Town of Warren
Herkimer County, New York
This cluster of small cemeteries was prepared by contributing editor Betsy Voorhees of Herkimer.
The original readings were recorded by George Hildebrandt. As usual, the names are spelled as
recorded on the original records at the Herkimer County Historical Society.
Cemetery on South Side Route 20
Little Lakes, Town of Warren
Herkimer County, New York
Before going into Warren
DAVID, Delos, D. 12-1-1826, Wf. Linda
DAVID, Linda, 1833 - 1904, Hus. Delos
CADWELL, Margaret, D. 10-25-1853, 24yr-21da, Hus. John
OSTERHOUT, Sylvia D., 1822 - 1884, Hus. Cornelius
OSTERHOUT, Cornelius, 1824 - 1892, Wf. Sylvia
ELY, Margaret, D. 8-20-1848, 86yr-11mo, Hus. Simeon
VOSBURG, Jacob, D. 9-26-1856, 72yr-7mo-7da
FOX, Martha, D. 7-19-1806, 60yr, Hus. Reuben
SHEPARD, John, D. 4-6-1856, 66yr-6mo-21da, Wf. Betsey
SHEPARD, Betsey, D. 7-30-1870, 80yr-2mo-5da, Hus. John
DOOLITTLE, Simona, D. 8-23-1861, 13yr-10mo
WELLER, Willie, D. 11-22-1816, 19yr
ELY, Josephine L., D. 1-11-1847, 5yr-6mo-15da
McCredy Cemetery
Town of Warren
Herkimer County, New York
Rock Hill Road
MCCREDY, Anna, D. 6-19-1824, 3yr-3mo-20da, dau of Wm & Betsey
MCCREDY, David, 1799 - 1890, Wf. Welthy
MCCREDY, David Wagner, 1823 - 1903, son of David & Welthy
MCCREDY, Hannah , D. 10-23-1832, 4yr-2mo-22da
MCCREDY, Hannah, D. 4-13-1856, 75yr-8mo-12da, Hus. Thomas
MCCREDY, Infant, D. 3-16-1831, 1yr-9mo-8da, of David & Welthy
MCCREDY, Jane, D. 8-31-1820, 79yr-3mo-17da, Hus. Robert
MCCREDY, Mary Elizabeth, D. 4-4-1856, 18yr
MCCREDY, Mirian, D. 7-11-1854, 76yr-6mo-3da, Hus. John
MCCREDY, Robert, D. 11-20-1814, 71yr, Wf. Jane
MCCREDY, Silas, 1810 - 1891
MCCREDY, Susan, D. 12-18-1875, 49yr-4mo-15da, Hus. Thomas
MCCREDY, Susannah, D. 3-22-1826, 18yr-7mo-18da
MCCREDY, Thomas, D. 5-25-1862, 79yr-24da, Wf. Hannah
MCCREDY, Thurloe Weed, D. 3-16-1831, 1yr-9mo-8da
MCCREDY, Welthy, D. 5-21-1881, 78yr-11mo-6da, Hus. David
Un-Named Cemetery
Town of Warren
Herkimer County, New York
Route 131 - Below Springer Rd. on Little Lakes Road, on North Side
MARSHALL, Lucy Grace, D. 5-20-1865, 16yr-5mo-11da
TREADWAY, Bela R., D. 1-10-1849, 52yr-10mo-7da, Wf. Philotheta
TREADWAY, Philotheta, D. 2-8-1840, 46yr-7mo, Hus. Bela R.
MARSHALL, John, D. 3-20-1863, 97yr-6mo-20da, Wf. Lydia
MARSHALL, Lydia, D. 5-13-1835, 63yr-8mo-3da, Hus. John
MARSHALL, Thomas, D. 8-4-1830, 30yr
EDWARDS, James Everett, D. 12-6-1851, 12da
EDWARDS, Frank Irvin, D. 10-5-1855, 11mo-15da
WARREN, Henry R., no data, 2yr-3mo-11da
WARREN, Taber M., D. 6-10-1839, 2yr-4mo-5da
WARREN, Rosette L., D. 3-19-1835, 2yr-4mo-3da
SMITH, Satira, D. 1-22-1852, 50yr-6mo-24da, Hus. Hiram
HEWES, 2 infant sons of Asa & Louisa
HEWES, Phily, D. 6-8-1850, son of Asa & Louisa
DUEL, Mary Ann, D. 6-15-1857, 4yr-2mo, dau of Nelson & Phebe
DUEL, George W., D. 9-29-1841, 2yr
ACERS, Attec M., D. 2-21-1846
ACERS, Attec, D. 4-4-1825, 38yr-8mo-17da, Wf #l of William E.
ACERS, Attec, D. 5-31-1859, 65yr-3mo, Wf. #2 of William E.
