East Schuyler, Town of Schuyler

Herkimer County, NY

We've received many requests for the Miller-Dutchtown Cemetery. Eaton family researcher Jo Dee Frasco received this list from the Herkimer Historical Society. Miller-Dutchtown Cemetery is listed in semi-alphabetical order and is a duplicate of the original provided by the Society. All spellings are as on the original list. Additional notes about the Eaton family were sent to Jo Dee by her fellow researcher Nancy Brady. Further information about persons buried in this cemetery should be sought from the Herkimer County Historical Society.

hb= husband      wf= wife      so= son of      da= daughter of

ATWELL, Leonard G. D. 1852 (stone-Leander) wf. Martha
Martha B. 1904 D. 1885 hb. Leonard G.
Joel B. 1822 D. 1890
Catherine Sterling B. 1831 D. ?
Josh No data wf. Lizzie Sheaf

GESS Eleaner Atwell B. 1850 D. 1880 hb. L. S.

ATWELL, Lizzie Sheath D. 03/07/1879 (86 yr) hb. Josh
Lizzie B. 1870 D. 1899 da. Lizzie & Josh

AUDE, Christian J. B. 1850 D. 1917 wf. Adelheid Rendtorff
Adelheid Rendtorff B. 1848 D. 1922 hb. Christian J.

BRIDENBECKER, Phebe D. 07/11/1851 (34 yr, 4 mo, 23 da) da. John & Lena

BARGY, Matilda J. D. 10/12/1811 (18 yr, 12 da) da. Jacob & Sally

BIGELOW, James K. D. 08/25/1899

BROWN, Francis D. 12/29/1896 wf. Betsey
Betsey D. 04/27/1892 hb. Francis

Elizabeth Cady D. 07/04/1850 (4 yr.)
Ann B. 1854 D. 1925

BRIDENBECKER, John D. 05/04/1852 (65 yr.) wf. Lany
Lany D. 10/05/1862 (68 yr.) hb. John
Simon D. 08/31/1854 (26 yr.)
William B. 1832 D. 1887 wf. Elizabeth Dunn
Elizabeth Dunn B. 1835 D. 1924 hb. William
Arthur S. D. 02/11/1864 (4 yr.)
Helen L. D. 06/17/1862 (6 yr.)
Daniel D. 01/30/1851 (61 yr. 9 mo.) wf. Mary
Mary B. 1796 D. 1877 hb. Daniel
Ann M. B. 1816 D. 1899v Amos B. 1817 D. 1901 wf. Caroline
Caroline B. 1817 D. 1853 hb. Amos
Ezra B. 1847 D. 1851

BULL, ? D. 05/01/1872 (90 yr.) (BULL, ? is father in law of Willard Youngs)

BALDWIN, Daniel B. 1806 D. 1880 wf. Percy
Percy B. 1815 D. 1887 hb. Daniel
Wellington B. 1837 D. 1839
Lewis B. 1841 D. 1862 (VETERAN) So. Daniel & Percy

BECKER, Samantha D. 01/31/1874 (40 yr.) hb. Rev. Geo. W.

BRYANT, Child D. 06/30/1865 (20 yr.) child of Julia & David

BRIDENBECKER, Jeroma B. 1852 D. 1922 wf. Hannah
Hannah B. 1850 D. 1918 hb. Jeroma

BAUM, Peter D. 09/25/1877 (63 yr, 5 mo, 14 da)

BUDLONG, John Nate B. 1837 D. 1873

BARBER, Moses D. 01/26/1867 (42 yr, 3 mo, 13 da)
Horace B. 1845 D. ? wf. Clarissa Husted
Clarissa Husted B. 1848 D. 1925 hb. Horace

BAILEY, John Freemont B. 1857 D. ? wf. Addie S. Parkhurst
Addie S. Parkhurst B. 1860 D. ? hb. John Freemont
Carl J. B. 1881 D. 1885

BARBER, Margaret B. 1820 D. 1912

BRIZELAIR, Harris No Data

BURTON, Ira B. 1835 D. 1897

BROCKWAY, Henry L. B. 1802 D. 1860 wf. Cora B. Miller
Cora Miller B. 1863 D. 1938 hb. Henry L.

BURDICK, Frank B. B. 1862 D. 1916

BUSCHMAN, Caroline B. 1853 D. 1924
Margaret H. B. 1895 D. 1917
William Zone B. 1884 D. ?

BROCKWAY, Frank B. 1865 D. 1925 wf. Ann Finster
Ann Finster No Data
Leonard No Data so. Frank & Ann F.

