SEPTEMBER 26, 2000

Entrance to Curtis Corners Cemetery

This family cemetery is located on Herkimer County Highway #221, on the Curtiss Road in the Town of Salisbury, Herkimer County, and State of New York. It is located approximately 3.2 miles from the hamlet of Salisbury Center, NY. When driving to the cemetery take the North Road out of Salisbury Center for approximately 2.9 miles, then take a left on County Highway #221 for 3/10 of a mile. The cemetery is located on the right side of the highway.

The Salisbury Center Grange #624 has made this cemetery census a community service project for the year 2000. Mr. Kenneth Mowers and Mr. Richard Jorrey undertook this project to review all the records and markers of the Curtis Corners Cemetery and to compile an updated census of burials by rows.

The land dedicated for a cemetery was located on the Joseph Fuller property which was part of Lot No. 10201 Fourth allotment of the Royal Grant and the first burial was Elizabeth Fuller, daughter of Levi and Orinda Fuller. It was first called the Fuller cemetery, probably because it was located on the Fuller property. The painted entrance sign now denotes the name of the cemetery as Curtis Corners Cemetery. Some of the early burials in this cemetery were from the Fuller, Howe, Darling, Randall, Curtiss, and Mabbat families. We found that the earliest burial was Elizabeth Fuller in the year of 1843. This would make this cemetery one hundred and fifty-seven years old in the year 2000.

Early Burials:

Elizabeth Fuller1843Row (4)
Elizabeth Howe1855Row (2)
John H. Darling1856Row (3)
Emily Randall1856Row (1)
Bartholomew Curtiss1857Row (1)
Sarah Randall1860Row (1)
Gifford John1860Row (3)
Thomas Mabbat1865Row (1)

A list of veterans from the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War has been prepared and included with this record. It was noted that because of lack of funds, the cemetery is usually mowed and trimmed only three times a year. The cemetery was mowed once during our visit to the site. Volunteers assist with other maintenance jobs at the cemetery site.

Some of the early managers and caretakers of this cemetery have been Carrie/Christopher Johnson, Alfred Johnson, Noble Johnson, William Lanphere and William Daley. The current manager in charge of cemetery lot sales and burials is Cheryl Johnson Dahlia.

A six grave lot in the cemetery sells for $1.00 with four corner markers at $30.00, bringing the total cost of a six grave lot to $31.00. The cemetery does not have a maintained reserve to cover maintenance costs. The cemetery managers do ask for donations to cover the cost of mowing and trimming and for maintenance of a perimeter fence and a sign.

Donations to cover the cost of the maintenance are always welcome and monies can be sent to the Curtis Corners Cemetery, in care of Mrs. Cheryl Johnson Dahlia, 6 Poplar Street, Dolgeville, New York 13329

We thank Cheryl Johnson Dahlia, Cemetery Manager, Dorothy and William Daley, and Elaine Carlin, Town Clerk for their assistance. Also, my thanks to my friend Kenneth Mowers, for his valuable time and computer expertise. This record updates the Curtis Corners Cemetery through September 14, 2000.

Richard S. Jorrey, Master
Salisbury Center Grange #624

Part 2 - Listings

Part 3 - Veterans

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Created: 9/28/00
Copyright © 2000 - 2009 Richard S. Jorrey and Kenneth Mowers
Copyright © 2000 - 2009 Salisbury Center Grange #624
Thank you to everyone involved in providing this valuable online resource.
All Rights Reserved.