, 1856 - 1935, Ellen Richardson, Joseph Rands - Jane Bates
Rands, Charles W, F - 1, 1864 - 1956, --, Joseph Rands - Jane Bates
Rands, Ellen Richardson, F - 3, 1850 - 1933, A D, James Richards - Sayey A
Rands, Ethel Lasch, F - 2, 1891 - 1968, --, John Lasch - Mary Stromph
Rands, Flora A Galusha, F -1, 1870 - 1962, Charles W, John Galusha - Alice Youker
Rands, Jane, F - 1, 1824 - 1875, --, Joseph Rands - Jane Bates
Rands, John J, F -2, 1891 - 1984, --, Charles F Rands - Flora Galusha
Rands, Leta C, F - 1, 1896 - 1993 --, Charles F Rands - Flora Galusha
Rea, Pearl Noyes, F - 92, 1886 - 1929, Norman, George H Noyes - Louise Kline
Reagan, Lois Edwards, F -166, 1929 - 1988 --, William Edwards - Muriel Tripp
Reagan, William Laurence J, F -166, 1929 - 1980 --, ___ - ___
Reinhardt, Amos, F - 160, 1885 - 1958, Sadie Vickers, Richard Reinhardt - Ellen Lathers
Reinhardt, Harold, F - 160, 1916 - 1979, --, Amos Reinhardt - Sadie Vickers
Reinhardt, Sadie F - 160, 1888 - Amos, George Vickers - Una Baxter
Reynolds, Geo C, AA - 636, 1802 - 1941, --, ___ - ___
Reynolds, J E T, AA - 634, ___, -- , ___ - ___
Rhoads, Alice A, A - 39, 1902 - 1966, --, Dwight Dillenbeck - Robah Amelia Harper
Rhoads, Ralph W, A - 39, 1893 - 1960, --, George E Rhoads - Unknown
Rice, (Infant), AA - 14, ___ , Tyrus Rice - Sophia Foster
Rice, Caroline, AA - 545, 1808 - 1830, --, Moses M Rice - Roxanna Cook
Rice, Catherine Thompson, AA - 413, 1816 - 1848, Hamilton, Silas Thompson - Nancy Jackson
Rice, Elen, AA - 13, ___ - 1844, --, Tyrus Rice - Sophia Foster
Rice, Hamilton, AA - 412, 1810 - 1857, Catherine Thompson, ___ - ___
Rice, Horace (Soldier), AA - 21, 1830 - 1892, --, Tyrus Rice - Sophia Foster, Civil War Pvt Co C 67th NY Vol
Rice, Joseph, AA - 419, 1778 - 1857 --, Thomas Rice - Elizabeth Munson
Rice, Joseph S, AA - 414, 1837 - 1840 --, Hamilton Rice - Catherine Thompson
Rice, Josiah, C - 24, 1808 - 1881, Sophronia Tuttle, Joseph Rice - Sarah (Sally) Mix
Rice, Josiah Q, AA - 714, 1848 - 1850, --, Josiah Rice - Sophronia Tuttle
Rice, Lucy B, C - 23, 1814 - 1877, Moses, Eli Brockett - Catherine Ford
Rice, Moses, C - 23, 1806 - 1874, Lucy Brockett, ___ - ___
Rice, Moses M, AA - 544, 1774 - 1847, Roxilany Cook, Thomas Rice - Elizabeth Munson
Rice, Rhobie, AA - 418, 1780 - 1864, Jospeh (2nd), ___ - ___
Rice, Roxilany, AA - 543, 1777 - 1852, Moses M, Atwater Cook Sr - Mary Bartholomew
Rice, Sally, AA - 420, 1782 - 1821, Joseph (1st), Josiah Mix - Mindwell
Rice, Sally, AA - 415, 1847 - 1848 --, Hamilton Rice - Catherine Thompson
Rice, Sophronia Tuttle, C - 24, 1812 - 1899, Josiah, Ransom Tuttle - Ethina Ellis
Rice, Tirus, AA -12, 1769 - 1847. --, ___ - ___
Richard, Frances B, F - 47, 1861 - 1940, --, Leonard A Brockett - Lydia Morse