BOUCK, Peter B. 1833 D. 1909 wf. Rhoda Youngs
Rhoda Youngs B. 1843 D. 1921 hb. Peter

CRAMER, Henry B. 1834 D. 1897 wf. Elizabeth
Eliabeth B. 1831 D. 1897 hb. Henry
Carrie B. 1869 D. ? da. Elizabeth & Henry

CLARK, Cornelius D. 09/19/1889 wf. Nancy
Nancy D. 11/30/1886 (78 yr.) hb. Cornelius
Adam H. D. 07/15/1858 (20 yr, 11 mo, 27 da)
John P. D. 08/19/1887 (42 yr.)

COOPER, Rhoda Jackson D. 01/18/1889 (55 yr, 9 mo, 13 da) hb. Rev. L. J.

CRAMER, Morgan B. 1832 D. 1905 wf. Almira Klock
Almira Klock B. 1827 D. 1909 hb. Morgan

CANNON, Hiram B. 1810 D. 1887

CHAPIN, William D. 03/29/1892 (22 yr, 3 mo, 27 da)
John D. 01/24/1875 (16 yr, 1 mo, 17 da)
William D. 08/17/1897 (70 yr.)

CLEMENS, Michael D. 07/06/1894 (80 yr.) wf. Rachel
Rachel D. 07/26/1889 (70 yr.) hb. Michael
Michael D. 05/31/1879 (93 yr.) wf. Catharine
Catharine D. 11/09/1842 (50 yr.) hb. Michael
Abraham D. 05/01/1859 (33 yr.)
Jacob D. 10/0?/1837 (74 yr.) wf. Catharine
Catharine D. 09/0?/1833 (71 yr.) hb. Jacob
Rosel D. 08/09/1864 (16 yr, 7 mo, 5 da)

CALDWELL, James M. B. 1822 D. 1890 wf. Lovisa Minett
Louisa Minett B. 1828 D. 1891 hb. James M.
Alvah Howard B. 1866 D. 1877 (10 yr, 4 mo)

From BetteJo Hall Caldwell
"On the backside of James M. Caldwell's stone is the name of his first son, James M. Caldwell, born 1852 and died 1939, and his wife Harriet E. Cramer born 1862 died 1931. The spelling on James M. 's wife's name should be Lousia Minott.

[see reading below] On his second son Jerome B. Caldwell's stone his middle name starts with an M., and his wife's name should be Anna P. Maynard. And Margaret Maynard her stepmother; her husband was John B. Maynard."

CRISMAN, Morgan D. 05/26/1897 (55 yr, 11 mo)
Fredie A. D. 07/24/1873 (01 yr, 8 mo)

CROSSETT, Maria B. 1841 D. 1903 hb. Adney

CALDWELL, Jerome B. 1861 D. 1923 wf. Anna [see above correction]
Anna B. 1868 D. 1923 hb. Jerome
Margaret Maynard B. 1836 D. 1907
May E. B. 1889 D. 1893 da. Jerome

CRAMER, John H. B. 1853 D. ? wf. Mary A Belknape
Mary A. Belknape B. 1863 D. ? hb. John H.
M. Albert B. 1898 D. 1919 so. John & Mary A. B.

CARR, Earl W. B. 1888 D. 1920

DUNN, James D. 09/04/1880 (71 yr, 11 da) wf. Margaret Youngs
Margaret Youngs B. 1812 D. 1902 hb. James
James H. D. 10/13/1917 (25 yr, 3 mo) so. Margaret & James

DAVIS, Charles B. 1819 D. 1865 wf. Susan Eaton
Susan Eaton B. 1823 D. 1891 hb. Charles

DURST, Mrs. sister of Luther Sterling
Luther D. 01/30/1904 (90 yr.) wf. Amanda L.
Amanda L. B. 1820 D. 1891 hb. Luther

DAVIS, Judson E. B. 1847 D. 1892
Nehemiah Judson B. 1824 D. 1901 wf. Hannah A. Tallman
Hannah Tallman B. 1828 D. ? hb. Nehemiah

DODGE, Herbert T. B. 1856 D. ? wf. Etta Robbins
Etta Robbins B. 1859 D. 1916 hb. Herbert T.

