1890 Civil War Veterans and Widows Cencus

Town of Columbia

Herkimer County, NY

Supervisor's District No. 6
Enumeration District No. 32
Curtis Zoller, Enumerator
Town of Columbia, Herkimer county, NY

Page No. 1

133William BrownnriggPrivateK1artilleryregimentOct291861Dec2518632126
133William BrownriggPrivateK1artilleryregimentDec251863      
355Larkin H. PierceLandsmanXShipVandersel?Aug=1864June61865X10X
41616Susan Risley? widow? of Patrick RislyPrivateE122RegNYVMay=1862XX 3XX
52323Burton ZollerColor fuard CorporalB or D?14RegNYVMay171861=-=186321X
63333Charles T. Sterman?PrivateD26RegNYVMay8186128June18654X20
75151Thomas BrownriggPrivateG24RegNYVFeb22186220Jul18654X28
85454Catherine Wheeler widow? of Pter WheelerPrivateL2Heavy ArtilleryNYV==1861==1865===
96161Dean PierceSarjentD121RegNYVAug12186225Juen186521016
106767James H. TinnyPrivateF11RegNYC?Dec11186330Sept18651913
117272Samuel MillerLandmanXUS ShipState of GeorgiaOct1918632May1864 717
127777Anna Pooler widow? of Adrian LewisPrivateB24RegCalvaryJune31864July1918651116

#Post Office AddressDisability IncurredRemarks
1South Columbia Herkimer Co NYHead and EyesightRe enlisted on day of 1st discharge
2South Columbia Herkimer Co NYHead and EyesightX
3South Columbia Herkimer Co NYLumbayo?Receives Pension
4South Columbia Herkimer Co NYDied in PrisonWidolor Recives Pension
5South Columbia Herkimer Co NYWounded in sideRecieves Pension
6South Columbia Herkimer Co NYLame BackNo Pension
7South Columbia Herkimer Co NYXNo Pension
8Columbia Herkimer Co NYDiedDied before receiving discharge
9Jordanville Herkimer Co NYWounded left legRecieves Pension
10Jordanville Herkimer Co NYChronic DihoreahNot Recieving Pension
11Mohawk Herkimer NYRheumatism and Heart DifficultyNo Pension
12South Columbia Herkimer Co NYXX

Page No. 2

13145145Philip GoodmanPrivateB121RegNYVAug51862July61865211 
14153153William H. Helmer2 LieutF34RegNYVMay1186122Dec  721
15149149John Mirey?PrivateD4RegNYV16July1864July1618651  
16149149John W. StrongPrivateD13RegNYVAug201861Sept20186431 
17167167Delos D A??PrivateB121 NYVJuly121862Sept 186533 
18189189John [over] David RoberstonCorporalA1RegNY Engineer CorpsAug121861July1918653118
19198198Marcus ZollerPrivateF2RegHeavy ArtilleryJan251864June=1864 5 
20199199Henry QuinnPrivateR169RegNYVFeb=1863==186516 
21223223Nelson MeachamPrivateB22RegNYVOct21861Aug11865310 
22456456Benjaman CahoonPrivateD146RegNYVSept51863June1918651814
23268268Daniel MannPrivateM2RegHvy Art NYVDec251861Dec2918643x4
24270270Norman DavisSargeantB101RegNYVOct141861Jan=186313 
25281281Abraham GagePrivateF34RegNYVMay11861June30186321 
26306306Wallace YoungPrivateB121RegNYVJuly231862July6186521117

#Post Office AddressDisability IncurredRemarks
13Columbia Herkimer Co NYBullet wound in left armNo Pension
14Columbia Herkimer Co NYMarlaia PoisonPension
15ColumbiaLeft arm prayelsale? [paralized?]Recives Pension
16Mohawkwounded in knee and footNo Pension
17Herkimer Herkimer Co NYwounded left armNo Pension
18Munnsville Herkimer Co NYInjury from fallNo Pension
19Ilion Herkimer Co NYInflamation RheumatismDischarged on account of Rheumatism
20Ilion Herkimer Co NYWounded in Hip and handNo Pension
21Centerville? NYcontracted catarrh?No Pension
22Miller's Mills NYDeafness caused by cannonPension
23Miller's Mills Herkimer Co NYChronic RheumatismPension
24Miller's Mills Herkimer Co NYBreach? RheumatismLibby Prison and others ??
25Columbia Herkimer Co NYNoneX
26Columbia Herkimer Co NYChronic Dihoreah and Nervous Disbility?? and Andersonvill Prison

Page [left blank - missing numbers 27-39; since house and visitation numbers continue nicely. I'd guess that the census enumerator did not fill in the page that's missing, but skipped to this page]

41317317Thomas YeomanCorporalB121RegNYVJuly=1862July=1865   
42357357John PulmanPrivateK152RebNYFeb131864July201865157
43  Henry W. CadwellPrivateD121RegNYVAug111862July8186521027
add140140Philip Aswell (Sol U.S.)              

#Post Office AddressDisability IncurredRemarks
41Millers MillsWounded in left armPension
42South ColumbiaXX
43South Columbia NYRheumatism and Heart troubleNo Pension
44Town of Columbia  

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Created 5/22/04
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