Richard, Laura (Also Anna Laura), F - 47, 1887 - 1972, --, Dr Martin Richard - Frances Brockett
Richard, Mabel E, F - 47, 1884 - 1974, --, Dr Martin Richard - Frances Brockett
Richard, Martin A, F - 47, 1858 - 1930, --, John Richard - Harriett Ficher
Richards, Eliza F, J -144, 1993 - 1993, --, Kevin J Richards - Lucinda Sweet
Richardson, Alice, F - 165, 1887 - ___ , --, William Shibley - Lavina Luther
Richardson, Charles N, F - 165, 1883 - 1963, --, Annias Richardson - Adele Gunnett
Riemann, Anne Burr, G - 185, 1887 - 1963, --, William Burr - Amelia
Riemann, Peter Sr, G -185, 1886 - 1950, --, Frederick Riemann - Mario Riemann
Rimph, Nelson, AA - 602, 1797 - 1835, Sara Cole, ___ - ___
Rimph, Sarah Cole, AA - 603, 1799 - Nelson, ___ - ___
Roberts, Edward P, I - 114, 1904 - 1991, Margaret Jorrey (1st) Marjorie
Jennings Near (2nd), John Roberts - Katherine Holian
Roberts, Margaret T, I -114, 1906 - 1977, Edward, Chester Jorrey - Nellie Filby
Robinson, Floyd H, F - 140, 1884 - 1966, --, William Robinson - Jennie Pickert
Robinson, Hannah C, I - 75, 1899 - 1981, --, Timothy Cagney - Margaret Mc Grath
Robinson, Harold S, F - 165, 1904 - 1991, Grace Hilson, Floyd Robinson - Ida Shibley
Robinson, Ida, F -140, 1882 - 1954, --, William Shibley - Lovina Luther
Robinson, Isabel, F - 140, 1914 - 1946, --, Floyd Robinson - Ida Shibley
Robinson, Margaret Perkin S Burrell, A -47, 1886 - 1969 --, Leonard Perkins - Frances Near
Robinson, Mildred Louise, F - 165, 1904 - 1971, --, Arthur Tripp - Muriel Bell
Robinson, Robert, I - 75, 1889 - 1978, --, -
Robinson, Roger, F - 140, 1913 - 1983, --, Floyd Robinson - Ida Shibley,
Rogers, Arthur J, M -10, 1887 - 1968, --, Henry Rogers - Flora Drake,
Rogers, Grace B Moyer Nichols, D -18, 1891 - 1955, --, John Moyer - Arwilda Comstock
Rogers, William Knox, A - 30, 1883 - 1932, --, Charles Rodgers - Ellen Moore Rodgers
Romanic, Mary M, F - 141, 1887 - 1963, --, Thomas Markowich - Ann Barna
Romanic, William, F - 141, 1882 - 1942, --, Nicholas Romanic - ___
Rosemyer, Agnes, G -198, 1895 - 1988, --, Alexander Hagadoz - ___
Rosemyer, Rosemary, J - 7, 1930 - 1991, Michael, ___ - ___
Rowland, Bessie E, F - 74, 1895 - 1977, --, John Edwards - Mary Elizabeth Clark
Rowland, Irving E, F -74, 1880 - 1955, --, Jacob Rowland - Jane Wilson
Rowley, Linda Christine, K -10, 1974 - 1997, --, Daniel Rowley - Gail Johnson
Ruby, Cora, A 51, 1870 - 1941, --, Charles Brace - Jane Williams
Ruby, Prudence, K - 16, 1907 - 1986, --, Chester Taylor - Goldie Kelly
Ruby, Vernon, A - 51, 1902 - 1985, --, William H Ruby - Cora E Brace
Rumrill, Fannie H, I - 81, 1938 - 1984, --, Ellis Hadcock - Beatrice Cool
Rumrill, Mavis A, I - 81, - 1969, --, Edgar Jodway - Alfreds
S.L., (No. E. Corner), D - 40, ___, --, ___ - ___
S.P., (No. W. Corner), D - 40, ___, --, ___ - ___