DOWNES, Benjamin B. 1856 D. ? wf. Mary Jane
Mary Jane B. 1859 D. 1909 hb. Benjamin
James B. 1896 D. 1907 so. Mary & Benjamin

ELWELL, Child Child of Geo. H. Elwell

John Eaton Headstone

EATON, William B. 1852 D. 1887 wf. Arabella
Arabella B. 1852 D. 1926 hb. William
David M. B. 1836 D. 1922
Mary B. 1845 D. 1918
David M. Jr. B. 1867 D. 1919 wf. Ada M. Mower
Ada M. Mower B. 1878 D. ? hb. David M. Jr.

[1/9/99: "On looking at the pictures I took of the cemetery stones, I found a mistake in the listing on William B. Eaton. It should be William E. Eaton and his wife should be Ardelia 1853-1926, not Arabella." Nancy Brady]

[11/30/98: "I found two names not listed on the copy Jo Dee sent me and I went down there Nov. 26th and took pictures of the stone. They are John Eaton 1825-1888 and his wife Josephine Eaton 1829-1913. Their names are on the back of the stone of their son, William Eaton 1852-1887 and his wife Arabella 1852-1926." Nancy Brady]

EBERLINE, Edward B. 1863 D. ? wf. Pauline
Pauline B. 1865 D. ? hb. Edward
George F. Trieb B. 1894 D. 1914 so. Pauline & Edward
Evaline B. 1907 D. 1907 da. Pauline & Edward

FINSTER, John B. 1760 D. 1855 (Rev. Vet.) wf. Mary Graderick Schneck
Mary Graderick Schneck D. 08/25/1816 (50 yr.) hb. John
Elizabeth D. 08/06/1861 (42 yr.)
Peter D. 06/01/1862 (37 yr, 8 mo, 11 da)
Jacob D. 05/17/1862 (76 yr, 3 mo, 23 da) wf. Margaret Clemens
Margaret Clemens D. 07/06/1866 (84 yr, 9 mo, 06 da) hb. Jacob
William D. 09/28/1868 (69 yr.) wf. Nancy
Nancy D. 08/21/1850 hb. Wm.
Horace D. 02/17/1897 (62 yr.) wf. Barbary Snyder
Barbary Snyder No Data hb. Horace
Homer J. D. 03/18/1861 (10 yr, 9 mo, 28 da) so. Barbary & Horace
Ira B. 1827 D. 1880 wf. Jane Husted
Jane Husted B. 1836 D. 1907 hb. Ira
Philip B. 1793 D. 1887 (Vet, 1812) wf. Elizabeth
Elizabeth B. 1799 D. 1878 (78 yr, 6 mo, 7 da) hb. Philip
Solomon D. 03/08/1830 so. Elizabethe & Philip
Simon P. B. 1829 D. 1898 wf. Caroline
Caroline Oyer B. 1837 D. 1927 hb. Simon P.
Ida B. 1863 D. 1864 da. Caroline & Simon P.
Jennie Bentley B. 1862 D. 1901 hb. O. E.
Peter D. 07/28/1873 (82 yr.) wf. Catharine
Catharine D. 11/21/1862 (63 yr, 6 mo, 15 da) hb. Peter
Solomon D. 02/22/1818 (1 yr, 3 mo, 1 da)
John B. 1809 D. 1880 wf. Mary Sheaf
Mary Sheaf D. 03/10/1857 (56 yr, 5 mo) hb. John
John No Data so. John & Mary S.

FARRINGTON, Henry D. 05/06/1867 (68 yr.) wf. Betsey
Betsey D. 12/28/1868 (63 yr.) hb. Henry

FLUSKEY, Henry No Data

FOX, Peter D. 03/15/1828 (68 yr.)
Josiah D. 03/30/1878 (66 yr.) wf. Elizabeth
Elizabeth D. 09/25/1850 (48 yr.) hb. Josiah
Emma E. D. 09/13/1868 (24 yr, 6 mo)
Ida E. D. 12/03/1862 (07 yr, 8 mo, 21 da) da. Josiah & Elizabeth

FRANCISCO, Charles D. 04/??/1899

FINSTER, daughter No Data da. of Delos
George B. 1818 D. 1901 wf. Emeline M. Sweet
Emeline M. Sweet B. 1828 D. 1907 hb. George
Hiram D. 05/23/1891 (71 yr.) wf. Jennett O. Bartlett
Jennett Bartlett No Data hb. Hiram

FOX, Zimri B. 1836 D. 1877 (41 yr.)

GATER, Lydia D. 10/29/1869 (16 yr.)

