The transcription of the Town of Wilmurt, Herkimer County, 1890 veteran's and widow's census was a joint project by myself and Robert Lorick, Contributing Editor. This segment of the 1890 census is more formally known as the "Eleventh Census of the United States, Special Schedule, Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines and Widows, Etc." The information gathered on surviving veterans was deemed necessary by Congress due to changes in the pension law extending benefits to a wider range of veterans and widows. The veteran or widow was asked to provide the regiment(s) and company served in, dates of service, and current health status of the veteran. Experienced genealogists know that the 1890 census of the United States was destroyed in a fire several decades later, with material from only a few scattered counties throughout the U.S. surviving.
I transcribed the information below from microfilm last summer, while Bob searched for further information about the men in other sources, primarily early enlistment rosters. At the time I personally examined the microfilm for all of the townships, and found the greater portion was illegible or so faded that deciphering cannot be made with accuracy. Our transcribing of this census will be intermittent and will not take into account all townships. The transcription of Wilmurt was an experiment for us, as Wilmurt was and is the smallest Herkimer County township in population. We hope you find this information valuable. If your Civil War ancestor is listed his military and pension records can be ordered from the National Archives.
House 6, Family 7
WALLACE, Peter, Sgt., Co. K, 186th NY Inf., Aug. 9, 1864 - June 20, 1865
Wilmurt, Herk Co., N.Y., spinal irritation, pensioner
House 7, Family 8
STEVENS, James J., Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., July 29, 1862 - Jan. 1865
Wilmurt, Herk. Co., N.Y., lost right hand, eyesight affect
House 8, Family 10
HASKELL, Wm. R., Sgt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., July 25, 1862 - July 13, 1865
Wilmurt, Herk. Co., N.Y.
House 13, Family 15
WAGNER, Charles, Pvt., Co. K, 189th NY Inf., Sept. 15, 1864 - May 30, 1864
Wilmurt, Herk Co., N.Y.
House 19, Family 21
POTTER, George W., Pvt., Co. H, 193rd NY Inf., March 18, 1865 - Jan. 18, 1866
Wilmurt, Herk Co., N.Y., rupture, no pension
House 24, Family 27
FLANSBURG, Jerry, Pvt., Co. B, 152nd NY Inf., July 29, 1862 - July 13, 1865
Ohio, Herkimer Co., N.Y., wounded right arm & side, pensioner
House 22, Family 25
CONKLIN, Henry, Pvt., Co. C, 81st NY Inf., Oct. 31, 1861 - Dec. 16, 1862
Wilmurt, Herkimer Co., N.Y., wounded right hip, pensioner
(not listed in early muster rolls)
Writer of the memoirs "Through 'Poverty's Vale': A Hardscrabble Boyhood in Upstate New York, 1832 - 1862"
House 28, Family 31
McMASTER, James J., Pvt., Co. G, 157th NY Inf., 1862 - 1865
Wilmurt, Herkimer Co., N.Y., wounded in head, pensioner
House 31, Family 34
READ, Henry C., Sailor, Supply, Aug. 18, 1862 - Aug. 18, 1863
Forest Port, Oneida Co., N.Y., scurvy, no pension
House 33, family 37
TAYLOR, John, Pvt., Co. D, 26th NJ Inf., Sept. 3, 1862 - June 27, 1863
Forest Port, Oneida Co.,N.Y., wounded in thigh & right eye affected, pension
House 49, Family 52
BARKER, Wm. S., Pvt., Co. K, 5th NY H.A., Aug. 8, 1862 - July 27, 1865
White Lake Corners, Oneida Co., N.Y., wound in right ankle, pension
House 5, Family 6
CALDWELL, James (no other info.)
Wilmurt, Herkimer Co., N.Y.
House 39, Family 42
BRONSON, Gilbert (no other info.)
Wilmurt, Herkimer Co., N.Y.
House 50, Family 53
BOARDMAN, Wm. R., Pvt., Co. F, 117th NY Inf., July 30, 1862 - June 5, 1865
White Lake Corners, Oneida Co., N.Y. (Bear Creek Mill)
House 45, Family 48
PAINE, Lansing D., Capt., Co. H, 121st NY Inf., Aug. 9, 1862 - June 25, 1865
White Lake Corners, Oneida Co., N.Y. (Bear Creek Mill), no pension
House 49, Family 52
NUTT, Richard W., Pvt., Co. J, 3rd NY L.A., Jan. 30, 1864 - June 1865
White Lake Corners, Oneida Co., N.Y. (Bear Creek Mill)
House 57, Family 60
HARRINGTON, Truman, Pvt., Co. A, 97th NY Inf., Sept. 1, 1861 - Oct, 1863
White Lake Corners, Oneida Co., N.Y. (Bear Creek Mill)
(Truman Harrington of Company A. of 97th listed in early muster rolls as a Corporal, age 36, enlisted Sept 30, 1861 at Camden.)
House 60, Family 63
DUNAKIN, Samuel, Pvt., Co. E, 92nd NY Inf., May 7, 1861 - July 3, 1863
Old Forge, Herkimer Co., N.Y., wounded in face, not disabled
(not listed in early muster rolls)
House 66, Family 69
SYPHERT, Augustus, Pvt., Co. K, 189th NY Inf., Aug. 1864 - May 1865
(p.o. not given)
Source: This electronic text was transcribed from original microfilm of the 1890 US census by Martha S. Magill and supplemented by information gathered by Robert A. Lorick. Due to the difficulties in transcribing old and stylized handwriting, the original census should be referred to.
Copyright © 1997 Martha S. Magill/ Robert A. Lorick
Material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this full paragraph remains on all copied material. These electronic pages, with commentary and underlying source code, cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation, nor may this copyrighted original electronic text be used on any other site or CD-ROM.
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