Sanders, Arthur J, G - 173, 1898 - 1969, --, George Sanders - Mary O'Brien
Sanders, George B, G - 173, 1867 - 1944, --, James Sanders - Amanda Belgrave
Sanders, Mary J, G - 173, 1860 - 1942, --, James Obrien - Cummings
Sanderson, Edith M, B 6, 1894 - 1909,, William Sanderson - Viola Dunning
Sanderson, James Frank I, C - 5, 1843 - 1941, Mary Whitford (1st) Minnie Loomis (2nd), Zachius Sanderson - Margaret Visger, Civil War Veteran
Sanderson, James Frank II, C - 5, 1909 - 1972, --, James F Sanderson - Minnie
Sanderson, Jay L, K - 13, 1912 - 1979, --, James F Sanderson I - Minnie Loomis
Sanderson, Mary Whitford, C - 5, 1848 - 1891, James I (1st), William
Whitford - Samanthy Munson
Sanderson, Minnie, C - 5, 1866 - 1943, James I (2nd), Heman Loomis - Olive
Sanderson, Viola, B - 6, 1874 - 1938, William F, Albert Dunning - Cornelia
De Lun
Sanderson, William F, B - 6, 1871 - 1946, Viola Dunning, James Frank
Sanderson I - Mary Whitford
Sanford, Catherine R, F - 106, 1873 - ___, --, ___ - ___
Sanford, George W, F - 106, 1861 - 1931, --, George Sanford - Phoebe Groves
Sasman, Christopher, G - 188, 1872 - 1969, --, Henry Sasman - Gertrude
Sayles, Helen Burrell, F - 94, 1857 - 1914, --, Issac Burrell - Emma Miller
Sayles, Leon A, F - 94, 1890 - 1910, --, Atkinson Sayles - Helen Burrell
Scheuerman, Alfred, J - 101, 1906 - 1997, Lettie Pollard, Conrad Scheuerman
- Mary Holstein
Schmid, Helen Romanic, F - 141, 1921 - 1987, James, William Romanic - Mary
Schott, Aramina, AA - 343, ___ - 1848, Florenz, ___ - ___
Schott, Caroline, AA - 347, ___ - 1838, --, Florenz Schott - Aramina,
Schott, Philip, AA - 346, ___ - 1840, --, Florenz Schott - Aramina
Schram, Barbara M, I - 146, 1962 - 1991, --, Herbert Randall - Clara Youker
Schuyler, Eleanor Helen, F - 166, 1931 - 1966, --, William Edwards - Muriel Tripp
Scott, Lowis, AA - 348, ___, --, ___ - ___
Scott, William J, J - 38, 1909 - 1982, --, William Scott - Anna Kearny
Secner, Harold E, I - 90, 1908 - 1987, --, ___ - ___
Secner, Mable J, I - 90, 1900 - 1972, Fred (1st), Jacob Hamm - Eliza
Seeley, Burel, J - 68, 1923 - 1995, Irene M Smith, Lyman Seeley - Edith
Darling, Veteran
Seeley, Edith, I - 48, 1903 - 1997, Lyman E, Bert Darling - Rhoda Johnson
Seeley, Gordon E, I - 65, 1945 - 1968, --, Marshall F Seeley - Edith M Burke
Seeley, Huldah, AA - 677, 1768 - 1853, Solomon, John Nichols - Mehitahle
Seeley, James L, I - 76, 1951 - 1971, --, Martin Seeley Sr - Rosmond Plato
Seeley, Lyman E, I - 48, 1899 - 1979, Edith Darling, Romaine Seeley -
Elizabeth Bell
Seeley, Marshall F, I - 66, 1921 - 1987, --, Ward Seeley - Corabelle Bloodough
Seeley, Martin (Cy), I -- 93, ___, --, ___ - ___
Seeley, Terry James, I - 66, 1952 - 1972,, Marshall F Seeley - Edith M
Burke, Sp 4 US Army
