Examples from the 1855 NY State Census
Town of Russia

Continuing our presention of items that show types of research resources, below are listings that Jo Dee Frasco took from original census microfilm ordered from a Family History Center. Previously posted on the Herkimer County Mailing list, they are reprinted with the permission of the contributor.

The 1855 census of New York State is available for some counties. A listing of State censuses that have survived is posted on the Otsego County NYGenWeb page.

"Once again I went to the history center to transcribe Schuyler, Herkimer County. The 1855 State census for Schuyler is so faded that I can't really make copies of it. The other towns are very clear (my luck).

I made some copies of the pages my lines were on. I hope these names offer some help to somebody out there. If anyone has information on ORMONDO ALLEN and AMANDA ALLEN WHEELER...please contact me."

Jo Dee Frasco
Contributing Editor, Herkimer/Montgomery Counties NYGenWeb
Asst. County Coordinator, Oneida County NYGenWeb

1855 Town of RUSSIA taken 6-11-1855

Schuyler WHEELER 57Mborn in Duches Farmer
Amanda WHEELER53 Fborn in VT?
Helen CUMINGS23 Fborn in HerkimerH Girl
Ormondo ALLEN 14 Mborn in Oneida(nephew)

Parris W. COMSTOCK58 Mborn in RenslerFarmer
Roxsina COMSTOCK52Fborn in Rensler(wife)
Wm. H. COMSTOCK 22M born in Herkimer(child) Farmer
Helen ? Donal ? 14 Fborn in OneidaH girl
Wm Helburgh 35 Mborn in Germany

John ? WARREN 53Mborn in HerkimerShoe Maker
Elisabeth WARREN 68 Fborn in Washington (wife)
Rosell WARREN 19M born in Herkimer (child)
Hepren ? WARREN 15 Mborn in Oneida (child)
Mabel WARREN 21F born in Herkimer(child)

(THIS DID NOT COPY WELL...if this is your line, I will gladly recheck it for you)

A. B. DOWNES30M born in RenselerFarmer
Delila DOWNES32F born in Herkimer(wife)
Sevill S. DOWNES7 Mborn in Herkimer(Child)
Harrett? A. DOWNES3F " "
Martha A. DEBS?14F" "SISTER
Henry LEE 18 M born in Washington Farmer
M? H. Henadg32 M
Painter (bro in law)

Ephriam WHEELER43 Mborn in HerkimerFarmer
Almira WHEELER29 F"
Martin LOMING?25 M"Laborer
Sarah GRIFFIN 21F"H girl
Albert WHEELER 48M born in Duches(brother)
Rebeca A. WHEELER44F born in Herkimer(wife)

Pat RILY28Mborn in IrelandLaborer
Ann RILY23F" (wife)
Infant1/12Fborn in Herkimer (child)

James DEBOISE25M born in HerkimerLaborer
Elisabeth DEBOISE24F "(wife)
Sevilla ? DEBOISE5F" (child)
Sidney DEBOISE1M"(child)

John CLARK 36M born in Herkimerfarmer
Elisabeth CLARK 36F " (wife)
Marth? CLARK 79 Fborn in MASS. (mother)
John H. CLARK11M born in Herkimer(child)

John J. WHEELER40M born in HerkimerFarmer
Dianah WHEELER36Fborn in VT? (wife)
Wm WHEELER 15M born in OHIO (child)
Albert WHEELER 13M ""
Ashland WHEELER 11M""
John D. WHEELER 8M" "
Catherine S. WHEELER6F" "
Clinton D. WHEELER2M born in Herkimer"
Ela. E. WHEELER 5/12F"
Edward WESTCOTT19M born in OneidaLaborer
Sarah Dusher?23F " H Girl

Samuel HINCHLY 53Mborn in Herkimer Farmer
Mary S. HINCHLY 34F born in Oneida(wife)
Elijah HINCHLY12M born in Herkimer(child)
Marth A. ATWOOD13F " (sister)
Rosina D. ATWOOD 16F born in Onondaga(sister)

John READ30Mborn in Herkimer Farmer
Caroline READ25F"(wife)
Owen READ2 M" (child)
Polly NEWBERRY 55FR h d(no relationship given and
can not read place of birth)

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Created: 12/5/99
Copyright © 1999 Jo Dee Frasco/ Martha S. Magill
All rights reserved.