Crain CemeteryTown of Warren, NYThe first listings were sent in by Judy Morgan, who gleaned them from newspaper obituaries mentioning place of interment. The site coordinators have no information about this cemetery; if you have any information about this cemetery, or have more interments to add, please contact the Site Coordinators.
Unmarked graves in the Crain Cemetery, Town of Warren, Herkimer County NY.: Elsie L. Ward One and a half years old Francis Irnia Waldron; daughter of Martin. Died 1906. These children are buried on the left hand side of the cemetery. James Ballard 1826-1900 Fred Petrie 1862-1899. Info gathered from the site. Respectfully submitted,
The cemetery at Cullen is named the Crain family Cemetery; located on Hogsback Rd in the Town of Warren. I am familiar with this cemetery & I do not remember the burial of Mrs Alcena Russell; there is no stone for her. However her maiden name is Waldron as is Elsie Ward's mother. Jane Foster Allen should read Mary Jane Foster Allen. She is my great grandmother. Her obit is in the obit section of this website. Abigail Foster's maiden name was Wiltse. William Foster is my great great grandfather; born in Leicestershire England. His parents, William & Ann are buried in Middle Village Cemetery, Springfield. Many Allen & Wiltse relatives are buried at Allen's Lake Cemetery, Springfield, Otsego Co. There is no stone for Elsie Ward; however Leon is buried there. There is no stone for James P. Ballard. I am unsure if there is a stone for Fred Petrie; I don't think so. There are other Westcotts buried there; don't remember a stone for Hannah. In the rear center of this cemetery are buried the Crain family. Their graves are surrounded by wrought iron fencing. If you google Rufus Crain or Wm Baker Crain, etc you wil find their info. They erected the chapel in the hamlet of Cullen - Good Shepard. They gave plots to their neighbors. I have family buried there as late as the 1980's; that's why I hesitate to say Alcena Russell is there. My Aunt Grace, also buried there, showed me where the unmarked graves of children were located when I was under 10 yrs old. These listings were contributed by Judy Morgan. Please contact Judy directly if you'd like to share information with her about these 8 people only. If you have info about the cemetery in general, please contact the site coordinators. Mrs. Alcena M. Russell, born 1908, died 12/26/1976 Mary Jane Foster Allen, born 1843, died 8/28/1939 Abigail Foster, died 10/1902 William Foster Elsie L. Ward, born 1942, died 12/21/1943 James Ballard Fred Petrie, born 1862, died 6/6/1899 Hannah Ann "Nannie" Westcott Back to Herkimer County Cemeteries Index Back to Town of Warren Section Back to Herkimer County NYGenWeb