Seely, Anna L, AA - 682, 1861 - 1859, --, Maxon Seely - Elizabeth Watson
Seely, Eli, AA - 679, 1830 - 1849, --, ___ - ___
Seely, Elisabeth H, AA - 680, 1860 - 1816, --, Maxon Seely - Elizabeth Watson,
Seely, Saloma, AA - 678, 1769 - 1844, --, Elnathan Seeley - ___
Seely, Sarah Marian, AA - 681, 1850 - 1852, --, Maxon Seely - Elizabeth
Seymour, Jessie, F - 75, 1833 - 1956, --, Frank Homrighaus - Louise Switzer
Shanahan, Effie L, I - 20, 1892 - 1987, --, Thomas Lawson - Susan Devan
Shanahan, Francis, I - 20, 1914 - 1979, --, John Shanahan - Effie Lawson
Shanahan, John, I 20, 1927 - 1960, --, James Shanahan - Effie Lawson
Shannahan, Blanche, M - 11, 1882 - 1954,, Merritt Seeley - Harriet Barnes
Shed, Harriett, AA - 153, 1817 - 1841, --, Stephen Shed - Luna Metcalf
Sheppard, Flora, I - 22, 1888 - 1983, --, James Madison - Emma Perry
Sheppard, Frank, I - 22, 1878 - 1963, --, Peter Sheppard - Emma Davis
Sheppard, Grace, I - 22, 1915 - 1996, Willard, Fred Johnson - Dora
Sheppard, Willard L, I - 22, 1907 - 1987, Grace Johnson, Frank Sheppard -
Flora Madison
Sherman, Edward, F - 50, 1932 - 1932, --, Edward H Sherman - Hellen A Abbott,
Shibley, Alfred J, F - 38, 1855 - 1934, --, Josiah Shibley - Mary Austin
Shibley, David J, A - 49, 1883 - 1941, --, George Shibley - Mary Alexander
Shibley, Earl, F - 38, 1888 - 1971, --, Alfred J Shibley - Emma D Phelps
Shibley, Elon C, A - 52, 1843 - 1920, Nellie Nichols, Josiah Shibley - Mary
Shibley, Emma D Phelps, F - 38, 1861 - 1933, --, Harry Darwin Phelps - Sarah
Stevens, Shibley, Genevieve, F - 122, 1890 - 1966,, William Shibley -
Lovina Luther
Shibley, George, A 49, 1848 - 1915,, Josiah Shibley (Buried Kelly Cem
Norway Rd) - Mary Austin
Shibley, Gertrude M, I - 142, 1922 - 1995, Harold, Eugene Mosher - Carrie
Smith, Shibley, Harold A, I - 142, 1921 - 1982, --, William E Shibley - Mae
Shibley, Howard A, I - 143, 1921 - 1993, Laura Belcher & Arlene Tanner
Lyons, William E Shibley - Mae Youker
Shibley, Howard A, F - 38, 1903 - 1919, --, Alfred Shibley - Emma Phelps
Shibley, Laura B, I - 143, 1919 - 1987, --, Horace Belcher - Florence De Lunn
Shibley, Laura J, F - 38, ___, --, Alfred Shibley - Emma Phelps
Shibley, Lovina, F - 122, 1859 - 1933, --, Charles Luther - Lois Comstock
Shibley, Mary E, A - 49, 1850 - 1933, George, John Alexander - Elizabeth
Shibley, May Y, I -142, 1894 - 1978,, A Eugene Youker - Nellie May Ring
Shibley, Mildred G, F - 38, ___, --, Alfred Shibley - Emma Phelps
Shibley, Nellie I, A - 52, 1872 --, Elon C, ?? Nichols - ___
Shibley, Paul L Sr, I - 138, 1945 - 1982, --, Howard A Shibley - Laura Belcher
Shibley, William C, F - 122, 1857 - 1936, --, Josiah Shibley - Mary Austin
Shibley, William E, I - 142, 1899 - 1977, --, Alfred Shibley - Emma Phillips
Shults, Jackson D, J - 169, 1911 - 1982, --, Harry Shutts - Ida Fischer