ACERS, William E., D. 8-10-1858, 69yr-5mo-25da, 2 wfs. above
WARREN, Danie, D. 11-10-1860, 3yr
DUEL, Marcena, D. 10-14-1835, 18yr
DUELL, Joseph, D. 12-?-1841, 57yr-10mo, Wf. Phebe
DUELL, Phebe, D. 6-14-1872, 87yr-4mo-14da, Hus. Joseph
WARREN, Lemuel, D. 3-8-1847, 77yr-11mo-15da, Wf. Rachel
WARREN, Rachel, D. 4-14-1843, 71yr-6mo-15da, Hus. Lemuel
WARREN, Rachel, D. 12-8-1838, 23yr-11mo-9da
WARREN, Richard, D. 7-15-1853, 46yr-9mo-21da, Wf. Ruth
WARREN, Ruth, D. 4-27-1876, 70yr, Hus. Richard
8/12/04 Can you delete a message I put on the
Herk site about five years ago? It's with the Un-named Cemetery in Warren. I found my 4th great grandparents
Joseph and Phebe Duell there. At least I thought they were both there. Turns out only Phebe is. I've recently
been told by a fourth cousin that Joseph actually went west in 1841 and was never heard from again, so the monument
gives the date he was last seen. My cousin Marie Bidney also sent me a picture of Phebe and a picture of the monument.
"Joseph Duell and Phebe Howland Potter were married on December 6, 1802 in Duanesburg, New York.
The young couple soon moved west to Warren, Herkimer County, New York, where Joseph and his
older brother Benjamin bought land in 1805. There Joseph and Phebe had a large family. When the
youngest was only 17, Joseph, who loved to see new scenes, left on an expedition to the west, and
the family never heard from him again. Phebe lived on 30 years, first with one child, then another.
When she died, June 14, 1872, she was buried in a tiny cemetery a mile north of Warren.
A single monument was erected to her and Joseph, the closing date for Joseph being December
1841, when he left for the west."
Neal Smith

Monument of Joseph and Phebe Duell

Phebe Howland Potter Duell
Helmer Cemetery
Town of Warren
Herkimer County, New York
Kingdom Road
(1980-Renegade Farm - Charles & Gerry Manning)
BELL, Hannah, D. 4-14-1884, 85yr-7da, Hus. Peter
BELL, Henry, D. 10-9-1825, 3yr-10mo-7da, son of Peter & Hannah
BELL, Peter, D. 1-28-1887, 79yr-10mo-22da, Wf. Hannah
FURIER, Catharine, D. 12-31-1802, 18yr-8da
HARTER, Catharine, D. 9-10-1859, 88yr-6mo, Hus. Philip
HARTER, Catharine, D. 12-31-1802, 68yr-8da, Hus. Capt. Henry
HARTER, Christina Amelia, D. 3-11-1887, 46yr, Hus. Henderson
HARTER, Elizabeth, D. 2-3-1801, 2yr-9mo-8da, dau of Henry & Gertrude
HARTER, Elizabeth, D. 2-7-1861, 72yr, Hus. Peter
HARTER, Frederick, D. 12-25-1885, 4yr-11mo-1da, son of of Wm & Adaline
HARTER, Gertrude, D. 9-1-1805, 26yr-3mo-22da, Hus. Henry Jr.
HARTER, Harriet, no data, 1yr-11mo-23da, dau= Laurence & Eve C.
HARTER, Henderson F., D. 2-2-1875, 34yr, Wf.-Christina Amelia
HARTER, Capt. Henry, D. 4-12-1822, 92yr-1mo-25da, Wf. Catharine
HARTER, Henry, D. 2-13-1813, 38yr-10mo, Wf. Mary
HARTER, Laurence, D. 9-7-1885, 76yr-4mo-12da, Wf. Eve Catharine
HARTER, Mary, D. 3-8-1830, Hus. Henry
HARTER, Mary C., D. 10-30-1855, 22yr-6mo-2da, dau of Laurence & Eve C.
HARTER, Dr. Peter G., D. 1-30-1866, 29yr, son of Laurence & Eve C.
HARTER, Peter P., D. 3-5-1876, 90yr, Wf. Elizabeth
HARTER, Philip, D. 4-28-1848, 86yr-3mo-3da, Wf. Catharine
HELMER, Adam F., D. 12-30-1834, 84yr-5mo-22da, Wf. Anna M.
HELMER, Anna M., D. 12-1-1859, 86yr-10mo-3da, Hus. Adam F.
HELMER, Barbary Elizabeth, 1799-1825, 25yr-3mo
HELMER, Catharine, D. 12-23-1868, 64yr-3mo-24da
HELMER, Elizabeth, D. 11-8-1889, 64yr-4mo-6da
HELMER, Fanny, D. 11-2-1872, 72yr-8mo-23da, Hus. Henry A.
HELMER, Frederick Henry, D. 8-12-1845, 3yr-3mo-11da, son= Laurence & Sophia
HELMER, Henry A., D. 9-2-1868, 70yr-11mo-25da, Wf. Fanny
HELMER, James, D. 9-4-1886, 6yr-10da
HELMER, Margaret, D. 2-19-1831, 3yr-5mo-6da, dau of Laurence & Sophia
HELMER, Margaret, D. 3-8-1861, 48yr-11mo
HELMER, Marinda, D. 11-20-1867, 33yr-7mo-18da, Hus. Adam H.
HOUSE, John, D. 3-6-1854, 63yr-3mo-16da, Wf. Fanny
Adam Helmer and his wife Anna Bellinger are actually buried in
the Helmer Family Cemetery in the Town of Brutus, Cayuga County New York. This cemetery list is
located on the Cayuga County NYGenWeb site, in their
cemetery listings, under Brutus. There are no headstones at their graves, those having been removed by descendants some years ago.