Hurricane Road

Norway, N.Y. 13324

Burials Occurring Between Approximately 1915 and 1943
With A Few Earlier Permits

The list below was graciously contributed by Helen Wheatley, Norway Town Historian. Names and date ranges were abstracted from "burial permits" in the Norway town records. Several are burials that occurred before 1915. For listings from 1944 on please refer to the 1944-2000 Hurricane Cemetery burial permits listings.

In order of date

Alanson Bly, 82, Sept. 29, 1896
Daniel VanVoast, 75, May 24, 1908
Jennie Sperl, 55, June 3, 1915 (wife of Andrew--maiden name Firth)
Theodore B. Radley, 80, Apr. 16, 1917
Gordon Bunce, 13 d., June 20, 1917
Alice Minerva Brown, 65, July 22,1917
Albert R. Stanley, 1 y., Aug. 19, 1917
Gladys C. Willoughby, 4 y., Nov. 4, 1917
Jerome Wilt, 62, Jan. 2, 1918
Miles Stanley, 8 hrs., Mar. 25, 1919
Dorothy M. Irving, 2mo., Oct. 25, 1919
Polly Smith, 82, May 15, 1920
Elizabeth Folnsbee, 86, Apr. 20, 1922
Hannah A. Western, 84, May 19, 1922
Elizabeth Nancy Stanley, 73, Dec. 30, 1922
James Irving, 67, Mar. 26, 1923
Lillian Western, 56, May 8, 1923
Calvin Smith, 59, Apr. 8, 1925
Jesse Folnsbee, 74, Jan. 10, 1927
Sarah Anna Dorn, 77, Apr. 11, 1927
Maud F. Sarvey, 61, May 21, 1927
Charles A. Smith, 73, Dec. 15, 1927
Estelle M. Graves, 15 y., May 14, 1928
LeRoy George Stanley, 2 y., Sept. 15, 1928
John Darrow, 68, Oct. 3, 1928
William Vedder, 82, Oct. 15, 1928
William Bly, 79, Jan. 9, 1929
Augustus Teinke (sp?) 40, Aug. 11, 1929
Jennie Fuller, 88, Apr. 29, 1930
Carol Anne Wilt, stillborn, Nov. 21, 1930
Christina R. Gibson, 73, Dec. 27, 1930
Edward Newman, 75, Sept. 18, 1931
Mae Elizabeth Becraft, 16, Nov. 28, 1931 (dau. of John & Allie)
Sarah B. Perry, 82, Jan. 31, 1932
Bruce N. Stacks, 3 y., Sept. 17, 1932
Paul Miller, 82. Oct. 5, 1932
James Darrow, 57, Feb. 20, 1933
Susan E. Fuller, 77, Sept. 4, 1933
Charles Tompkins, 83, Nov. 8, 1933
John C. Richer, 77, June 2, 1935
Frank Hall, 66, Sept. 20, 1934
Carrie L. Brondstatter, 73, Mar. 22, 1937
Kenneth A. Santmire, infant, Mar. 22, 1937
Leslie Richard Briggs, infant, Nov. 13, 1937
Baby Calhoun, Dec. 17, 1937
Alvin Earl Folnsbee, 3 d., Dec. 29, 1937
Lester Gibson, 81, May 21, 1938
Harriett H. Dygert, 74, Sept. 17, 1938
Flora Bailey, 74, Sept. 22, 1938
Arnold Richard Anderson, infant, Dec. 30, 1938
Lewis Bailey, 79, Jan. 24, 1939
William Firth, 76, Feb. 24, 1939 (brother of Jennie Sperl)
Michael Johnson, 77, Mar. 5, 1939
Frances Charles Coher, 6 y., June 1, 1939
Jane L. Calhoun, 1 d., Feb. 8, 1940
Leo Stanley, 24, May 7, 1940
Frank S. Fuller, 72, June 27, 1940
Sarah Vedder Grower, 70, July 29, 1940
William Pullman, 61, Feb. 11, 1941
Jennie A. Wendover, 83, Mar. 10, 1941
Marjorie E. Irving, 15, Apr. 15, 1941
Martha Ingersoll, 91, Sept. 12, 1941
Andrew Sperl, 83, Aug. 31, 1941 (husband of Jennie Firth Sperl)
William T. Darrow, 55, Feb. 2, 1942
Florence V. Hodge, 61, Apr. 2, 1942
Alma Bly, 81, July 3, 1942
John F. Becraft, 57, Oct. 14, 1942 (husband of Allie Sperl Becraft)
Ruth Darrow Roberts, 81, Oct. 25, 1942
Wilda Irving, 49, Dec. 10, 1942
Mary Jane Enslow, infant, Jan. 7, 1943
Deborah Brown, no age given, burial May 15, 1943
Henry P. Graves, 57, Mar. 11, 1943
Bruce K. Pritchard, infant, Apr. 24, 1943
Jerome Stanley, 72, May 15, 1943
Paul David Pritchard, 1 y., May 24, 1943
Freeman Dygert, 61, Dec. 29, 1943