Sickler, Diane Michalle, I 79, 1967 - 1969, --, Robert Sickler - Judy Ann
Silliman, Avis A, E - 11, 1834 - 1896, Sherwood D (2nd), Horton - ___
Silliman, Benson, E - 11, 1866 - 1882, --, Sherwood D Silliman - Lucinda F
Silliman, Catherine S, E - 8, 1798 - 1891, Daniel, Sherwood - ___
Silliman, Daniel, E - 8, 1795 - 1844, --, Justus Silliman - Ruth Jennings
Silliman, Daniel T, E - 11, 1855 - 1861, --, Sherwood D Silliman - Lucinda F Lamberson
Silliman, Eddie, E - 11, 1857 - 1858, --, Sherwood D Silliman - Lucinda F Lamberson
Silliman, Eugene, E -11, 1851 - 1861, --, Sherwood D Silliman - Lucinda F Lamberson
Silliman, George, E - 8, 1826 - 1900, --, Daniel Silliman - Catherine Sherwood
Silliman, Lucinda F, E - 11, 1826 - 1875, Sherwood D (1st), Lamberson - ___
Silliman, Sarah Wood, E - 8, 1832 - 1920, George, Daniel Wood - Hulda Jennings
Silliman, Sherwood Daniel, E 11, 1821 - 1913, --, Daniel Silliman - Catherine Sherwood
Silvernail, Floyd E, I - 24, 1882 - 1966, --, Ira Silvernail - Ella Briggs
Silvernail, Matie Wells, I - 59, 1877 - 1970, --, Danforth Shootswells - Jennie
Silvernail, Mildred Mae, I - 24, 1898 - 1968, --, Charles Lanphier - Salina Dygert
Simmons, Edward, AA - 102, 1796 - 1821, --, ___ - ___
Singer, Robert J, J - 135, 1920 - 1993, Juanita Singer, Fred Singer - Mabel Gray
Singer, Waneta, J -135, 1926 - 1997, Robert J, Charles Steele - Lela Mosher
Smith, (Infant), AA - 44, ___, --, ___ - ___
Smith, ??? Infant, A - 19, ___, --, ___ - ___
Smith, Abraham, AA - 36, 1774 - 1830 ??, --, Benejah Smith - Mary Betts
Smith, Alfred, G -197, 1904 - 1952, --, Fred Smith - Estella Cool
Smith, Alfred C, F - 49, 1931 - 1931, --, Alfred Smith - Stella Haberman
Smith, Amelia J, C -31, 1827 - 1868, Charles G, ___ - ___ [see notes at bottom of page and at bottom of Part 5]
Smith, Anne M, A - 19, 1856 - 1901, William, George Redman - Anne
Smith, Benejah, AA - 421, 1749 - 1823, --, Daniel Smith - Betty
Smith, Charles, AA - 179, - 1832, --, Samuel Smith - ___
Smith, Charles G, C - 31, 1822 - 1868, --, ___ - ___ [see notes at bottom of Part 5 of this cemetery]
Smith, Elnor, AA - 41, 1768 - 1809, Gilead, ___ Disbrough - ___
Smith, Estella A Cool, F - 49, 1880 - 1968, Fred W, James L Cool - Martha A Youker
Smith, Fred W, F - 49, 1874 - 1927, Estella Cool, Thomas Smith - Sarah Brown
Smith, Gilead, AA - 40, 1778 - 1838, Elnor Disbrough, Benejah Smith - Mary
Smith, John A, I - 51, 1888 - 1964, --, George Smith - Rachel Campbell
Smith, Laura M, I - 51, 1881 - 1982, --, Pierce D Keenan - Mary E Keenan
Smith, Mary, F - 138, 1863 - 1951, --, Thomas Smith - Margaret Carroll
Smith, Nora E, G - 196, 1903 - 1977, --, Leonard Perkins - Frances Near
Smith, Permela, AA - 429, 1805 - 1883, --, William Smith - Phebe