GOLDEN, Abner D. 04/08/1891 (74 yr.) wf. Catharine M. Graham
Catharine Graham B. 1825 D. 1906 hb. Abner
Ed B. 1860 D. ? wf. Eugene Bailey
Eugene Bailey B. 1823 D. 1855 hb. Ed
Jane B. 1819 D. 1897
Ira B. 1842 D. 1916

GERING, Abraham B. 1848 D. ? wf. Elizabeth
Elizabeth B. 1848 D. 1915 hb. Abraham

HUSTED, Silas S. B. 1855 D. 1922 wf. Mary Miller
Mary Miller B. 1855 D. 1938 hb. Silas S.
Riby M. B. 1892 D. ? da. Mary M. & Silas S.

HAVER, Henry D. 06/09/1877 (67 yr, 6 mo, 25 da) wf. Nancy
Nancy D. 05/16/1896 (82 yr, 4 mo, 1 da) hb. Henry

HUSLER, Mrs. Christian No Data

HAVER, Frederick D. 09/13/1899 (86 yr.) wf. Mary
Mary D. 08/06/1869 (53 yr.) hb. Frederick

HAZLETON, George G. D. 11/28/1871 (25 yr.) [NOTE: first name should be Horace; see note at end of listings]

HUSLER, Christian D. 01/03/1879 (69 yr, 23 da)

HUYCK, D. C. B. 1869 D. ? wf. Mary Mower
Mary Mower B. 1858 D. ? hb. D. C.
Ida L. B. 1888 D. 1895 da. Denis & Mary Mower
Varney H. B. 1885 D. 1919

HULSER, John B. 1841 D. 1922 wf. Elizabeth Oyer
Elizabeth Oyer B. 1848 D. 1922 hb. John
Ada D. 12/25/1898 da. John & Elizabeth

HAZLETON, Henry B. 1821 D. 1889 wf. Ann M. Potter
Ann M. Potter B. 1828 D. 1908 hb. Henry

JOHNSON, Harvey D. 05/19/1900 (71 yr.) wf. Anna Hoffman
Anna Hoffman D. 09/08/1928 (79 yr.) hb. Harvey

JACKSON, Dwight I. D. 08/01/1889 (63 yr, 24 da)wf. Mary Lints
Mary Lints B. 1839 D. 1914 hb. Dwight I.

JOHNSON, Child of Seymour No Data
Cora E. D. 09/22/1890 (25 yr, 10 mo, 10 da)

KLOCK (Clock), John B. 1807 D. 1861 wf. Nancy Finster
Nancy E. Finster B. 1806 D. 1897 hb. John
Maryette B. 1830 D. 1907 da. Nancy F. & John
Peter B. 1833 D. 1916 wf. Louesa M. J.
Lousea M. Jackson B. 1837 D. 1905 hb. Peter
Edgar B. 1863 D. ? wf. Mary C. Smith
Mary C. Smith B. 1869 D. ? hb. Edgar
Augustus B. 1827 D. 1914 wf. Lany A. Fox
Lany Ann Fox B. 1828 D. 1908 hb. Augustus
Eugene D. 04/11/1892 (29 yr.)
Wallace D. 08/30/1850 (1 yr, 4 mo)
Emma D. 07/25/1867 (17 yr, 25 da)

KANE, Cornelius D. 07/18/1884 (71 yr.)
his wife D. 05/07/1883 (62 yr.) hb. Cornelius

LINTS, Peter D. 01/03/1855 (93 yr.) wf. Margaret
Margaret D. 03/20/1855 (90 yr.) hb. Peter
Peter D. 07/22/1875 (69 yr, 6 mo, 26 da) wf. Elizabeth
Elizabeth D. 05/25/1888 (79 yr, 8 mo, 23 da) hb. Peter
John II D. 05/16/1870 (76 yr, 6 mo) wf. Mary Oyer
Mary Oyer D. 11/16/1874 (85 yr, 6 mo, 16 da) hb. John II
George No Data wf. Mary Finster
Mary Finster No Data hb. George
child of Henry No Data
Margaret B. 1844 D. 1911
Jacob D. 09/29/1872 (82 yr.) wf. Elizabeth
Elizabeth D. 07/11/1869 (74 yr.) hb. Jacob
Peter D. 12/30/1880 (67 yr, 7 mo, 12 da) wf. Jane
Jane D. 02/22/1868 (47 yr, 5 mo) hb. Peter
Malvina D. 10/12/1871 (22 yr, 2 mo, 18 da)
Margaret No Data
Simon P. B. 1859 D. 1924
S. Peter B. 1830 D. 1910 wf. Lucinda Lighthall
Lucinda Lighthall B. 1834 D. 1901 hb. S. Peter
William B. B. 1832 D. 1905 wf. Caroline Baum
Caroline Baum B. 1837 D. 1902 hb. Wm. B.