In alphabetical order

ANDERSON, Arnold Richard, infant, Dec. 30, 1938
BAILEY, Flora, 74, Sept. 22, 1938
BAILEY, Lewis, 79, Jan. 24, 1939
BECRAFT, John F., 57, Oct. 14, 1942 (husband of Allie Sperl Becraft)
BECRAFT, Mae Elizabeth, 16, Nov. 28, 1931 (dau. of John & Allie)
BLY, Alanson, 82, Sept. 29, 1896
BLY, Alma, 81, July 3, 1942
BLY, William, 79, Jan. 9, 1929
BRIGGS, Leslie Richard, infant, Nov. 13, 1937
BRONDSTATTER, Carrie L., 73, Mar. 22, 1937
BROWN, Alice Minerva, 65, July 22, 1917
BROWN, Deborah, no age given, burial May 15, 1943
BUNCE, Gordon, 13 d., June 20, 1917
CALHOUN, Baby, Dec. 17, 1937
CALHOUN, Jane L., 1 d., Feb. 8, 1940
COHER, Frances Charles, 6 y., June 1, 1939
DARROW, James, 57, Feb. 20, 1933
DARROW, John, 68, Oct. 3, 1928
DARROW, William T., 55, Feb. 2, 1942
DORN, Sarah Anna, 77, Apr. 11, 1927
DYGERT, Freeman, 61, Dec. 29, 1943
DYGERT, Harriett H., 74, Sept. 17, 1938
ENSLOW, Mary Jane, infant, Jan. 7, 1943
FIRTH, William, 76, Feb. 24, 1939 (brother of Jennie Sperl)
FOLNSBEE, Alvin Earl, 3 d., Dec. 29, 1937
FOLNSBEE, Elizabeth, 86, Apr. 20, 1922
FOLNSBEE, Jesse, 74, Jan. 10, 1927
FULLER, Frank S., 72, June 27, 1940
FULLER, Jennie, 88, Apr. 29, 1930
FULLER, Susan E., 77, Sept. 4, 1933
GIBSON, Christina R., 73, Dec. 27, 1930
GIBSON, Lester, 81, May 21, 1938
GRAVES, Estelle M., 15 y., May 14, 1928
GRAVES, Henry P., 57, Mar. 11, 1943
GROWER, Sarah Vedder, 70, July 29, 1940
HALL, Frank, 66, Sept. 20, 1934
HODGE, Florence V., 61, Apr. 2, 1942
INGERSOLL, Martha, 91, Sept. 12, 1941
IRVING, Dorothy M., 2mo., Oct. 25, 1919
IRVING, James, 67, Mar. 26, 1923
IRVING, Marjorie E., 15, Apr. 15, 1941
IRVING, Wilda, 49, Dec. 10, 1942
JOHNSON, Michael, 77, Mar. 5, 1939
MILLER, PauL, 82. Oct. 5, 1932
NEWMAN, Edward, 75, Sept. 18, 1931
PERRY, Sarah B., 82, Jan. 31, 1932
PRITCHARD, Bruce K., infant, Apr. 24, 1943
PRITCHARD, Paul David, 1 y., May 24, 1943
PULLMAN, William, 61, Feb. 11, 1941
RADLEY, Theodore B., 80, Apr. 16, 1917
RICHER, John C., 77, June 2, 1935
ROBERTS, Ruth Darrow, 81, Oct. 25, 1942
SANTMIRE, Kenneth A., infant, Mar. 22, 1937
SARVEY, Maud F., 61, May 21, 1927
SMITH, Calvin, 59, Apr. 8, 1925
SMITH, Charles A., 73, Dec. 15, 1927
SMITH, Polly, 82, May 15, 1920
SPERL, Andrew, 83, Aug. 31, 1941 (husband of Jennie Firth Sperl)
SPERL, Jennie, 55, June 3, 1915 (wife of Andrew--maiden name Firth)
STACKS, Bruce N., 3 y., Sept. 17, 1932
STANLEY, Albert R., 1 y., Aug. 19, 1917
STANLEY, Elizabeth Nancy, 73, Dec. 30, 1922
STANLEY, Jerome, 72, May 15, 1943
STANLEY, Leo, 24, May 7, 1940
STANLEY, LeRoy George, 2 y., Sept. 15, 1928
STANLEY, Miles, 8 hrs., Mar. 25, 1919
TEINKE (sp?), Augustus 40, Aug. 11, 1929
TOMPKINS, Charles, 83, Nov. 8, 1933
VanVOAST, Daniel, 75, May 24, 1908
VEDDER, William, 82, Oct. 15, 1928
WENDOVER, Jennie A., 83, Mar. 10, 1941
WESTERN, Hannah A., 84, May 19, 1922
WESTERN, Lillian, 56, May 8, 1923
WILLOUGHBY, Gladys C., 4 y., Nov. 4, 1917
WILT, Carol Anne, stillborn, Nov. 21, 1930
WILT, Jerome, 62, Jan. 2, 1918

The site coordinator has no information about individuals or surnames on this list.

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Created: 5/5/01
Copyright © 2001 - 2009 Helen Wheatley
All Rights Reserved.