Smith, Phebe, AA - 428, 1776 - 1862, William, ___ - ___
Smith, Ramond Randall, A - 54, 1934 - 1937,, Ramond Smith - Louise Randall
Smith, Russel, AA - 43, ___ - 1828, --, Gilead Smith - Thankful Peck
Smith, Sarah Avery, F - 89, 1858 - 1930, --, Henry Zoller - Jane Zoller
Smith, Stella M, J - 34, 1903 - 1982, --, Luther Smith - Lillie
Smith, Stuart K, A -19, 1892 - 1958, --, William Smith - Nettie Redman
Smith, Thankful, AA - 42, --, Gilead (2nd), Elnathan Peck - Eunice Munger
Smith, Thomas, G - 196, 1902 - 1975, --, Fred Smith - Estelle Cool
Smith, Virginia Ann, F - 154, 1940 - 1940, --, Robert Smith - Elsia Moore
Smith, William, A - 19, 1852 - 1943, Anna Rodman, Edward Smith - Mary Mueller
Smith, William (Captain), AA 427, 1772 - 1854, Phebe, Benejah Smith - Mary Betts, Revolutionary War Captain
Smith, William Capt, AA - 52, - 1830, --, John B Smith - Elmira, Captain In Revolutionary War [see notes at bottom of page]
Smith, Wm R, AA - 432, 1807 - 1826, --, Abraham Smith - Mary
Snell, Emma Peck, F - 27, 1854 - 1936, --, Wm Peck - Polly Silliman
Snell, George Gifford, F - 27, ___, --, ___ - ___
Snyder, Christopher, F - 123, 1816 - 1900, Eva Grassel, ___ - ___
Snyder, Eva, F - 123, 1820 - 1898, Christopher, Grassel - ___
Snyder, John, B - 23, 1831 - 1915, --, ___ - ___, Civil War Pvt Co A 121st NY Vol
Snyder, John H, F -123, 1856 - 1934, Rachel Grassel, Christopher Snyder - Eva Grassell
Snyder, Rachel F, B - 23, 1835 - 1910, John, Grassel - ___
Sokol, Andrew, D - 20, 1887 - 1953, --, Afton Sokol - Unknown
Sokol, Anna, D - 20, 1892 - 1982, --, Thomas Mamrosch - Patricia Capp
Sokol, William, D - 20, 1919 - 1927, --, William Sokol - ___
Soules, Howard, D - 23, 1886 - 1931, --, Eugene Soules - Elizabeth,
Spafford, Susanah, AA - 757, ___ - 1818, --, ___ - ___
Spencer, Alvin, B 26, 1807 - 1901 ??, --, ___ - ___
Spencer, Carlos G, AA - 688, - 1852, --, John Spencer - Laura Cross
Spencer, Cecil F, I - 57, 1902 - 1967, --, Allen Spencer - Hattie House
Spencer, Diana P, B - 26, 1811 - 1892, --, Jedediah Stanley - Prudence
Spencer, Helen F, I - 57, 1906 - 1981, --, John Bowen - Nancy Caldwell
Spencer, Robert W, J - 5, 1918 - 1982,, Walter Spencer - Lizzie Ralston
Spingler, Fred W, I - 7, 1884 - 1964,, Louis Spingler - Cora Cook
Spingler, Kenneth D, F - 55, 1910 - 1992, Helen Williams, David Spingler - Mary Edwards
Spingler, Reynold, I - 7, - 1986, --, Fred W Spingler - Mabel Hamm
Sponable, Clayton S, B - 4, 1871 - 1956, --, John Sponable - Permelia Timmerman
Sponable, Cora B, B - 4, 1872 - 1918, Clay A, Heman Loomis - Olive Foster
Spooner, Stephen, F - 167, 1960 - 1966, --, Gilbert D Spooner - Beatrice Lanphier
Stafford, Clinton Dewitt, G - 198, 1872 - 1959, --, Dewitt Clinton Stafford - Amelia Fish