LEWIS, Richard B. 1829 D. 1892 (Civil War Vet) wf. Alfreda Potter
Alfreda Potter B. 1836 D. 1900 hb. Richard

LINTS, Horace G. B. 1852 D. 1917 wf. Ida M. Hobbins
Ida M. Robbins B. 1858 D. 1920 hb. Horace G.
Simon P. B. 1857 D. 1924 wf. Melinda Cramer
Melinda Cramer B. 1855 D. ? hb. Simon P.

MILLER, Valentine D. 05/08/1851 (76 yr.)
Sarah D. 06/10/1836 (49 yr.)
Solomon D. 08/01/1825 (10 da.)
MILLER, James D. 06/05/1831 (10 da.)

FINSTER, Jacob D. 05/06/1852 (42 yr.) wf. Elizabeth Miller

MYERS, Henry D. 11/04/1845 (61 yr, 5 mo, 26 da) wf. Elizabeth
Elizabeth B. 1789 D. 1824 hb. Henry
James D. 03/01/1811 so. Elizabeth & Henry

MILLER, Michael D. 07/07/1902 (82 yr.) wf. Philinda Finster
Philinda Finster D. 10/21/1897 (75 yr.) hb. Michael

MOWER, Dr. John B. 1824 D. 1895 wf. Lydia Ann Jackson
Lydia Ann Jackson D. 06/22/1855 (29 yr, 2 mo, 25 da) hb. Dr. John

McGRAW, Calvin D. 12/??/1907
Frances D. 01/11/1880 (10 yr, 7 mo) da. of Hiram
a son No Data so. of Hiram
Margaret A. D. 08/29/1868 (36 yr, 8 mo, 7 da) hb. William
Evaline S. B. 1844 D. 1868 wf. Hiram Jr.
Sally D. 03/02/1882 (72 yr.)
Hiram D. 12/18/1880 (75 yr, 8 mo, 6 da)
Frances W. D. 01/17/1860 (10 yr.)
Josephene D. 03/14/1864 (32 yr.) hb. John
Alice D. 09/07/1879 (25 yr, 11 mo, 25 da)

[NOTE: The above McGraw data varies considerably from a more recent reading of the McGraw Monument sent in last year by Phil. Munson.]

MOWER, Philip B. 1817 D. 1890 wf. #1) Mary #2) Mary Ann #3) Martha J.
Mary B. 1820 D. 1863 hb. Philip (wife #1)
Mary Ann B. 1830 D. 1888 hb. Philip (wife #2)
Martha J. B. 1832 D. 1890 hb. Philip (wife #3)
Edwin B. 1833 D. 1886
Horace G. B. 1849 D. 1882
Conrad B. 1791 D. 1871 wf. Mary Klock
Mary Klock D. 04/21/1878 (84 yr.) hb. Conrad
Rachel B. 1829 D. 1861 da. Mary K. & Conrad
Lawrence D. 10/09/1892 (73 yr.) so. Mary K. & Conrad

MILLER, Adam B. 1812 D. 1907 wf. Frances Hough
Frances Hough D. 05/28/1895 (78 yr.) hb. Adam
Newell B. 1840 D. 1925 wf. Julia Husted
Julia Husted B. 1842 D. 1921 hb. Newell
Helen D. 05/06/1852 (8 yr.)
Grace D. 12/03/1877 (3 yr.)

MADISON, Peter D. 11/15/1870 (84 yr.)

MILLS, Libbie B. 1845 D. 1900 hb. Albert

MINOTT, Wilbur V. B. 1845 D. 1914 (Veteran) wf. Sarah M. Lewis
Sarah M. Lewis B. 1845 D. 1914 hb. Wilbur V.

new 2/8/11   A thank you for corrections and photograph goes to Cassandra Elinskas. Click on the name in the above listings to see a photo, which clears up the first name error in the original reading. Cassandra isn't related to Mr. Hazleton and has no information about him.

Hazleton, George G. as you have listed on your site, should be:

Hazleton, Horace G. (rest of info same), per his stone.

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Created: 5/29/98
Last Updated: 2/8/11
Copyright ©1927 - 2011 Clarence D. Smith
Copyright ©1998 - 2011 Jo Dee Frasco/ M. Magill/ Nancy Brady/ BetteJo Hall Caldwell / Cassandra Elinskas
All Rights Reserved.