Stafford, Minnie Reynolds, G - 198, 1873 - 1951, --, James Reynolds - Unknown
Stahl, John L, A - 1, 1846 - 1898, --, ___ - ___
Stahl, Sarah, A - 1, 1852 - 1932, --, Cyrus Avery - Hanna Congdon
Stalnaker, Delmer B, D - 51, 1916 - 1989, --, Upton Stalnaker - Susie Conrad, Cpl US Army World War II
Stalnaker, Erma L, D - 51, 1907 - 1987, --, William Woodfield - Margaret
Stalnaker, Garnet G, J - 139, 1920 - 1993,, Alva Wade Stalnaker - Caroline K Channell
Stanley, Belinda, E - 5, 1828 - 1860, Jasper, Daniel Griswold - Nancy
Stanley, Herman, G - 200, 1946 - 1946,, Jerome Stanley - Nellie Saulter
Stanley, Jasper, E - 5, 1823 - 1887, Belinda Griswold, Jedediah Stanley - Prudence
Stanley, Robert, G - 200, 1903 - 1984, --, ___ - ___
Stavely, Edward, AA - 696, 1781 - 1854, --, ___ - ___
Stebbins, Electa, AA - 444, 1789 - 1862, Capt John, Jonathan Burrell - Lucy Wright
Stebbins, Frances Adelaide, AA - 445, - 1854, --, Wm B Stebbins - Elvira S Griswold
Stebbins, John Captain, AA - 443, 1779 - 1847, Electa Burrell, Noah Stebbins - Margaret, Captain
Stebbins, Mary Agnes, AA - 446, - 1854,, Wm B Stebbins - Elvira S Griswold
Stebbins, Sarah M, AA - 442, - 1853, --, John Stebbins - Electa Burrell
Steciak Jr, Joseph, I - 53, 1960 - 1978, --, Joseph Steciak Sr - Daphne Patterson
Steciak Sr, Joseph, I - 53, 1924 - 1995, Daphne C Patterson, Stephen Steciak Sr - Mary Pytel, World War II 410th AAF Squadron B
Steciak Sr, Stephen, I - 31, ___, --, ___ - ___
Steciak, Anita M, I - 30, 1916 - 1989, --, Harry Shults - Dorothy Saltsman
Steciak, Daphne C, I - 53, 1929 - 1986, Joseph, George Patterson - Laura Dingle
Steciak, Mary, I - 31, 1895 - 1987, --, Wasyl Pytel - Anna Kufta
Steciak, Michael, I - 32, 1919 - 1989, --, Stephen Steciak - Mary Pytel, Us Army World War II
Steciak, Sarah G, I - 55, 1970 - 1970, --, Stephen Steciak Jr - Jean Homrighaus
Stegeman, Edna A Kelley, F - 69, 1893 - 1986, Wesley Kelley (1st), Charles Rands - Flora Galusha
Stepner, Stella Harter, A - 51, 1897 - 1918, --, C A Harter - Delia Miler (?? Sp)
Sterling, Albert R, M - 12, 1904 - 1979, --, Elbert Sterling - Addie Steere
Stevenson, Florence M, J -136, 1910 - 1993, Charles H, Frederick Bishop - Nina Bunn
Stiles, Lucina, C - 29, ___, Philo, ___ - ___
Stiles, Lucy, AA - 161, 1783 - 1870,--, Amos Ives - Lucy Hall
Stoddard, Chauncey B, A 35, 1858 - 1940, Nancy Lafler, Levi Fuller Stoddard - Sally Ann Gifford
Stoddard, Eunice M, D - 2, 1852 - 1876, --, Levi Fuller Stoddard - Sally Ann
Stoddard, Jennie E, D - 2, 1866 - 1866, --, Levi Fuller Stoddard - Sally Ann Gifford
Stoddard, Levi Fuller, D - 2, 1826 - 1898, Sally Ann Gifford, Benjamin Stoddard - Anna Senter
Stoddard, Nancy, A - 35, 1865 - 1924, --, ___ Laffler - ___
Stoddard, Sally Ann Gifford, D - 2, 1852 - 1876, Levi F, Allen Gifford - Sally A
Stone, Donald E, I - 75, 1960 - 1988, --, Philip Stone - Norma Johnson, Tech Sgt
Stone, Elizabeth, F - 38, 1945 - 1945, --, Robert Stone - Betty Mccarthy
Strobel, A K, D - 41, ___, --, ___ - ___
Strobel, Anna K, D 41, 1876 -___, J C, ___ - ___
Strough, Bernice, I - 95, 1902 - 1986, Victor, Myron Phillips - Annabelle Ross
Strough, Victor, I - 95, 1900 - 1982, Bernice Phillips, Jessie Strough - Laura Mae Miller
Stuter, Helen E, A - 50, 1900 - 1915, --, Emmitt Stuter - Mattie Myers
Suits, Peter, M - 11, 1871 - 1954, --, Richard Suits - Charlotta Talbot
Summers, Ruth A, K 21, 1915 - 1983, --, Arthur Alden - Mabel Starbuck
Swank, Krystle E, J 78, 1990 - 1996, --, Jonathan Swank - Melissa Hotaling,
Swank, Leo G, I - 17, 1924 - 1982, --, Leo G Swank - Ruth Hart Swank, US Army
Pfc World War II
Swank, Patrick L, I - 17, 1972 - 1991, --, Richard C Swank - Marlene Dineen Petkovsek
Sweet, Cora E Smith, F - 42, 1863 - 1930, Norman, Elisha Smith - Mary E Hammond
Sweet, Howard W, F - 51, 1898 - 1972, Louise Sweet, Norman Sweet - Cora Smith
Sweet, Louise A, F - 51, 1901 - 1992, Howard W, Fred E Sweet - Elizabeth R Forbes
Sweet, Norman, F - 42, 1859 - 1949, Cora Smith, Ermon D Sweet - Lavina Case
Swift, Abby Jane, E - 2, 1859 - 1861, --, Ethen S Swift - Cornelia
4/1/04 Amelia J. (Barrett) Smith, wife of Charles G. Smith is in the
Salisbury Rural Cemetery in lot C-31. Charles G. and Amelia were the parents to Clara A. Smith, that married John R.
Moon, and had my great grandmother Maynetta A. Moon, that married Charles Henry
Boyer, the one that died with the wooden stake through his heart. [listing in Stratford Cemetery, obituary on Obits Board 7].
If anyone happens across proof of Charles G. Smith's parentage, I'd appreciate an email.
Gail Boyer Swetman
4/8/04 Smith, William Capt, AA - 52, - 1830, --, John B Smith - Elmira, Captain In
Revolutionary War &nbp; I think his mother is Almira Byington, daughter of Jared Byington and Hannah Barnes Bronson. This makes Capt. William Smith brother to Charles G. Smith, husband to Amelia Barrett. I also found today that their father John B. Smith, born in 1804, is not buried there in Salisbury because I found him in the 1880 U.S. Federal Census-California-Alameda-Murray-District 27, as living with his brother Edward Smith. He is listed as a widow. His brother Edward is listed as a farmer and head of household. There are just the two of them in the home. Therefore, I'm assuming they must
be buried in California.
Gail Boyer Swetman
The site coordinator has no
information about any of the persons in Salisbury Rural Cemetery. Requests for further
assistance and information about persons buried should be made of the Herkimer County Historical Society.
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